Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) is a legal charity in the UK that works on projects focused on protecting and promoting Palestinian human rights.

Our projects

Gaza Accountability

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Respect Children's Rights

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Business and Human Rights

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Protect Human Rights Defenders

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LPHR Urgent Actions
  • Concerning the forcible displacement of 78 Palestinian Bedouin refugees in Area C of the West Bank on 17 August 2015
    19th August 2015
  • Concerning Israeli authorities plans to force-feed the hunger striking Palestinian administrative detainee, Mohammad Allan, in clear violation of international law
    14th August 2015
LPHR Human Rights Blog
  • Infant mortality rate rise in Gaza and the context of illegal closure
    10th September 2015

    A striking research article published by the United Nations Refugee & Works Agency (UNRWA) in August 2015 shows an increase in infant mortality rates among Palestinian refugee new-borns in Gaza for the first time in five decades. (more…)

  • Gaza – Working for Accountability
    8th July 2015

    Today is the first anniversary of the large-scale Israeli military assault against Gaza which lasted for 51 days and wrought massive civilian suffering. This was the third devastating military offensive by Israel against Gaza in six years – each one causing unspeakable damage, destruction and loss of life. (more…)

  • Q&A on LPHR’s human rights complaint against G4S
    9th June 2015

    1. What is LPHR’s complaint about G4S and where was it submitted?

    In November 2013, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) submitted a comprehensive human rights complaint against G4S to a UK government maintained body called the UK National Contact Point (UK NCP). (more…)

  • What is the OECD Guidelines complaints mechanism and how can it be used?

    The National Contact Point system under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises is the first and still one of the very few international mechanisms established by governments to enable individuals, communities or their representatives to bring complaints against multinational corporations. (more…)