Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City V

19 01 2008

The week in fundie (updated) . . .

  1. Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins agrees with Mike Huckabee that the US Constitution should be “updated” to align with “Biblical standards.”

    What’s more troubling, Dan: Huckabee saying that we should have–reflect in our Constitution biblical standards of life and marriage–which, by the way, our nation has held throughout most of its history–or, a candidate who subscribes to Darwin’s theory of evolution and ‘survival of the fittest’ proposing a health care program? (PageOneQ)

  2. On the subject of Huckabee, Salon reports on the amount of Christian reconstructionist pies in which the Republican candidate has inserted his fingers. See also this comprehensive report by Chris Hedges at Truthdig.
  3. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland has an enlightened new policy regarding employees and volunteers making anonymous reports of sexual abuse of minors that can be summed in four words: shut the fuck up. (AP)
  4. Evidently Expelled, Ben Stein’s “documentary” promoting intelligent design creationism, is so bad that producers are actually paying people to see it. (via Pharyngula)
  5. Pan MacMillan too scared to release an unauthorised book on Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology to the Australian market. (Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion)
  6. It’s “too expensive” to be an atheist. (The Jakarta Post)

Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City IV

12 01 2008

The week in fundie . . .

  1. The city council of Green Bay, Wisconsin, installs a nativity scene above the entrance to the city hall–simply to spite the Freedom From Religion Foundation and their “Madison values.” (The Carpetbagger Report)
  2. Middle-class parents in the UK are baptising their children late to ensure they are eligible for enrolment in tax-payer funded faith schools. (The Times)
  3. Won’t the real Mike Huckabee please stand up? The Nation uncovers the uber-fundie that is the Republican presidential candidate.
  4. “God’s Basic Training”–the Christianisation of the US military. (Military Religious Freedom Foundation)
  5. Pope Benedict: teh gay marriage is a “threat to world peace.” (

Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City II

21 12 2007

The week in fundie . . .

  1. How to deal with criticism the Catholic way: censor it. (Via The Frame Problem)
  2. Blow Up Jeff: suicide-bomber recruiting video aimed at children (Via Pharyngula)
  3. Fred Nile demonstrates the good Christian values upon which this country was founded by organising a hate rally against a Muslim school (Sydney Morning Herald)
  4. Jesus wants you to hate yourself (if you’re gay): Alternet looks at the phenomenon of “sexual reorientation therapy.”
  5. Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on AIDS, c. 1992: victims should be quarantined. Huckabee on women, c. 1998: a “wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband.” Mike Huckabee, c. 1998, on what’s ailing American society: “It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations—from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia.” Mike Huckabee on non-believers, c. 1998: they’re evildoers. (Via Fundies Say the Darndest Things)

On a lighter note: the Top Ten Most Embarrassing Ways to Die in the Holy Bible.


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