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19 August 2015  

Turkish attempts to form coalition government have failed; new election…

on Turkey

Turkish attempts to form coalition government have failed; new election on the horizon

By Al Jazeera Centre for Studies On Thursday, 13 August, after a short meeting between Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish Prime Minister and leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP...

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14 August 2015  

Turkey, the PKK and ISIL: A Deadly Double Game

on Turkey

Turkey, the PKK and ISIL: A Deadly Double Game

By Afro-Middle East Centre The Islamic State (IS) group’s bombing of the Turkish town of Suruc on 20 July, resulting in the deaths of thirty-two students, introduced a new a...

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07 August 2015  

How BRICS bank can help in Syria's humanitarian crisis

on Syria

How BRICS bank can help in Syria's humanitarian crisis

By Na'eem Jeenah Last week, Brics leaders formalised the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB), which will use its $100 billion (R1.24 trillion) in initial capital to fu...

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28 July 2015  

Tunisia’s security crisis and government’s inability to cope

on Tunisia

Tunisia’s security crisis and government’s inability to cope

By Al Jazeera Centre for Studies On Friday, 26 June, Tunisia witnessed the deadliest armed attack in its history, leaving thirty-eight people, mostly British tourists, dead, and t...

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20 July 2015  

Remaining and expanding: Measuring the Islamic State group’s success in…

on Middle East General

Remaining and expanding: Measuring the Islamic State group’s success in its current phase

By Afro-Middle East Centre Since its declaration of a ‘caliphate’ on 29 June 2014, the Islamic State group (IS), the brutal successor to al-Qa'ida, has gone from stren...

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17 July 2015  

Regional consequences of the Iranian nuclear deal

on Iran

Regional consequences of the Iranian nuclear deal

By Afro-Middle East Centre The agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme concluded this week seems to be an example of the benefits of concerted diplomacy. Once it is ratified b...

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20 July 2015  

Remaining and expanding: Measuring the Islamic State group’s success in…

on Middle East General

Remaining and expanding: Measuring the Islamic State group’s success in its current phase

By Afro-Middle East Centre Since its declaration of a ‘caliphate’ on 29 June 2014, the Islamic State group (IS), the brutal successor to al-Qa'ida, has gone from stren...

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16 October 2014  

Houthi gains in Yemen: Regional and local dimensions

on Middle East General

Houthi gains in Yemen: Regional and local dimensions

By Afro-Middle East Centre The striking advances of Houthis in Yemen, having already taken de facto control of the capital Sana'a last month, has implications for Yemen as well as...

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08 September 2014  

Anti-West is far too simplistic a view

on Middle East General

Anti-West is far too simplistic a view

By Omar Shaukat With the release of another video showing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, held hostage by the Islamic State (IS, also variously known as Isil...

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21 August 2014  

The Arab counterrevolution is in decline

on Middle East General

The Arab counterrevolution is in decline

By Basheer Nafi’ A truism that is valid for almost all revolutions – including the English, French, and the European revolutions of the mid-nineteenth century, the Ir...

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10 August 2014  

Women in Conflict

on Middle East General

Women in Conflict

By Zeenat Adam ‘When women are violated like men who but for sex are like them – when women’s arms and legs bleed when severed, when women are shot in pits and g...

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28 October 2013  

Brothers in arms? Hamas-Hizbullah reconciliation

on Middle East General

Brothers in arms? Hamas-Hizbullah reconciliation

By Afro-Middle East Centre The severing of Hamas’s relationship with Syrian President Bashar al-Asad’s government, which saw its politburo relocate from Damascus to Do...

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07 December 2014  

Netanyahu’s political musical chairs

on Palestine-Israel

Netanyahu’s political musical chairs

By Afro-Middle East Centre The dismissal of two cabinet ministers, Yair Lapid and Tzipi Libni, by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and the subsequent dissolution of parl...

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23 November 2014  

Tensions in Jerusalem: Demanding political measures not moral outrage

on Palestine-Israel

Tensions in Jerusalem: Demanding political measures not moral outrage

By Afro-Middle East Centre Tuesday’s attack on a synagogue in West Jerusalem has not only elicited a strong wave of condemnation from western political leaders, but also har...

