(left to right) Adrian Piccoli and Malcolm Turnbull at the 2015 Male Champions of Change Business Forum, where leaders gathered together at the Westin Hotel, Sydney. Tuesday 25th August 2015 photo Louie Douvis AFR

'Turnbull is doing what?'

Malcolm Turnbull is going to speak at the National Press Club, all of three days after the Canning by-election. What could possibly go wrong?

There is unease among some in the FFA community about the Lowy handover from chairman Frank to his son Stephen (pictured).

The FFA rebellion against Lowy builds

Excuse our French, but it looks like Adelaide United FC chairman Greg Griffin has given Football Federation of Australia deputy chairman Brian Schwartz the old "Tell him to go f**k himself" treatment.

No offence, ACCC boss Rod Sims (not pictured), but, really, you couldn't have told us earlier than Wednesday that we were wasting our time with the Abtronic X2?

Thanks for nothing, ACCC boss Rod Sims

And to think of all the sad, lonely nights we spent at home strapped to an electric-current-producing belt, eating Red Rock Deli Sour Cream & Sweet Chilli Potato Chips, thinking we were getting ripped.

IT problems ruin lunch watch

As we spent midday in the Fairfax IT room trying to fix our printing problems, happier souls went to lunch at Azuma. We wish them well.