
5,000 years of debt?

William Hogarth, "The Rake in a debtors' prison", from "The Rake's progress", 17

Aufheben's critical review of David Graeber's book Debt: The first 5,000 years.

Aufheben #22 (2013)

Aufheben 22

Issue of Aufheben, published in October 2013.

Profession and movement

Wildcat Germany on Aufhebengate and the phenomenon generally of activists in paid types of "radical" or academic employment.

The climate crisis …and the new green capitalism?

Photo by Sandri Alexandra

Aufheben convincingly argue that "green capitalism" is not impossible, and that capital can recuperate environmental struggles.

The euro crisis: taking the PIGS to market

Aufheben's account and analysis of the euro crisis.

Intakes: The Arab spring in the autumn of capital

An insightful analysis of the "Arab spring" by Friends of the Classless Society with the postscript written for Aufheben.

Driving the NHS to market


Aufheben's analysis of the long-term project to turn the NHS into a private sector, market-oriented healthcare industry.

Going underground

London underground

Review article: Workmates – direct action workplace organising on the London underground.

Editorial: The ‘new’ workfare schemes in historical and class context

A Boycott Workfare banner

The editorial from Aufheben #21, which is available in print now, discussing the current workfare schemes and the struggle against them.