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07 August 2014  

Gaza’s challenges for journalism

on Palestine-Israel

Gaza’s challenges for journalism

By Jane Duncan In the past few weeks, the South African media have been dominated by the unfolding catastrophe in Gaza and South Africans have had to rely largely on foreign cover...

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24 July 2014  

Prospects for the end of Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’

on Palestine-Israel

Prospects for the end of Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’

By Saleh Naami Israel’s current onslaught against Gaza is the third largest military confrontation between the Israel and Palestinian resistance movements in the enclave sin...

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19 July 2014  

From Maracanã to Gaza: ‘shooting’ and ‘firing’

on Palestine-Israel

From Maracanã to Gaza: ‘shooting’ and ‘firing’

By Larbi Sadiki The gilt-edged skills on display for nearly a month in Brazil are no ‘match’ for the blood-curdling war ‘games’ surgically executed by US-m...

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19 July 2014  

Operation Protective Edge: Israel’s July 2014 Assault on Gaza

on Palestine-Israel

Operation Protective Edge: Israel’s July 2014 Assault on Gaza

By Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies The latest escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict came in the form of an all-out Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip. Exploit...

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17 July 2015  

Regional consequences of the Iranian nuclear deal

on Iran

Regional consequences of the Iranian nuclear deal

By Afro-Middle East Centre The agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme concluded this week seems to be an example of the benefits of concerted diplomacy. Once it is ratified b...

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31 March 2015  

An agreement of Iran’s nuclear programme: convergence but not detente

on Iran

An agreement of Iran’s nuclear programme: convergence but not detente

By Afro-Middle East Centre With the 31 March deadline for the conclusion of a framework agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme with the P5+1 looming, stakeholders have increa...

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12 March 2014  

Iranian-American rapprochement: Positions of main Iranian roleplayers

on Iran

Iranian-American rapprochement: Positions of main Iranian roleplayers

By Farah Al Zaman Abu Shuair Summary This paper highlights the views of various roleplayers on the Iranian scene regarding Iranian-American convergence, the reasons for its rejec...

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31 October 2013  

The meaning of western-Iranian rapprochement

on Iran

The meaning of western-Iranian rapprochement

By Al Jazeera Center for Studies From the end of September to the middle of October 2013, it seemed that Iran’s relations with the western world were witnessing monumental c...

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06 October 2013  

No longer a zero-sum game between Tehran and Washington

on Iran

No longer a zero-sum game between Tehran and Washington

By Fatimah Alsmadi Introduction Iran’s foreign policy rhetoric exemplifies the idea that international politics is no longer a zero-sum game, but a multidimensional arena i...

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08 September 2013  

Has Iran begun to back down on Syria?

on Iran

Has Iran begun to back down on Syria?

By Fatima Alsmadi Has Iran’s position on Syria begun to change? This is a crucial question, as Iran’s tone toward military action against Syria has altered from being ...

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13 September 2014  

Obama’s anti-IS strategy: Everything but what is required

on Iraq

Obama’s anti-IS strategy: Everything but what is required

By Afro-Middle East Centre In a much-anticipated speech on Wednesday, US president Barack Obama unveiled his strategy for confronting the Islamic State group (IS). He emphasised t...

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26 June 2014  

IRAQ: Isis has credibility crisis

on Iraq

IRAQ: Isis has credibility crisis

By Omar Shaukat ISIS the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Levant), has burst dramatically onto the Iraqi scene in recent weeks, as it has captured one town after another. It has...

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19 June 2014  

Rapid gains of ISIS in Iraq the result of a…

on Iraq

Rapid gains of ISIS in Iraq the result of a political rather than a military crisis

By Afro-Middle East Centre Almost three years after the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, the country is suffering the dramatic rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS...

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25 April 2014  

Is Iraq facing a third Maliki term?

on Iraq

Is Iraq facing a third Maliki term?

By Maryim Benraad Election challenges, political fragmentation During the past decade, three national elections in Iraq have aimed at building a democracy out of the ruins of the...

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05 May 2013  

Iraq’s slide to sectarianism: disenfranchisement and power politics

on Iraq

Iraq’s slide to sectarianism: disenfranchisement and power politics

By Afro-Middle East Centre The clashes currently occurring in various areas in Iraq, which left over 180 people dead in the past week, threaten the stability and territorial integ...

