Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Tafelmusik - Production 1
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in E minor for two flutes, strings & b.c. TWV55:e1
1. Ouverture (Lentement-Vite-Lentement-Vite-Lentement) 0:00
2. Rejouissance 8:55
3. Rondeau 13:10
4. Loure 15:40
5. Passepied 19:33
6. Air. Un peu vivement 22:33
7. Gigue 26:54
II. Quatuor in G ma
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Tafelmusik - Production 2
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in D major for oboe, trumpet, strings & b.c. TWV55:D1
1. Ouverture (Lentement-Vite-Lentement-Vite-Lentement) 0:00
2. Air. Tempo giusto 10:32
3. Air. Vivace 17:01
4. Air. Presto 19:58
5. Air. Allegro 25:12
II. Quatuor in D minor for recorder, two f
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Tafelmusik - Production 3
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in B flat major for two oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. TWV55:B1
1. Ouverture (Lentement- Presto-Lentement-Presto) 0:00
2. Bergerie (un peu vivement) 8:10
3. Allegresse (vite) 10:44
4. Postillons 13:11
5. Flaterie 15:17
6. Badinage (très vite) 18:23
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Concertos pour Instruments à Vent
http://www.discogs.com/Telemann-Musica-Antiqua-Köln-Reinhard-Goebel-Bläserkonzerte-Wind-Concertos-Concertos-Pour-Instrume/release/2808452 Musica Antiqua Köln...
Philippe Jaroussky sings Benedetto Ferrari (1603 - 1681)
01. Amanti, io vi sò dire (Ciaconna) [0:00] 02. Occhi miei che vedeste [4:27] 03. M'amò tanto costei [8:55] 04. Chi non sà come amor [11:10] 05. Avverti ò co...
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Concertos for Viola da Gamba
The Colony of Pennsylvania Founded in 1681
3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing.1681 Application,non-ported cannula : 3M Health Care
This video provides a step by step guide on how to apply and remove the 3M™ Tegaderm™ Advanced Securement Dressing. In this example the 1681 dressing is appl...
Cotton Mather - Samples From The Diary of Cotton Mather 1681, Calling Upon God for Assistance
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. Ma
Untitled 1681 / Occultscience101
Occultscience101 Copyright protected material I´m NOT OCS101! Occultscience101 playlist vol. 1: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWh1iDg8rcEoAgO0i83_om...
MVI 1681
STRONG MAN- Eric moss (brother of Emily) performance at the house warming of Paul Macarucha and Emily Moss. Nice Job Eric. More than 100 relatives and friends came to the party. It's a big success. THANK YOU TO ALL RELATIVES AND FRIENDS WHO CAME TO JOIN THE FUN!. May 13th 2015 from 12 noon till dark.
MVI 1681
MVI 1681
MVI 1681
a add were working on
SILOKING - Weltrekord - 1681 Tonnen Mischration in 24 Stunden
http://www.agrartechnik-altenberge.de/ SILOKING stellt einen einmaligen Weltrekord auf. Im Rahmen eines Dauer-Praxistests wurden mit dem Futtermischwagen „SI...
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-Anne Danican ('Fils ainè') Phillidor (France, 1681-1728)
SONATA IN D MINOR (From: 1er. Livre de Pieces, 1712)
-Les notes égales et detaches
Leonardo Peña Vega (Alto recorder after J. Denner, ca.1730 by Yamaha, 2012)
Alfonso Correa Motta (7-course Viola da Gamba after Peter Hackings, London 1621, by Jose Luis España, Colombia)
Sebastián Vega (Theorbo after french models and iconograp
IMG 1681
inkleuren met twinkling H2O en distress inkt
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Discesa dello Scopetone lato Palazzo del pero................ Tappa Indicatore - Castel Raimondo. Tirreno Adriatico 2015.
IMG 1681
1681 Liberty Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
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Cornelis Kick 1632 1681
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Mythra Gallery was founded by professional group of artists and art patrons in 2015 as an alternative in the art category. Its name comes from Persian mythology( the god of light ). In Mythra Art gallery we present several generations of artists working; you will find international professional art w
MOV 1681
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Tafelmusik - Production 1
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in E minor...
