Industry & corporate training

Victoria University Institute of Technology (VUIT) work collaboratively with your organisation, providing a range of industry training and consultancy services which support your organisation to achieve its goals.

We provide customised solutions for your workforce through a collaborative approach to training, consultancy & skills recognition.

We know that in order to improve productivity in the Australian workforce, it is crucial for industry to invest in education and training for its human resources.

Our high quality education products are designed to meet your needs and are delivered in a way that best integrates with and supports your workplace and workforce.

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Workforce training and consultancy services

VUIT's team of Business Growth consultants will work with you to identify education, training and consultancy solutions to meet the needs of your organisation.

We draw on significant experience in industry based education to ensure our products and services are targeted, outcome-focused, and able to drive increased productivity and engagement within your business.

We understand that your workforce is your most valuable resource. With that in mind we work with you to ensure that our training supports the work they carry out, and that learning outcomes are linked to on-the-job projects and assessments.

Our specialist team will work with you to embed your organisations’ best practice, policy and procedures into the training. This ensures currency and relevance for your workforce, and supports and strengthens your internal training and development initiatives.

Industry training solutions

Our National Planning and Business Growth team will work with your organisation to ensure that we find the right solution for your unique organisational requirements, goals and circumstances.

We are focused on building long-term partnerships that support and promote growth, opportunity and innovation within your organisation.

Customised corporate training for your organisation

Our Learning Development team will work directly with you to customise our accredited and non-accredited programs and ensure they meet your organisational needs.

Our industry training products incorporate the following features:

  • flexible, modular, building-block delivery with multiple entry and exit points
  • mix of accredited and non-accredited training with optional assessment
  • experiential learning underpinned by mentoring and coaching
  • industry-based delivery, projects and assessments
  • high quality eLearning and blended delivery
  • embedded language, literacy and numeracy to maximise success
  • industry skills recognition (credit for skills and past study).

Delivery of corporate training & consultancy services

Experts from industry and VUIT can deliver corporate and industry training to your staff. They will bring an appropriate mix of theory and application into your workplace. We take a flexible approach to delivery, ensuring a positive impact on your workforce. We can delivery on-site at your workplace, online, on campus, or through a blend of these approaches.

To ensure the continued success of our training programs, our evaluative metrics can provide your organisation with feedback on:

  • engagement
  • impact
  • productivity
  • return on investment.

We will also provide recommendations for future workforce development initiatives.

Contact us

Contact us to find out more about how we can assist your organisation through the delivery of quality industry training and consultancy.

Rachel Simmons
Director, Business Growth and Learning Development
Phone: + 61 3 9919 1170

Grant Dreher
Vice President, Vocational Education
Phone: + 61 3 9919 8603