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08 April 2010  

Reading into the 2010 Iraqi Election Results

on Iraq

Reading into the 2010 Iraqi Election Results

By Basheer Moosa Nafi In the recent Iraqi elections, the Al-Iraqiya alliance secured a victory over the list of the State of Law coalition by only two seats. This is not a signifi...

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07 August 2015  

How BRICS bank can help in Syria's humanitarian crisis

on Syria

How BRICS bank can help in Syria's humanitarian crisis

By Na'eem Jeenah Last week, Brics leaders formalised the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB), which will use its $100 billion (R1.24 trillion) in initial capital to fu...

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18 May 2015  

Will the Syrian regime survive?

on Syria

Will the Syrian regime survive?

By Afro-Middle East Centre Following recent rebel advances and regime defeats in Syria, speculation has been rife among commentators and some among the opposition about whether th...

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10 April 2015  

Dire situation in Yarmouk refugee camp, and possible future scenarios

on Syria

Dire situation in Yarmouk refugee camp, and possible future scenarios

By Afro-Middle East Centre In early April 2015, sudden fighting broke out in the Yarmouk refugee camp between groups affiliated to the Islamic State group (IS) and Aknaf Bayt al-M...

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01 November 2014  

Battle for Kobane: Turkey, USA and the Kurdish future

on Syria

Battle for Kobane: Turkey, USA and the Kurdish future

By Afro-Middle East Centre The battle for the Kurdish Syrian town of Kobane, resulting from a siege of the city by the Islamic State group (IS) since 2 July, has become the iconic...

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15 August 2014  

[SYMPOSIUM] Unravelling Syria's civil war; exploring future scenarios

on Syria

[SYMPOSIUM] Unravelling Syria's civil war; exploring future scenarios

Afro-Middle East Centre invites you to a symposium with the theme: Unravelling Syria's civil war; exploring future scenarios. Speakers:   Radwan Ziadeh   David Lesch...

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06 June 2014  

No surprises in Syria’s presidential election in the midst of…

on Syria

No surprises in Syria’s presidential election in the midst of civil war

By Afro-Middle East Centre Syria concluded its first multi-candidate presidential election in about fifty years on 3 June, with its result a foregone conclusion – the incumb...

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03 September 2010  

Politics surrounding the tribunal for Lebanon

on Lebanon

Politics surrounding the tribunal for Lebanon

By Lamis Andoni  The 2005 assassination of Lebanon's Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was followed by the launching of an international investigation into the assassination, and t...

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26 July 2010  

The dangers of the UNIFIL crisis

on Lebanon

The dangers of the UNIFIL crisis

By Lamis Andoni Four years after the end of the Lebanon war, the role of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which had been entrusted with keeping the peace bet...

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01 December 2008  

Book Review: Mirror of the Arab World: Lebanon in Conflict…

on Lebanon

Book Review: Mirror of the Arab World: Lebanon in Conflict by Sandra Mackey

Reviewed by Na'eem Jeenah Sandra Mackey sets herself a few tasks for this book. Firstly, she expects to give the reader an overview of the contemporary situation in Lebanon and to...

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04 July 2015  

Egypt moves closer to the abyss

on Egypt

Egypt moves closer to the abyss

By Afro-Middle East Centre Egypt’s cabinet passed new draconian ‘anti-terrorism’ laws on Wednesday, in the wake of Monday’s assassination of the prosecutor...

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25 May 2015  

Mursi’s death sentence and the creation of a self-fulfilling prophecy

on Egypt

Mursi’s death sentence and the creation of a self-fulfilling prophecy

By Afro-Middle East Centre The recent sentencing to death of former Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi and 121 others illustrates the farcical and politicised nature of the Egyptian...

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20 April 2015  

Egypt’s leaderless revolution

on Egypt

Egypt’s leaderless revolution

By David Ottaway and Marina Ottaway The 25 January Egyptian uprising always had scant possibilities of success. The country’s secular and Islamist revolutionaries were ...

