Catholic Church probes gay priests
Publish Date: Apr 08, 2009
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By Conan Businge

THE Catholic Church in Uganda is investigating allegations that some of its priests are involved in homosexuality.

“There have been allegations that some of our spiritual leaders are involved in acts of homosexuality. This is regrettable, but we are investigating and if it is true they will have to be punished at all costs,” warned the Archbishop, Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga.

He added: “The word of God is clear. Homosexuality is a sin. It cannot be allowed to thrive in our society. A man should never have sex with a fellow man!”

“We are trying to establish the truth about allegations of homosexuality in the church. It has to be stopped quickly, if it is true,” Lwanga said.
Quoting the Bible, he said God created a woman for Adam, to be his helper.

“Sex was not created for amusement, but for multiplication.”
Referring to Romans 1:26-27, he said, God will rush his anger on all those that have turned against him and are having sex with people of the same sex.

Lwanga, who was conveying his Easter message at Rubaga Cathedral yesterday, called upon sinful people to reconcile with God.
Talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Lwanga said: “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains a single grain. But if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.”

He thanked the leaders and Ugandans for contributing to the development of the country.
Lwanga, however, said there were sins in our midst, which indicated that we are tending to think of ourselves at the cost of others.

He condemned the increasing cases of murder, abortion, road carnage, shoddy work on buildings, burning of schools and business premises. The other sins he condemned were drug addiction, defamation, torture, manipulation of vulnerable people and environmental degradation.

Meanwhile, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, the Most Rev. Luke Orombi, also condemned human sacrifice.

Orombi vowed: “We shall not rest until God brings justice on behalf of those who are innocently slain by wicked schemes of men and women who do not fear God.
“Our hope and encouragement is in the Lord who could not be held captive by death,” Orombi said in a statement.

He called upon the Government to ensure that citizens live without fear. “Today, there is fear in the hearts of parents with young children. Fear on our roads as many travel because of careless driving. Fear as prices rise and the cost of living escalates. Fear as young people battle with immorality even in schools, and failing marriages.”

Like Lwanga, Orombi wished the President’s family, religious and cultural leaders and all people a happy Easter.

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