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No Terrorism Links to Yogyakarta ATM Attack: Source
Farouk Arnaz | October 08, 2011

Forensic  officers examine the BRI ATM booth that was firebombed by unknown perpetrators in Gejayan, Sleman, Yogyakarta on Friday. (JG Photo/Boy T Harjanto) Forensic officers examine the BRI ATM booth that was firebombed by unknown perpetrators in Gejayan, Sleman, Yogyakarta on Friday. (JG Photo/Boy T Harjanto)
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The National Police elite counterterrorism unit Densus 88 confirmed that the firebomb attack at a BRI ATM in Sleman, Yogyakarta was purely criminal and not an act of terrorism.

“Based on the investigation of the person suspected of throwing the Molotov cocktail bomb at the ATM, we concluded that it was a general crime. Not terrorism,” a senior investigator with Densus 88 told the Jakarta Globe on condition of anonymity.

The source said the motive behind the attack was to create chaos.

“We allege that they were also involved in a Molotov attack at an ATM in Bandung last June,” the source said.

Suspicion about terrorism arose after flyers were found in front of the ATM. The flyers said, “Corporate state, police, military are the real terrorists. Social rebellion will continue because the sun is still shining.”

On Friday, Sleman Police Chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Irwan Ramani said the suspect arrested was identified as BA. A witness told the police that BA was seen driving back and forth in front of the ATM on a motorbike before the attack took place.

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