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14 March 2015  

Risks of Egypt’s Military Intervention in Libya

on Egypt

Risks of Egypt’s Military Intervention in Libya

By Afro-Middle East Centre On 15 February 2015, an armed group calling itself the Tripoli Province of the Islamic State and claiming affiliation with the Islamic State group in Ir...

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02 February 2015  

Sisi’s Egypt: The illusion of stability and the perpetuation of…

on Egypt

Sisi’s Egypt: The illusion of stability and the perpetuation of unrest

By Al-Jazeera Centre for Studies Late on Sunday, 25 January 2015, hundreds of protests broke in various Egyptian cities and towns, followed by attacks on public administration bui...

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07 November 2014  

Crisis in northern Sinai worsens

on Egypt

Crisis in northern Sinai worsens

By Afro-Middle East Centre On 24 October 2014, an armed attack on an Egyptian security detail in the Sheikh Zuweid area of Egypt’s North Sinai Governorate left more than thi...

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16 May 2014  

Negotiations and military action to free Nigerian schoolgirls

on Morocco

Negotiations and military action to free Nigerian schoolgirls

By Afro-Middle East Centre The abduction of 276 schoolgirls from a high school in Chibok, northern Nigeria, and the Nigerian government’s responses, provides insight into th...

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10 August 2011  

Popular upsurge and political pacts in Morocco

on Morocco

Popular upsurge and political pacts in Morocco

By Anouar Boukhars The making of the 2011 constitution in Morocco has renewed debates and theoretical curiosity about the trajectory of elite accords and their impact on pushing c...

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24 May 2011  

Prospects for change in the Kingdom of Morocco

on Morocco

Prospects for change in the Kingdom of Morocco

By Mohamed Darif As with other Arab countries, a wave of protests calling for change is sweeping across Morocco. These protests have largely been inspired by the Tunisian and Egyp...

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28 July 2015  

Tunisia’s security crisis and government’s inability to cope

on Tunisia

Tunisia’s security crisis and government’s inability to cope

By Al Jazeera Centre for Studies On Friday, 26 June, Tunisia witnessed the deadliest armed attack in its history, leaving thirty-eight people, mostly British tourists, dead, and t...

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14 November 2014  

Ennahda’s post-election future

on Tunisia

Ennahda’s post-election future

By Afro-Middle East Centre During the four years following former president Ben Ali’s ouster in January 2011, Tunisians have experienced tumultuous changes: the economy has ...

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17 October 2014  

Analysing Tunisia’s first post-revolutionary legislative elections

on Tunisia

Analysing Tunisia’s first post-revolutionary legislative elections

By Abdul Latif al-Hanachi Introduction Tunisia’s political elite overcame various obstacles during the initial stages of democratic transition, and successfully revived sev...

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21 February 2013  

Ennahda clings on to power amid political crisis in Tunisia

on Tunisia

Ennahda clings on to power amid political crisis in Tunisia

By Afro-Middle East Centre   The resignation of Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali on 19 February is just the latest development in a protracted political crisis in Tunisia. For m...

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04 November 2011  

Flowering of the Arab Spring: Understanding Tunisia’s elections results

on Tunisia

Flowering of the Arab Spring: Understanding Tunisia’s elections results

By Esam Al-Amin In early 1994 a small Islamic think tank affiliated with the University of South Florida (USF) planned an academic forum to host Rachid Ghannouchi, the leader of t...

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27 September 2011  

Tunisia: The battle for the Constituent Assembly

on Tunisia

Tunisia: The battle for the Constituent Assembly

By AlJazeera Centre for Studies Whether foreseen or unexpected, the continuing developments in Tunisia's political arena do not cease to surprise observers. With the approaching e...

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22 June 2015  

The Islamic State in Libya: Slipping through the cracks of…

on Libya

The Islamic State in Libya: Slipping through the cracks of the political crisis

By Kamal Al-Kusayyar Libya is the Islamic State (IS) group’s third largest bastion after Syria and Iraq. The group’s actual head count in the country notwithstanding, ...

