Pastor Arrested For Making Faithful Women Suck His Penis Which Contains “Sacred Milk”

According to the Gipsy Ninja, a Brazilian pastor was arrested for making faithful women suck his penis which he convinced them that it contains "Sacred Milk".
Sabrino Valdeci Picanto, 59, is the evangelical pastor that convinced women from his parish to suck his penis in order to receive the "Sacred Milk" from the Holy Spirit. Picanto says that "the Lord had consecrated (his penis) with divine milk of the Holy Spirit".
"He convinced us that only God could come into our lives through the mouth", a woman from his parish said, "Often, after worship, Pastor Valdeci asked us to do oral sex on him until the Holy Spirit came through ejaculation and delivered funds to the church."

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ISIS militants who caught HIV from sex slaves ‘forced to become suicide bombers’

According to Metro, Islamic State militants who contracted HIV from sex slaves will be forced to become suicide bombers, it has been claimed.
At least 16 members of ISIS are said to have tested positive for the virus after raping two Moroccan women held by the terrorist who had the disease.
They are now being held in quarantine after being diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, reports indicate.
'IS leadership is planning to assign suicide attacks for its militants who are tested positive with AIDS,' a civil rights activist told ARA News.

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Kim Davis will be jailed on contempt charges until she agrees to issue same-sex marriage licenses

According to Raw Story, Kim Davis, the defiant Kentucky county clerk, was found in contempt of court and taken into federal custody — and she will be spending the night in jail.
U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning ordered Davis, the Rowan County clerk, to be jailed on the contempt charges until she agrees to comply with multiple court orders to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
"The court cannot condone the willful disobedience of its lawfully issued order," Bunning said. "If you give people the opportunity to choose which orders they follow, that's what potentially causes problems."

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Teenager is gang-raped then has her eyes gouged out by her own sister in brutal exorcism ritual ordered by a PASTOR in Argentina

A teenager was brutally gang-raped then had her eyes gouged out by her sister in a brutal exorcism ritual that the rapists claim was ordered by a local pastor.
According to Daily Mail, the victim, aged just 16, is now fighting for her life in hospital after the horrific ordeal, which her family said they orchestrated because they believed she was possessed by the devil.
After the terrible ordeal, the teenager was pinned down and her elder sister cut both of her eyes out.
The victim's sister claimed that the religious centre even gave her the sharp knife used in the attack and said that she must personally carry out the brutal act in order to cure her.

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Chad executes 10 Boko Haram fighters over deadly attacks

According to Global News Nigeria, ten members of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram have been executed by firing squad in Chad.
It comes a day after they were found guilty of terror charges at a trial in the capital N'Djamena.
Security sources said they were shot at a firing range norh of the capital.
All 10 were convicted over their roles in twin attacks on the capital in June, which killed at least 38. A month after the attack, Chad reintroduced the death penalty for acts of terror.
"They were shot this morning at the Massaguet firing range," a source told Reuters news agency, referring to a city about 60km (40 miles) north-east of N'Djamena.

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French prosecutors have filed charges against 25-year-old Ayoub El-Khazzani

An attempted attack by a heavily armed man on a train in France last week was premeditated and well prepared, according to a French prosecutor.
Accordiing to BBC, Ayoub El-Khazzani, 25, was carrying 270 bullets for his assault rifle and a bottle of petrol, prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters on Tuesday.
The Moroccan's phone showed that he had watched a jihadist video shortly before launching the attack, Mr Molins added.
Prosecutors have now filed formal charges against him.
Mr Khazzani is accused of carrying out a "targeted and premeditated" jihadist attack.
He is also accused of firearms offences and "participation in a terrorist association with a view to organising one or several damaging crimes," according to prosecutors' documents quoted by the AFP news agency.

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According to Religion Dispatches, one of the first posts I wrote for RD was whether or not there was or would be a discernible "Francis effect," a term used in a variety of ways, but frequently understood to indicate an uptick in attendance and the return of disillusioned Catholics.
Some bloggers took me to task for writing that early polling confirmed my suspicion that the doctrinal disconnect between lay Catholics and the hierarchy was so wide that, without significant change, Francis would amount to little more than a new and improved mascot for the church who would make the faithful "feel better about their damaged church."
At the time, Francis had only been pope for a year, so it's fair to say that the judge was still out on whether he would reinvigorate and rebuild the Catholic Church.

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Man let his daughter drown rather than be touched by 'strange' rescuer

According to Emirates 24/7, a father of a 20-year-old girl let his daughter drown, stopping life guards from rescuing her.
He preferred that his daughter die rather than she be touched by a strange man, according to a top official.
Speaking to Emirates 24|7, Lt. Col Ahmed Burqibah, Deputy Director of Dubai Police's Search and Rescue Department said that this incident took place at a beach in Dubai.
"This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget.
"It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case.
"The Asian father took his wife and kids to the beach for picnic and fun.
"The kids were swimming in the beach when suddenly, the 20-year-old girl started drowning and screaming for help.
"Two rescue men were at the beach, and they rushed to help the girl.

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