

Germany starting to reestablish border controls, ‘thanks’ to refugee crisis.

Germany starting to reestablish border controls, 'thanks' to refugee crisis.

The entire thing would be quite the knee-slapper, except that I have children who will be of military age in about, oh, ten years or so. I would rather that ...

Feminist is shocked to discover the Pope is Catholic

I’d be a lot less than honest if I said I was a fan of Pope Francis. as I said once before, his “off the cuff pronouncements didn’t leave me like a James Bond martini: shaken not stirred.” I say that as a political conservative and a conservative Roman Catholic. Having said that, my real points of objection to him are what I think is | Read More »

TIME censors the Pope

The American left has been all a-tizzy with Pope Francis ever since he uttered the words, “who am I to judge,” in the context of how the Church should deal with homosexuals attempting to lead a Christian life. They became less enamored with him when he campaigned against homosexual marriage, calling it ideological colonialism. Now it has reached the point where the media is actually | Read More »

The hackery of Lawrence Krauss

Last week a “public intellectual” named Lawrence Krauss wrote a story of New York Magazine titled All Scientists Should Be Militant Atheists. Krauss is, as Joe Biden would say, ‘a BFD’ among atheists. Presumably he appeals to the same group that memorizes Neil DeGrasse Tyson tweets and, even though they got their BA in Critical Feminism, loves to proclaim “I love f***ing science.” What apparently | Read More »

The collapse of Christianity in the Middle East

I am of a mixed mind on articles like this, Why Christianity Is Surging in the Heart of Islam. On the one hand you have an author who is justly proud of what he has been a part of. On the other you see a mistaken and pollyannish portrayal of the true situation. Today the Pew Research Center numbers Christians in the Arabian Peninsula at | Read More »

Report: no evidence Clinton’s server was wiped

This could be very interesting… and if you are Hillary, painful. The company that managed Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server said it has “no knowledge of the server being wiped,” the strongest indication to date that tens of thousands of e-mails that Clinton has said were deleted could be recovered. Clinton and her advisers have said for months that she deleted her personal correspondence | Read More »

Michael Gerson: Those Republicans are really fringe Islamophobes, aren’t they?

Michael Gerson’s September 11 column in the Washington Post can’t be read without calling to mind Talleyrand’s description of the restored Bourbon dynasty, “They have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing”. The title, Republicans’ fringe tone on Islam shows a sharp turn since 9/11, tells you much of what you need to know about the column. In Gerson’s view, nothing has really changed since 9/11 and | Read More »

Looks likes Obamacare is still spluttering and staggering along, there.

Obamacare continues to not work.

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A Reminder that Tasers Are Not Toys

Back in February, a woman named Natasha McKenna died as a result of injuries sustained while she was being transferred from confinement in Fairfax County to a psychiatric hospital. The woman had been in custody for seven days and thus was not under the influence of any drugs, but she displayed clear signs of mental illness and had reportedly attacked deputies while in custody. During | Read More »

Surprise: Iran declares it has found new uranium deposits

UN Iran Ahmadinejad If the situation were not so dire, I would be laughing. Not must a gentle chuckle, but a rollicking, bowel-loosening belly laugh. Iran has discovered an unexpectedly high reserve of uranium and will soon begin extracting the radioactive element at a new mine, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation said on Saturday. The comments cast doubt on | Read More »








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