Another view of large crowds leaving the Jamarat area and headed towards Makkah.
Mina - Jamarat Bridge
Mina - Jamarat Bridge
Mina - Jamarat Bridge
13th zulhajj 29th Nov ' 09 after asar nice view of Mina from jamarat bridge.
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina
Client : Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs Location : Mina Starting Date : May-2004 Completion Date : Dec-2004 Contract Value : SR.100000000 Scope...
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
لحظة وصول الحجاج الى جسر الجمرات 10-12-1435 ورمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى فجر عيد الأضحى 4-10-2014 .
ذلك أن المسلمين اتفقوا على : " أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وقف بالمشعر الحرام ( وهي المزدلفة ) بعد ما صلى الفجر ، ثم دفع منها قبل طلوع الشمس إلى منى ، وأنه في هذا اليوم ( وهو يوم النحر ) رمى جمرة العقبة من بعد طلوع الشمس " .
وأجمع المسلمون أن من رماها في هذا اليوم في ذلك الوقت - أعني : بعد طلوع الشمس إلى زوالها - فقد رماها في وقتها .
وأجمعوا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لم يرم يوم النحر من الجمرات غيرها .
واختلفوا فيمن رمى جمرة العقبة قبل
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
Documentary Film on Improvement of Jamarat Bridges (Arabic)
Documentary Film on Improvement of Jamarat Bridges (Arabic)
Documentary Film on Improvement of Jamarat Bridges (Arabic)
Mina - View of Mina from Jamarat Bridge
Mina - View of Mina from Jamarat Bridge
Mina - View of Mina from Jamarat Bridge
A beautiful view of the masses of people leaving the Jamarat and headed towards Makkah to perform their tawaf and sa'ee.
Jamarat Bridge.wmv
Jamarat Bridge.wmv
Jamarat Bridge.wmv
This clip is from the 4th Level of Jamarat Bridge on 10th Zulhajj Friday 11:08 am 27th Nov '09 (The first day of stoning satan & its Eid Day too) The weather...
walking to Jamarat bridge
walking to Jamarat bridge
walking to Jamarat bridge
Mina jamarat.
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina VISIT alhamdulillah library blogspot in
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina VISIT alhamdulillah library blogspot in
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina VISIT alhamdulillah library blogspot in
Another view of large crowds leaving the Jamarat area and headed towards Makkah.
Mina - Jamarat Bridge
Mina - Jamarat Bridge
Mina - Jamarat Bridge
13th zulhajj 29th Nov ' 09 after asar nice view of Mina from jamarat bridge.
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina
Client : Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs Location : Mina Starting Date : May-2004 Completion Date : Dec-2004 Contract Value : SR.100000000 Scope...
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
لحظة وصول الحجاج الى جسر الجمرات 10-12-1435 ورمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى فجر عيد الأضحى 4-10-2014 .
ذلك أن المسلمين اتفقوا على : " أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وقف بالمشعر الحرام ( وهي المزدلفة ) بعد ما صلى الفجر ، ثم دفع منها قبل طلوع الشمس إلى منى ، وأنه في هذا اليوم ( وهو يوم النحر ) رمى جمرة العقبة من بعد طلوع الشمس " .
وأجمع المسلمون أن من رماها في هذا اليوم في ذلك الوقت - أعني : بعد طلوع الشمس إلى زوالها - فقد رماها في وقتها .
وأجمعوا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لم يرم يوم النحر من الجمرات غيرها .
واختلفوا فيمن رمى جمرة العقبة قبل
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
Documentary Film on Improvement of Jamarat Bridges (Arabic)
Documentary Film on Improvement of Jamarat Bridges (Arabic)
Documentary Film on Improvement of Jamarat Bridges (Arabic)
Mina - View of Mina from Jamarat Bridge
Mina - View of Mina from Jamarat Bridge
Mina - View of Mina from Jamarat Bridge
A beautiful view of the masses of people leaving the Jamarat and headed towards Makkah to perform their tawaf and sa'ee.
Jamarat Bridge.wmv
Jamarat Bridge.wmv
Jamarat Bridge.wmv
This clip is from the 4th Level of Jamarat Bridge on 10th Zulhajj Friday 11:08 am 27th Nov '09 (The first day of stoning satan & its Eid Day too) The weather...
walking to Jamarat bridge
walking to Jamarat bridge
walking to Jamarat bridge
Mina jamarat.
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina VISIT alhamdulillah library blogspot in
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina VISIT alhamdulillah library blogspot in
Improvement of Jamarat Bridge and Surrounding Area in Mina VISIT alhamdulillah library blogspot in
Sea of People in Mina head to the Jamarat Bridge
Sea of People in Mina head to the Jamarat Bridge
Sea of People in Mina head to the Jamarat Bridge
Jamarat Video
Jamarat Video
Jamarat Video
Video by Saudi one news channel showing how to perform the throwing of stones on the new jamarat bridge. I hope somebody can translate it coz i don't know ar...
الجمرات (( المرجم )) بعد التوسعة الجديدة 2009 NEW JAMARAT
الجمرات (( المرجم )) بعد التوسعة الجديدة 2009 NEW JAMARAT
الجمرات (( المرجم )) بعد التوسعة الجديدة 2009 NEW JAMARAT
جسر الجمرات بعد التوسعة الجديدة 2009م ذهبت مع أسرتي يوم 23 فبراير 2009م أنا وعائلتي بالذهاب الى مكة المكرمة ومن هناك أردت الأطلاع على مشروع إنشاء المرجم الجد...
Hajj 2010 : Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat
Hajj 2010 : Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat
Hajj 2010 : Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat
Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslim pilgrims fling...
Mina - Mina from A Far
Mina - Mina from A Far
Mina - Mina from A Far
A view of Mina from the Jamarat bridge.
