Einar Skúlason
Einar Skúlason skipar annað sætið á lista framsóknarmanna í Reykjavík norður.
published: 17 Apr 2009
Istanbul95 Talks - Einar Jon Skulason Hansen | Studio-X Istanbul
Nordic Playground Institute was established with the vision of giving the playground trade a possibility for certification of products and personnel and to get motor development of children again to be an important factor for playground developers and responsible playground personnel.
Nordic Playground Institute is Europe’s leading institute for playgrounds, playground safety, risk assessment, consultancy, and certification. We provide high quality independent service, and have the possibility of helping manufacturers to keep and develop their brands, values and business.
With Nordic Playground Institute’s extensive network and competent staff cooperation is characterized by a high level of competence, impartiality, professionalism and specific knowledge and experience within this area.
published: 28 May 2019
Vesen og vergangur
Hreyfing er nauðsynleg undirstaða heilbrigðs lífs. Hún getur verið af ýmsum toga, allt frá því að fara í göngutúr, hjóla, hlaupa eða stunda aðrar skipulagðar íþróttir. Einar Skúlason er einn þeirra sem gengur sér til yndisauka en gangan er að hans mati mikilvægur þáttur í hans lífshamingju.
published: 19 Jan 2017
The Best Icelandic Movie Villain Actor - Helgi Skúlason
Helgi Skúlason (4 September 1933 – 25 September 1996) was an Icelandic actor and stage director with an extremely memorable movie face. He starred in many of the first Icelandic films, but if he had been born 20-30 years earlier, it may just as well be that his film career would had extended to Hollywood, but in this video one can see him in a Swedish TV commercial. It includes also a clip from his "badass" role in a Norwegian movie from 1987.
Helgi was probably best known for starring in Hrafn Gunnlaugsson's Viking films.
You can find many good icelandic movie scenes on the playlist link below but I'm constantly adding new material since the Icelandic movie industry is a part of our culture and therefore a helpful tool to understand the Icelandic mentality.
published: 15 Jan 2021
Helgi Skúlason leikari les Nóttin var sú ágæt ein eftir Einar Sigurðsson frá Heydölum@ruv.is
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein,
í allri veröld ljósið skein,
það er nú heimsins þrautarmein
að þekkja' hann ei sem bæri
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Í Betlehem var það barnið fætt,
sem best hefur andar sárin grætt,
svo hafa englar um það rætt
sem endurlausnarinn væri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Fjármenn hrepptu fögnuð þann,
þeir fundu bæði Guð og mann,
í lágan stall var lagður hann,
þó lausnari heimsins væri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Lofið og dýrð á himnum hátt
honum með englum syngjum brátt,
friður á jörðu og fengin sátt,
fagni því menn sem bæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Þér gjöri' ég ei rúm með grjót né tré,
gjarnan læt ég hitt í té.
vill ég mitt hjartað vaggan sé,
vertu nú ...
published: 26 Dec 2010
Helgi Skúlason - Ógleymanleg Atriði
Ég rakst á þessa búta hingað og þangað og finnst þeir eigi að njóta sín samanklipptir en persónulega fannst mér Helgi vera okkar eigin útgáfa af Clint Eastwood. Ef Helgi hefði lifað lengur eða fæðst síðar þá finnst mér alls ekki ólíklegt að hann hefði lagst í víking meir en raunin var á leiklistarsviðinu.
Á IMDB má að venju finna allar þær myndir sem hann lék í en hér er t.d. tengill á eina mjög fágæta þar sem Björk Guðmundsóttir leikur á móti honum. Hún verður seint talin til stórverka á kvikmyndasviðinu en er þó um margt athyglisverð.
Leikferill Helga í bíómyndum:
published: 24 Feb 2021
Intercultural Party of Framsokn
Einar Skúlason former Director of the Intercultural Centre and candidate for the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkur) in the upcoming parliamentary elections claims that he can cook the best meatsoup (Kjötsúpa) in the world. Come to our intercultural party on Sunday and judge for yourself. In addition to the Kjötsúpa, delicious food from all around the world and Icelandic sweets will be served.
