Howe-Orme instruments were manufactured by the Elias Howe Company of Boston, MA. The company was founded by Elias Howe, Jr. (1820–1895). Although the inventor of the sewing machine had the same name, this Elias Howe, Jr. was not associated with that invention. The two men were contemporaries, lived in the same part of Massachusetts, were acquainted with one another, and according to stories passed down through family members, were not always on the best terms.
Howe-Orme instruments made their appearance after the death of the company founder, at a time when his two sons, William H. and Edward F. Howe ran the Elias Howe Company. The Howe-Orme name arises from the association of the younger Howes with George L. Orme of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. G. L. Orme was the younger partner in J. L. Orme & Son, a company founded by his father, James L. Orme. J. L. Orme & Son was a retailer of musical instruments, primarily pianos and organs, and a publisher of sheet music. Like Elias Howe, Jr., J. L. Orme was deceased by the time that the Howe-Orme instruments appeared and his son, George, ran the company.
Hour is here by eternity measured
Eternity is from ages annealed
By hour, in which born will be pain
In endless depths of bloody plains
When seventh seal bursts - by dagger injured
You fall right into my arms
Today hell will be your paradise
When rapture in frenzy arrives
Sin you call me
Before daybreak will set in
Admitting that eternity will pass
When hunger of life shall arise
Call me death
Call me everlasting
Call me immortality
I will be sin
Death I dispense
Eternity I return
With deathlessness endow
In sin I dream on
Reminding gods their calling
When the era of nonexistence supervenes
Reproaching kingdoms
And their regency
Time of vengeance draws near the hour of uprising
I am appointed and from gods retaken