Muslims continue pilgrimage to Mecca
Muslims continue pilgrimage to Mecca
Muslims continue pilgrimage to Mecca
1. Wide top shot of Jamarat bridge with huge crowd of Hajj pilgrims
2. Pilgrims walking to the bridge
3. Security officers watching pilgrims pass
4. Wide of pilgrims throwing stones at symbol of the Devil
5. Close of pilgrims throwing stones
6. Troops standing in a long line with linked hands directing pilgrims
7. Close of pilgrim praying
8. Soldier directing pilgrims
9. Pilgrims throwing stones
10. Soldiers directing pilgrims
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Omar Awayssa, Palestinian pilgrim:
"We have so many checkpoints on the road towards Mecca and towards the places we have to go and perform our actions of Hajj, so yeah, it
Tourism in Saudi Arabia
Tourism in Saudi Arabia
Tourism in Saudi Arabia
Music: Yedi Karanfil Denizin Dibinde Haccam~ Turkish Folk Song Acknowledged claims "Enstrümantal-Eylül'e İsyan", sound recording administered by: Muyap 1. Al...
Hajj pilgrims stone symbol of devil, celebrate feast
Hajj pilgrims stone symbol of devil, celebrate feast
Hajj pilgrims stone symbol of devil, celebrate feast
1. Various of pilgrims walking
2. Wide of pilgrims walking towards Jamarat Bridge
3. Road sign
4. Close of sign reading (English and Arabic) "Jamarat"
5. Various of pilgrims walking
6. Various of pilgrims throwing stones at symbols of the Devil
7. Security officer talking on radio while watching pilgrims
8. Various of pilgrims throwing stones
9. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Ali Elteel, pilgrim from Lebanon:
"It's a good feeling. For the first time I'm doing Hajj. Maybe I can't come back again, so thank God I have had this chance."
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Naseer Latif, Pilgrim from Pakistan:
"I was here about six years ago and I
Haj Mena 16 November 2010
Haj Mena 16 November 2010
Haj Mena 16 November 2010
Jamarat bridge NOW.
Future Pictures of Makkah & Madinah (Inshallah)
Future Pictures of Makkah & Madinah (Inshallah)
Future Pictures of Makkah & Madinah (Inshallah)
Future Pictures of Makkah & Madinah 2010. Nasheed is "Saeeron" by "Muhammad Al Husayn" **************UPDATES************************** The fifth and final p...
Client : Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs Location : Mina Starting Date : May-2004 Completion Date : Dec-2004 Contract Value : SR.100000000 Scope...
Client : Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs Location : Mina Starting Date : May-2004 Completion Date : Dec-2004 Contract Value : SR.100000000 Scope...
لحظة وصول الحجاج الى جسر الجمرات 10-12-1435 ورمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى فجر عيد الأضحى 4-10-2014 .
ذلك أن المسلمين اتفقوا على : " أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وقف بالمشعر الحرام ( وهي المزدلفة ) بعد ما صلى الفجر ، ثم دفع منها قبل طلوع الشمس إلى منى ، وأنه في هذا اليوم ( وهو يوم النحر ) رمى جمرة العقبة من بعد طلوع الشمس " .
وأجمع المسلمون أن من رماها في هذا اليوم في ذلك الوقت - أعني : بعد طلوع الشمس إلى زوالها - فقد رماها في وقتها .
وأجمعوا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لم يرم يوم النحر من الجمرات غيرها .
واختلفوا فيمن رمى جمرة العقبة قبل طلوع الفجر ، فقال مالك : لم يبلغنا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - رخص لأحد أن يرمي قبل طلوع الفجر ، ولا يجوز ذلك ، فإن رماها قبل الفجر أعادها ، وبه قال أبو حنيفة وسفيان وأحمد . وقال الشافعي : لا بأس به ، وإن كان المستحب هو بعد طلوع الشمس .
فحجة منع ذلك فعله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - مع قوله : " خذوا عني مناسككم " وما روي عن ابن عباس : " أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قدم ضعفة أهله وقال : لا ترموا الجمرة حتى تطلع الشمس " .
اللهم تقبَّل من الحُجَّاج حجَّهم، اللهم تقبَّل من الحُجَّاج حجَّهم، ورُدَّهم إلى أهلِهم سالِمين غانِمين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.
◄ قال رسول الله ( صل الله عليه وسلّم ) :
"خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه." رواه البخاري.
◄ قال رسول الله ( صل الله عليه وسلّم ) :
" من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله ". رواه مسلم .
◄يقول رسول الله صلاة الله عليه وسلم: بلغوا عني ولو آية .
◄صل الله عليه وسلم على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا .القرآن-الكريم-Quran-karem-Lutfi-Preak/289344024448710?sk=videos
لحظة وصول الحجاج الى جسر الجمرات 10-12-1435 ورمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى فجر عيد الأضحى 4-10-2014 .
ذلك أن المسلمين اتفقوا على : " أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وقف بالمشعر الحرام ( وهي المزدلفة ) بعد ما صلى الفجر ، ثم دفع منها قبل طلوع الشمس إلى منى ، وأنه في هذا اليوم ( وهو يوم النحر ) رمى جمرة العقبة من بعد طلوع الشمس " .
وأجمع المسلمون أن من رماها في هذا اليوم في ذلك الوقت - أعني : بعد طلوع الشمس إلى زوالها - فقد رماها في وقتها .
وأجمعوا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لم يرم يوم النحر من الجمرات غيرها .
واختلفوا فيمن رمى جمرة العقبة قبل طلوع الفجر ، فقال مالك : لم يبلغنا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - رخص لأحد أن يرمي قبل طلوع الفجر ، ولا يجوز ذلك ، فإن رماها قبل الفجر أعادها ، وبه قال أبو حنيفة وسفيان وأحمد . وقال الشافعي : لا بأس به ، وإن كان المستحب هو بعد طلوع الشمس .
