Danimarka Başbakan'ının Şaşkınlığı - Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı
Danimarka Başbakan'ının Şaşkınlığı - Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı
Abdullah Gul'un 1995 yilinda yaptigi ama yeni ortaya cikan konusmasi...
abdullah gül 17 eylül 2015 part2
abdullah gül 17 Eylül 2015 part 1
abdullah gül 17 Eylül 2015 part 3
Harvard'da Gül'ü kızdıran sorular
AYRINTILAR: http://goo.gl/xfiszV
Harvard Üniversitesi'nden mezun olan oğlunun diploma törenine katılmak üzere Boston'da bulunan Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Harvard Kennedy School'da konuştu, katılanların sorularını cevapladı.
Abdullah Gül'ün hayatı
CNN Türk 5N1K'da yayınlanan Abdullah Gül Belgeselinin 1. bölümü
Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü gözyaşlarıyla böyle uğurladı
Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü gözyaşlarıyla böyle uğurladı Gül İstanbul'a uçakla hareket etti
Mr.Abdullah Gul son of Sir Hameed Gul in Khabarnaak 4th Dec after NATO attack.flv
Mr.Abdullah Gul son of Sir Hameed Gul in Khabarnaak 4th Dec after NATO attack ... he is concluding the options of Pakistan which should be considered..... about our foreign policy as well as military strategy..
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş'a oy cevabı
11. Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş'ın sözlerini soran gazetecilere "Siyasi parti başkanlarının benimle ilgili söyledikleri güzel sözler nedeniyle hepsine teşekkür ederim. Ancak nihayetinde bir partini kurucusuyum ve yerim belli" yanıtını verdi.
Abdullah Gül'ün Haşim Kılıç'a İmalı Gülümsemesi
Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanı Haşim Kılıç, Yüce Mahkeme'nin 52. Kuruluş yıldönümü için düzenlenen törende kürsüde konuşurken devletin zirvesi de onu dikkatle dinlemiş, dinlerken de Cumhurbaşkanı'ndan imalı bir gülümseme de eksik olmamış.
Reis-i Cumhur "Abdullah Gül"
Gül’e soru sorunca hayatı değişen Altındiş: Tutuklanırım diye ülkeme dönemiyorum
Harvard Üniversitesi’nde bir konferansta konuşan eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül’e “Gezi olayları ve insan hakları ihlalleri” ile ilgili soru sorarak dikkatleri üzerine çeken Dr. Emrah Altındiş, olaydan sonra büyük bir komploya maruz kaldığını ifade etti. Muhtemel baskılardan dolayı, çok özlediği Türkiye’ye dönüşünü ertelediğini dile getiren Altındiş, Türkiye’ye dönerse tutuklanma korkusu yaşadığı
Abdullah Gül Amerikada şok oldu !!!! Ellerinizden kan akıyor görmüyor musunuz..
Harvard Üniversitesin' de konuşma yapan Abdullah Gülü çok zorlayan sorular geldi. Ayağa kalkan ve konuşma yapan genç " Bugün gezi direnişinin yıl dönümü siz burda bize demokrasi dersi veriyorsunuz kimseyi kandıramazsınız Ellerinizden kan akıyor görmüyormusunuz . Utanmıyormusunuz ! " dedi ve Abdullah GÜL bunun üstüne kendini savundu ...
Face to Face-Interview with Abdullah Gul; President of the Republic of Turkey-02-16-2011-(Part1)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
An Exclusive interview with Abdullah Gul, s/o Gen.(R) Hamid Gul
Abdullah Gul gave a very clear cut interview to Azaantv.tv in NOV 2010 in ISLAMABAD
Abdullah Gül Kimdir?
Abdullah Gül Kimdir, Abdullah Gül Biyografi, Abdullah Gül Yaşamı, Abdullah Gül Hayatı, Abdullah Gül Belgesel.
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'dan Eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'e Tarihi Eleştiri 11.07.2015
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş ve Sırrı Süreyya'ya Veda Ziyareti
Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş ve Sırrı Süreyya'ya Veda Ziyareti
11'DEN | 11 nci Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül | DÜNDEN YARINA TV
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül "Bir milletin direnişi"
11.Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Abdullah Gül beyefendinin seçilişi, karşılanması ve yemin töreni
Danimarka Başbakan'ının Şaşkınlığı - Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı
Danimarka Başbakan'ının Şaşkınlığı - Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı...
Danimarka Başbakan'ının Şaşkınlığı - Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı
wn.com/Danimarka Başbakan'Inın Şaşkınlığı Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı
Danimarka Başbakan'ının Şaşkınlığı - Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Cevabı
- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 124430
Abdullah Gul'un 1995 yilinda yaptigi ama yeni ortaya cikan konusmasi......
Abdullah Gul'un 1995 yilinda yaptigi ama yeni ortaya cikan konusmasi...
wn.com/Abdullah Gul'UN 1995'TE Yaptigi Fakat Yeni Ortaya Cikan Konusmasi
Abdullah Gul'un 1995 yilinda yaptigi ama yeni ortaya cikan konusmasi...
- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 96521
Harvard'da Gül'ü kızdıran sorular
AYRINTILAR: http://goo.gl/xfiszV
Harvard Üniversitesi'nden mezun olan oğlunun diploma törenine katılmak üzere Boston'da bulunan Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Harv...
AYRINTILAR: http://goo.gl/xfiszV
Harvard Üniversitesi'nden mezun olan oğlunun diploma törenine katılmak üzere Boston'da bulunan Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Harvard Kennedy School'da konuştu, katılanların sorularını cevapladı.
wn.com/Harvard'da Gül'ü Kızdıran Sorular
AYRINTILAR: http://goo.gl/xfiszV
Harvard Üniversitesi'nden mezun olan oğlunun diploma törenine katılmak üzere Boston'da bulunan Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Harvard Kennedy School'da konuştu, katılanların sorularını cevapladı.
- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 362716
Abdullah Gül'ün hayatı
CNN Türk 5N1K'da yayınlanan Abdullah Gül Belgeselinin 1. bölümü...
CNN Türk 5N1K'da yayınlanan Abdullah Gül Belgeselinin 1. bölümü
wn.com/Abdullah Gül'ün Hayatı
CNN Türk 5N1K'da yayınlanan Abdullah Gül Belgeselinin 1. bölümü
- published: 05 Dec 2013
- views: 25667
Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü gözyaşlarıyla böyle uğurladı
Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü gözyaşlarıyla böyle uğurladı Gül İstanbul'a uçakla hareket etti...
Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü gözyaşlarıyla böyle uğurladı Gül İstanbul'a uçakla hareket etti
wn.com/Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü Gözyaşlarıyla Böyle Uğurladı
Bülent Arınç, Abdullah Gül'ü gözyaşlarıyla böyle uğurladı Gül İstanbul'a uçakla hareket etti
- published: 29 Aug 2014
- views: 31086
Mr.Abdullah Gul son of Sir Hameed Gul in Khabarnaak 4th Dec after NATO attack.flv
Mr.Abdullah Gul son of Sir Hameed Gul in Khabarnaak 4th Dec after NATO attack ... he is concluding the options of Pakistan which should be considered..... about...
Mr.Abdullah Gul son of Sir Hameed Gul in Khabarnaak 4th Dec after NATO attack ... he is concluding the options of Pakistan which should be considered..... about our foreign policy as well as military strategy..
wn.com/Mr.Abdullah Gul Son Of Sir Hameed Gul In Khabarnaak 4Th Dec After Nato Attack.Flv
Mr.Abdullah Gul son of Sir Hameed Gul in Khabarnaak 4th Dec after NATO attack ... he is concluding the options of Pakistan which should be considered..... about our foreign policy as well as military strategy..