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27 February 2015  

Libya’s IS is overhyped and must be addressed politically

on Libya

Libya’s IS is overhyped and must be addressed politically

By Afro-Middle East Centre The 15 February Islamic State group (IS) video showing the beheadings of twenty-one Egyptians raised concerns both about the possibility of the group&rs...;

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25 June 2012  

The rights of refugees: Continued humanitarian violations in Libya

on Libya

The rights of refugees: Continued humanitarian violations in Libya

By Zeenat Sujee The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) uprisings have brought to the fore numerous human rights issues. Several studies1 have found that a number of countries are...

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17 March 2011  

Gaddafi's regime in relation to Libyan tribes

on Libya

Gaddafi's regime in relation to Libyan tribes

By Mansouria Mokhefi For centuries, tribes have played a key role in terms of politics and social relations within Libya, and have ensured their perpetuation through the Bedouin c...

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13 March 2011  

Role of the Libyan army and the anti-Gaddafi revolt

on Libya

Role of the Libyan army and the anti-Gaddafi revolt

By Saïd Haddad In spite of the atmosphere of suspicion which has surrounded the Libyan armed forces since the Al-Fateh Revolution of October 1969, it has played and could pla...

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28 April 2015  

Nigeria’s elections and future challenges

on Sub-Saharan Africa

Nigeria’s elections and future challenges

By Afro-Middle East Centre The election of General Muhammadu Buhari as Nigeria’s president will see a renewed focus by the government on domestic challenges posed by endemic...

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26 September 2013  

Kenyan hostage crisis: The desperation of al-Shabab

on Sub-Saharan Africa

Kenyan hostage crisis: The desperation of al-Shabab

By Afro-Middle East Centre The hostage drama at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi over the past week has raised a number of questions about the Somali organisation al-Shabab. After the...

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26 October 2012  

The effects of the ‘War on Terror’ on states’ foreign…

on Sub-Saharan Africa

The effects of the ‘War on Terror’ on states’ foreign policies: Mulling force to solve political problems in Mali

By Afro-Middle East Centre Recent statements that ‘there is no alternative….it’s going to take military force’, made by Jack Christofides, a senior offici...

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31 March 2012  

The feasibility of a continued United States presence in Afghanistan

on South Asia

The feasibility of a continued United States presence in Afghanistan

By Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn Recent events in Afghanistan have fuelled speculation over the ability of international forces to continue their presence in the coun...

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28 February 2012  

Dangerous uncertainty in Pakistan

on South Asia

Dangerous uncertainty in Pakistan

By Junaid S. Ahmed With relations between Pakistan's civilian government and military incredibly tense, speculation is rife in the Pakistani and international media of a looming m...

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30 May 2011  

Pakistan-US relations in the post-Osama era

on South Asia

Pakistan-US relations in the post-Osama era

By Junaid S. Ahmad The assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan by US Special Forces was supposed to have been a landmark triumph that would bring peace and stability to the r...

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13 December 2010  

Kashmir and Obama's Indian appeasement

on South Asia

Kashmir and Obama's Indian appeasement

By Mohammad Abdullah Gul Obama's recent jive with school children in Delhi symbolises the nature of the new relationship that is emerging between India and the United States of Am...

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13 September 2010  

Pakistan’s floods: Pressing problems and potential risks

on South Asia

Pakistan’s floods: Pressing problems and potential risks

By Najam Abbas Pakistan's recent floods have left eight million people dependent on aid for their survival, and washed away huge swathes of the rich farmland on which the country...

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06 September 2010  

Wikileaks, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

on South Asia

Wikileaks, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

By Mohammed Abdullah Gul  On 25 July 2010, the New York Timescarried an explosive story by Mark Mazzetti, Jane Perlez, Eric Schmitt and Andrew W. Lehren about some 92,000 cla...

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13 February 2015  

Death of a Saudi king: Palace intrigue and policy implications

on The Gulf

Death of a Saudi king: Palace intrigue and policy implications

By Afro-Middle East Centre The death of Saudi King Abdullah on 23 January, and the ascension to the throne of his half-brother Salman have generated a flurry of discussions and sp...

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27 March 2014  

Saudi-Qatari tensions and implications for the Persian Gulf

on The Gulf

Saudi-Qatari tensions and implications for the Persian Gulf

By Afro-Middle East Centre Tensions are increasing between Qatar on the one hand, and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the other. In the latest dispute...

