
Darwin’s atheism note to be auctioned

Darwin’s atheism note to be auctioned

A private letter in which Charles Darwin confesses to not believing in the Bible or that Jesus was the son of God is set to sell for more than £50,000. The naturalist and geologist was renowned for keeping his religious views to himself and very rarely discussed the existence of God. He avoided the subject […]


‘Father, forgive us’

It is a sad fact that the Catholic Church has never been progressive in its treatment of women and still remains mired in archaic and oppressive tradition. Yet Pope Francis is widely portrayed a ‘progressive’ figurehead as a result of several controversial statements he has made since becoming Pope, most recently when he put a […]

From the archive

When Bob Hutton comes calling

THIS being a quiet Saturday evening, I thought I’d address the problem of the Internet Troll,  best described by the creator of Flayme.com thus: I believe that most trolls are sad people, living their lonely lives vicariously through those they see as strong and successful. Disrupting a stable newsgroup gives the illusion of power, just […]