- published: 27 Dec 2011
- views: 4934
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş'a oy cevabı
11. Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş'ın sözlerini soran gazetecilere "Siyasi parti başkanlarının benimle ilgili söyledikleri...
11. Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş'ın sözlerini soran gazetecilere "Siyasi parti başkanlarının benimle ilgili söyledikleri güzel sözler nedeniyle hepsine teşekkür ederim. Ancak nihayetinde bir partini kurucusuyum ve yerim belli" yanıtını verdi.
wn.com/Abdullah Gül'Den Selahattin Demirtaş'a Oy Cevabı
11. Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş'ın sözlerini soran gazetecilere "Siyasi parti başkanlarının benimle ilgili söyledikleri güzel sözler nedeniyle hepsine teşekkür ederim. Ancak nihayetinde bir partini kurucusuyum ve yerim belli" yanıtını verdi.
- published: 29 May 2015
- views: 55703
Abdullah Gül'ün Haşim Kılıç'a İmalı Gülümsemesi
Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanı Haşim Kılıç, Yüce Mahkeme'nin 52. Kuruluş yıldönümü için düzenlenen törende kürsüde konuşurken devletin zirvesi de onu dikkatle dinlem...
Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanı Haşim Kılıç, Yüce Mahkeme'nin 52. Kuruluş yıldönümü için düzenlenen törende kürsüde konuşurken devletin zirvesi de onu dikkatle dinlemiş, dinlerken de Cumhurbaşkanı'ndan imalı bir gülümseme de eksik olmamış.
wn.com/Abdullah Gül'ün Haşim Kılıç'a İmalı Gülümsemesi
Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanı Haşim Kılıç, Yüce Mahkeme'nin 52. Kuruluş yıldönümü için düzenlenen törende kürsüde konuşurken devletin zirvesi de onu dikkatle dinlemiş, dinlerken de Cumhurbaşkanı'ndan imalı bir gülümseme de eksik olmamış.
- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 106024
wn.com/Muhterem Erbakan Hocamiz Abdullah Gül Ve Rte Hakkinda Geniş Bilgi Veriyor
- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 2161
Gül’e soru sorunca hayatı değişen Altındiş: Tutuklanırım diye ülkeme dönemiyorum
Harvard Üniversitesi’nde bir konferansta konuşan eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül’e “Gezi olayları ve insan hakları ihlalleri” ile ilgili soru sorarak dikkatleri...
Harvard Üniversitesi’nde bir konferansta konuşan eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül’e “Gezi olayları ve insan hakları ihlalleri” ile ilgili soru sorarak dikkatleri üzerine çeken Dr. Emrah Altındiş, olaydan sonra büyük bir komploya maruz kaldığını ifade etti. Muhtemel baskılardan dolayı, çok özlediği Türkiye’ye dönüşünü ertelediğini dile getiren Altındiş, Türkiye’ye dönerse tutuklanma korkusu yaşadığını da dile getirdi. “Şu an kiminle görüşsem ‘sakın Türkiye’ye gelme’ diyorlar” diye konuşan Dr. Altındiş’in dönüşü ertelemesinin diğer sebebi ise Türkiye’deki üniversitelerin AK Parti baskısı altında olması.
wn.com/Gül’E Soru Sorunca Hayatı Değişen Altındiş Tutuklanırım Diye Ülkeme Dönemiyorum
Harvard Üniversitesi’nde bir konferansta konuşan eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül’e “Gezi olayları ve insan hakları ihlalleri” ile ilgili soru sorarak dikkatleri üzerine çeken Dr. Emrah Altındiş, olaydan sonra büyük bir komploya maruz kaldığını ifade etti. Muhtemel baskılardan dolayı, çok özlediği Türkiye’ye dönüşünü ertelediğini dile getiren Altındiş, Türkiye’ye dönerse tutuklanma korkusu yaşadığını da dile getirdi. “Şu an kiminle görüşsem ‘sakın Türkiye’ye gelme’ diyorlar” diye konuşan Dr. Altındiş’in dönüşü ertelemesinin diğer sebebi ise Türkiye’deki üniversitelerin AK Parti baskısı altında olması.
- published: 22 Nov 2014
- views: 2803
Abdullah Gül Amerikada şok oldu !!!! Ellerinizden kan akıyor görmüyor musunuz..
Harvard Üniversitesin' de konuşma yapan Abdullah Gülü çok zorlayan sorular geldi. Ayağa kalkan ve konuşma yapan genç " Bugün gezi direnişinin yıl ...
Harvard Üniversitesin' de konuşma yapan Abdullah Gülü çok zorlayan sorular geldi. Ayağa kalkan ve konuşma yapan genç " Bugün gezi direnişinin yıl dönümü siz burda bize demokrasi dersi veriyorsunuz kimseyi kandıramazsınız Ellerinizden kan akıyor görmüyormusunuz . Utanmıyormusunuz ! " dedi ve Abdullah GÜL bunun üstüne kendini savundu ...
wn.com/Abdullah Gül Amerikada Şok Oldu Ellerinizden Kan Akıyor Görmüyor Musunuz..
Harvard Üniversitesin' de konuşma yapan Abdullah Gülü çok zorlayan sorular geldi. Ayağa kalkan ve konuşma yapan genç " Bugün gezi direnişinin yıl dönümü siz burda bize demokrasi dersi veriyorsunuz kimseyi kandıramazsınız Ellerinizden kan akıyor görmüyormusunuz . Utanmıyormusunuz ! " dedi ve Abdullah GÜL bunun üstüne kendini savundu ...
- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 11812
Face to Face-Interview with Abdullah Gul; President of the Republic of Turkey-02-16-2011-(Part1)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in ...
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
wn.com/Face To Face Interview With Abdullah Gul President Of The Republic Of Turkey 02 16 2011 (Part1)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 5007
An Exclusive interview with Abdullah Gul, s/o Gen.(R) Hamid Gul
Abdullah Gul gave a very clear cut interview to Azaantv.tv in NOV 2010 in ISLAMABAD...
Abdullah Gul gave a very clear cut interview to Azaantv.tv in NOV 2010 in ISLAMABAD
wn.com/An Exclusive Interview With Abdullah Gul, S O Gen.(R) Hamid Gul
Abdullah Gul gave a very clear cut interview to Azaantv.tv in NOV 2010 in ISLAMABAD
- published: 15 Dec 2010
- views: 3282
Abdullah Gül Kimdir?
Abdullah Gül Kimdir, Abdullah Gül Biyografi, Abdullah Gül Yaşamı, Abdullah Gül Hayatı, Abdullah Gül Belgesel....
Abdullah Gül Kimdir, Abdullah Gül Biyografi, Abdullah Gül Yaşamı, Abdullah Gül Hayatı, Abdullah Gül Belgesel.
wn.com/Abdullah Gül Kimdir
Abdullah Gül Kimdir, Abdullah Gül Biyografi, Abdullah Gül Yaşamı, Abdullah Gül Hayatı, Abdullah Gül Belgesel.