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18 April 2012  

Qatar piggy-backs on MENA uprisings towards regional ascendancy

on The Gulf

Qatar piggy-backs on MENA uprisings towards regional ascendancy

By Afro-Middle East Centre The uprisings that spread across the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region from the beginning of 2011 not only caught global and regional powers unawar...

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04 November 2011  

Women's participation in the political life of Saudi Arabia: Here…

on The Gulf

Women's participation in the political life of Saudi Arabia: Here is the car, now where is the road?

ByAbdulazizAl-Heis The decision to allow women to participate in the Shura Council and municipal councils of Saudi Arabia is an important step forward, especially given that Saudi...

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11 October 2011  

Bahrain: Democracy on the wrong side of global interests

on The Gulf

Bahrain: Democracy on the wrong side of global interests

By Afro-Middle East Centre Introduction Despite the chronic under-reporting on popular protests in Bahrain, the uprising in the small Gulf state that left over thirty dead and hu...

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29 August 2011  

Yemen on the brink: The implications of the uprising

on The Gulf

Yemen on the brink: The implications of the uprising

By Afro-Middle East Centre The uprising in Yemen that started in January 2011 was largely inspired by the popular protests that swept the region - in particular the Egyptian and T...

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31 January 2012  

The rise of 'Ikhwanophobia': Fear of the Muslim Brotherhood

on Political Islam

The rise of 'Ikhwanophobia': Fear of the Muslim Brotherhood

By Dr. Mohsen Saleh Introduction Fear of the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwanal-Muslimoon), the leading Islamist movement, has gained unprecedented international prominence since the b...

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23 February 2010  

Dialogue with the Taliban: Negotiation or inducement?

on Political Islam

Dialogue with the Taliban: Negotiation or inducement?

By AlJazeera Centre for Studies The London Conference, held at the end of January 2010 in recognition of, and support for, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, was the sixth internati...

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11 February 2010  

Al-Qaeda Hot Spots

on Political Islam

Al-Qaeda Hot Spots

By AlJazeera Centre for Studies At the end of the phase known as the "Afghan Jihad", most Arabs and Muslims who participated in the Afghan war returned to their homelands. Some fo...

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02 September 2009  

Al-Qaeda, Jihad and the Democratization of Islamic Authority

on Political Islam

by Faisal Devji On the fifth anniversary of 9/11 a jihadist website posted a long interview with Osama bin Laden's lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in which he described Muslim mil...

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01 September 2009  

Abstract : ‘Jihad’ as a form of struggle in the…

on Political Islam

Abstract for paper presented by Na'eem Jeenah, Executive Director of the Afro-Middle East Centre, at the conference on "Rethinking Jihad", organised by the Centre for the Advanced ...

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28 May 2010  

Al-Qaeda in the New National Security Strategy

on 'War on terror'

Al-Qaeda in the New National Security Strategy

By Mark Lynch The Obama administration's new National Security Strategy has been released today. It goes a long way towards providing a coherent framework for American foreign pol...

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16 February 2010  

Pakistan’s attitude towards Obama’s plan to negotiate with the Taliban

on 'War on terror'

Pakistan’s attitude towards Obama’s plan to negotiate with the Taliban

By Dr. Ijaz Shafi Gilani U.S. President Barack Obama's plan to negotiate with the Taliban in Afghanistan has generally been welcomed in Pakistan. It is being seen as a vindication...

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07 February 2010  

Mission Absolute: American hegemony in space

on 'War on terror'

Mission Absolute: American hegemony in space

By Sourav Roy Come April 2010, officials from the sleepy Polish municipality of Morag will be gearing up for perhaps their most critical assignment in the new decade. Their job wi...

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Media Gallery

The cause of the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas

09 July 2014  

The cause of the latest…

Israel says it's hit more than one-hundred-and-twenty targets overnight, as the violent confrontation with Palestinian militants intensifies. Several Palastinian rockets landed in Jerusalem and two ta...


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The situation is bad in Iraq: Omar Shaukat

24 June 2014  

The situation is bad in…

US Secretary of State John Kerry has pledged intense support to Baghdad in the fight against militants. Kerry made a surprise visit to Iraq as Sunni Insurgents led by the jihadist Islamic State in Ira...


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