The Libyan Disaster: This Time Imperialism Pretends Anti-Interventionism

January 10, 2015

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When it was still called the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Al-Jamahiriya al-arabiya al-Libiya al-sha’abiya al-ishtirakiya), and Col. Muammar Gaddafi was still the de facto head of state, Western powers led by the US had no hesitation in finally achieving their dreams of overthrowing the Libyan government and murdering Gaddafi. In addition, the US-led coalition […]

Posted in: LIBYA

Encircling Empire: Report #25 — Remembering Panama

January 2, 2015

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This and previous issues have been archived on a dedicated site—please see: ENCIRCLING EMPIRE. For frequent updates, please “like” our Facebook page and/or follow on Twitter. “Operation Just Cause” “25 Years after US Invasion of Panama, Death Toll Still Unknown,” TeleSur, December 19, 2014: On December 20, 1989, over 27,000 U.S. soldiers invaded the small […]

Our Report for 2014

December 31, 2014

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This year has seen an almost frenzied escalation of US intervention around the globe, ranging from the determined provocations and threats against Russia and backing a coup in Ukraine while quietly supporting Ukraine’s genocidal warfare in the east of the country, to supporting violent anti-government protesters seeking the overthrow of the elected government of revolutionary […]

The Real World of Democracy (and Anthropology)

December 30, 2014



Review essay, Part 2 (see Part 1) Referring to the process by which he studied Cuban democracy, August explicitly refers to it as “ethnographic research” (p. xiii). This is an important point, because he was trained as a political scientist in Montreal, but he is producing the kind of book that no anthropologist has offered, […]

Democracy in Cuba and at Home

December 30, 2014



Review essay, Part 1 (see Part 2) Cuba and its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion. By Arnold August. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing; London: Zed Books. 2013. ISBN 978-1-55266-404-9. 267 pages (not including Preface and Acknowledgments) Arnold August’s Cuba and its Neighbours is a richly documented and thus very detailed description and analysis of the history, theory, and […]


Cuba and the US: Castro and Obama on Establishing Diplomatic Relations

December 17, 2014



What follows are transcripts of the two speeches given today by Cuba’s President, Raúl Castro, and US President Barack Obama, on the establishment of diplomatic relations: STATEMENT BY THE CUBAN PRESIDENT (Havana, December 17, 2014) Fellow countrymen, Since my election as President of the State Council and Council of Ministers I have reiterated on many […]

25 Years without the Berlin Wall

November 9, 2014

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Needless to say, the end of foreign imposed partition is an occasion of joy for any country. Here in Ireland, we look forward to the day when the British occupation will be lifted, and our land returned to native rule. Koreans also look forward to the day when Anglo-Saxon forces leave their land, and allow […]

Useful Atrocities

October 26, 2014



Who outside of Syria knows the names Yara Abbas, Maya Naser, Mohamed al-Saeed…? The corporate media has inundated us with news of the two American journalists allegedly beheaded, the first of whose execution video has been deemed faked. But what of the non-Western journalists and civilians beheaded and murdered by ISIS, al-Nusra, and associated terrorists […]


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