فحجة منع ذلك فعله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - مع قوله : " خذوا عني مناسككم " وما روي عن ابن عباس : " أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قدم ضعفة أهله وقال : لا ترموا الجمرة حتى تطلع الشمس " .
اللهم تقبَّل من الحُجَّاج حجَّهم، اللهم تقبَّل من الحُجَّاج حجَّهم، ورُدَّهم إلى أهلِهم سالِمين غانِمين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.
◄ قال رسول الله ( صل الله عليه وسلّم ) :
"خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه." رواه البخاري.
◄ قال رسول الله ( صل الله عليه وسلّم ) :
" من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله ". رواه مسلم .
◄يقول رسول الله صلاة الله عليه وسلم: بلغوا عني ولو آية .
◄صل الله عليه وسلم على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا .القرآن-الكريم-Quran-karem-Lutfi-Preak/289344024448710?sk=videos
This clip is from the 4th Level of Jamarat Bridge on 10th Zulhajj Friday 11:08 am 27th Nov '09 (The first day of stoning satan & its Eid Day too) The weather...
This clip is from the 4th Level of Jamarat Bridge on 10th Zulhajj Friday 11:08 am 27th Nov '09 (The first day of stoning satan & its Eid Day too) The weather...
Video by Saudi one news channel showing how to perform the throwing of stones on the new jamarat bridge. I hope somebody can translate it coz i don't know ar...
Video by Saudi one news channel showing how to perform the throwing of stones on the new jamarat bridge. I hope somebody can translate it coz i don't know ar...
جسر الجمرات بعد التوسعة الجديدة 2009م ذهبت مع أسرتي يوم 23 فبراير 2009م أنا وعائلتي بالذهاب الى مكة المكرمة ومن هناك أردت الأطلاع على مشروع إنشاء المرجم الجد...
جسر الجمرات بعد التوسعة الجديدة 2009م ذهبت مع أسرتي يوم 23 فبراير 2009م أنا وعائلتي بالذهاب الى مكة المكرمة ومن هناك أردت الأطلاع على مشروع إنشاء المرجم الجد...
Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslim pilgrims fling...
Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslim pilgrims fling...
1. Wide top shot of Jamarat bridge with huge crowd of Hajj pilgrims
2. Pilgrims walking to the bridge
3. Security officers watching pilgrims pass
4. Wide of pilgrims throwing stones at symbol of the Devil
5. Close of pilgrims throwing stones
6. Troops standing in a long line with linked hands directing pilgrims
7. Close of pilgrim praying
8. Soldier directing pilgrims
9. Pilgrims throwing stones
10. Soldiers directing pilgrims
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Omar Awayssa, Palestinian pilgrim:
"We have so many checkpoints on the road towards Mecca and towards the places we have to go and perform our actions of Hajj, so yeah, it was fair enough."
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Aqeel Asghar, Pakistani pilgrim:
"This is very, very well security from Saudis, from King Abdullah. There is no other country can do this."
13. Wide of thousands of pilgrims walking
14. Wide of security control room in Mina with large number of closed circuit television (CCTV) screens
15. Various of security control room with operators watching screens
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Khaled bin Elamiri, Saudi military officer:
"We have more than 500 cameras and also the crowd management system that gives us an indication if there is overcrowded area where we will avoid any stampedes by directing to other levels of the Jamarat."
17. Police vehicle driving on road, passing pilgrims
Chanting "God is great," millions of Muslims on Monday again stoned pillars representing the devil in a symbolic rejection of temptation on the third day of their annual Hajj pilgrimage.
Vast crowds cast pebbles as they flowed past the three pillars, which now resemble curved walls, in a four-level sprawling concrete structure built to expedite the flow of pilgrims.
The ritual will be repeated for one more day.
The ritual in the desert valley of Mina commemorates Abraham's stoning of the devil, who is said to have appeared three times to the prophet to tempt him.
It is one of the most dangerous stages of the hajj, with the press of people around the pillars creating the risk of a stampede.
In 2004, 244 people were killed, and the following year at least 360 others were killed when several pilgrims tripped over baggage while others behind them kept pushing ahead.
Saudi authorities subsequently built the current complex to reduce the stampede danger.
The pilgrims are watched every step of the way by Saudi authorities, both on the ground and watching closed circuit television screens in a high-tech control room.
"We have more than 500 cameras and also the crowd management system that gives us an indication if there is overcrowded area," said Saudi military officer Khaled bin Elamiri.
He said stampedes could be avoided by sending the pilgrims in other directions.
Pakistani pilgrim Aqeel Asghar was pleased with the tight security - even thanking Saudi King Abdullah.
"There is no other country can do this," he said.
Saudi authorities have said that more than 2.9 (m) million Muslims were performing the Hajj this year.
The five-day pilgrimage is packed with symbolism and ritual aimed at cleansing the soul of sin and winning absolution by tracing the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad and of Abraham, whom Muslims view as a forefather of Islam.
You can license this story through AP Archive:
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1. Wide top shot of Jamarat bridge with huge crowd of Hajj pilgrims
2. Pilgrims walking to the bridge
3. Security officers watching pilgrims pass
4. Wide of pilgrims throwing stones at symbol of the Devil
5. Close of pilgrims throwing stones
6. Troops standing in a long line with linked hands directing pilgrims
7. Close of pilgrim praying
8. Soldier directing pilgrims
9. Pilgrims throwing stones
10. Soldiers directing pilgrims
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Omar Awayssa, Palestinian pilgrim:
"We have so many checkpoints on the road towards Mecca and towards the places we have to go and perform our actions of Hajj, so yeah, it was fair enough."
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Aqeel Asghar, Pakistani pilgrim:
"This is very, very well security from Saudis, from King Abdullah. There is no other country can do this."