At the intercultural party you can get in touch with the diverse and vibrant international community that lives and thrives in Iceland and seize the opportunity to get to know first hand the policy of the Framsoknarflokkur on immigrant issues. Framsoknarflokkur is already a pioneer when it comes to making process on immigrant issues and initiated the making of public immigrant policy in the begi...
published: 20 Apr 2009
Einar Skúlason
Einar Skúlason skipar annað sætið á lista framsóknarmanna í Reykjavík norður.
Einar Skúlason skipar annað sætið á lista framsóknarmanna í Reykjavík norður.
Einar Skúlason skipar annað sætið á lista framsóknarmanna í Reykjavík norður.
- published: 17 Apr 2009
- views: 667
Istanbul95 Talks - Einar Jon Skulason Hansen | Studio-X Istanbul
Nordic Playground Institute was established with the vision of giving the playground trade a possibility for certification of products and personnel and to get ...
Nordic Playground Institute was established with the vision of giving the playground trade a possibility for certification of products and personnel and to get motor development of children again to be an important factor for playground developers and responsible playground personnel.
Nordic Playground Institute is Europe’s leading institute for playgrounds, playground safety, risk assessment, consultancy, and certification. We provide high quality independent service, and have the possibility of helping manufacturers to keep and develop their brands, values and business.
With Nordic Playground Institute’s extensive network and competent staff cooperation is characterized by a high level of competence, impartiality, professionalism and specific knowledge and experience within this area.
Istanbul95 Talk Series, which is made possible with the technical and financial support of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, aims to increase awareness of young designers and transform their perceptions and visions in this direction.
The talk took place April 30th 2019 at Studio-X Istanbul.
Nordic Playground Institute was established with the vision of giving the playground trade a possibility for certification of products and personnel and to get motor development of children again to be an important factor for playground developers and responsible playground personnel.
Nordic Playground Institute is Europe’s leading institute for playgrounds, playground safety, risk assessment, consultancy, and certification. We provide high quality independent service, and have the possibility of helping manufacturers to keep and develop their brands, values and business.
With Nordic Playground Institute’s extensive network and competent staff cooperation is characterized by a high level of competence, impartiality, professionalism and specific knowledge and experience within this area.
Istanbul95 Talk Series, which is made possible with the technical and financial support of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, aims to increase awareness of young designers and transform their perceptions and visions in this direction.
The talk took place April 30th 2019 at Studio-X Istanbul.
- published: 28 May 2019
- views: 150
Vesen og vergangur
Hreyfing er nauðsynleg undirstaða heilbrigðs lífs. Hún getur verið af ýmsum toga, allt frá því að fara í göngutúr, hjóla, hlaupa eða stunda aðrar skipulagðar íþ...
Hreyfing er nauðsynleg undirstaða heilbrigðs lífs. Hún getur verið af ýmsum toga, allt frá því að fara í göngutúr, hjóla, hlaupa eða stunda aðrar skipulagðar íþróttir. Einar Skúlason er einn þeirra sem gengur sér til yndisauka en gangan er að hans mati mikilvægur þáttur í hans lífshamingju.
Hreyfing er nauðsynleg undirstaða heilbrigðs lífs. Hún getur verið af ýmsum toga, allt frá því að fara í göngutúr, hjóla, hlaupa eða stunda aðrar skipulagðar íþróttir. Einar Skúlason er einn þeirra sem gengur sér til yndisauka en gangan er að hans mati mikilvægur þáttur í hans lífshamingju.
- published: 19 Jan 2017
- views: 674
The Best Icelandic Movie Villain Actor - Helgi Skúlason
Helgi Skúlason (4 September 1933 – 25 September 1996) was an Icelandic actor and stage director with an extremely memorable movie face. He starred in many of th...
Helgi Skúlason (4 September 1933 – 25 September 1996) was an Icelandic actor and stage director with an extremely memorable movie face. He starred in many of the first Icelandic films, but if he had been born 20-30 years earlier, it may just as well be that his film career would had extended to Hollywood, but in this video one can see him in a Swedish TV commercial. It includes also a clip from his "badass" role in a Norwegian movie from 1987.
Helgi was probably best known for starring in Hrafn Gunnlaugsson's Viking films.
You can find many good icelandic movie scenes on the playlist link below but I'm constantly adding new material since the Icelandic movie industry is a part of our culture and therefore a helpful tool to understand the Icelandic mentality.