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in E minor for two flutes, strings & b.c. TWV55:e1
1. Ouverture (Lentement-Vite-Lentement-Vite-Lentement) 0:00
2. Rejouissance 8:55
3. Rondeau 13:10
4. Loure 15:40
5. Passepied 19:33
6. Air. Un peu vivement 22:33
7. Gigue 26:54
II. Quatuor in G major for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. TWV43:G2
1. Largo-Allegro-Largo 29:17
2. Vivace-Moderato-Vivace 32:38
3. Grave 39:36
4. Vivace 40:00
III. Concerto in A major for flute, violin, violoncello, strings & b.c. TWV53:A2
1. Largo 43:28
2. Allegro 48:01
3. Grazioso 56:46
4. Allegro 1:00:22
IV. Trio in E-flat major for two violins & b.c. TWV42:Es1
1. Affetuoso 1:09:48
2. Vivace 1:12:37
3. Grave 1:16:21
4. Allegro 1:19:15
V. Solo in B minor for flute & b.c. TWV41:h4
1. Cantabile 1:23:20
2. Allegro 1:25:55
3. Dolce 1:28:09
4. Allegro 1:30:56
VI. Conclusion in E minor for two strings & b.c. TWV50:5
1. Allegro 1:34:29
Pieter-Jan Belder, conductor
Remy Baudet, leader
Remy Baudet, leader (Soloist: I - IV)
Franc Polman (Soloist: IV)
Sayuri Yamagata (Soloist: I)
Kees Koelmans
Pauline Kostense
Marinette Troost
Annelies van der Vegt
Gustavo Zarba
Staas Swierstra
Marten Boeken
Albert Bruggen
Jaap ter Linden (Soloist: II)
Richte van der Meer (Soloist: III)
Nils Wieboldt
Double bass
Margaret Urquhart
Robert Franenberg
James Munro
Wilbert Hazelzet (Soloist: I - III, V, VI)
Kate Clark (Soloist: I, VI)
Alfredo Bernardini
Frank de Bruine (Soloist: II)
Peter Frankenberg
Danny Bond
Pieter-Jan Belder
William Wroth
Teunis van der Zwart
Erwin Wieringa
Pieter-Jan Belder
Menno van Delft
wn.com/Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 1767) Tafelmusik Production 1
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in E minor for two flutes, strings & b.c. TWV55:e1
1. Ouverture (Lentement-Vite-Lentement-Vite-Lentement) 0:00
2. Rejouissance 8:55
3. Rondeau 13:10
4. Loure 15:40
5. Passepied 19:33
6. Air. Un peu vivement 22:33
7. Gigue 26:54
II. Quatuor in G major for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. TWV43:G2
1. Largo-Allegro-Largo 29:17
2. Vivace-Moderato-Vivace 32:38
3. Grave 39:36
4. Vivace 40:00
III. Concerto in A major for flute, violin, violoncello, strings & b.c. TWV53:A2
1. Largo 43:28
2. Allegro 48:01
3. Grazioso 56:46
4. Allegro 1:00:22
IV. Trio in E-flat major for two violins & b.c. TWV42:Es1
1. Affetuoso 1:09:48
2. Vivace 1:12:37
3. Grave 1:16:21
4. Allegro 1:19:15
V. Solo in B minor for flute & b.c. TWV41:h4
1. Cantabile 1:23:20
2. Allegro 1:25:55
3. Dolce 1:28:09
4. Allegro 1:30:56
VI. Conclusion in E minor for two strings & b.c. TWV50:5
1. Allegro 1:34:29
Pieter-Jan Belder, conductor
Remy Baudet, leader
Remy Baudet, leader (Soloist: I - IV)
Franc Polman (Soloist: IV)
Sayuri Yamagata (Soloist: I)
Kees Koelmans
Pauline Kostense
Marinette Troost
Annelies van der Vegt
Gustavo Zarba
Staas Swierstra
Marten Boeken
Albert Bruggen
Jaap ter Linden (Soloist: II)
Richte van der Meer (Soloist: III)
Nils Wieboldt
Double bass
Margaret Urquhart
Robert Franenberg
James Munro
Wilbert Hazelzet (Soloist: I - III, V, VI)
Kate Clark (Soloist: I, VI)
Alfredo Bernardini
Frank de Bruine (Soloist: II)
Peter Frankenberg
Danny Bond
Pieter-Jan Belder
William Wroth
Teunis van der Zwart
Erwin Wieringa
Pieter-Jan Belder
Menno van Delft
- published: 08 Feb 2015
- views: 23
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Tafelmusik - Production 2
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in D major...