- published: 22 Aug 2014
- views: 7048
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş ve Sırrı Süreyya'ya Veda Ziyareti
Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,
Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş ve Sırrı Süreyya'ya Veda Ziyareti
wn.com/Abdullah Gül'Den Selahattin Demirtaş Ve Sırrı Süreyya'ya Veda Ziyareti
Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,Abdullah Gül,Selahattin Demirtaş,Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu,
Abdullah Gül'den Selahattin Demirtaş ve Sırrı Süreyya'ya Veda Ziyareti
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 97432
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül "Bir milletin direnişi"
11.Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Abdullah Gül beyefendinin seçilişi, karşılanması ve yemin töreni...
11.Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Abdullah Gül beyefendinin seçilişi, karşılanması ve yemin töreni
wn.com/Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Bir Milletin Direnişi
11.Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Abdullah Gül beyefendinin seçilişi, karşılanması ve yemin töreni
- published: 16 Dec 2008
- views: 30241
Abdullah Gül | Charlie Rose
Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey on Turkey
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
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Başbakan Erdoğan -Charlie Rose Röportajı- Full İzle
Abdullah Gul Worldview
Erdogan on Turkey's Relations with Israel | Charlie Rose
In an exclusive interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talks to Charlie Rose about the recent thaw between Turkey and Israel, and the possibility of future normalization of relations. The full interview airs April 28, 2014 on PBS.
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
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İngilizce Konuşan Abdullah Gül'ü İngilizce Alt Yazıyla Yayınlamak ( #Direningilizce Serisi )
3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde FULL KALİTE
3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde Erhan ÇELİK in Konuğu
Fehmi Koru ve Ruşen ÇAKIR sordu
İngiltere Ziyareti: BBC Hard Talk Mülakatı - 06.11.2010
Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, aralarında BBC, BBC Türkçe Servisi, Financial Times, Bloomberg HT ve The Economist Dergisi'nin de bulunduğu birçok yayın kuruluşuna demeç verdi. İran, Kıbrıs ve Türkiye'nin AB'ye tam üyeliği konularında gelen soruları cevaplayan Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Türkiye'nin kendine öz güveni olan büyük bir ülke olduğunu vurguladı.
Interview of Orhan Pamuk with Charlie Rose (Video by Celebi) .flv
Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk criticizes the current issues of Turkey and secularism...
Abdullah Gül'ü Buldum - Balkanlar Turu - Vlog 014
Gün 14 - Arnavutluk'un Başkenti Tiranda Yine Tırmanmacalar
Ellerim Ayaklarım Su topladı
16 Gün boyunca sürecek ve her gün bir yeni video!!
Gelin Bu Macerada Bana Katılın!!
Abone Olmayı Unutmayın, BEDAVA!! http://bit.ly/1zRchMq
Videomu izlediğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim, Umarım
beğenmişsinizdir, eğer beğendiyseniz aşağıdan da beğenmeyi ve o güzel yorumlarınızı paylaşmayı unutmayın :)
Interview: Turkish President Abdullah Gul on EU membership - F24 110125
Hayrünnisa Gül'ün uzun topukları Abdullah Gül'ü sinirlendirdi
Nicolas Sarkozy | Charlie Rose
French Presidential Candidate Nicolas Sarkozy discusses why he is opposed to Turkeys Membership in the European Union
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Abdullah Gul in Bang-e-Dara 06-December-2011
Abdullah Gul (Chairman Mohsinan-i-Pakistan Foundation and DG Mesac Research Centre )in Bang-e-Dara 06-December-2011
A Conversation with Abdullah Gul
ORIGINALLY RECORDED September 24, 2010
President of the Republic of Turkey, Abdullah Gul, discusses the transforming relationship of Turkey with the United States, Europe, and the Middle East
Abdullah Gul, President, Republic of Turkey
Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
A Conversation with Abdullah Gul
Abdullah Gul, president of the Republic of Turkey, discusses recent regional developments and provides perspective on current U.S.-Turkey relations.
Abdullah Gul
Why Turkey's Abdullah Gul should run for the U.N. secretary-general
Another video that Turkey's Mr. president Abdullah Gul and his guru Mr. Fettulah Gulen and Gulenist disciples don't want you to see. Thanks to them, now Turkey is a country where you can not protest. They'll get you looking to the seat numbers that you purchased using your debit or credit card. This is called 'advance' democracy as if there was a problem with the normal one... Good thing we live i
turkish dinner clinton abdullah gul 2
turkish dinner clinton abdullah gul 2
HE Abdullah Gül President of the Republic of Turkey Visits Masdar City, 30 January 2012
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması
Abdullah Gül: Türkei steht Zypern nicht im Weg
Abdullah Gül ist Staatspräsident der Türkei und als gläubiger Muslim einer der einflussreichsten Vetreter eines neuen türkischen Politikertyps, den der islamisch-konservativen AKP. Gül war zuvor Außenminister. Doch auch als Präsident mischt er sich in die internationale Politik ein, wenn es darum geht, die Interessen seines Landes zu verteidigen in Europa ebenso wie im Nahen Osten. euronews-Korre
EuroNews - EN - Interview: Abdullah Gul
The world's new energy challenges mean big opportunities for Turkey. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is convinced of this. He spoke to EuroNews in the middle of July, at the moment Ankara opened the taps on a new strategically critical oil pipeline bringing supplies to the European market. Sandwiched between the Russian giant and unstable middle eastern neighbours, the Baku-Tibilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
Abdullah Gül | Charlie Rose
Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey on Turkey
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
Connect with Cha...
Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey on Turkey
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
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About Charlie Rose:
Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."
Abdullah Gül | Charlie Rose
wn.com/Abdullah Gül | Charlie Rose
Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey on Turkey
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
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About Charlie Rose:
Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."
Abdullah Gül | Charlie Rose
- published: 23 Sep 2010
- views: 18713
Erdogan on Turkey's Relations with Israel | Charlie Rose
In an exclusive interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talks to Charlie Rose about the recent thaw between Turkey and Israel, and the possibilit...
In an exclusive interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talks to Charlie Rose about the recent thaw between Turkey and Israel, and the possibility of future normalization of relations. The full interview airs April 28, 2014 on PBS.
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
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Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom
Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook
Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter
Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram
About Charlie Rose:
Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."
Erdogan on Turkey's Relations with Israel | Charlie Rose
wn.com/Erdogan On Turkey's Relations With Israel | Charlie Rose
In an exclusive interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talks to Charlie Rose about the recent thaw between Turkey and Israel, and the possibility of future normalization of relations. The full interview airs April 28, 2014 on PBS.
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
Connect with Charlie Rose Online:
Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom
Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook
Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter
Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram
About Charlie Rose:
Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."
Erdogan on Turkey's Relations with Israel | Charlie Rose
- published: 29 Apr 2014
- views: 13444
İngilizce Konuşan Abdullah Gül'ü İngilizce Alt Yazıyla Yayınlamak ( #Direningilizce Serisi )
wn.com/İngilizce Konuşan Abdullah Gül'ü İngilizce Alt Yazıyla Yayınlamak ( Direningilizce Serisi )
- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 85773
3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde FULL KALİTE
3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde Erhan ÇELİK in Konuğu
Fehmi Koru ve Ruşen ÇAKIR sordu...
3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde Erhan ÇELİK in Konuğu
Fehmi Koru ve Ruşen ÇAKIR sordu
wn.com/3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde Full Kalite
3 Ocak 2014 Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül Habertürk Basın Kulubünde Erhan ÇELİK in Konuğu
Fehmi Koru ve Ruşen ÇAKIR sordu
- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 1060
İngiltere Ziyareti: BBC Hard Talk Mülakatı - 06.11.2010
Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, aralarında BBC, BBC Türkçe Servisi, Financial Times, Bloomberg HT ve The Economist Dergisi'nin de bulunduğu birçok yayın kuruluşuna demeç ver...
Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, aralarında BBC, BBC Türkçe Servisi, Financial Times, Bloomberg HT ve The Economist Dergisi'nin de bulunduğu birçok yayın kuruluşuna demeç verdi. İran, Kıbrıs ve Türkiye'nin AB'ye tam üyeliği konularında gelen soruları cevaplayan Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Türkiye'nin kendine öz güveni olan büyük bir ülke olduğunu vurguladı.
wn.com/İngiltere Ziyareti BBC Hard Talk Mülakatı 06.11.2010
Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, aralarında BBC, BBC Türkçe Servisi, Financial Times, Bloomberg HT ve The Economist Dergisi'nin de bulunduğu birçok yayın kuruluşuna demeç verdi. İran, Kıbrıs ve Türkiye'nin AB'ye tam üyeliği konularında gelen soruları cevaplayan Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Türkiye'nin kendine öz güveni olan büyük bir ülke olduğunu vurguladı.
- published: 29 Sep 2011
- views: 87731
Interview of Orhan Pamuk with Charlie Rose (Video by Celebi) .flv
Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk criticizes the current issues of Turkey and secularism......
Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk criticizes the current issues of Turkey and secularism...
wn.com/Interview Of Orhan Pamuk With Charlie Rose (Video By Celebi) .Flv
Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk criticizes the current issues of Turkey and secularism...
- published: 30 Dec 2009
- views: 7516
Abdullah Gül'ü Buldum - Balkanlar Turu - Vlog 014
Gün 14 - Arnavutluk'un Başkenti Tiranda Yine Tırmanmacalar
Ellerim Ayaklarım Su topladı
16 Gün boyunca sürecek ve her gün bir yeni video!!
Gelin Bu Macerada ...
Gün 14 - Arnavutluk'un Başkenti Tiranda Yine Tırmanmacalar
Ellerim Ayaklarım Su topladı
16 Gün boyunca sürecek ve her gün bir yeni video!!
Gelin Bu Macerada Bana Katılın!!
Abone Olmayı Unutmayın, BEDAVA!! http://bit.ly/1zRchMq
Videomu izlediğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim, Umarım
beğenmişsinizdir, eğer beğendiyseniz aşağıdan da beğenmeyi ve o güzel yorumlarınızı paylaşmayı unutmayın :)
Beni Sosyal Medya Hesaplarından da Takip Edin :))
Snapchat: itsmecan
Periscope: cantekimlig
Instagram: İtsmecann
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cantekimlig
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsmecanyoutube
Gezeceğim Ülkeler;
Sırbistan - Bosna Hersek - Karadağ - Makedonya – Arnavutluk
wn.com/Abdullah Gül'ü Buldum Balkanlar Turu Vlog 014
Gün 14 - Arnavutluk'un Başkenti Tiranda Yine Tırmanmacalar
Ellerim Ayaklarım Su topladı
16 Gün boyunca sürecek ve her gün bir yeni video!!
Gelin Bu Macerada Bana Katılın!!
Abone Olmayı Unutmayın, BEDAVA!! http://bit.ly/1zRchMq
Videomu izlediğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim, Umarım
beğenmişsinizdir, eğer beğendiyseniz aşağıdan da beğenmeyi ve o güzel yorumlarınızı paylaşmayı unutmayın :)
Beni Sosyal Medya Hesaplarından da Takip Edin :))
Snapchat: itsmecan
Periscope: cantekimlig
Instagram: İtsmecann
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cantekimlig
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsmecanyoutube
Gezeceğim Ülkeler;
Sırbistan - Bosna Hersek - Karadağ - Makedonya – Arnavutluk
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 1002
Interview: Turkish President Abdullah Gul on EU membership - F24 110125
wn.com/Interview Turkish President Abdullah Gul On Eu Membership F24 110125
- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 6993
Nicolas Sarkozy | Charlie Rose
French Presidential Candidate Nicolas Sarkozy discusses why he is opposed to Turkeys Membership in the European Union
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie ...
French Presidential Candidate Nicolas Sarkozy discusses why he is opposed to Turkeys Membership in the European Union
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
Connect with Charlie Rose Online:
Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom
Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook
Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter
Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram
About Charlie Rose:
Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."
Nicolas Sarkozy | Charlie Rose
wn.com/Nicolas Sarkozy | Charlie Rose
French Presidential Candidate Nicolas Sarkozy discusses why he is opposed to Turkeys Membership in the European Union
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE
Connect with Charlie Rose Online:
Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom
Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook
Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter
Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram
About Charlie Rose:
Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."
Nicolas Sarkozy | Charlie Rose
- published: 02 Feb 2007
- views: 16259
Abdullah Gul in Bang-e-Dara 06-December-2011
Abdullah Gul (Chairman Mohsinan-i-Pakistan Foundation and DG Mesac Research Centre )in Bang-e-Dara 06-December-2011
Abdullah Gul (Chairman Mohsinan-i-Pakistan Foundation and DG Mesac Research Centre )in Bang-e-Dara 06-December-2011
wn.com/Abdullah Gul In Bang E Dara 06 December 2011
Abdullah Gul (Chairman Mohsinan-i-Pakistan Foundation and DG Mesac Research Centre )in Bang-e-Dara 06-December-2011
- published: 10 Dec 2011
- views: 157
A Conversation with Abdullah Gul
ORIGINALLY RECORDED September 24, 2010
President of the Republic of Turkey, Abdullah Gul, discusses the transforming relationship of Turkey with the United S...
ORIGINALLY RECORDED September 24, 2010
President of the Republic of Turkey, Abdullah Gul, discusses the transforming relationship of Turkey with the United States, Europe, and the Middle East
Abdullah Gul, President, Republic of Turkey
Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
wn.com/A Conversation With Abdullah Gul
ORIGINALLY RECORDED September 24, 2010
President of the Republic of Turkey, Abdullah Gul, discusses the transforming relationship of Turkey with the United States, Europe, and the Middle East
Abdullah Gul, President, Republic of Turkey
Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
- published: 18 May 2011
- views: 2105
A Conversation with Abdullah Gul
Abdullah Gul, president of the Republic of Turkey, discusses recent regional developments and provides perspective on current U.S.-Turkey relations.
Abdullah Gul, president of the Republic of Turkey, discusses recent regional developments and provides perspective on current U.S.-Turkey relations.
Abdullah Gul
wn.com/A Conversation With Abdullah Gul
Abdullah Gul, president of the Republic of Turkey, discusses recent regional developments and provides perspective on current U.S.-Turkey relations.
Abdullah Gul
- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 556
Why Turkey's Abdullah Gul should run for the U.N. secretary-general
Another video that Turkey's Mr. president Abdullah Gul and his guru Mr. Fettulah Gulen and Gulenist disciples don't want you to see. Thanks to them, now Turkey ...
