GreenNet is the ethical Internet Service Provider that has been connecting people and groups who work for peace, the environment, gender equality and human rights since 1986.


Ethical home & organisational broadband, ADSL up to 8Mbps & 20Mbps (depending on distance from exchange and other factors), unlimited bandwidth, fixed IP, and GreenNet’s excellent support team ensuring you’re online all of the time.

GreenNet provides a unique anti-spam service geared to NGOs, the voluntary sector, charities and activists.

Our managed Drupal hosting is for organisations who want a managed and dynamic presence on the web with easy access to expert Drupal advice and development support.

Recent Web Projects

GreenNet web projects are all about planning, designing, and building websites that work for you and the issues you’re working on.

What you say about us

“ Been with you since I first had an email account, and it’s the best service anywhere.”

Guest Blogs - recent posts we like

Energy round-up: carbon markets have failed - by : Stephen Devlin - 9 Sep -
Energy round-up: carbon markets have failed  Photo credit:   freefoto
Economist and analyst John Aziz's latest blog "On the Dehumanization of Immigrants" - 31 Jul -
Britain is in the grip of a worrying trend. Our own Prime Minister compared migrants in Calais to insects when he called them a “swarm”. Meanwhile, internet comment sections relating to the refugees are filled with hatred and venom.
Interview with UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye on expression, opinion and religious freedom - 3 Jun -
By Leila Nachawati Rego for APCNewsJAKARTA, Indonesia, 03 June 2015

Network news

08/08/2015   Tory policies trash renewables

The Government wants to scrap a policy that puts solar panels on the roofs of schools, hospitals and businesses. Email the Government consultation now to stand up for renewable energy.

17/07/2015   Media censors protests against Japan's defence expansion

Asahi ShimbunAsahi ShimbunJapanese PM Shinzo Abe has silenced debate on controversial “Peace and Security” legislation. Opposition politicians protested the move while thousands of people took to the streets. The unconstitutional legislation contravenes Article 9 of Japan’s post-war Peace Constitution.

16/07/2015   War-zone child refugees deported at 18

Counterpoints ArtsCounterpoints Arts2000 lone children come to the UK from Iraq and Afghanistan every year. Even without documents or evidence they are protected by the Children Act and can settle into British life, do well at school, make friends… But when they reach 18 they are deported back to a war zone. Watch the Refugee Council’s new BBC investigation.