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Netizen Report: Egypt Tests New Terror Law on Facebook Users

The Netizen Report is back in action after a summer hiatus. This week, we catch up on Russia's empty threat to Wikipedia and social media censorship in Cambodia and Malaysia.

Is Telegram's Compliance with Iran Compromising the Digital Security of Its Users?

Telegram has been complying with the Iranian government to block features, a cause for privacy concerns on a platform that boasts secure communication.

Digital Citizen 3.5

Digital Citizen is a biweekly review of news, policy, and research on human rights and technology in the Arab World.

Think You're So Clever, Wikipedia? Russian Censors Plan to Block You Anyway

Though Wikipedia has tried to circumvent Russian censors' demands to remove content, the Kremlin seems intent on blocking the website at all costs.

Did Wikipedia Just Outsmart Russia's Internet Blacklist?

Wikipedia is trying something new in the fight against Russian censorship, and it might actually work.

Malaysia Considers Forcing News Websites to Register with Government, As Political Scandal Unfolds

"It is highly unlikely that this move is intended to achieve anything other than the shutting down of criticism."

Why is WikiLeaks Hosting Malicious Files?

"We did not want to publish links to these emails if they included malicious attachments. This would be bad journalistic practice and it could put our readers at risk."

Netizen Report: Authorities Finally Take Action on Bangladesh Blogger Killings

Censorship spikes in Turkey and Tunisia, net neutrality takes a hit in Mexico, and Germany puts food porn under copyright lock-and-key.

New Research: Iranian Internet Users May Care More About Access than Security

With over 100,000 subscribers, Filtershekanha serves as a compelling case study in how Iranians evade internet censorship.

Russia Blocks Euronews ISIS Video Over ‘Extremist’ User Comment

Russian censors have blocked another YouTube video, although it did not violate any Russian laws. Instead, an offending user comment under the video caused Roscomnadzor to ban the page wholesale.