Corporate training

We provide customised learning and development workshops to meet your company's specific requirements.

Our industry and corporate training area can help you improve professional and vocational practice. Effective learning is achieved not so much from simple 'instruction' but from a broader context that promotes learning. On-the-job training allows students to link theory and practice with relevant experience.

Customised training courses may be delivered through Victoria University Institute of Technology (VUIT) or through VU's discipline-specific academic colleges.

We can run the courses at our state-of-the-art training facilities across Melbourne, or in-company at your workplace.

On this page

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice

Our partnership with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection ensures this customised course is regularly updated to meet the legislative and industry requirements for entry level migration agents.

Workforce development programs

Our Learning Development team can work with you to customise any of VUIT’s accredited and non-accredited course offerings to suit your workforce and organisational needs.

We specialise in:

  • Health leadership
  • Education leadership
  • Training & assessment.

Contact us with your training needs

Our industry and corporate training team can help your organisation through the delivery of quality industry training, consultancy and research.

Rachel Simmons
Director, Business Growth and Learning Development
Phone: + 61 3 9919 1170

Grant Dreher
Vice President, Vocational Education
Phone: + 61 3 9919 8603