13. Wide of thousands of pilgrims walking
14. Wide of security control room in Mina with large number of closed circuit television (CCTV) screens
15. Various of security control room with operators watching screens
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Khaled bin Elamiri, Saudi military officer:
"We have more than 500 cameras and also the crowd management system that gives us an indication if there is overcrowded area where we will avoid any stampedes by directing to other levels of the Jamarat."
17. Police vehicle driving on road, passing pilgrims
Chanting "God is great," millions of Muslims on Monday again stoned pillars representing the devil in a symbolic rejection of temptation on the third day of their annual Hajj pilgrimage.
Vast crowds cast pebbles as they flowed past the three pillars, which now resemble curved walls, in a four-level sprawling concrete structure built to expedite the flow of pilgrims.
The ritual will be repeated for one more day.
The ritual in the desert valley of Mina commemorates Abraham's stoning of the devil, who is said to have appeared three times to the prophet to tempt him.
It is one of the most dangerous stages of the hajj, with the press of people around the pillars creating the risk of a stampede.
In 2004, 244 people were killed, and the following year at least 360 others were killed when several pilgrims tripped over baggage while others behind them kept pushing ahead.
Saudi authorities subsequently built the current complex to reduce the stampede danger.
The pilgrims are watched every step of the way by Saudi authorities, both on the ground and watching closed circuit television screens in a high-tech control room.
"We have more than 500 cameras and also the crowd management system that gives us an indication if there is overcrowded area," said Saudi military officer Khaled bin Elamiri.
He said stampedes could be avoided by sending the pilgrims in other directions.
Pakistani pilgrim Aqeel Asghar was pleased with the tight security - even thanking Saudi King Abdullah.
"There is no other country can do this," he said.
Saudi authorities have said that more than 2.9 (m) million Muslims were performing the Hajj this year.
The five-day pilgrimage is packed with symbolism and ritual aimed at cleansing the soul of sin and winning absolution by tracing the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad and of Abraham, whom Muslims view as a forefather of Islam.
You can license this story through AP Archive:
Find out more about AP Archive:
1. Various of pilgrims walking
2. Wide of pilgrims walking towards Jamarat Bridge
3. Road sign
4. Close of sign reading (English and Arabic) "Jamarat"
5. Various of pilgrims walking
6. Various of pilgrims throwing stones at symbols of the Devil
7. Security officer talking on radio while watching pilgrims
8. Various of pilgrims throwing stones
9. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Ali Elteel, pilgrim from Lebanon:
"It's a good feeling. For the first time I'm doing Hajj. Maybe I can't come back again, so thank God I have had this chance."
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Naseer Latif, Pilgrim from Pakistan:
"I was here about six years ago and I am comparing this with the last time I was here six years ago. It's fantastic. It is very very good."
11. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Emad Al Nawsera, Pilgrim from Egypt:
"I'm so happy because I have finished my Hajj after big suffering. (He has a bad back) Thanks God. My God gave me chance to finish the big corner of Islam."
12. Various of people with their heads being shaved
13. Wide of parked ambulances
14. Policemen walking
15. Various of pilgrims walking
Muslims performing the Hajj pilgrimage threw stones at symbols of the devil on Monday and many shaved their heads to reflect rejection of temptation and a new, purified self.
Some three (m) million Muslims are taking part in this year's Hajj. Later on Monday they will enjoy a feast of freshly slaughtered sheep at a huge tent city in Mina, a desert valley east of Islam's holiest city, Mecca.
Similar sacrifices, marking the start of the Eid al-Adha, or Feast of the Sacrifice, were carried out by Muslims around the world.
he holiday commemorates a story celebrated by Muslims, Jews and Christians in which God asked the prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son to prove his faith, but then in the end offered a sheep to kill instead.
Muslim tradition says it was at Mina, three miles (five kilometres) from Mecca, that the devil tried to tempt Abraham to disobey God by refusing to sacrifice his son.
Hordes of pilgrims dressed in their white robes streamed across Mina valley on Monday toward three walls symbolising the devil known as the Jamarat, chanting "At thy service, my God, at thy service."
The massive crowds streamed through a four-storey platform the size of an airport terminal built around the walls, and each pilgrim stoned the largest wall with pebbles collected earlier on the nearby rocky plain of Muzdalifah.
They will return on each of the final two days of the five-day pilgrimage, which ends on Wednesday, to stone all three walls.
The stoning ritual has caused frequent stampedes that have killed more than a thousand pilgrims in past pilgrimages.
More than 1,400 people were killed in 1990 in a stampede in a tunnel leading to the Jamarat.
In 2006, over 360 peopledied in a similar incident while they were on a platform performing the stoning ritual.
The head of security at the Jamarat, said precautionary measures had been taken to avoid a stampede, including expanding the Jamarat platform from two to the current four stories to provide more room for the pilgrims.
Police have also set up one-way routes to and from the Jamarat monitored by cameras to avoid congestion.
After the stoning, many of the male pilgrims shaved their heads - the mark of a Muslim who has completed the Hajj.
Female pilgrims cut a clip of their hair.
Islam requires that all Muslims who are financially and physically able to perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage is supposed to cleanse Muslims of their sin.
The hajj begins and ends in the holy city of Mecca, the birthplace of the 7th century Prophet Mohammed and the site of Islam's holiest shrine, the Kaaba.
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1. Various of pilgrims walking
2. Wide of pilgrims walking towards Jamarat Bridge
3. Road sign
4. Close of sign reading (English and Arabic) "Jamarat"
5. Various of pilgrims walking
6. Various of pilgrims throwing stones at symbols of the Devil
7. Security officer talking on radio while watching pilgrims
8. Various of pilgrims throwing stones
9. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Ali Elteel, pilgrim from Lebanon:
"It's a good feeling. For the first time I'm doing Hajj. Maybe I can't come back again, so thank God I have had this chance."