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in D major for oboe, trumpet, strings & b.c. TWV55:D1
1. Ouverture (Lentement-Vite-Lentement-Vite-Lentement) 0:00
2. Air. Tempo giusto 10:32
3. Air. Vivace 17:01
4. Air. Presto 19:58
5. Air. Allegro 25:12
II. Quatuor in D minor for recorder, two flutes & b.c. TWV43:d1
1. Andante 28:54
2. Vivace 31:51
3. Largo 35:33
4. Allegro 38:41
III. Concerto in F major for three violins, violino grosso & b.c. TWV53:F1
1. Allegro 43:05
2. Largo 48:16
3. Vivace 52:49
IV. Trio in E minor for flute, oboe & b.c. TWV42:e2
1. Affetuoso 56:07
2. Allegro 59:39
3. Dolce 1:02:27
4. Vivace 1:07:06
V. Solo in A major for violin & b.c. TWV41:A4
1. Andante 1:10:55
2. Vivace 1:12:57
3. Cantabile 1:16:48
4. Allegro 1:19:56
VI. Conclusion in D major for oboe, trumpet, strings & b.c. TWV50:9
1. Allegro-Adagio-Allegro 1:23:54
Pieter-Jan Belder, conductor
Remy Baudet, leader
Remy Baudet, leader (Soloist: I, III, V, VI)
Franc Polman (Soloist: I, III, VI)
Sayuri Yamagata (Soloist: III)
Kees Koelmans
Pauline Kostense
Marinette Troost
Annelies van der Vegt
Gustavo Zarba
Staas Swierstra
Marten Boeken
Albert Bruggen
Jaap ter Linden
Richte van der Meer
Nils Wieboldt
Double bass
Margaret Urquhart
Robert Franenberg
James Munro
Wilbert Hazelzet (Soloist: II, IV)
Kate Clark (Soloist: II)
Alfredo Bernardini (Soloist: IV)
Frank de Bruine (Soloist: I, VI)
Peter Frankenberg
Danny Bond
Pieter-Jan Belder (Soloist: II)
William Wroth (Soloist: I, VI)
Teunis van der Zwart
Erwin Wieringa
Pieter-Jan Belder
Menno van Delft (II)
wn.com/Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 1767) Tafelmusik Production 2
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in D major for oboe, trumpet, strings & b.c. TWV55:D1
1. Ouverture (Lentement-Vite-Lentement-Vite-Lentement) 0:00
2. Air. Tempo giusto 10:32
3. Air. Vivace 17:01
4. Air. Presto 19:58
5. Air. Allegro 25:12
II. Quatuor in D minor for recorder, two flutes & b.c. TWV43:d1
1. Andante 28:54
2. Vivace 31:51
3. Largo 35:33
4. Allegro 38:41
III. Concerto in F major for three violins, violino grosso & b.c. TWV53:F1
1. Allegro 43:05
2. Largo 48:16
3. Vivace 52:49
IV. Trio in E minor for flute, oboe & b.c. TWV42:e2
1. Affetuoso 56:07
2. Allegro 59:39
3. Dolce 1:02:27
4. Vivace 1:07:06
V. Solo in A major for violin & b.c. TWV41:A4
1. Andante 1:10:55
2. Vivace 1:12:57
3. Cantabile 1:16:48
4. Allegro 1:19:56
VI. Conclusion in D major for oboe, trumpet, strings & b.c. TWV50:9
1. Allegro-Adagio-Allegro 1:23:54
Pieter-Jan Belder, conductor
Remy Baudet, leader
Remy Baudet, leader (Soloist: I, III, V, VI)
Franc Polman (Soloist: I, III, VI)
Sayuri Yamagata (Soloist: III)
Kees Koelmans
Pauline Kostense
Marinette Troost
Annelies van der Vegt
Gustavo Zarba
Staas Swierstra
Marten Boeken
Albert Bruggen
Jaap ter Linden
Richte van der Meer
Nils Wieboldt
Double bass
Margaret Urquhart
Robert Franenberg
James Munro
Wilbert Hazelzet (Soloist: II, IV)
Kate Clark (Soloist: II)
Alfredo Bernardini (Soloist: IV)
Frank de Bruine (Soloist: I, VI)
Peter Frankenberg
Danny Bond
Pieter-Jan Belder (Soloist: II)
William Wroth (Soloist: I, VI)
Teunis van der Zwart
Erwin Wieringa
Pieter-Jan Belder
Menno van Delft (II)
- published: 08 Feb 2015
- views: 355
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Tafelmusik - Production 3
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in B flat ...
