to judge the nth European
agreement ''to save Greece'' stipulated on Thursday
21st July? The financial markets have already provided
their verdict: on Friday 22 the spread between the
Italian ten-years Treasury Bonds and the German Bunds
was still 258 basic points (2,58%), a level unsustainable
for the Italian public finances. The next week begun
(at the time of this writing) with Moody's downgrading
the Greek sovereign debt again, and even higher spreads
on the Italian and Spanish bonds. These had jumped
over 300 points at the beginning of July, and did
not fall much after further restrictive fiscal measures
by the Italian government. The markets realise the
uselessness of these manoeuvres that only depress
the economies in a Sisyphus' effort to rebalance the
situation, far from solving the European
imbalances that are at the origin of the crisis.1
The two main aspect of the agreement are the following:
- the involvement of the private banking
sector in alleviating the burden of the Greek debt;
- the extension of the activity range of
the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
created in May 2010 with better lending conditions
to the three small periphery countries, Greece,
Ireland and Portugal (GIP), and new tasks.
I will not say much on the first point. European
banks have accepted a limited restructuring of their
credits and a small haircut. That the cost of the
adjustment will bear on banks' profits is positive.
I am not sure this will happen, not anyway on the
required scale. Funnily, most of the losses are imposed
on the Greek banks, and very little on the German
and French banks.
The EFSF (and the European Stability Mechanism-ESM
that will replace the former in 2013) is a fund financed
by the European governments and created in order to
sustain the European periphery sovereign debts, as
it did with Greece, Ireland and Portugal since last
May. Notably, last year the ECB also intervened to
sustain the PIG's sovereign debt, but in 2011 it has
refrained from taking action (in principle forbidden
by the European Statutes). After the recent agreement
the EFSF will in the first instance provide a further
loan to Greece and reschedule past loans to the GIP
lowering the interest rate to 3.5%. This would be
positive, were it not for the fact that Italy and
Spain have to increase their own debt, paying interest
rates of the order of 6%, to lend to the GIP at 3.5%
(by contrast the German Treasury can collect money
at 2% and lend at 3.5%). The fragile nature of the
EFSF is indeed patent: indebted Greece is kept alive
by increasing the Italian and Spanish debt, a vicious
circle. This is why, last May, we said that the only
novelty in Europe was that the ECB was timidly starting
to intervene (but, as we said, for a short while).
On these fragile foundations, the ESFS has been assigned
new tasks: to sustain banks' capitalisation, whenever
necessary, and to intervene in the open market to
sustain sovereign bonds whenever the ECB reputes necessary
- supposedly in case of dramatic financial turbulence.
In this the European governments have completed their
masterpiece of putting the world upside down: traditionally
it is the fiscal authority that calls on the central
bank, with its unlimited weaponry, to intervene. In
Europe it is the opposite - unbelievable, but true.
Finally, to complete the capolavoro, the EFSF has
even to guarantee the ECB that it will cover any capital
loss that the ECB might incur if the Greek bonds it
has bought last year (when it timidly intervened)
would default. Usually it is the central bank that
guarantees the sovereign debt, not the other way round
(with the Treasury guaranteeing central bank assets).
Quos Deus vult perdere, dementat prius (whom the gods
would lose, they first make mad).
So the real winner in the European agreement, a Pyrrhic
winner of course, is the ECB (see NYT).
The ECB can definitively wash its hands of intervening
to sustain, as is proper for a central bank, the European
sovereign debts. It can thus return to its role of
hunter of any inflation ghost around, particularly
in Germany, a role that this country wants the ECB
to preserve since it is essential to safeguard her
mercantilist model. In an notable paper, Guido Tabellini
and here)
broke the ranks of the conservative Chicago-Harvard-Bocconi
Italian connection (Alesina, Perotti, Zingales, Giavazzi),
who support the idea of the ''expansionary fiscal
retrenchments'', purporting the cause of an active
role of the ECB in calming the markets. I put this
paper in my blog under the title ''Tabellini visits
the Levy Institute''.
As plainly argued by Mallaby in the FT
commenting the European agreement:
''The truth is that, even in America, crisis lending
is mostly done by the central bank. In the dark
days after the Lehman bust, Hank Paulson, Treasury
secretary, begged Congress for $700bn of bail-out
funds. He got it - but not before panicking the
markets by being rejected the first time. Even then,
the Treasury's intervention was massively surpassed
by the Federal Reserve, which pumped $3,300bn into
distressed markets. It turns out that the best lenders
of last resort are, in fact, the traditional lenders
of last resort; central banks that do not have to
deal with sluggish parliaments, but can print money.
Their responsibility for financial stability is
arguably equal to their responsibility for fighting
inflation. Indeed, Europeans who gaze enviously
at the US should recall that, when the Fed was established
in 1913, its central purpose was crisis lending….
If Mr Trichet's ECB really did emulate the Fed,
the ring fence for Italy and Spain could be established
instantly. He could simply declare that he stands
ready to buy sovereign bonds issued by both. The
combined net sovereign debt of Italy and Spain comes
to around €2,200bn. Mr. Trichet could plausibly
promise to buy the whole lot - which would guarantee
he would never have to.''
So, not only did the recent nth European accord not
provide a satisfactory solution, but it was also a
step back in letting the ECB to remain in its splendid
isolation. Expect further, irresponsible, increases
of the ECB interest rate in the next future.
Many clever solutions have been put forward to plug
the European crisis, including that by Varufakis-Holland.
The basic idea is to transfer a substantial part of
the member states' debts to a European authority,
transforming it into a European debt. This would lead,
according to the proponents, to lower interest rates
both on the new European joint debt (that would be
re-financed by issuing the famous Eurobonds),3
and on the by now more manageable remaining local
debt. We are not sure, however, that without the guarantee
of an accommodating monetary policy by a new ECB even
this solution would properly work. Only a proactive
central bank, lender of last resort of states and
banks, can protect a sovereign debt from moments of
financial panic (and a huge European debt without
a federal state behind it, with a proper taxation
power, would likely be fragile). Be as it may, paradoxically,
to plug the financial crisis would be the easiest
part of the solution of the European crisis.
Indeed, clever plans and a proactive central bank
can tampon the situation, but cannot solve the fault
at the origin of the European Monetary Union (EMU)
failure: locking a number of quite diverse economies,
that historically relied on exchange rate adjustments
to rebalance their trade relations, into a sort of
gold standard scheme. To readdress this situation
would require much more: a European investment plan,4
proactive fiscal and monetary policies, a change of
the German mercantilist model. Only a rebellion, especially
of the educated youth of South Europe, could move
things into the right direction. But a collapse of
the EMU might be faster.
26, 2011.
[1] For those who can read Italian,
a number of contributions of mine and of other non
orthodox Italian colleagues on the European crisis
are on
More academic contributions in English are here
and here.
[2] To confirm this, on Thursday 12
July, rumours of an ECB intervention checked a speculative
attack against the Italian sovereign debt. The ECB
did not actually intervene.
[3] The member states would of course
continue to pay the interest on the portions of their
debt they have transferred to the European poll.
[4] In this respect, the European
accord rhetorically mentions a Marshall plan for Greece:
put your money were your mouth is, as Anglo-Saxons
would say.