NYT: Hillary 'Taken Aback' By Email Scandal, Strongly Resisted Apologizing NYT: Hillary 'Taken Aback' By Email Scandal, Strongly Resisted Apologizing

Carson Campaign Not Wounded by Trump InsultsCarson Campaign Not Wounded by Trump Insults

Grassley to John Kerry: Will The Administration Blow Off Congress to Increase Refugee Numbers?Grassley to John Kerry: Will The Administration Blow Off Congress to Increase Refugee Numbers?

Ron Paul Ron Paul: Congress Fiddles While the Economy Burns

Reports that the official unemployment rate has fallen to 5.1 percent may appear to vindicate the policies of easy money, corporate bailouts, and increased government spending.

Kurt  Schlichter Kurt Schlichter: The Obnoxious and Important Questions I Would Ask At The GOP Debate

CNNs Republican debate on September 16th will be conducted with dignity and gravitas by questioners like Hugh Hewitt and Jake Tapper, who will treat the candidates with a level respect and courtesy that many of them just dont deserve. They have to. I dont.

Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: How Hillary’s Embarrassing Emails Raise Your Taxes

You need to know how Hillarys email scandal is taxing your bank account and your familys security. On the surface, Hillary appears to have a political black eye. In reality, its we who are bearing her costs at the FBI; the State Department and in Congress. Let me explain

Brian Birdnow Brian Birdnow: High Noon? Dana Milbank, Ted Cruz and “Lawlessness” in Washington

Over the last two weeks Dana Milbank, the resident liberal gadfly and jeerer at conservatives, of the Washington Post, has found himself in high dudgeon at the so-called Republican reign of lawlessness in national politics.

Susan Stamper Brown Susan Stamper Brown: Lawlessness and the Faith of Kim Davis

Rowan County, Ky. elected official Kim Davis was jailed unjustly. Unjustly, because we live in a society which promotes right as wrong, and wrong as right, and laws are applied to some and not others.

Matt Barber Matt Barber: ‘Burn Kim Davis Alive!’

Mahatma Gandhi once said, There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.

Arthur  Schaper Arthur Schaper : Election 2016: The Conservative Academy Awards

After movie tickets spiked to more than $10 a show (plus the cheap facility of YouTube and all those free, uploaded films), I stopped going to the movies. Since I no longer stayed current with the latest flicks to hit the Big Screen, I couldnt root for which films, stars, screenplays, etc. during the Academy Awards that I wanted to see win.

D.W. Wilber D.W. Wilber: The Great Debate

How should candidates be addressing immigration and foreign policy issues?

Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: An Insider’s Look Behind the Mainstream Media’s Crumbling Facade of Power

For years until the advent of talk radio, Fox News and social media the left-leaning mainstream media held a stranglehold over the coverage of news and politics.

Surprise! Iran Finds "Unexpectedly High" Uranium Reserve
Trump Bids Perry Adieu From Race, Takes Aim at Rival Carson
Biden Shares Emotional Insight into Relationship With His Late Son, Struggles Over WH Run
College Students Totally Clueless About Why US Attacked on 9/11
For GOP Candidates, Better to Be With Pope Than Against Him
NBC's Chuck Todd: Hillary's Electability In Question, Donors Reportedly Panicking
Trump on 'Tonight Show:' I'll Only Apologize 'If I'm Ever Wrong'
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How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
Office Depot Apologizes To Woman Over Anti-abortion Fliers
Justice Dept. Affirms Clinton Could Delete Personal Emails
Conservatives Clamor Over Shutdown War
Latest: Gov. Perry Suspends Presidential Campaign
Halperin & Heilemann: Can Scott Walker Be The Comeback Kid?