The Atheist Experience (Live)

The Atheist Experience Show Archive

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Date (Y-M-D) /
Media Personalities Episode Description
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples   Viewer Calls. Matt and Jen take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner   Viewer Calls. Russell and Martin take calls.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris   Viewer Calls. Matt and Tracie take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti   Viewer Calls. Matt and John take callers via Skype.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Jeff Dee and Joe Zamecki   Old Timers in a New Venue. Old hosts Jeff and Joe take callers from our own studio.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Don Baker   Murderers and Thugs. Don talks about religion being a fertile ground for murderers and thugs.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples   Fight for Atheist Freedom. Jenn addresses the idea that atheists have laws stacked against us.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner   Kent Hovind is out of Prison. Russell and Martin "celebrate" creationist shyster Kent Hovind's release from prison.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris   Viewer Calls. Russell and Tracie take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti   Viewer Calls. John talks about the ACA copyright claim on AE. Matt and John take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and Don Baker   Emotional Manipulation. Don and Tracie talk abou the use of emotional manipulation in the marketing of religion and controlling believers.  
N/A  N/A   No show.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples   Duggar Family Values. Jenn talks about some of the hypocrisy in the Duggar family and conservative Christianity in general.  
N/A  N/A   No studio this week.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris   Is Human Nature Inherently Sinful? Tracie talks about how some seculars have unknowingly adopted some religious attitudes.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and John Iacoletti   Viewer Calls. Matt and John take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner   Viewer Mail. Russell responds to viewer mail. The trailer for Mission Control Texas was shown at the beginning.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker   Brief Lies: Equivocation. Don talks about equivocation as a subtle means of lying.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples   Indoctrination of Young Relatives. Jen and Russell respond to a viewer mail concerning a man concerned about the indoctrination of his grandchild.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris   Religion and Families. Tracie talks about how religions can destroy family structures and bonds.  
N/A  N/A   No show.  
N/A  N/A   No show.  
N/A  N/A   No show.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Martin Wagner   Viewer Calls. Russell and Martin take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti   Viewer Calls. Russell and John take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and guest Ryan Bell   Living a Year Without God. Former minister Ryan Bell describes his unusual path to atheism.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker   Can religions be blamed? Don asks whether it's appropriate to blame religions for the actions of believers and when blame is appropriate.  
DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples   Marriage Equality. Jen talks about the first same-sex marriage legalized in Texas.  
DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris   Is atheism a reason to kill? Matt tries to disect the killing of three people by an admitted atheist. Tracie talks about sleep paralysis.  
DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Lynnea Glasser   Viewer Calls. Russell and Lynnea take callers.  
DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and guest Darrel Ray   The Myth of Sex and Porn Addiction. Author Darrel Ray talks about his books.  
DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples   Viewer Calls. Matt and Jen take viewer calls.  
DVD, Video  Jen Peeples and John Iacoletti   Should 'god' be capitalized? John responds to a claim from a believer that you should always capitalize 'god'.  
DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris   Je Suis Charlie. Tracie and Russell react to Islamic extremists killing French satirists.  
DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker   You Worship That? Don explains that the Christian god is not worthy of being worshiped.  

Using our Content

The content of The Atheist Experience, including video and audio downloads and DVDs is currently all rights reserved. Please contact the ACA Board for special licenses.

Atheist Experience Audio

Audio of the most recent episodes is available in the table above in several formats. If your Internet bandwidth is slow, or you'd like to listen to back episodes, you can purchase an audio compilation.

We have an mp3 (Podcast compatible) audio feed . Podcasting audio syndication is most useful with iTunes, which is freely downloaded from Apple. If you already have iTunes, you can subscribe by clicking here.

We also currently support the open source Ogg Vorbis audio format and we have an Ogg Vorbis RSS audio feed , too. If you're unfamiliar with Ogg Vorbis, it's best to use the mp3 file format and mp3 Podcast audio feed, described above.

Atheist Experience Video

Video for many past Atheist Experience episodes is hosted by Google Video, but you may watch them via the table above. Alternatively, you may subscribe to our videocast feed . Finally, our fan appreciation page has lots of great clips taken from various episodes.

If your Internet bandwidth is slow, you can purchase individual DVDs of the show or a DVD subscription from the ACA Products page. Atheist Experience DVDs are broadcast quality unless otherwise noted. Finally, we have just started producing 'Best of the Atheist Experience' DVDs which show off various aspects of our show.

Atheist Experience Episode Information

The table above is an archive of recent episodes of The Atheist Experience. By default only episodes from the current year are displayed; but alternatively all episodes may be displayed.

The episode column starts at #1 with the very first episode (10/19/97) and increments by 1 each week, whether there was an episode or not. Some older DVDs refer to a "volume". The "number" can be found by adding 242 to the "volume", should you need to convert between the two formats.

Each episode may be available in one or more media formats via the table above. Episodes that are available online in some media format, such as Ogg Vorbis, can downloaded by clicking the appropriate link in the "Media" column. If the "Media" column is blank, then the episode is not available--possibly because the airing has not yet happened. The meaning of the links in the "Media" column are:

  • mp3 -- Links to the audio file of the episode in the standard mp3 format.
  • Ogg Vorbis: Links to the audio file of the episode in the Ogg Vorbis format. Ogg Vorbis is a free alternative to mp3 that is available on most platforms. WinAmp has included Ogg Vorbis support for years. For more information about Ogg Vorbis see the Vorbis home page.
  • jlGui -- Launches an audio player on your web browser to listen to the episode. This link is provided for those users that don't have a Ogg Vorbis or mp3 player installed. The player requires both Java and JavaScript to be enabled. See the jlGui Applet web page for more information.
  • DVD -- Links to the Atheist Community of Austin products page where a DVD of the episode can be purchased (scroll, if necessary). DVDs contain the entire episode in video and can be played on any standard DVD player.
  • Video -- Links to a Google Video player for that episode. Many thanks to Google for hosting our video content.

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