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in B flat major for two oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. TWV55:B1
1. Ouverture (Lentement- Presto-Lentement-Presto) 0:00
2. Bergerie (un peu vivement) 8:10
3. Allegresse (vite) 10:44
4. Postillons 13:11
5. Flaterie 15:17
6. Badinage (très vite) 18:23
7. Menuet 20:46
II. Quatuor in E minor for flute, violin, violoncello & b.c. TWV43:e2
1. Adagio 23:48
2. Allegro 25:51
3. Dolce 27:52
4. Allegro 30:28
III. Concerto in E flat major for two horns, strings & b.c. TWV54:Es1
1. Maestoso 32:35
2. Allegro 35:27
3. Grave 40:02
4. Vivace 42:45
IV. Trio in D major for 2 flutes & b.c. TWV42:D5
1. Andante 47:09
2. Allegro 49:23
3. Grave-Largo-Grave 51:28
4. Vivace 53:56
V. Solo in G minor for oboe & b.c. TWV41:g6
1. Largo 55:56
2. Presto-Tempo giusto-Presto 58:40
3. Andante 1:03:11
4. Allegro 1:04:16
VI. Conclusion in B flat major for two oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. TWV50:10
1. Furioso 1:07:02
Pieter-Jan Belder, conductor
Rémy Baudet, leader
Rémy Baudet, leader (Soloist: I - III)
Franc Polman
Sayuri Yamagata (Soloist: I, III)
Kees Koelmans
Pauline Kostense
Marinette Troost
Annelies van der Vegt
Gustavo Zarba
Staas Swierstra
Marten Boeken
Albert Brüggen
Jaap ter Linden (Soloist: II)
Richte van der Meer
Nils Wieboldt
Double bass
Margaret Urquhart
Robert Franenberg
James Munro
Wilbert Hazelzet (Soloist: II, IV)
Kate Clark (Soloist: IV)
Alfredo Bernardini (Soloist: I, V)
Frank de Bruine
Peter Frankenberg (Soloist: I)
Danny Bond (Soloist: I)
Pieter-Jan Belder
William Wroth
Teunis van der Zwart (Soloist: III)
Erwin Wieringa (Soloist: III)
Pieter-Jan Belder
wn.com/Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 1767) Tafelmusik Production 3
My Blogs:
I. Ouverture - Suite in B flat major for two oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. TWV55:B1
1. Ouverture (Lentement- Presto-Lentement-Presto) 0:00
2. Bergerie (un peu vivement) 8:10
3. Allegresse (vite) 10:44
4. Postillons 13:11
5. Flaterie 15:17
6. Badinage (très vite) 18:23
7. Menuet 20:46
II. Quatuor in E minor for flute, violin, violoncello & b.c. TWV43:e2
1. Adagio 23:48
2. Allegro 25:51
3. Dolce 27:52
4. Allegro 30:28
III. Concerto in E flat major for two horns, strings & b.c. TWV54:Es1
1. Maestoso 32:35
2. Allegro 35:27
3. Grave 40:02
4. Vivace 42:45
IV. Trio in D major for 2 flutes & b.c. TWV42:D5
1. Andante 47:09
2. Allegro 49:23
3. Grave-Largo-Grave 51:28
4. Vivace 53:56
V. Solo in G minor for oboe & b.c. TWV41:g6
1. Largo 55:56
2. Presto-Tempo giusto-Presto 58:40
3. Andante 1:03:11
4. Allegro 1:04:16
VI. Conclusion in B flat major for two oboes, bassoon, strings & b.c. TWV50:10
1. Furioso 1:07:02
Pieter-Jan Belder, conductor
Rémy Baudet, leader
Rémy Baudet, leader (Soloist: I - III)
Franc Polman
Sayuri Yamagata (Soloist: I, III)
Kees Koelmans
Pauline Kostense
Marinette Troost
Annelies van der Vegt
Gustavo Zarba