IMDB info about Helgi
Wikipedia Bio
My new Redbubble store is here where it's possible to buy large format aerial prints of Iceland and it's also where i play around with my own footage trough different designs:
Heavy Interlude by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100515
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Helgi Skúlason (4 September 1933 – 25 September 1996) was an Icelandic actor and stage director with an extremely memorable movie face. He starred in many of the first Icelandic films, but if he had been born 20-30 years earlier, it may just as well be that his film career would had extended to Hollywood, but in this video one can see him in a Swedish TV commercial. It includes also a clip from his "badass" role in a Norwegian movie from 1987.
Helgi was probably best known for starring in Hrafn Gunnlaugsson's Viking films.
You can find many good icelandic movie scenes on the playlist link below but I'm constantly adding new material since the Icelandic movie industry is a part of our culture and therefore a helpful tool to understand the Icelandic mentality.
IMDB info about Helgi
Wikipedia Bio
My new Redbubble store is here where it's possible to buy large format aerial prints of Iceland and it's also where i play around with my own footage trough different designs:
Heavy Interlude by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100515
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
- published: 15 Jan 2021
- views: 767
Helgi Skúlason leikari les Nóttin var sú ágæt ein eftir Einar Sigurðsson frá Heydölum@ruv.is
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein,
í allri veröld ljósið skein,
það er nú heimsins þrautarmein
að þekkja' hann ei sem bæri
:,: Með vísnasöng ...
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein,
í allri veröld ljósið skein,
það er nú heimsins þrautarmein
að þekkja' hann ei sem bæri
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Í Betlehem var það barnið fætt,
sem best hefur andar sárin grætt,
svo hafa englar um það rætt
sem endurlausnarinn væri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Fjármenn hrepptu fögnuð þann,
þeir fundu bæði Guð og mann,
í lágan stall var lagður hann,
þó lausnari heimsins væri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Lofið og dýrð á himnum hátt
honum með englum syngjum brátt,
friður á jörðu og fengin sátt,
fagni því menn sem bæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Þér gjöri' ég ei rúm með grjót né tré,
gjarnan læt ég hitt í té.
vill ég mitt hjartað vaggan sé,
vertu nú hér, minn kæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Umbúð verður engin hér
önnur en sú þú færðir mér,
hreina trúna að höfði þér
fyrir hægan koddan færi.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Á þig breiðist elskan sæt,
af öllum huga' ég syndir græt,
fyrir iðran verður hún mjúk og mæt,
miður en þér þó bæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Texti: Einar Sigurðsson
Lag: Sigvaldi Kaldalóns
Nóttin var sú ágæt ein,
í allri veröld ljósið skein,
það er nú heimsins þrautarmein
að þekkja' hann ei sem bæri
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Í Betlehem var það barnið fætt,
sem best hefur andar sárin grætt,
svo hafa englar um það rætt
sem endurlausnarinn væri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Fjármenn hrepptu fögnuð þann,
þeir fundu bæði Guð og mann,
í lágan stall var lagður hann,
þó lausnari heimsins væri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Lofið og dýrð á himnum hátt
honum með englum syngjum brátt,
friður á jörðu og fengin sátt,
fagni því menn sem bæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Þér gjöri' ég ei rúm með grjót né tré,
gjarnan læt ég hitt í té.
vill ég mitt hjartað vaggan sé,
vertu nú hér, minn kæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Umbúð verður engin hér
önnur en sú þú færðir mér,
hreina trúna að höfði þér
fyrir hægan koddan færi.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Á þig breiðist elskan sæt,
af öllum huga' ég syndir græt,
fyrir iðran verður hún mjúk og mæt,
miður en þér þó bæri.
:,: Með vísnasöng ég vögguna þína hræri:,:
Texti: Einar Sigurðsson
Lag: Sigvaldi Kaldalóns
- published: 26 Dec 2010
- views: 4196
Helgi Skúlason - Ógleymanleg Atriði
Ég rakst á þessa búta hingað og þangað og finnst þeir eigi að njóta sín samanklipptir en persónulega fannst mér Helgi vera okkar eigin útgáfa af Clint Eastwood....