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Naseer Latif, Pilgrim from Pakistan:
"I was here about six years ago and I am comparing this with the last time I was here six years ago. It's fantastic. It is very very good."
11. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Emad Al Nawsera, Pilgrim from Egypt:
"I'm so happy because I have finished my Hajj after big suffering. (He has a bad back) Thanks God. My God gave me chance to finish the big corner of Islam."
12. Various of people with their heads being shaved
13. Wide of parked ambulances
14. Policemen walking
15. Various of pilgrims walking
Muslims performing the Hajj pilgrimage threw stones at symbols of the devil on Monday and many shaved their heads to reflect rejection of temptation and a new, purified self.
Some three (m) million Muslims are taking part in this year's Hajj. Later on Monday they will enjoy a feast of freshly slaughtered sheep at a huge tent city in Mina, a desert valley east of Islam's holiest city, Mecca.
Similar sacrifices, marking the start of the Eid al-Adha, or Feast of the Sacrifice, were carried out by Muslims around the world.
he holiday commemorates a story celebrated by Muslims, Jews and Christians in which God asked the prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son to prove his faith, but then in the end offered a sheep to kill instead.
Muslim tradition says it was at Mina, three miles (five kilometres) from Mecca, that the devil tried to tempt Abraham to disobey God by refusing to sacrifice his son.
Hordes of pilgrims dressed in their white robes streamed across Mina valley on Monday toward three walls symbolising the devil known as the Jamarat, chanting "At thy service, my God, at thy service."
The massive crowds streamed through a four-storey platform the size of an airport terminal built around the walls, and each pilgrim stoned the largest wall with pebbles collected earlier on the nearby rocky plain of Muzdalifah.
They will return on each of the final two days of the five-day pilgrimage, which ends on Wednesday, to stone all three walls.
The stoning ritual has caused frequent stampedes that have killed more than a thousand pilgrims in past pilgrimages.
More than 1,400 people were killed in 1990 in a stampede in a tunnel leading to the Jamarat.
In 2006, over 360 peopledied in a similar incident while they were on a platform performing the stoning ritual.
The head of security at the Jamarat, said precautionary measures had been taken to avoid a stampede, including expanding the Jamarat platform from two to the current four stories to provide more room for the pilgrims.
Police have also set up one-way routes to and from the Jamarat monitored by cameras to avoid congestion.
After the stoning, many of the male pilgrims shaved their heads - the mark of a Muslim who has completed the Hajj.
Female pilgrims cut a clip of their hair.
Islam requires that all Muslims who are financially and physically able to perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage is supposed to cleanse Muslims of their sin.
The hajj begins and ends in the holy city of Mecca, the birthplace of the 7th century Prophet Mohammed and the site of Islam's holiest shrine, the Kaaba.
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"Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia." Muslim pilgrims thr...
El-Sawy Travel Hajj Trip 2012 - 4 OF 5 - Jamarat
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El-Sawy Travel Hajj Trip 2012 - 4 OF 5 - Jamarat
The first international company to arrange hajj and umrah trips from Britain was established on the 11th of October 1978 with an excellent reputation with th...
10th Dhu al-Hijjah-..Pilgrims back at Mina, they perform symbolic stoning of the devil (Ramy al-Jamarat) by throwing seven stones at only the largest of the three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah.The remaining two pillars (jamarah) are not stoned on this day. These pillars are said to represent Satan.Pilgrims climb ramps to the multi-levelled Jamaraat Bridge, from which they can throw their pebbles at the jamarat. Because of safety reasons, in 2004 the pillars were replaced by long walls, with catch basins below to collect the pebbles...After the casting of stones, animals are slaughtered to commemorate the story of Abraham and Ishmael.....
Jama'ah Haji Shakera Record jamarat aqobah
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Jama'ah Haji Shakera Record jamarat aqobah
The biQ of Shakera Record : waktu jamarat aqobah di mina pada tahun : 2012/1433.H.
Our brothers and sisters have completed their standing at Arafah and have made their way to Muzdalifah and onto the stoning of the big Jamarah before doing t...
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حجاً مبروراً وسعياً مشكوراً وذنباً مغفوراً Hadj 2010 Mekkah deel 7 سفر حج 2010 توسط كاروان الصايغ قسمت هفتم در منى و جمرات و برگشت به هلند مجموعة الصايغ للحج...
03 Kabey Ki Ronaq. Mufti Muhammad Akmal
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03 Kabey Ki Ronaq. Mufti Muhammad Akmal
Mufti Muhammad Akmal Hajj Aur Umrey Ka Tareeqa. Praogram Kabey Ki Ronaq Topic Hajj+Umrah+Safa o Marwa+Mina+Arafat+Muzalifa+Jamarat.
Khutb-e-Eid-ul-Adh'ha | خطبة عيد الأضحى | Syed meraj rabbani | سيد معراج رباني
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Hajj MuzdalifaH Mina 1 Big jamraat Part 09 date 10 12 1432
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Im Monat Ramadan des Jahres 10 n. H. bekommt Ali Ibn Abi Talib (möge ALLAH mit ihm zufrieden sein) den Auftrag, den Jemen zum Islam einzuladen. Der Prophet (...
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Jummat-ul-Wida 26-8-11 by Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Azhari Minhaj MQI Austria
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Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri's student Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Ahari speaking on Jummat-u-Wida 26-08-2011 @ Minhaj ul Quran MQI Centre, Vienna,...
Panduan Mengerjakan Ibadah Haji Dan Umrah.DAT
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Panduan Mengerjakan Haji Dan Umrah "وإذ بوأنا لإبرهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي للطآئفين والقآئمين والركع السجود. وأدن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجا...
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Uploaded by @deanwiza, Guruku yang aku belum pernah bersua dengannya melainkan hanya dari siaran RRI Jakarta, kaset-kaset, dan kitab-kitab tulisannya. Semoga...