Staas Swierstra
Marten Boeken
Albert Brüggen
Jaap ter Linden (Soloist: II)
Richte van der Meer
Nils Wieboldt
Double bass
Margaret Urquhart
Robert Franenberg
James Munro
Wilbert Hazelzet (Soloist: II, IV)
Kate Clark (Soloist: IV)
Alfredo Bernardini (Soloist: I, V)
Frank de Bruine
Peter Frankenberg (Soloist: I)
Danny Bond (Soloist: I)
Pieter-Jan Belder
William Wroth
Teunis van der Zwart (Soloist: III)
Erwin Wieringa (Soloist: III)
Pieter-Jan Belder
- published: 08 Feb 2015
- views: 13
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Concertos pour Instruments à Vent
http://www.discogs.com/Telemann-Musica-Antiqua-Köln-Reinhard-Goebel-Bläserkonzerte-Wind-Concertos-Concertos-Pour-Instrume/release/2808452 Musica Antiqua Köln......
http://www.discogs.com/Telemann-Musica-Antiqua-Köln-Reinhard-Goebel-Bläserkonzerte-Wind-Concertos-Concertos-Pour-Instrume/release/2808452 Musica Antiqua Köln...
wn.com/Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 1767) Concertos Pour Instruments À Vent
http://www.discogs.com/Telemann-Musica-Antiqua-Köln-Reinhard-Goebel-Bläserkonzerte-Wind-Concertos-Concertos-Pour-Instrume/release/2808452 Musica Antiqua Köln...
Philippe Jaroussky sings Benedetto Ferrari (1603 - 1681)
01. Amanti, io vi sò dire (Ciaconna) [0:00] 02. Occhi miei che vedeste [4:27] 03. M'amò tanto costei [8:55] 04. Chi non sà come amor [11:10] 05. Avverti ò co......
01. Amanti, io vi sò dire (Ciaconna) [0:00] 02. Occhi miei che vedeste [4:27] 03. M'amò tanto costei [8:55] 04. Chi non sà come amor [11:10] 05. Avverti ò co...
wn.com/Philippe Jaroussky Sings Benedetto Ferrari (1603 1681)
01. Amanti, io vi sò dire (Ciaconna) [0:00] 02. Occhi miei che vedeste [4:27] 03. M'amò tanto costei [8:55] 04. Chi non sà come amor [11:10] 05. Avverti ò co...
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) - Concertos for Viola da Gamba
wn.com/Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 1767) Concertos For Viola Da Gamba
3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing.1681 Application,non-ported cannula : 3M Health Care
This video provides a step by step guide on how to apply and remove the 3M™ Tegaderm™ Advanced Securement Dressing. In this example the 1681 dressing is appl......
This video provides a step by step guide on how to apply and remove the 3M™ Tegaderm™ Advanced Securement Dressing. In this example the 1681 dressing is appl...
wn.com/3M™ Tegaderm™ I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing.1681 Application,Non Ported Cannula 3M Health Care
This video provides a step by step guide on how to apply and remove the 3M™ Tegaderm™ Advanced Securement Dressing. In this example the 1681 dressing is appl...
Cotton Mather - Samples From The Diary of Cotton Mather 1681, Calling Upon God for Assistance
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly u...
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. May your time spent here be blessed.