Ég rakst á þessa búta hingað og þangað og finnst þeir eigi að njóta sín samanklipptir en persónulega fannst mér Helgi vera okkar eigin útgáfa af Clint Eastwood. Ef Helgi hefði lifað lengur eða fæðst síðar þá finnst mér alls ekki ólíklegt að hann hefði lagst í víking meir en raunin var á leiklistarsviðinu.
Á IMDB má að venju finna allar þær myndir sem hann lék í en hér er t.d. tengill á eina mjög fágæta þar sem Björk Guðmundsóttir leikur á móti honum. Hún verður seint talin til stórverka á kvikmyndasviðinu en er þó um margt athyglisverð.
Leikferill Helga í bíómyndum:
Ég rakst á þessa búta hingað og þangað og finnst þeir eigi að njóta sín samanklipptir en persónulega fannst mér Helgi vera okkar eigin útgáfa af Clint Eastwood. Ef Helgi hefði lifað lengur eða fæðst síðar þá finnst mér alls ekki ólíklegt að hann hefði lagst í víking meir en raunin var á leiklistarsviðinu.
Á IMDB má að venju finna allar þær myndir sem hann lék í en hér er t.d. tengill á eina mjög fágæta þar sem Björk Guðmundsóttir leikur á móti honum. Hún verður seint talin til stórverka á kvikmyndasviðinu en er þó um margt athyglisverð.
Leikferill Helga í bíómyndum:
- published: 24 Feb 2021
- views: 577
Intercultural Party of Framsokn
Einar Skúlason former Director of the Intercultural Centre and candidate for the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkur) in the upcoming parliamentary elections c...
Einar Skúlason former Director of the Intercultural Centre and candidate for the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkur) in the upcoming parliamentary elections claims that he can cook the best meatsoup (Kjötsúpa) in the world. Come to our intercultural party on Sunday and judge for yourself. In addition to the Kjötsúpa, delicious food from all around the world and Icelandic sweets will be served.
At the intercultural party you can get in touch with the diverse and vibrant international community that lives and thrives in Iceland and seize the opportunity to get to know first hand the policy of the Framsoknarflokkur on immigrant issues. Framsoknarflokkur is already a pioneer when it comes to making process on immigrant issues and initiated the making of public immigrant policy in the beginning of the year 2007. Framsoknarflokkur was also in the driver seat when the first formal contract was made between the Intercultural Centre and the Ministry of Social Affairs and when the first groups of refugees were received after a long pause. Now Framsoknarflokkur wants to continue along this path and focus on the rights of minority groups by adopting the EU directives that enforces ban to discrimination.
Can Einar Skulason make the best kjötsúpa in the world? What is the national dish of Thailand? How do you say parliamentary elections in Spanish? Find out about that and more and come to the intercultural party on sunday. The fun will start at 16:00 on Sunday, April 19th at Borgartun 28, Reykjavik.
Einar Skúlason former Director of the Intercultural Centre and candidate for the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkur) in the upcoming parliamentary elections claims that he can cook the best meatsoup (Kjötsúpa) in the world. Come to our intercultural party on Sunday and judge for yourself. In addition to the Kjötsúpa, delicious food from all around the world and Icelandic sweets will be served.
At the intercultural party you can get in touch with the diverse and vibrant international community that lives and thrives in Iceland and seize the opportunity to get to know first hand the policy of the Framsoknarflokkur on immigrant issues. Framsoknarflokkur is already a pioneer when it comes to making process on immigrant issues and initiated the making of public immigrant policy in the beginning of the year 2007. Framsoknarflokkur was also in the driver seat when the first formal contract was made between the Intercultural Centre and the Ministry of Social Affairs and when the first groups of refugees were received after a long pause. Now Framsoknarflokkur wants to continue along this path and focus on the rights of minority groups by adopting the EU directives that enforces ban to discrimination.
Can Einar Skulason make the best kjötsúpa in the world? What is the national dish of Thailand? How do you say parliamentary elections in Spanish? Find out about that and more and come to the intercultural party on sunday. The fun will start at 16:00 on Sunday, April 19th at Borgartun 28, Reykjavik.
- published: 20 Apr 2009
- views: 270