Thursday Numbers

Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority. – Vince Lombardi

Welcome to “Thursday Numbers!” In case you’re new around here, “Thursday Numbers” is the weekly column where I take a look at the numbers that are in the news (in descending order) and provide commentary sometimes sprinkled with sarcasm and sometimes I am actually serious.

This week’s topics include Baltimore & Freddie Gray, unemployment, stolen honey, the manhunt, cable television, Obama’s nuclear deal, going hungry, “Longmire” on Netflix, active wildfires in Montana, Carroll College, DUI, and much more!

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NFL 2015: My Predictions

Are you ready for some football? You still have time to purchase that new television! This is also a good time for my annual reminder to put new batteries in your remote control!

Please Note: I have written this column at a sixth grade level so Broncos, Raiders, and Chargers fans can understand it.

The NFL season kicks off Thursday night with the New England Patriots hosting the Pittsburgh Steelers. The game will be televised on NBC.

If you follow me on Twitter or read this blog very much, you know that I am a life-long Kansas City Chiefs fan. Last year we (Chiefs) missed the playoffs. I don’t know if head coach Andy Reid is the person to get the Chiefs to the promised land or not. Most folks, me included, don’t have the Chiefs making the playoffs this season. I think the Chiefs will be fortunate to get back to 9-7. Plus, the Chiefs gave up a home game to play in London. Freaking LONDON.

Now on to the predictions…

DISCLAIMER: I am a professional football watcher so be careful if you try this at home.

I have always been pretty bad at predicting who will win each division in the NFL, but in 2014 I did pick five of the six AFC playoff teams correctly. As for the NFC in 2014, I picked three of the six playoff teams correctly.

So I am feeling pretty good about this year’s predictions.

I did correctly pick last season’s Super Bowl winner – the New England Patriots.

So here goes – and this is not for the faint-hearted. I’ve read the stories, checked the schedules, read what the teams and the fans are saying and here are my predictions for the National Football League’s 2015 season:

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Terrific News Tuesday

Labor Day is over and summer is fading – now it’s time for fall and football!

In case this is your first time reading Terrific News Tuesday (TNT), this column is all about good news – there’s no complaining or criticizing today – just some terrific news that caught my attention!

Here is some of the good stuff in this edition of TNT:

  • Get Fit Great Falls
  • Montanans on NFL Rosters
  • Rain, Rain, Rain
  • Gasoline Prices
  • #FindKatrinaGirl

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The Sunday Message

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.  – Romans 13:1-2 (NIV)

Most everyone by now has heard about Kim Davis. Davis is the county clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky. She has been jailed by a federal judge for refusing to issue a marriage license to same-sex couples. After Davis was jailed, members of her staff issued the marriage license.

It was not long after Davis was jailed, the group called “Family Research Council” which is headed by Tony Perkins sent out an email with the subject, “Help free Kim Davis from jail.” Perkins told supporters, “American Christians need to stand with Kim Davis’s right to stand by her religious convictions.”

Perkins asked supporters to sign a petition to the Governor of Kentucky asking him to issue an accommodation to Kim Davis allowing her to live and work according to her beliefs.

Some people believe that people should just step aside when a person has some sort of religious belief and let them do their own thing. That’s kind of the reason why the same-sex marriage issue went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. There needs to be one law for all to obey, if not it will become a slippery slope.

If people like Davis are allowed to continue, I can imagine people being refused service for any number of “religious” reasons.

Nobody is telling Davis what to believe in her heart or change her religious convictions. She works for the government, and part of her job is to serve the public no matter what the public that comes into her office believes. Plus, Davis has to obey the laws of this country.

I’ve read that Davis won’t resign from her job, and if she does not obey the law, she may be in jail for quite some time. She should be impeached.

I’m sure Tony Perkins and his organization will help her find a job.

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.Luke 6:35 (NIV)

## END ##

Caught My Eye…

Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star. – W. Clement Stone

Welcome to Friday – it’s a three day weekend for many! If you are a first-time visitor, the highly popular “Caught My Eye” has been posted here every Friday morning since October 2010! This column is where I take a look at some of the stories I did not have time to write about during the week. Sometimes I throw in a touch of snarkiness to make you smile – or to irritate you just a little – maybe both.

Today I write about Americans For Prosperity, Montana High Tech Jobs Summit, the Kentucky County Clerk, Donald Trump & the Republican National Committee, Tom Brady, and much more!

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Thursday Numbers

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.            – Voltaire

Welcome to “Thursday Numbers!” In case you’re new around here, “Thursday Numbers” is the weekly column where I take a look at the numbers that are in the news (in descending order) and provide commentary sometimes sprinkled with sarcasm and sometimes I am actually serious.

This week’s topics include the USS Montana, the toy hamster & the Fox News anchor, grants for education, veterans & healthcare, Australian wool, Iran nuclear deal, Montana’s campaign laws, the Kentucky county clerk, the 2015 NFL season, and much more!

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