Cotton Mather - Samples From The Diary of Cotton Mather 1681, Calling Upon God for Assistance
(b. Feb. 12, 1663, Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony [U.S.]—d. Feb. 13, 1728, Boston), "American Congregational minister and author, supporter of the old order of the ruling clergy, who became the most celebrated of all New England Puritans. He combined a [supposedly -WC] mystical strain (he believed in the existence of witchcraft) with a modern scientific interest (he supported smallpox inoculation).
The son of Increase Mather and the grandson of John Cotton and Richard Mather, Cotton Mather lived all his life in Boston. He entered Harvard at the age of 12, easily passing entrance requirements to read and write Latin and to "decline the Greek nouns and verbs." He devoted himself unremittingly to study and prayer. At 18 he received his M.A. degree from the hands of his father, who was president of the college. He preached his first sermon in his father's church in August 1680 and in October another from his grandfather John Cotton's pulpit. He was formally ordained in 1685 and became his father's colleague.
He devoted his life to praying, preaching, writing, and publishing and still followed his main purpose in life of doing good. His book, Bonifacius, or Essays to Do Good (1710), instructs others in humanitarian acts, some ideas being far ahead of his time: the schoolmaster to reward instead of punish his students, the physician to study the state of mind of his patient as a probable cause of illness. He established societies for community projects.
He joined his father in cautioning judges against the use of "spectre evidence" (testimony of a victim of witchcraft that he had been attacked by a spectre bearing the appearance of someone he knew) in the witchcraft trials and in working for the ouster of Sir Edmund Andros as governor of Massachusetts. He was also a leader in the fight for inoculation against smallpox, incurring popular disapproval. When Cotton inoculated his own son, who almost died from it, the whole community was wrathful, and a bomb was thrown through his chamber window. Satan seemed on the side of his enemies; various members of his family became ill, and some died. Worst of all, his son Increase was arrested for rioting.
Mather's interest in science and particularly in various American phenomena—published in his Curiosa Americana (1712-24)—won him membership in the Royal Society of London. His account of the inoculation episode was published in the society's transactions. He corresponded extensively with notable scientists, such as Robert Boyle. His Christian Philosopher (1721) recognizes God in the wonders of the earth and the universe beyond; it is both philosophical and scientific and, ironically, anticipates 18th-century Deism, despite his clinging to the old order.
Cotton Mather wrote and published more than 400 works. His magnum opus was Magnalia Christi Americana (1702) [BOT], an ecclesiastical history of America from the founding of New England to his own time. His Manuductio ad Ministerium (1726) was a handbook of advice for young graduates to the ministry: on doing good, on college love affairs, on poetry and music, and on style. His ambitious 20-year work on biblical learning was interrupted by his death."
wn.com/Cotton Mather Samples From The Diary Of Cotton Mather 1681, Calling Upon God For Assistance
A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. May your time spent here be blessed.
Cotton Mather - Samples From The Diary of Cotton Mather 1681, Calling Upon God for Assistance
(b. Feb. 12, 1663, Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony [U.S.]—d. Feb. 13, 1728, Boston), "American Congregational minister and author, supporter of the old order of the ruling clergy, who became the most celebrated of all New England Puritans. He combined a [supposedly -WC] mystical strain (he believed in the existence of witchcraft) with a modern scientific interest (he supported smallpox inoculation).
The son of Increase Mather and the grandson of John Cotton and Richard Mather, Cotton Mather lived all his life in Boston. He entered Harvard at the age of 12, easily passing entrance requirements to read and write Latin and to "decline the Greek nouns and verbs." He devoted himself unremittingly to study and prayer. At 18 he received his M.A. degree from the hands of his father, who was president of the college. He preached his first sermon in his father's church in August 1680 and in October another from his grandfather John Cotton's pulpit. He was formally ordained in 1685 and became his father's colleague.
He devoted his life to praying, preaching, writing, and publishing and still followed his main purpose in life of doing good. His book, Bonifacius, or Essays to Do Good (1710), instructs others in humanitarian acts, some ideas being far ahead of his time: the schoolmaster to reward instead of punish his students, the physician to study the state of mind of his patient as a probable cause of illness. He established societies for community projects.