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Hajj 2011/1432 The words chanted in Hajj and their meanings are: Labbaik Allah humma labbaik Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik Innal hamda Wan-ni'mata Laka wal...
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a man who believe in jesus crist without enough knowledge about bible.. lets be realistic and be pure open minded with all religion. we might not know that w...
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قرآن و احادیث اورسنت رسول پر مبنی اردو زبان میں حج اور عمرہ کی تربیت.
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Huda TV ... A Light in Every home
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"Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia." Muslim pilgrims thr...
"Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia." Muslim pilgrims thr...
The first international company to arrange hajj and umrah trips from Britain was established on the 11th of October 1978 with an excellent reputation with th...
The first international company to arrange hajj and umrah trips from Britain was established on the 11th of October 1978 with an excellent reputation with th...
10th Dhu al-Hijjah-..Pilgrims back at Mina, they perform symbolic stoning of the devil (Ramy al-Jamarat) by throwing seven stones at only the largest of the three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah.The remaining two pillars (jamarah) are not stoned on this day. These pillars are said to represent Satan.Pilgrims climb ramps to the multi-levelled Jamaraat Bridge, from which they can throw their pebbles at the jamarat. Because of safety reasons, in 2004 the pillars were replaced by long walls, with catch basins below to collect the pebbles...After the casting of stones, animals are slaughtered to commemorate the story of Abraham and Ishmael.....After sacrificing animal, another important rite of Hajj is shaving head or trimming hair (known as Halak). All male pilgrims shave their head or trim their hair on the day of Eid al Adha and women pilgrims only cut the tip of hair....On the same or the following day, the pilgrims re-visit the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca for another tawaf, known as Tawaf al-Ifadah, an essential part of Hajj ....(From Wikipedia)
10th Dhu al-Hijjah-..Pilgrims back at Mina, they perform symbolic stoning of the devil (Ramy al-Jamarat) by throwing seven stones at only the largest of the three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah.The remaining two pillars (jamarah) are not stoned on this day. These pillars are said to represent Satan.Pilgrims climb ramps to the multi-levelled Jamaraat Bridge, from which they can throw their pebbles at the jamarat. Because of safety reasons, in 2004 the pillars were replaced by long walls, with catch basins below to collect the pebbles...After the casting of stones, animals are slaughtered to commemorate the story of Abraham and Ishmael.....After sacrificing animal, another important rite of Hajj is shaving head or trimming hair (known as Halak). All male pilgrims shave their head or trim their hair on the day of Eid al Adha and women pilgrims only cut the tip of hair....On the same or the following day, the pilgrims re-visit the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca for another tawaf, known as Tawaf al-Ifadah, an essential part of Hajj ....(From Wikipedia)
Our brothers and sisters have completed their standing at Arafah and have made their way to Muzdalifah and onto the stoning of the big Jamarah before doing t...
Our brothers and sisters have completed their standing at Arafah and have made their way to Muzdalifah and onto the stoning of the big Jamarah before doing t...
حجاً مبروراً وسعياً مشكوراً وذنباً مغفوراً Hadj 2010 Mekkah deel 7 سفر حج 2010 توسط كاروان الصايغ قسمت هفتم در منى و جمرات و برگشت به هلند مجموعة الصايغ للحج...
حجاً مبروراً وسعياً مشكوراً وذنباً مغفوراً Hadj 2010 Mekkah deel 7 سفر حج 2010 توسط كاروان الصايغ قسمت هفتم در منى و جمرات و برگشت به هلند مجموعة الصايغ للحج...
Im Monat Ramadan des Jahres 10 n. H. bekommt Ali Ibn Abi Talib (möge ALLAH mit ihm zufrieden sein) den Auftrag, den Jemen zum Islam einzuladen. Der Prophet (...
Im Monat Ramadan des Jahres 10 n. H. bekommt Ali Ibn Abi Talib (möge ALLAH mit ihm zufrieden sein) den Auftrag, den Jemen zum Islam einzuladen. Der Prophet (...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri's student Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Ahari speaking on Jummat-u-Wida 26-08-2011 @ Minhaj ul Quran MQI Centre, Vienna,...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri's student Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Ahari speaking on Jummat-u-Wida 26-08-2011 @ Minhaj ul Quran MQI Centre, Vienna,...
Panduan Mengerjakan Haji Dan Umrah "وإذ بوأنا لإبرهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي للطآئفين والقآئمين والركع السجود. وأدن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجا...
Panduan Mengerjakan Haji Dan Umrah "وإذ بوأنا لإبرهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي للطآئفين والقآئمين والركع السجود. وأدن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجا...
Uploaded by @deanwiza, Guruku yang aku belum pernah bersua dengannya melainkan hanya dari siaran RRI Jakarta, kaset-kaset, dan kitab-kitab tulisannya. Semoga...
Uploaded by @deanwiza, Guruku yang aku belum pernah bersua dengannya melainkan hanya dari siaran RRI Jakarta, kaset-kaset, dan kitab-kitab tulisannya. Semoga...
Hajj 2011/1432 The words chanted in Hajj and their meanings are: Labbaik Allah humma labbaik Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik Innal hamda Wan-ni'mata Laka wal...
Hajj 2011/1432 The words chanted in Hajj and their meanings are: Labbaik Allah humma labbaik Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik Innal hamda Wan-ni'mata Laka wal...
a man who believe in jesus crist without enough knowledge about bible.. lets be realistic and be pure open minded with all religion. we might not know that w...
a man who believe in jesus crist without enough knowledge about bible.. lets be realistic and be pure open minded with all religion. we might not know that w...
Huda TV ... A Light in Every home
Join us on our official pages for Huda Tv on: , ,
Huda TV ... A Light in Every home
Join us on our official pages for Huda Tv on: , ,
Client : Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs Location : Mina Starting Date : May-2004 Completion Date : Dec-2004 Contract Value : SR.100000000 Scope...
