
A New Year, a New shifskarte

Shifra Epstein

A look at an example of the famed Yiddish new years cards. This one is a “good year ship ticket,” granting the receiver “120 free yearly round-trips for himself and his family.”

Text & Translation



Abraham Sutzkever

Translation by Richard J. Fein

Sutzkever’s cycle of poems about his childhood years spent in Siberia: “In the light-dark snowed-under / village of my childhood in Siberia / blossoms bloom from shadows’ eyes— / countless quicksilver blossoms…”


How to Build Bridges to People? Benjamin Harshav and Yiddish

Shachar Pinsker

An essay on the late Benjamin Harshav, one of the most important literary scholars of the last decades, and how in his work Yiddish served as a bridge between Europe, Israel, and North America, between poetry, translation, and scholarship.


Join In geveb’s Editorial Team: Seeking a Copy Editor

We are seeking a talented individual to join In geveb’s core editorial team as a copy editor.

In geveb, אין געוועב, is an open-access digital forum for the publication of peer-reviewed academic articles, the translation and annotation of Yiddish texts, the exchange of pedagogical materials, and a blog of Yiddish cultural life.

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We welcome original manuscripts of academic articles, translations of Yiddish texts, pedagogical materials, and posts for our blog.
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