He joined his father in cautioning judges against the use of "spectre evidence" (testimony of a victim of witchcraft that he had been attacked by a spectre bearing the appearance of someone he knew) in the witchcraft trials and in working for the ouster of Sir Edmund Andros as governor of Massachusetts. He was also a leader in the fight for inoculation against smallpox, incurring popular disapproval. When Cotton inoculated his own son, who almost died from it, the whole community was wrathful, and a bomb was thrown through his chamber window. Satan seemed on the side of his enemies; various members of his family became ill, and some died. Worst of all, his son Increase was arrested for rioting.
Mather's interest in science and particularly in various American phenomena—published in his Curiosa Americana (1712-24)—won him membership in the Royal Society of London. His account of the inoculation episode was published in the society's transactions. He corresponded extensively with notable scientists, such as Robert Boyle. His Christian Philosopher (1721) recognizes God in the wonders of the earth and the universe beyond; it is both philosophical and scientific and, ironically, anticipates 18th-century Deism, despite his clinging to the old order.
Cotton Mather wrote and published more than 400 works. His magnum opus was Magnalia Christi Americana (1702) [BOT], an ecclesiastical history of America from the founding of New England to his own time. His Manuductio ad Ministerium (1726) was a handbook of advice for young graduates to the ministry: on doing good, on college love affairs, on poetry and music, and on style. His ambitious 20-year work on biblical learning was interrupted by his death."
- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 1702
Untitled 1681 / Occultscience101
Occultscience101 Copyright protected material I´m NOT OCS101! Occultscience101 playlist vol. 1: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWh1iDg8rcEoAgO0i83_om......
Occultscience101 Copyright protected material I´m NOT OCS101! Occultscience101 playlist vol. 1: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWh1iDg8rcEoAgO0i83_om...
wn.com/Untitled 1681 Occultscience101
Occultscience101 Copyright protected material I´m NOT OCS101! Occultscience101 playlist vol. 1: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWh1iDg8rcEoAgO0i83_om...
MVI 1681
STRONG MAN- Eric moss (brother of Emily) performance at the house warming of Paul Macarucha and Emily Moss. Nice Job Eric. More than 100 relatives and friends c...
STRONG MAN- Eric moss (brother of Emily) performance at the house warming of Paul Macarucha and Emily Moss. Nice Job Eric. More than 100 relatives and friends came to the party. It's a big success. THANK YOU TO ALL RELATIVES AND FRIENDS WHO CAME TO JOIN THE FUN!. May 13th 2015 from 12 noon till dark.
wn.com/Mvi 1681
STRONG MAN- Eric moss (brother of Emily) performance at the house warming of Paul Macarucha and Emily Moss. Nice Job Eric. More than 100 relatives and friends came to the party. It's a big success. THANK YOU TO ALL RELATIVES AND FRIENDS WHO CAME TO JOIN THE FUN!. May 13th 2015 from 12 noon till dark.
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 25
MVI 1681
a add were working on...
a add were working on
wn.com/Mvi 1681
a add were working on
- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 66
SILOKING - Weltrekord - 1681 Tonnen Mischration in 24 Stunden
http://www.agrartechnik-altenberge.de/ SILOKING stellt einen einmaligen Weltrekord auf. Im Rahmen eines Dauer-Praxistests wurden mit dem Futtermischwagen „SI......
http://www.agrartechnik-altenberge.de/ SILOKING stellt einen einmaligen Weltrekord auf. Im Rahmen eines Dauer-Praxistests wurden mit dem Futtermischwagen „SI...
wn.com/Siloking Weltrekord 1681 Tonnen Mischration In 24 Stunden
http://www.agrartechnik-altenberge.de/ SILOKING stellt einen einmaligen Weltrekord auf. Im Rahmen eines Dauer-Praxistests wurden mit dem Futtermischwagen „SI...