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
لحظة وصول الحجاج الى جسر الجمرات 10-12-1435 ورمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى فجر عيد الأضحى 4-10-20...
published:05 Oct 2014
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
The arrival of pilgrims Jamarat Bridge and throwing cinder Aqaba 10/04/2014
published:05 Oct 2014
لحظة وصول الحجاج الى جسر الجمرات 10-12-1435 ورمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى فجر عيد الأضحى 4-10-2014 .
ذلك أن المسلمين اتفقوا على : " أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وقف بالمشعر الحرام ( وهي المزدلفة ) بعد ما صلى الفجر ، ثم دفع منها قبل طلوع الشمس إلى منى ، وأنه في هذا اليوم ( وهو يوم النحر ) رمى جمرة العقبة من بعد طلوع الشمس " .
وأجمع المسلمون أن من رماها في هذا اليوم في ذلك الوقت - أعني : بعد طلوع الشمس إلى زوالها - فقد رماها في وقتها .
وأجمعوا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - لم يرم يوم النحر من الجمرات غيرها .
واختلفوا فيمن رمى جمرة العقبة قبل طلوع الفجر ، فقال مالك : لم يبلغنا أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - رخص لأحد أن يرمي قبل طلوع الفجر ، ولا يجوز ذلك ، فإن رماها قبل الفجر أعادها ، وبه قال أبو حنيفة وسفيان وأحمد . وقال الشافعي : لا بأس به ، وإن كان المستحب هو بعد طلوع الشمس .
فحجة منع ذلك فعله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - مع قوله : " خذوا عني مناسككم " وما روي عن ابن عباس : " أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قدم ضعفة أهله وقال : لا ترموا الجمرة حتى تطلع الشمس " .
اللهم تقبَّل من الحُجَّاج حجَّهم، اللهم تقبَّل من الحُجَّاج حجَّهم، ورُدَّهم إلى أهلِهم سالِمين غانِمين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.
◄ قال رسول الله ( صل الله عليه وسلّم ) :
"خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه." رواه البخاري.
◄ قال رسول الله ( صل الله عليه وسلّم ) :
" من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله ". رواه مسلم .
◄يقول رسول الله صلاة الله عليه وسلم: بلغوا عني ولو آية .
◄صل الله عليه وسلم على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا .القرآن-الكريم-Quran-karem-Lutfi-Preak/289344024448710?sk=videos
Jamarat Bridge. Mina.Holy Makkah.Saudi Arabia
This clip is from the 4th Level of Jamarat Bridge on 10th Zulhajj Friday 11:08 am 27th Nov '09 (The first day of stoning satan & its Eid Day too) The weather...
"Stoning of the Devil or stoning of the jamarat is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia." Muslim pilgrims thr...
El-Sawy Travel Hajj Trip 2012 - 4 OF 5 - Jamarat
The first international company to arrange hajj and umrah trips from Britain was establish...
The first international company to arrange hajj and umrah trips from Britain was established on the 11th of October 1978 with an excellent reputation with th...
10th Dhu al-Hijjah-..Pilgrims back at Mina, they perform symbolic stoning of the devil (Ramy al-Jamarat) by throwing seven stones at only the largest of the three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah.The remaining two pillars (jamarah) are not stoned on this day. These pillars are said to represent Satan.Pilgrims climb ramps to the multi-levelled Jamaraat Bridge, from which they can throw their pebbles at the jamarat. Because of safety reasons, in 2004 the pillars were replaced by long walls, with catch basins below to collect the pebbles...After the casting of stones, animals are slaughtered to commemorate the story of Abraham and Ishmael.....After sacrificing animal, another important rite of Hajj is shaving head or trimming hair (known as Halak). All male pilgrims shave their head or trim their hair on the day of Eid al Adha and women pilgrims only cut the tip of hair....On the same or the following day, the pilgrims re-visit the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca for another tawaf, known as Tawaf al-Ifadah, an essential part of Hajj ....(From Wikipedia)
Jama'ah Haji Shakera Record jamarat aqobah
The biQ of Shakera Record : waktu jamarat aqobah di mina pada tahun : 2012/1433.H....
Our brothers and sisters have completed their standing at Arafah and have made their way to Muzdalifah and onto the stoning of the big Jamarah before doing t...
حجاً مبروراً وسعياً مشكوراً وذنباً مغفوراً Hadj 2010 Mekkah deel 7 سفر حج 2010 توسط كاروان الصايغ قسمت هفتم در منى و جمرات و برگشت به هلند مجموعة الصايغ للحج...
03 Kabey Ki Ronaq. Mufti Muhammad Akmal
Mufti Muhammad Akmal Hajj Aur Umrey Ka Tareeqa. Praogram Kabey Ki Ronaq Topic Hajj+Umrah+S...
published:28 Sep 2013
03 Kabey Ki Ronaq. Mufti Muhammad Akmal
03 Kabey Ki Ronaq. Mufti Muhammad Akmal
published:28 Sep 2013
Mufti Muhammad Akmal Hajj Aur Umrey Ka Tareeqa. Praogram Kabey Ki Ronaq Topic Hajj+Umrah+Safa o Marwa+Mina+Arafat+Muzalifa+Jamarat.
Khutb-e-Eid-ul-Adh'ha | خطبة عيد الأضحى | Syed meraj rabbani | سيد معراج رباني
published:15 Oct 2013
Khutb-e-Eid-ul-Adh'ha | خطبة عيد الأضحى | Syed meraj rabbani | سيد معراج رباني
Khutb-e-Eid-ul-Adh'ha | خطبة عيد الأضحى | Syed meraj rabbani | سيد معراج رباني
published:15 Oct 2013
Hajj MuzdalifaH Mina 1 Big jamraat Part 09 date 10 12 1432
Im Monat Ramadan des Jahres 10 n. H. bekommt Ali Ibn Abi Talib (möge ALLAH mit ihm zufrieden sein) den Auftrag, den Jemen zum Islam einzuladen. Der Prophet (...