Another video that Turkey's Mr. president Abdullah Gul and his guru Mr. Fettulah Gulen and Gulenist disciples don't want you to see. Thanks to them, now Turkey is a country where you can not protest. They'll get you looking to the seat numbers that you purchased using your debit or credit card. This is called 'advance' democracy as if there was a problem with the normal one... Good thing we live in America so READ THIS Fair use notice: One of the rights accorded to the owner of copyright is the right to reproduce or to authorize others to reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords. This right is subject to certain limitations found in sections 107 through 118 of the copyright law (title 17, U. S. Code). One of the more important limitations is the doctrine of "fair use." The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law. Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research... read more at http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
wn.com/Why Turkey's Abdullah Gul Should Run For The U.N. Secretary General
Another video that Turkey's Mr. president Abdullah Gul and his guru Mr. Fettulah Gulen and Gulenist disciples don't want you to see. Thanks to them, now Turkey is a country where you can not protest. They'll get you looking to the seat numbers that you purchased using your debit or credit card. This is called 'advance' democracy as if there was a problem with the normal one... Good thing we live in America so READ THIS Fair use notice: One of the rights accorded to the owner of copyright is the right to reproduce or to authorize others to reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords. This right is subject to certain limitations found in sections 107 through 118 of the copyright law (title 17, U. S. Code). One of the more important limitations is the doctrine of "fair use." The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law. Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research... read more at http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
- published: 23 Apr 2011
- views: 282
turkish dinner clinton abdullah gul 2
turkish dinner clinton abdullah gul 2...
turkish dinner clinton abdullah gul 2
wn.com/Turkish Dinner Clinton Abdullah Gul 2
turkish dinner clinton abdullah gul 2
- published: 02 Oct 2008
- views: 108
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması...
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması
wn.com/Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün Basın Açıklaması
- published: 10 May 2010
- views: 64
Abdullah Gül: Türkei steht Zypern nicht im Weg
Abdullah Gül ist Staatspräsident der Türkei und als gläubiger Muslim einer der einflussreichsten Vetreter eines neuen türkischen Politikertyps, den der islamisc...
Abdullah Gül ist Staatspräsident der Türkei und als gläubiger Muslim einer der einflussreichsten Vetreter eines neuen türkischen Politikertyps, den der islamisch-konservativen AKP. Gül war zuvor Außenminister. Doch auch als Präsident mischt er sich in die internationale Politik ein, wenn es darum geht, die Interessen seines Landes zu verteidigen in Europa ebenso wie im Nahen Osten. euronews-Korrespondent Sergio Cantone sprach mit Abdullah Gül in Brüssel.
wn.com/Abdullah Gül Türkei Steht Zypern Nicht Im Weg
Abdullah Gül ist Staatspräsident der Türkei und als gläubiger Muslim einer der einflussreichsten Vetreter eines neuen türkischen Politikertyps, den der islamisch-konservativen AKP. Gül war zuvor Außenminister. Doch auch als Präsident mischt er sich in die internationale Politik ein, wenn es darum geht, die Interessen seines Landes zu verteidigen in Europa ebenso wie im Nahen Osten. euronews-Korrespondent Sergio Cantone sprach mit Abdullah Gül in Brüssel.
- published: 04 Apr 2009
- views: 3789
EuroNews - EN - Interview: Abdullah Gul
The world's new energy challenges mean big opportunities for Turkey. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is convinced of this. He spoke to EuroNews in the middle of J...
The world's new energy challenges mean big opportunities for Turkey. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is convinced of this. He spoke to EuroNews in the middle of July, at the moment Ankara opened the taps on a new strategically critical oil pipeline bringing supplies to the European market. Sandwiched between the Russian giant and unstable middle eastern neighbours, the Baku-Tibilisi-Ceyhan pipeline has been dubbed by the Turks the 21st. century's silk road.
wn.com/Euronews En Interview Abdullah Gul
The world's new energy challenges mean big opportunities for Turkey. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is convinced of this. He spoke to EuroNews in the middle of July, at the moment Ankara opened the taps on a new strategically critical oil pipeline bringing supplies to the European market. Sandwiched between the Russian giant and unstable middle eastern neighbours, the Baku-Tibilisi-Ceyhan pipeline has been dubbed by the Turks the 21st. century's silk road.
- published: 16 Jun 2007
- views: 65545
Azaan Tv - Exclusive Interview with Abdullah Gul
Watch Exclusive Interview of Abdullah Gul s/o Lt.Gen(R) Hamid Gul at the following link:
[ http://azaantv.tv/intellecttalk_detail.asp?str_mid=52 ]
Azaan Tv - A Call To Salvation
Great Hamid gul's son Abdullah gul and Imran khan on USA
Plz attend Jalsa on 25th December 2011 at any cost in Karachi at Mazar-e-Qaid, bring your friends as many as you can
Hamaray sisat danoo nay qomiat kay naam par Pakistan ko barbad kia, Allah in ko gharaq karay
All interviews of Imran are available on YouTube watch them your misperceptions will be
AzaanTv-Interview with Abdullah Gul Part I.flv
Azaantv interviews Abdullah Gul Part 1
Interview with President Abdullah Gül and Dr Vural Ünlü
Turkish President Abdullah Gül giving worldfeed interview to Dr Vural Ünlü regarding the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey
Face to Face-Interview with Abdullah Gul; President of the Republic of Turkey-02-16-2011-(Part2)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
EuroNews - FR - Interview: Abdullah Gul
Les nouveaux enjeux énergétiques mondiaux jouent en faveur d'Ankara. C'est la conviction d'Abdullah Gul, le chef de la diplomatie turque. Il s'est confié au micro d'EuroNews mi-juillet, en marge de l'inauguration d'un oléoduc stratégique pour l'approvisionnement du marché européen. Entre le géant russe et l'instabilité au Proche-Orient, le BTC, autrement dit le Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan ouvre ce que l
euronews interview - Abdullah Gül : Israël en aucun cas placé sous le...
La Turquie a opéré un virage dans sa politique extérieure en se rapprochant de ses voisins. Le président Abdullah Gül s'en explique dans une interview à euronews. Il répond aussi à nos questions sur le bouclier anti-missile de l'OTAN, les relations avec Israël, et l'Union européenne.
Ali Ihsan Aydin, euronews : "Un débat a émergé en Occident à une période où la Turquie développe des relations
EuroNews - IT - Interview: Abdullah Gul
I nuovi assetti del mercato energetico mondiale sono una manna per la Turchia. Ne è convinto Abdullah Gül, ministro degli esteri turco, che ha rilasciato un'intervista a EuroNews. Era il giorno dell'inaugurazione di un nuovo oleodotto, di enorme importanza per la diversificazione delle forniture all'Europa. Tra il gigante russo e l'instabile vicinato medio-orientale, l'oleodotto Baku-Tbilisi-Cey
EuroNews - ES - Interview: Abdullah Gul
De ello está convencido el jefe de la diplomacia turca, Abdullah Gul, a quien EuroNews ha entrevistado a mediados del mes de julio con motivo de la inauguracion de un oleoducto estratégico para el suministro del mercado europeo. El oleoducto une la capital de Azerbaiyán, Bakú, al puerto mediterráneo de Ceyhan pasando por Tiflis, la capital de Georgia. El "BTC", como así es conocido, ha sido bautiz
Face to Face-Interview with Abdullah Gul; President of the Republic of Turkey-02-16-2011-(Part3)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
اصداء مقابلة قناة الحره مع الرئيس عبدالله جول في الصحافة التركيه
اصداء المقابله مع الرئيس التركي عبدالله جول مع قناة الحره في الصحافه التركيه
Gen Hamid Gul Warned Imran Khan That Reham Is British Agent Son of Hamid Gul
-------Daily Update videos------
-------Breaking News-----
-------Crime News-----
Abdullah Gul's visit to Harvard University: BBC International's interview with Dr. Emrah Altindis
Dr. Emrah Altindis from Harvard Medical School asked an unexpected question to Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gul in the Q-A session after his talk at Harvard Kennedy School.
