n informed people is the basis of, and a necessity for, successful democratic government. The people of the United States are entitled to hear all sides to a question whether it be political, economic, social, racial or religious. -- Burton K. Wheeler

The Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy in Bozeman, MT, promotes the discussion, analysis and eventual resolution of critical issues facing Montana and the region. The Center holds conferences, sponsors research and lectures, publishes conference reports and maintains this Web page for Montanans and others who are seeking solutions to some of today's most pressing issues and problems.

The Center is located at 1102 South 6th Avenue, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. We welcome your comments and suggestions regarding our activities and conference topics. Please visit us or contact us.

2015 Early Childhood Education Conference Information

Due to schedule conflicts, Dr. W.Steven Barnett Director of NIEER (National Institute for Early Education Research)will no longer be joining us in November. However, we are excited to announce that Dr. Ellen Frede will be serving as our keynote speaker. Dr. Frede serves as the Deputy Director for Early learning at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, focused on expanding access to high-quality pre-Kindergarten.

Read Dr. Frede's biography here

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