Rebecca Schuman
Rebecca Schuman Rebecca Schuman

Rebecca Schuman is an education columnist for Slate.

Sept. 4 2015 10:58 AM“I Wanted to Give Them Something to Hide Behind”Finally, a magazine just for adjunct professors.
Aug. 26 2015 5:50 AMBaby BirdHow wrong am I to flip off my sleeping infant? A philosophical inquiry.
The Slatest
July 31 2015 7:00 AMDid a Building Kill Four Professors at a New Orleans College?
July 22 2015 11:34 AM“We Don’t Want Students 2 Waste Their $”A professor tried to warn incoming freshmen about the gutting of their education. It didn’t go well.
July 8 2015 10:45 AMBoth Sides NowHigher education needs more diversity of thought. Bringing anti-vaccine paranoia into the classroom isn’t the way to achieve it.
Brow Beat
July 3 2015 8:32 AMMy Hometown Baseball Stadium Just Burned Down. It Was My Childhood—and an American Relic.
June 17 2015 11:07 AMThe Tenure Apocalypse“Jobs for life” are rare and mostly fictitious. Attacks on them obscure the real problems of higher ed.
June 4 2015 12:30 PMThis Viral Formula Ad Absolves You for Using FormulaA century of advertising that’s gone straight for the new-mother jugular.
Brow Beat
May 13 2015 5:37 PMWhy Benedict Cumberbatch Is the Perfect Actor to Read Kafka’s Metamorphosis    
April 13 2015 12:29 PMA Good Professor Is an Exhausted ProfessorA North Carolina education bill would be a disaster for research and pedagogy.
Brow Beat
Dec. 10 2014 10:16 AMThis Eerie Children’s Book Is the Perfect “Cool Aunt” Present
Brow Beat
Nov. 24 2014 4:02 PMThe Bogus Academic Journal Racket Is Officially Out of Control
Nov. 6 2014 1:06 PMStop Fit Shaming Pregnancy The ridiculous New York Times pregnancy fitness videos are making me miserable. 
Brow Beat
Oct. 31 2014 1:13 PMThe Scariest Thing About Grimm Is Its Horrific Butchery of the German Language
Oct. 22 2014 4:45 PMWelcome to 13th Grade!Several Oregon high schools are offering a fifth year of high school. Every district should consider it.
Sept. 2 2015 3:05 PM“Nobody Called CPS on Louis C.K.”Writing about giving your baby the finger makes people on the Internet go a little crazy.
Aug. 4 2015 11:44 AM“A Kind of Grad-Student Gaslighting”Karen Kelsky has made navigating the brutal academic job market her business.
July 25 2015 12:34 PMI Am Terrified of Taking My Child Literally AnywhereWhat if my bad parenting choices go viral?
July 15 2015 2:41 PMThat “Volunteer Professor” AdWhat a sweet program for Mormon retirees tells us about the state of the adjunct universe.
July 8 2015 5:48 AMThe 5+2 SolutionIs a faster doctorate a better doctorate?
Brow Beat
June 30 2015 6:57 PMYou’ll Never Effing Believe Why This Professor Got Fired
June 4 2015 5:14 PM“This Is Your Money”Why for-profit colleges are the real welfare queens.
May 22 2015 1:51 PMCollege Students Are Not CustomersThis idiotic political shorthand needs to die, once and for all.
April 29 2015 2:14 PMToo Real for Reality TVWatching outdoor births on YouTube is fantastic. On Lifetime, not so much.
April 1 2015 1:20 PMThe Hierarchy of Humanities SchadenfreudeScoffing at academic job-market losers comes from some unexpected places.
Dec. 4 2014 11:13 AMThe Campus Alcohol Problem That Nobody Talks AboutWorried about binge drinkers? Start at the faculty club.
Nov. 19 2014 11:45 PMQuit Picking on Old ProfessorsBullying boomers into retirement won’t help the sad state of higher education in this country.
Nov. 4 2014 11:23 AMDon’t Worry Your Pretty Little HeadsA New York Times op-ed trolls the academic science community.
Oct. 30 2014 11:37 AMYour Professor Isn’t a Lazy LudditeWhen a college class goes low-tech, students should be delighted, not disappointed.
Brow Beat
Oct. 21 2014 11:34 AMGermans Really Are More Punctual. Just Ask Angela Merkel.


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Sept. 4 2015 12:16 PM How Can This Possibly Happen? Geoffrey Sant wrote about drivers in China who intentionally kill pedestrians. Ask him anything.