Here is the question of Dr. Emrah Altindis, in English:
Here is the question of Dr. Emrah Altindis in Turkish:
Le terrorisme sur mesure d'Abdullah Gül
Interview du président de la République de Turquie, Abdullah Gül, réalisée et diffusée par Euronews le 30 mars 2009. Abdullah Gül donne ses propres définitions du terrorisme.
euronews interview - Israel's friendship with Turkey is over - Gül
Turkey is transforming. Ankara is developing economic and diplomatic relations with its neighbours, prompting many in the global community to talk of "axis shift". Turkish President Abdullah Gül has given a candid interview to euronews mapping out where his country might be heading next.
Euronews: Turkey is developing and extending its relations in the region and this has led a flurry of debat
AP interview with President Gul
1. Wide of Turkish President Abdullah Gul
2. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"This is not true. I'm hearing it from you, I have also had another reporter mention this to me. There was never a meeting scheduled between us. As you know here, one of the parties would request a meeting then a meeting is scheduled, but that has not happened. There was never a meeting planned."
Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview on Waqt News About Political Party
Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview on Waqt News About Political Party
Lieutenant-General Hamid Gul HI, SBt, was a retired three-star general in the Pakistan Army, defence analyst and a former spymaster. Wikipedia
Born: November 20, 1936, Sargodha, Pakistan
Died: August 15, 2015, Murree, Pakistan
Education: Pakistan Military Academy
Organizations founded: Taliban
Children: Mohammad Ab
Azaan Tv - Exclusive Interview with Abdullah Gul
Watch Exclusive Interview of Abdullah Gul s/o Lt.Gen(R) Hamid Gul at the following link:
[ http://azaantv.tv/intellecttalk_detail.asp?str_mid=52 ]
Azaan Tv ...
Watch Exclusive Interview of Abdullah Gul s/o Lt.Gen(R) Hamid Gul at the following link:
[ http://azaantv.tv/intellecttalk_detail.asp?str_mid=52 ]
Azaan Tv - A Call To Salvation
wn.com/Azaan Tv Exclusive Interview With Abdullah Gul
Watch Exclusive Interview of Abdullah Gul s/o Lt.Gen(R) Hamid Gul at the following link:
[ http://azaantv.tv/intellecttalk_detail.asp?str_mid=52 ]
Azaan Tv - A Call To Salvation
- published: 26 Jan 2010
- views: 1938
Great Hamid gul's son Abdullah gul and Imran khan on USA
Plz attend Jalsa on 25th December 2011 at any cost in Karachi at Mazar-e-Qaid, bring your friends as many as you can
Plz attend Jalsa on 25th December 2011 at any cost in Karachi at Mazar-e-Qaid, bring your friends as many as you can
Hamaray sisat danoo nay qomiat kay naam par Pakistan ko barbad kia, Allah in ko gharaq karay
All interviews of Imran are available on YouTube watch them your misperceptions will be cleared, STOP supporting PPP, PML, MQM or all other ghadar parties.
Imran khan pti zaid hamid hamid gul taliban afghan war isi pakistan army isi pakistan nuclear Quaid-e-Azam Students Arab Revolution Please Must Islamic Call Tyrant Oppressor Muslims karachi Lahore Peshawar Quetta Fighters Liberal Islamabad Nawaz Sharif Altaf Hussain Zardari Benazir Bhutto 25th December BNN 12May2011 Part1 Funny Fun Comedy Shabaz Babar Awan Chaudhry Shujaat Parody Parlianment US Drone Attacks Osama Bin Laden videos bush clips analysis politics youtube news pakistan islam muslim geotv fouzia wahab Pakistani opposition politician cricket Afghanistan Inter-Services Intelligence Urdu Qadri Imam Muhammad Geo
wn.com/Great Hamid Gul's Son Abdullah Gul And Imran Khan On USA
Plz attend Jalsa on 25th December 2011 at any cost in Karachi at Mazar-e-Qaid, bring your friends as many as you can
Hamaray sisat danoo nay qomiat kay naam par Pakistan ko barbad kia, Allah in ko gharaq karay
All interviews of Imran are available on YouTube watch them your misperceptions will be cleared, STOP supporting PPP, PML, MQM or all other ghadar parties.
Imran khan pti zaid hamid hamid gul taliban afghan war isi pakistan army isi pakistan nuclear Quaid-e-Azam Students Arab Revolution Please Must Islamic Call Tyrant Oppressor Muslims karachi Lahore Peshawar Quetta Fighters Liberal Islamabad Nawaz Sharif Altaf Hussain Zardari Benazir Bhutto 25th December BNN 12May2011 Part1 Funny Fun Comedy Shabaz Babar Awan Chaudhry Shujaat Parody Parlianment US Drone Attacks Osama Bin Laden videos bush clips analysis politics youtube news pakistan islam muslim geotv fouzia wahab Pakistani opposition politician cricket Afghanistan Inter-Services Intelligence Urdu Qadri Imam Muhammad Geo
- published: 17 Dec 2011
- views: 14087
Interview with President Abdullah Gül and Dr Vural Ünlü
Turkish President Abdullah Gül giving worldfeed interview to Dr Vural Ünlü regarding the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey...
Turkish President Abdullah Gül giving worldfeed interview to Dr Vural Ünlü regarding the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey
wn.com/Interview With President Abdullah Gül And Dr Vural Ünlü
Turkish President Abdullah Gül giving worldfeed interview to Dr Vural Ünlü regarding the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey
- published: 22 Apr 2008
- views: 3382
Face to Face-Interview with Abdullah Gul; President of the Republic of Turkey-02-16-2011-(Part2)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in ...
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
wn.com/Face To Face Interview With Abdullah Gul President Of The Republic Of Turkey 02 16 2011 (Part2)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 1194
EuroNews - FR - Interview: Abdullah Gul
Les nouveaux enjeux énergétiques mondiaux jouent en faveur d'Ankara. C'est la conviction d'Abdullah Gul, le chef de la diplomatie turque. Il s'est confié au mic...
Les nouveaux enjeux énergétiques mondiaux jouent en faveur d'Ankara. C'est la conviction d'Abdullah Gul, le chef de la diplomatie turque. Il s'est confié au micro d'EuroNews mi-juillet, en marge de l'inauguration d'un oléoduc stratégique pour l'approvisionnement du marché européen. Entre le géant russe et l'instabilité au Proche-Orient, le BTC, autrement dit le Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan ouvre ce que les Turcs appellent une "route de la soie du XXIème siècle".
wn.com/Euronews Fr Interview Abdullah Gul
Les nouveaux enjeux énergétiques mondiaux jouent en faveur d'Ankara. C'est la conviction d'Abdullah Gul, le chef de la diplomatie turque. Il s'est confié au micro d'EuroNews mi-juillet, en marge de l'inauguration d'un oléoduc stratégique pour l'approvisionnement du marché européen. Entre le géant russe et l'instabilité au Proche-Orient, le BTC, autrement dit le Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan ouvre ce que les Turcs appellent une "route de la soie du XXIème siècle".
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 10409
euronews interview - Abdullah Gül : Israël en aucun cas placé sous le...
La Turquie a opéré un virage dans sa politique extérieure en se rapprochant de ses voisins. Le président Abdullah Gül s'en explique dans une interview à euronew...
La Turquie a opéré un virage dans sa politique extérieure en se rapprochant de ses voisins. Le président Abdullah Gül s'en explique dans une interview à euronews. Il répond aussi à nos questions sur le bouclier anti-missile de l'OTAN, les relations avec Israël, et l'Union européenne.
