
A reprodução da vida cotidiana - Fredy Perlman

Excelente análise de Fredy Perlman da alienação e da maneira como nós, enquanto trabalhadores, reproduzimos a economia capitalista cotidianamente. (Traduzido e publicado pelo Grupo Autonomia no website Biblioteca Virtual Revolucionária em fevereiro de 2000 a partir da versão original em inglês de Black & Red, 1969).

Max Baginski (died 24 November 1943)

Rocker thought Baginski was "one of the most outstanding human beings I have met in my life." This Rocker's obituary for Baginski a prolific anarchist writer and activist.

Aléssi dell’Umbria’s Istmeño—The Winds of Revolt: a documentary film about resistance against dispossession – Argelaga

A review of the 2015 documentary film about the resistance struggle against the construction of gigantic arrays of industrial wind turbines to generate “clean” energy in Oaxaca (southern Mexico), discussing the resistance movement’s historical background in Mexico’s precipitous descent into the nightmare of the accelerated expropriation of the agrarian population by the economic impact of NAFTA since 1994 and the “police-military narco-state violence” that has been used as a convenient screen for repression and elimination of dissidents, as the country is integrated into the world market and its resources are further opened to foreign exploitation.

Arquivo com o conteúdo completo da biblioteca virtual revolucionária

Arquivo comprimido (.zip) com o conteúdo completo da Biblioteca Virtual Revolucionária. uma introdução é uma ferramenta para todas as pessoas que desejam lutar para melhorar suas vidas, suas comunidades e suas condições de trabalho. Queremos discutir, aprender com os êxitos e fracassos do passado e desenvolver estratégias para aumentar o poder que nós, como gente comum, temos sobre as nossas próprias vidas.

Is intersectionality just another form of identity politics? - Feminist Fightback

Feminist Fightback take a class-based look at intersectionality and identity politics.

The calendar riots

Calendar riots cover

Scanned version of a great spiral-bound calendar filled with anniversaries of uprisings, strikes, rebellions against work and other events in working class and radical history around the world.

The Bakuninhütte, a libertarian lodge

a short history of an anarchist meeting place, and its varied history since 1920: farmer's shelter, anarcho-syndicalist centre, police training centre!

Crisis of civilisation - Gilles Dauvé

Dauvé argues that all crises are crises of social reproduction, and analyses in detail the similarities and differences between the current crisis and previous crises.

An account of the Hull prison riot, 1976 - Jake Prescott

Jake Prescott in 1971

Former Angry Brigade member and prisoner Jake Prescott's account of the 1976 riot by prisoners in HMP Hull.