A. D. Phillidor (1681-1728): Sonate D minor - Movs. 4 & 5
-Anne Danican ('Fils ainè') Phillidor (France, 1681-1728)
SONATA IN D MINOR (From: 1er. Livre de Pieces, 1712)
-Les notes égales et detaches
-Anne Danican ('Fils ainè') Phillidor (France, 1681-1728)
SONATA IN D MINOR (From: 1er. Livre de Pieces, 1712)
-Les notes égales et detaches
Leonardo Peña Vega (Alto recorder after J. Denner, ca.1730 by Yamaha, 2012)
Alfonso Correa Motta (7-course Viola da Gamba after Peter Hackings, London 1621, by Jose Luis España, Colombia)
Sebastián Vega (Theorbo after french models and iconography by N.Oporto, Valdivia, Chile, 2005)
Dirección/Direction: Diego Andrés Beltrán Marín.
Sonido directo/Live sound: Carlos Romero, Juan Carlos Mendez
Cámara/Camera: Diego Andrés Beltrán Marín
Montaje/Edition: Diego Andrés Beltrán Marín, Leonardo Peña Vega.
Agradecimientos a/Special thanks to: Jaime Quijano, Juan Manuel Bernal, Diana Hernandez.
wn.com/A. D. Phillidor (1681 1728) Sonate D Minor Movs. 4 5
-Anne Danican ('Fils ainè') Phillidor (France, 1681-1728)
SONATA IN D MINOR (From: 1er. Livre de Pieces, 1712)
-Les notes égales et detaches
Leonardo Peña Vega (Alto recorder after J. Denner, ca.1730 by Yamaha, 2012)
Alfonso Correa Motta (7-course Viola da Gamba after Peter Hackings, London 1621, by Jose Luis España, Colombia)
Sebastián Vega (Theorbo after french models and iconography by N.Oporto, Valdivia, Chile, 2005)
Dirección/Direction: Diego Andrés Beltrán Marín.
Sonido directo/Live sound: Carlos Romero, Juan Carlos Mendez
Cámara/Camera: Diego Andrés Beltrán Marín
Montaje/Edition: Diego Andrés Beltrán Marín, Leonardo Peña Vega.
Agradecimientos a/Special thanks to: Jaime Quijano, Juan Manuel Bernal, Diana Hernandez.
- published: 09 Mar 2014
- views: 8
IMG 1681
inkleuren met twinkling H2O en distress inkt...
inkleuren met twinkling H2O en distress inkt
wn.com/Img 1681
inkleuren met twinkling H2O en distress inkt
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- views: 336
IMG 1681
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wn.com/Img 1681
Discesa dello Scopetone lato Palazzo del pero................ Tappa Indicatore - Castel Raimondo. Tirreno Adriatico 2015.
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IMG 1681
SCAMP Camp...
wn.com/Img 1681
- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 60
1681 Liberty Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
http://www.propertypanorama.com/instaview-tour/fmls/5613107 is the place to go if you are seeking homes near 1681 Liberty Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30318....
http://www.propertypanorama.com/instaview-tour/fmls/5613107 is the place to go if you are seeking homes near 1681 Liberty Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30318.
wn.com/1681 Liberty Parkway Nw, Atlanta, Ga 30318
http://www.propertypanorama.com/instaview-tour/fmls/5613107 is the place to go if you are seeking homes near 1681 Liberty Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30318.
- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Cornelis Kick 1632 1681
for more information go to www.mythragallery.com
Mythra Gallery was founded by professional group of artists a...
for more information go to www.mythragallery.com
Mythra Gallery was founded by professional group of artists and art patrons in 2015 as an alternative in the art category. Its name comes from Persian mythology( the god of light ). In Mythra Art gallery we present several generations of artists working; you will find international professional art works of different art styles and periods in our exhibitions. We believe it necessary to return aesthetics and reflection to daily life, and foster an ongoing dialogue with creativity, creations, and creators in general. We hope that our space will be a friendly meeting place for both artists and people interested in art.
wn.com/Cornelis Kick 1632 1681
for more information go to www.mythragallery.com
Mythra Gallery was founded by professional group of artists and art patrons in 2015 as an alternative in the art category. Its name comes from Persian mythology( the god of light ). In Mythra Art gallery we present several generations of artists working; you will find international professional art works of different art styles and periods in our exhibitions. We believe it necessary to return aesthetics and reflection to daily life, and foster an ongoing dialogue with creativity, creations, and creators in general. We hope that our space will be a friendly meeting place for both artists and people interested in art.
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 0