Ali Ihsan Aydin, euronews : "Un débat a émergé en Occident à une période où la Turquie développe des relations plus étroites dans son voisinage. Quelle direction prend la Turquie ? Est-elle en train de tourner le dos à l'Occident ? De changer d'axe ?"
wn.com/Euronews Interview Abdullah Gül Israël En Aucun Cas Placé Sous Le...
La Turquie a opéré un virage dans sa politique extérieure en se rapprochant de ses voisins. Le président Abdullah Gül s'en explique dans une interview à euronews. Il répond aussi à nos questions sur le bouclier anti-missile de l'OTAN, les relations avec Israël, et l'Union européenne.
Ali Ihsan Aydin, euronews : "Un débat a émergé en Occident à une période où la Turquie développe des relations plus étroites dans son voisinage. Quelle direction prend la Turquie ? Est-elle en train de tourner le dos à l'Occident ? De changer d'axe ?"
- published: 26 Dec 2010
- views: 3219
EuroNews - IT - Interview: Abdullah Gul
I nuovi assetti del mercato energetico mondiale sono una manna per la Turchia. Ne è convinto Abdullah Gül, ministro degli esteri turco, che ha rilasciato un'int...
I nuovi assetti del mercato energetico mondiale sono una manna per la Turchia. Ne è convinto Abdullah Gül, ministro degli esteri turco, che ha rilasciato un'intervista a EuroNews. Era il giorno dell'inaugurazione di un nuovo oleodotto, di enorme importanza per la diversificazione delle forniture all'Europa. Tra il gigante russo e l'instabile vicinato medio-orientale, l'oleodotto Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan apre quella che in Turchia hanno definito "via della seta del XXI secolo"
wn.com/Euronews It Interview Abdullah Gul
I nuovi assetti del mercato energetico mondiale sono una manna per la Turchia. Ne è convinto Abdullah Gül, ministro degli esteri turco, che ha rilasciato un'intervista a EuroNews. Era il giorno dell'inaugurazione di un nuovo oleodotto, di enorme importanza per la diversificazione delle forniture all'Europa. Tra il gigante russo e l'instabile vicinato medio-orientale, l'oleodotto Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan apre quella che in Turchia hanno definito "via della seta del XXI secolo"
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 2962
EuroNews - ES - Interview: Abdullah Gul
De ello está convencido el jefe de la diplomacia turca, Abdullah Gul, a quien EuroNews ha entrevistado a mediados del mes de julio con motivo de la inauguracion...
De ello está convencido el jefe de la diplomacia turca, Abdullah Gul, a quien EuroNews ha entrevistado a mediados del mes de julio con motivo de la inauguracion de un oleoducto estratégico para el suministro del mercado europeo. El oleoducto une la capital de Azerbaiyán, Bakú, al puerto mediterráneo de Ceyhan pasando por Tiflis, la capital de Georgia. El "BTC", como así es conocido, ha sido bautizado por los turcos como "la nueva ruta de la seda del siglo XXI".
wn.com/Euronews Es Interview Abdullah Gul
De ello está convencido el jefe de la diplomacia turca, Abdullah Gul, a quien EuroNews ha entrevistado a mediados del mes de julio con motivo de la inauguracion de un oleoducto estratégico para el suministro del mercado europeo. El oleoducto une la capital de Azerbaiyán, Bakú, al puerto mediterráneo de Ceyhan pasando por Tiflis, la capital de Georgia. El "BTC", como así es conocido, ha sido bautizado por los turcos como "la nueva ruta de la seda del siglo XXI".
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 720
Face to Face-Interview with Abdullah Gul; President of the Republic of Turkey-02-16-2011-(Part3)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in ...
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
wn.com/Face To Face Interview With Abdullah Gul President Of The Republic Of Turkey 02 16 2011 (Part3)
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV has interviewed the president of the republic of Turkey; Abdullah Gul in his first visit to Iran.
Turkey and Iran being two important countries in a strategic region, vowed to boost their bilateral cooperation.
- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 1301
اصداء مقابلة قناة الحره مع الرئيس عبدالله جول في الصحافة التركيه...
اصداء مقابلة قناة الحره مع الرئيس عبدالله جول في الصحافة التركيه
wn.com/Al Hurra Tv Abdullah Gul Interview Exclusive Turkish Press
اصداء مقابلة قناة الحره مع الرئيس عبدالله جول في الصحافة التركيه
- published: 10 Apr 2009
- views: 684
اصداء المقابله مع الرئيس التركي عبدالله جول مع قناة الحره في الصحافه التركيه...
اصداء المقابله مع الرئيس التركي عبدالله جول مع قناة الحره في الصحافه التركيه
wn.com/Al Hurra Tv Abdullah Gul Interview Exclusive Turkish Press 2
اصداء المقابله مع الرئيس التركي عبدالله جول مع قناة الحره في الصحافه التركيه
- published: 11 Apr 2009
- views: 158
Gen Hamid Gul Warned Imran Khan That Reham Is British Agent Son of Hamid Gul
-------Daily Update videos------
-------Breaking News-----
-------Crime News-----...
-------Daily Update videos------
-------Breaking News-----
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wn.com/Gen Hamid Gul Warned Imran Khan That Reham Is British Agent Son Of Hamid Gul
-------Daily Update videos------
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-------Crime News-----
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 2519
Abdullah Gul's visit to Harvard University: BBC International's interview with Dr. Emrah Altindis
Dr. Emrah Altindis from Harvard Medical School asked an unexpected question to Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gul in the Q-A session after his talk at Harvard K...
Dr. Emrah Altindis from Harvard Medical School asked an unexpected question to Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gul in the Q-A session after his talk at Harvard Kennedy School.
Here is the question of Dr. Emrah Altindis, in English:
Here is the question of Dr. Emrah Altindis in Turkish:
wn.com/Abdullah Gul's Visit To Harvard University BBC International's Interview With Dr. Emrah Altindis
Dr. Emrah Altindis from Harvard Medical School asked an unexpected question to Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gul in the Q-A session after his talk at Harvard Kennedy School.
Here is the question of Dr. Emrah Altindis, in English:
Here is the question of Dr. Emrah Altindis in Turkish:
- published: 01 Jun 2014
- views: 6447
Le terrorisme sur mesure d'Abdullah Gül
Interview du président de la République de Turquie, Abdullah Gül, réalisée et diffusée par Euronews le 30 mars 2009. Abdullah Gül donne ses propres définitions ...
Interview du président de la République de Turquie, Abdullah Gül, réalisée et diffusée par Euronews le 30 mars 2009. Abdullah Gül donne ses propres définitions du terrorisme.
wn.com/Le Terrorisme Sur Mesure D'Abdullah Gül
Interview du président de la République de Turquie, Abdullah Gül, réalisée et diffusée par Euronews le 30 mars 2009. Abdullah Gül donne ses propres définitions du terrorisme.
- published: 31 Mar 2009
- views: 561
euronews interview - Israel's friendship with Turkey is over - Gül
Turkey is transforming. Ankara is developing economic and diplomatic relations with its neighbours, prompting many in the global community to talk of "axis shif...
Turkey is transforming. Ankara is developing economic and diplomatic relations with its neighbours, prompting many in the global community to talk of "axis shift". Turkish President Abdullah Gül has given a candid interview to euronews mapping out where his country might be heading next.
