Supporting the Blog and Podcast


After writing a book, I must wait a year or more for the gears of traditional publishing to turn.  On my website, I can release my work the moment it’s finished, and it becomes immediately available to everyone. The articles on my blog also reach a wider audience than they would in most magazines and newspapers—and I have complete control over the creative process. Increasingly, I find that I would rather publish here than in any other forum.

However, running this website is expensive and very time-consuming. To be able to devote the necessary energy to it—and to expand the range of what I can do in this medium—my blog and podcast must become sources of revenue.

Rather than put my work behind a paywall, I’ve decided to let readers support it to whatever degree they wish. This way, my essays, interviews, and podcasts will remain freely available to everyone.

You can make a one-time or monthly donation using a credit card or a PayPal account.

So if you find any of my work useful, you can now sponsor it directly with a one-time or monthly donation.

I’m tremendously honored to have a community of people who value what I do. And I look forward to taking our conversation in new directions.

Many thanks for your support,


Bitcoin Address



Canceling Recurring PayPal Donations

If you would like to cancel your monthly donation, these instructions might be useful.