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July 14th, 2009

oklo.org is heading into its fifth year, and we’ve just hit something of a milestone: this is the 300th post. A great deal has been learned about extrasolar planets in the past half-decade, and I’ve found that participative reporting has been a great way to keep up with, and even, sometimes, to influence the course of events.

We’ve also just hit another big milestone with the release of the Systemic Console Paper. Our manuscript has just been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and the article is now available on astro-ph.

In coming posts, we’ll be highlighting the many new features of the console, and we’ll be updating the now badly-out-of-date tutorials. If you are interested, then by all means download the latest “cutting edge” version, which is available on Stefano’s website.

And finally, if you use the console, and find it useful, please consider citing Meschiari et al. 2009 in your publications.

Categories: detection Tags:
  1. Mike Hall
    July 15th, 2009 at 08:00 | #1

    Congratulations to Stefano and the rest of the team for the advances that have been made. I look forward to reading the forthcoming blog posts and tutorials.

    So….. what next? Convert the cutting edge version of the console to the stable version – presumably after a period of testing and feedback – any idea when that might be?

    Also I would like to raise again the proposal to update the oklo website with a library or exchange area where contributors can upload suitably configured vels files etc. for the flood of new RV data available. http://www.exoplanet.eu has the catalogue of planets but a library of complementary RV data would be a real achievement.

  2. greg
    July 15th, 2009 at 14:08 | #2

    Hi Mike,


    We’ll be porting the cutting edge console over to the stable version download quite shortly, and also updating the entire back end. A radial velocity exchange would definitely be a good idea.


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