Tol on Ward on Wiki

Richard Tol, not content with a quiet and peaceful life, is having fun on wiki. He’s trying to add a “criticism” section to the [[Bob Ward]] page, featuring the exciting adventures of… yes, you’ve guessed it, one R Tol: In 2014, Ward was accused by Professor [[Richard Tol]] of conducting a smear campaign against him……

I previously promised to read Hansen et al., and I finally have – well, at least skimmed. It hasn’t really changed my opinions. global CO2 emissions continue to increase… the threat posed by ice sheet instability and sea level rise This is in accord with what I’ve said before, that the most obviously unambiguously bad…

I’m back. Did you miss me? Don’t all say “no” at once. A piece from the Torygraph about the unfolding disaster that is Jeremy Corbyn’s run for head of the Labour party; they can barely contain their glee, of course, but I did like the idea of someone forcasting communist weather; Boris, perhaps. The still…

Steve Easterbrook recently asked “Who first coined the term “Greenhouse Effect”?” which reminded me of my translation, off on my private website (which is currently the top google hit for “Fourier 1827: MEMOIRE sur les temperatures du globe terrestre et des espaces planetaires”, woot). Anyway, I thought I’d copy it here for safekeeping (update: BTW,…

Yet another “academic” article about wikipedia (Content Volatility of Scientific Topics in Wikipedia: A Cautionary Tale; Adam M. Wilson, Gene E. Likens): Wikipedia has quickly become one of the most frequently accessed encyclopedic references, despite the ease with which content can be changed and the potential for ‘edit wars’ surrounding controversial topics. Little is known…

Greek yield curves

The Greeks certainly yielded, but that’s not what I’m talking about. No, this is about bond yields, specifically the inverted yield curve that Greek bonds show at the moment. And its jolly interesting (no, really, don’t go… oh). I should begin by saying I don’t know what I’m talking about. I started off thinking I…

Yet more misc

Fun in comet land. The great silences of space give one pause for thought in the face of the chatter and noise of Earth. Speaking of which, Paul Mason (who he?) says: By neoliberalism I mean the global capitalist system shaped around a core of neoliberal practices and institutions, themselves guided by a widespread and…

Is Quentin Letts a tosser?

I was pointed at What’s the point of BBC guidelines when it comes to climate change? in the Graun by Richard Black (director, Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit and former BBC science and environment correspondent (errm, I mean that’s who RB is. It wasn’t him that pointed me at that piece)). And QL’s offence is…

A trip to the Peloponnese

Last year we went to the the Peloponnese for our summer holidays. This year… we did again. My only excuse for this post is for the bits vaguely related to the pol /econ stuff I’ve posted. There wasn’t much of that visible. Had I not known, I wouldn’t have suspected a country in crisis. We…

One of my favourite journal-club comments, from back in the days when I did science, about a previous Hansen paper that failed to find favour. I’m hoping to actually read the Hansen Noveau, and hopeful that it isn’t just old wine in new bottles, but first a brief comment about comment policy. Blogs without a…