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Australia Health ICT Science: Australian Researcher: Phone Radiation is a Hotline to Brain Cancer 2015-05-12 Mathaba
Europe Defense: Russia to Conduct Observation Flight Over UK Territory 2015-05-12 Sputnik
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Europe History
`Shame on Them`: Greek Gov`t Slams Western Leaders for Moscow V-Day Snub
2015-05-09 Sputnik
`Shame on Them`: Greek Gov`t Slams Western Leaders for Moscow V-Day Snub
A Greek Communist Party flag waves in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens during a protest against any military action by the U.S. and its allies against Syria (August 29, 2013 photo)
Europe Asia Latina Venezuela History
Venezuelan President: Soviet People`s Exploits at WWII Deserve Gratitude of Entire World
2015-05-09 Sputnik
Venezuelan President: Soviet People`s Exploits at WWII Deserve Gratitude of Entire World
Photo: Venezuela`s President Nicolas Maduro
Europe Defense History
French Senator Reproaches EU Leaders for Moscow Victory Day No Show
2015-05-08 Sputnik
French Senator Reproaches EU Leaders for Moscow Victory Day No Show
European leaders` decision to stay away from May 9 Victory Day celebrations in Moscow demonstrates their ingratitude towards Russia, a prominent French lawmaker wrote on his Twitter account
Libya Europe History
Libya: Relations with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
2015-04-16 Source
Libya: Relations with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
The below is not from Mathaba but preserved for archive purposes. Note that only Libyan Jamahiriya and Yugoslavia supported the August 19, 1991 coup against the West-backed Gorbachev attempting to return the Soviet Union to power
Africa Australia Asia Europe Latina History Culture Science Analysis
The First People
2014-12-21 Mathaba
The First People
Kenitra - `Why should we be so arrogant as to assume that we`re the first homo-sapiens to walk the earth?` (J.J. Abrams et al., 2010)
Australia USA Europe History
The forgotten coup - how America & Britain overthrew the government of Australia
2014-11-15 Source
The forgotten coup - how America & Britain overthrew the government of Australia
Across the political and media elite in Australia, a silence has descended on the memory of the great, reforming prime minister Gough Whitlam, who has died. His achievements are recognised, if grudgingly, his mistakes noted in false sorrow. But a critical reason for his extraordinary political demise will, they hope, be buried with him.
Video Religion Islam History
Is Islam a Religion of War?
2014-10-09 Mathaba
Is Islam a Religion of War?
A clear factual argument against people who claim Islam as a religion of war
Libya Africa Human Rights History Comment
The Green Charter and the Demise of the People`s Authority (Jamahiriya)
2014-09-27 Mathaba
The Green Charter and the Demise of the People`s Authority (Jamahiriya)
``It is clear that those holding a monopoly of power and conducting the greatest human rights abuses in the world, who are funding and supporting terrorism and media networks which hide the truth of this facilitation of terrorism, feel threatened by the Green Charter.``
Australia History Human Rights Democracy Comment
Australian Alliance: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Right to Self-Determination
2014-05-31 Mathaba
Australian Alliance: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Right to Self-Determination
Mark Aldridge, Leader of the Australian Alliance on the need for a treaty between the Australian regime and the sovereign people of Australia
Australia Environment History
45°C in Adelaide: 4th Hottest Day on Record
2014-01-14 Mathaba
45°C in Adelaide: 4th Hottest Day on Record
Threat of heat stress, lightning storms, gusty winds and fire
Africa Libya Europe Racism History Religion Human Rights
Remembering Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
2013-12-29 Mathaba
Remembering Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 1918 - 2013
Africa FUKUSA WMD Isratine Racism Europe Caribbean History Comment
Mandela is dead: Why hide the truth about Apartheid?
2013-12-29 Mathaba
Mandela is dead: Why hide the truth about Apartheid?
