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Video Archive

Lawrence Krauss: Is Xenophobia Inherent in Organized Religion?  [video, 7 min.]
Michael Nugent: Religion Harms Society , 2013 [video, 7 min.]

Richard Carrier: Sharia Law in America, 2015 [video, 19 min.] Must watch
How powerful illusions reveal glitches in your brain [video, 5 min.]

Are we living in multiple dimensions? [video, 54 min.]
Political Theory - Adam Smith [video, 7 min.]

News Archive

05 Sep Nearly Every Seabird on Earth Is Eating Plastic
05 Sep Study finds pill prevents HIV infection in high risk population
04 Sep Kentucky clerk's resistance to gay marriage lands her in jail
04 Sep Stephen Colbert embarrasses Jeb Bush for using 'Late Show' premiere as campaign fundraiser
03 Sep The Next Not-So-Cold War: As Climate Change Heats Arctic, Nations Scramble for Control and Resources
03 Sep Girlfriend of boyfriend who committed suicide urged him: "You're finally going to be happy in heaven"
03 Sep U.S. District Judge orders homophobic Kentucky clerk to explain why she shouldn't be fined or jailed for contempt

OpEd Archive

Temple Grandin on How Oliver Sacks Changed Her Life Interview by Sarah Zhang
Trying to follow what is going on in Syria and why? This comic will get you there in 5 minutes by Audrey Quinn
We're at a Dangerous Climate Crossroads - Here's How We Can Save the Planet by The Daily Take Team, The Thom Hartmann Program
Here's What Actually Gets Terrorists To Tell The Truth — And It's Not Torture by Peter Aldhous
Dark Matter May Be More Complex Than Physicists Thought by Liz Kruesi
Move over Milky Way, elliptical galaxies are the most habitable in the cosmos by Pratika Dayal


Something to Think About:

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.

--John F. Kennedy



Religion & History


The Dark Bible
  The Bible describes God as wrathful, jealous and scatological. These quotes show the pornographic, atrocious, and questionable moral verses from the KJV Bible.


Should we admire Jesus?
  Does the character Jesus in the Gospels merit the admiration that so many have bestowed upon him? The Bible's own words throw doubt on the workable morality of the alleged Jesus "the Christ."


Did a historical Jesus exist?
  Did a historical Jesus actually live? All accounts of him come from hearsay writings, non-contemporary sources, forgeries, and beliefs. No good evidence exists for the god-man.


Martin Luther's dirty little book
  Few Protestants realize the venom and hatred that Martin Luther spewed toward the Jews. In 1543, Luther wrote a book titled "On the Jews and their lies."


Problems with Creationism
  A refutation to an argument from Design from a Christian Creationist. Inconsistencies derived from illogic, faith and a lack of evidence have produced an unworkable hypothesis about a universe invented by a Designer (God).


Hitler's Christianity

Hitler acted like Christians of the past and present. His actions agree with many God ordained horrors of the Bible. These articles use Hitler's own words to prove his Christianity and shows how the Churches supported Hitler's regime.


Thomas Jefferson on Christianity
  Although Jefferson supported freedom of religion he did not believe in the superstitions of Christianity. A few quotes from Thomas Jefferson on Christianity and the Bible.


The United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion
  Religious Right groups have dishonestly attempted to rewrite history by claiming the U.S. government derived from Christianity. This simply does not hold to the historical evidence. Example: the Treaty of Tripoli explicitly reveals, in a lawful document, the intentions of our Founding Fathers.


History to consider
  U.S. currency originally never used the motto "IN GOD WE TRUST." The original Pledge of Allegiance never mentioned "God." How the Christians stole Christmas and Easter, and more.


Problems with Islam
  Articles from ex-Muslims that show how the character of Islam involves violence, corruption, tyranny, poverty, and illiteracy.

Science & Philosophy


The problems with beliefs
Does rational thinking require beliefs at all? These articles suggest that one need not own any beliefs to establish scientific facts, or to live a fulfilling moral life.


List of common fallacies
  A list and brief description of the most common logical fallacies.


Understanding E-Prime
  English without the use of essence words like "is" and "be" helps clarify what we wish to explain. E-Prime provides a linguistic tool for scientists and rationalists.


Freethinking about finances
  If you wish to live free, you will need the financial means to allow you to control your life.


A history of the knowledge of atoms
  An epistemological look at the models and theories about the atom that scientists have used to explain and understand the working of the atomic nature of matter.


Speculations: Does Light Exist Between Events?
  An examination of the claims of the existential nature of light.


Death and Time Traveling

If you want to get to the far future, you have to die. Speculations on time travel and how to do it


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