Euronews: Turkey is developing and extending its relations in the region and this has led a flurry of debate in the West. Where is the country heading? Is Turkey turning away from the West? Is it shifting on its axis?
wn.com/Euronews Interview Israel's Friendship With Turkey Is Over Gül
Turkey is transforming. Ankara is developing economic and diplomatic relations with its neighbours, prompting many in the global community to talk of "axis shift". Turkish President Abdullah Gül has given a candid interview to euronews mapping out where his country might be heading next.
Euronews: Turkey is developing and extending its relations in the region and this has led a flurry of debate in the West. Where is the country heading? Is Turkey turning away from the West? Is it shifting on its axis?
- published: 25 Dec 2010
- views: 6421
AP interview with President Gul
1. Wide of Turkish President Abdullah Gul
2. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"This is not true. I'm hearing it from you, I have also ha...
1. Wide of Turkish President Abdullah Gul
2. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"This is not true. I'm hearing it from you, I have also had another reporter mention this to me. There was never a meeting scheduled between us. As you know here, one of the parties would request a meeting then a meeting is scheduled, but that has not happened. There was never a meeting planned."
3. Mid of Gul
4. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"It is up to Israel and they have to do what is necessary since they are the ones that created this incident within the framework of international law. When that is done then we can speak about going back to the old times."
5. Mid of Gul
6. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"We are not hostile, or enemies with Israel. The people are not hostile to the people of Israel. You must also consider the fact that Turkey has been a country that has supported Israel in a region where Israel is more or less alone. We cannot continue to act in that way if Israel acts as if nothing has happened. So as long as Israel doesn't take into consideration what has happened and act on it, then it will not be possible for us to have these relations, but Israel should also assess the value of good relations with Turkey because Turkey has been the only Muslim country in the region who has had such close relations with Israel."
7. Mid of Gul
8. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"We cannot on the other hand accuse Iran by saying that they are making nuclear weapons. What the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) wants is for Iran to be more transparent. There is an expectation from Iran to be more transparent. And as a party of the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) is making use of the IAEA and what is expected of Iran is to be more open, more transparent."
9. Wide of Abdullah Gul
A planned meeting between Israeli President Shimon Peres and his Turkish counterpart was cancelled because of the Israeli leader's refusal to apologise for the deadly commando raid on a Turkish-led flotilla that tried to breach Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials said on Monday.
In the latest bid to repair Israel's relations with its only Muslim ally in the region, Peres told reporters he had agreed to join Turkish President Abdullah Gul at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, then accepted Gul's invitation to meet on the sidelines.
But Israeli officials said Gul then set unacceptable conditions for the meeting.
Gul on Monday denied that any such meeting had ever been planned. "There was never a meeting scheduled between us," the Turkish president told The Associated Press.
A report by Turkey's state-run Anatolia news agency quoted Gul as telling reporters in New York on Sunday that he would not meet with Peres because of a scheduling problem.
Some reports had suggested that the two men would meet in a sign of a thaw in strained relations between the two formerly close allies.
Relations between the two countries have been deteriorating and hit a low point after the May raid in which nine people, including eight Turks and a Turkish-American, were killed when Israeli commandos boarded a Turkish ferry that was part of the aid flotilla heading to Gaza.
Turkey has demanded an Israeli apology for the raid and compensation for the victims' families.
"It is up to Israel and they have to do what is necessary since they are the ones that created this incident within the framework of international law," Gul said.
"We are not hostile, or enemies with Israel," he added.
On the issue of Turkey's neighbour Iran, Gul said he would like to see Iran be more transparent with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/464f83fb7e10251636374c9ac0d020ed
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Ap Interview With President Gul
1. Wide of Turkish President Abdullah Gul
2. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"This is not true. I'm hearing it from you, I have also had another reporter mention this to me. There was never a meeting scheduled between us. As you know here, one of the parties would request a meeting then a meeting is scheduled, but that has not happened. There was never a meeting planned."
3. Mid of Gul
4. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"It is up to Israel and they have to do what is necessary since they are the ones that created this incident within the framework of international law. When that is done then we can speak about going back to the old times."
5. Mid of Gul
6. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"We are not hostile, or enemies with Israel. The people are not hostile to the people of Israel. You must also consider the fact that Turkey has been a country that has supported Israel in a region where Israel is more or less alone. We cannot continue to act in that way if Israel acts as if nothing has happened. So as long as Israel doesn't take into consideration what has happened and act on it, then it will not be possible for us to have these relations, but Israel should also assess the value of good relations with Turkey because Turkey has been the only Muslim country in the region who has had such close relations with Israel."
7. Mid of Gul
8. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Abdullah Gul, Turkish President:
"We cannot on the other hand accuse Iran by saying that they are making nuclear weapons. What the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) wants is for Iran to be more transparent. There is an expectation from Iran to be more transparent. And as a party of the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) is making use of the IAEA and what is expected of Iran is to be more open, more transparent."
9. Wide of Abdullah Gul
A planned meeting between Israeli President Shimon Peres and his Turkish counterpart was cancelled because of the Israeli leader's refusal to apologise for the deadly commando raid on a Turkish-led flotilla that tried to breach Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials said on Monday.
In the latest bid to repair Israel's relations with its only Muslim ally in the region, Peres told reporters he had agreed to join Turkish President Abdullah Gul at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, then accepted Gul's invitation to meet on the sidelines.
But Israeli officials said Gul then set unacceptable conditions for the meeting.
Gul on Monday denied that any such meeting had ever been planned. "There was never a meeting scheduled between us," the Turkish president told The Associated Press.
A report by Turkey's state-run Anatolia news agency quoted Gul as telling reporters in New York on Sunday that he would not meet with Peres because of a scheduling problem.
Some reports had suggested that the two men would meet in a sign of a thaw in strained relations between the two formerly close allies.
Relations between the two countries have been deteriorating and hit a low point after the May raid in which nine people, including eight Turks and a Turkish-American, were killed when Israeli commandos boarded a Turkish ferry that was part of the aid flotilla heading to Gaza.
Turkey has demanded an Israeli apology for the raid and compensation for the victims' families.
"It is up to Israel and they have to do what is necessary since they are the ones that created this incident within the framework of international law," Gul said.
"We are not hostile, or enemies with Israel," he added.
On the issue of Turkey's neighbour Iran, Gul said he would like to see Iran be more transparent with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/464f83fb7e10251636374c9ac0d020ed
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 21
Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview on Waqt News About Political Party
Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview on Waqt News About Political Party
Lieutenant-General Hamid Gul HI, SBt, was a retired three-star general in th...
Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview on Waqt News About Political Party
Lieutenant-General Hamid Gul HI, SBt, was a retired three-star general in the Pakistan Army, defence analyst and a former spymaster. Wikipedia
Born: November 20, 1936, Sargodha, Pakistan
Died: August 15, 2015, Murree, Pakistan
Education: Pakistan Military Academy
Organizations founded: Taliban
Children: Mohammad Abdullah Gul, Uzma Gul
wn.com/Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview On Waqt News About Political Party
Brave Gen Hamid Gul Exclusive Interview on Waqt News About Political Party
Lieutenant-General Hamid Gul HI, SBt, was a retired three-star general in the Pakistan Army, defence analyst and a former spymaster. Wikipedia
Born: November 20, 1936, Sargodha, Pakistan
Died: August 15, 2015, Murree, Pakistan
Education: Pakistan Military Academy
Organizations founded: Taliban
Children: Mohammad Abdullah Gul, Uzma Gul
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 24