Hajj News Thursday 25 September 2014
Hajj News Thursday 25 September 2014...
published:28 Sep 2014
Hajj News Thursday 25 September 2014
Hajj News Thursday 25 September 2014
published:28 Sep 2014
Hajj News Thursday 25 September 2014
Jummat-ul-Wida 26-8-11 by Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Azhari Minhaj MQI Austria
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri's student Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Ahari speakin...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri's student Allama Azhar Saeed Minhajian Al-Ahari speaking on Jummat-u-Wida 26-08-2011 @ Minhaj ul Quran MQI Centre, Vienna,...
Panduan Mengerjakan Ibadah Haji Dan Umrah.DAT
Panduan Mengerjakan Haji Dan Umrah "وإذ بوأنا لإبرهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر ب...
Panduan Mengerjakan Haji Dan Umrah "وإذ بوأنا لإبرهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي للطآئفين والقآئمين والركع السجود. وأدن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجا...
PhysicistBrian Greene has a wonderful essay in October’s Smithsonian magazine on the centennial of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. But then it all seemed to collapse ... The empirical research frontier? Detecting gravitational waves ... ....
KingSalman has ordered a safety review ... Deadly pinch point at JamaratBridge ... The pilgrims throw seven stones at pillars called Jamarat, which stand at the place where Satan is believed to have tempted the ProphetAbraham. With temperatures around 46C, two massive lines of pilgrims converged on each other at right angles at an intersection close to the five-storey JamaratBridge in Mina, a large valley about 5km (3 miles) from Mecca ... ....
Starring Bollywood icon Priyanka Chopra, the ABC thriller follows a group of newbie FBI recruits, including AlexParrish (Chopra), who is framed for the biggest terrorist attack on New York City since 9/11. [...] Chopra makes an impressive American debut as Alex ... > ....
NASA has released an absolutely beautiful photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of the debris of a star that exploded 8,000 years ago. You’re looking at the Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant more than 2,000 light-years away ... Read this next....
Thursday’s disaster occurred among the city of white tents where pilgrims stay in Mina, near Mecca, as hundreds of thousands converged on JamaratBridge, a five-storey structure where they were to perform a ritual stoning of the devil ... The crowd had gradually built up around him as groups of pilgrims headed to JamaratBridge to throw pebbles as part of the ritual....
Dozens of “special emergency force” troops were seen on one level of the JamaratBridge, a five-storey structure in Mina where pilgrims ritually stone the devil, and on which hundreds of thousands were converging when a deadly stampede struck nearby on Thursday ... The tightened measures came after at least 717 people died outside JamaratBridge in the worst tragedy to strike the annual Muslim pilgrimage in a quarter-century ... ....
Veteran journalist, Hajiya Bilkisu Yusuf, has been confirmed dead among Nigerians who died in Thursday's deadly stampede at the JamaratBridge outside Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Over 700 pilgrims were confirmed dead, while another 863 were injured in the incident which occurred as the pilgrims were taking part in the Hajj's last major rite ... ....
Iran's supreme leader has called on Saudi Arabia to apologise for Thursday's deadly stampede during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca... In pictures ... Deadly pinch point at JamaratBridge ... The crush occurred on Thursday morning as two large groups of pilgrims converged at right angles as they took part in the Hajj's last major rite - stone-throwing at pillars called Jamarat, where Satan is believed to have tempted the ProphetAbraham ... ....
MINA...Saudi authorities have put the total death toll from the stampede during Haj to 769 ... The stampede broke out after two massive lines of pilgrims converged on each other from different directions at an intersection close to the five-storey JamaratBridge in Mina for symbolic stoning of the devil ... ....
Dozens of emergency workers were seen on one level of JamaratBridge, a five-storey structure in Mina where pilgrims ritually stone the devil, and on which hundreds of thousands were converging when Thursday's stampede occurred nearby. Many more patrolled the network of roads leading to the structure, which resembles a parking garage. The interior ministry has said it assigned 100,000 police to secure the hajj and manage crowds ... ....
AllenBridge linking Alexandria and Pineville is gone. Engineers blew the bridge's superstructure into 14 pieces at 8 a.m ... He had previously witnessed the demolition of the Murray StreetBridge and Fulton StreetBridge, both of which connected Alexandria and Pineville before they were replaced ... The bridge closed in March when the first span of the Curtis-Coleman MemorialBridge opened, carrying U.S....
An aerial view of the walkway leading to the pillars where pilgrims throw stone on the second day of 'Jamarat' ritual, in Mina near the Holy city of Mecca, on Friday. -AFP Muscat. "As a few of us managed to climb on the fence on the Street 204, we escaped from being crushed to death in the stampede, but the tragedy we witnessed later on, is an unforgettable one in our lives." ... ....
Kanpur Nagar Nigam (KNN) has chalked out a plan to sort out the problem of water-logging at Juhi railway line bridge. On the advise of its engineers, the KNN has decided to construct a pump house in vacant land adjacent to the bridge....
ByasMunicipality Tanahun has constructed a motorable bridge over Seti River at the cost of Rs 100 million... had constructed the bridge in collaboration with the government....
While the papal visit closed bridges... But with bridges, highways and many downtown roads closed because of PopeFrancis' visit, she needed help getting there....
"I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity," he added ... "I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity," he said. Recognising that a DigitalIndia could not be built without bridging the digital divide, he listed out the measures taken by his government to bridge this digital divide ... ....
SILICON VALLEY ... "I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity," he added ... "I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity," he said. Recognising that a DigitalIndia could not be built without bridging the digital divide, he listed out the measures taken by his government to bridge this digital divide ... ....