In this commentary by Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, he reveals facts which were hitherto not known to many
Australia FUKUSA WMD Environment Health Human Rights History Law
British nuclear testing: Australia fails veterans
2013-12-15 Mathaba
British nuclear testing: Australia fails veterans
Defence force personnel stand around and watch, unprotected, as the British test a nuclear bomb at Maralinga in the 1950s. (Image screenshot abc.net.au)
Libya Africa FUKUSA Europe Australia Racism History
Mandela Memorial Attended by More Than 100 World Leaders
2013-12-10 Mathaba
Mandela Memorial Attended by More Than 100 World Leaders
Photo: African Freedom Fighters: Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Colonel Muammar Qaddafi of Libya
Africa Zimbabwe Europe History
Good Liberation Hero-Bad Liberation Hero
2013-12-08 Mathaba
Good Liberation Hero-Bad Liberation Hero
Mandela and Mugabe are key figures in the liberation of black southern Africa from white rule. So why does the West overflow with hosannas for Mandela and continue to revile Mugabe? Why is Mandela the good national liberation leader and Mugabe the bad?
Libya Africa FUKUSA Europe Racism History Human Rights
Mandela and Qadhafi: Brother Leaders
2013-12-06 Mathaba
Mandela and Qadhafi: Brother Leaders
African Freedom Fighters: Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Colonel Muammar Qaddafi of Libya
Australia History
Fighting bushfires in Australia: Lessons from 1918
2013-11-20 Source
Fighting bushfires in Australia: Lessons from 1918
A Mark V tank of the Royal Tank Corps, supports Australians -- Battle of Amiens, August 1918
Asia Africa Europe History Racism Human Rights
CHOGM 2013 cannot ignore Western Christian Colonial Crimes in Africa
2013-11-18 Mathaba
CHOGM 2013 cannot ignore Western Christian Colonial Crimes in Africa
This article appeared in Sri Lankan media prior to the Commonwealth Head of Governments Meeting (CHOGM) held in the country and resulted in the deliberate attempts to deflect media from the issue with British PM Cameron at the CHOGM criticizing Sri Lanka`s human rights while Australian worshiper of the royals, PM Tony Abbott, chose to remain silent (when in glass houses, don`t throw stones).
History Education
Illuminating The Shadow - Exposing The ``Dark`` Side
2013-11-15 Mathaba
Illuminating The Shadow - Exposing The ``Dark`` Side
Australia Human Rights History
Australia`s Secret War on Aboriginal People
2013-11-08 Mathaba
Australia`s Secret War on Aboriginal People
Australia: A Brutal Past and Present
Libya Africa Europe History Religion Culture
Malta & Tunisia: The Cantilena (1470) and `Blooming May` (1672) in Arabic (Original Research)
2013-10-13 Mathaba
Malta & Tunisia: The Cantilena (1470) and `Blooming May` (1672) in Arabic (Original Research)
Image (Saviomalti): The Cantilena (ca. 1470) with its famous repeated monotone verse ``Huakit hi mirammiti`` verse (``It fell, the edifice I had been building...``)
Europe History
Princess Diana murdered by bright light shone into car by SAS causing crash
2013-09-16 Source
Princess Diana murdered by bright light shone into car by SAS causing crash
A former SAS soldier confessed to his wife that Princess Diana was assassinated and that a bright light was shone into the Paris car she was being driven in.
Europe Australia Africa Asia Latina History Education Comment
Millions Murdered: Why Are They Forgotten?
2013-08-21 Mathaba
Millions Murdered: Why Are They Forgotten?
It is not illegal to discuss the millions who were killed under the British empire. So why do so few people know about them? It encourages continued murder and human rights abuses by the arrogant inheritors of that empire, empowered by your mass silence and ignorance. Not one school or university in Australia teaches this history.
Libya Europe Asia FUKUSA History Analysis
Lebanon: You wanted answers for the mysterious deaths of two of your people; I might have the answer
2013-06-21 Mathaba
Lebanon: You wanted answers for the mysterious deaths of two of your people; I might have the answer
Musaal Sadr, an Iranian-Lebanese philosopher and Shi‘ah religious leader who disappeared in August 1978
FUKUSA Europe Racism Africa History
Britain`s colonial shame: Slave-owners given huge payouts after abolition
2013-05-25 Source
Britain`s colonial shame: Slave-owners given huge payouts after abolition
British Prime Minister David Cameron`s ancestors were among the wealthy families who received generous reparation payments that would be worth millions of pounds in today`s money with total payouts in the billions, documents reveal
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