Peoples Democratic Party

Turkey: Erdogan’s ruthless bid to retain power risks return to dark days

Turkish police repress protests against Erdogan's renewed war.

The outcome of Turkey’s June 7 parliamentary elections promised so much.

Attacks on Kurds reveal Turkey's Western-backed terror hypocrisy

Turkey has “joined the war against ISIS”, according to US politicians and the corporate media after a July 23 deal between the US and the Turkish government. The deal gives US war planes and drones access to Turkey's Incirlik airbase from which to conduct air strikes in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey: Government implicated in ISIS suicide attack

On July 20, 32 people were killed in a suicide bombing attack on a cultural centre in Suruç, a town in Turkish Kurdistan. More than 100 were injured.

Suruç is located across the border from the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobanê, which was besieged by forces of the self-styled Islamic State terrorist group, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), between September and January.

Call for international solidarity over Suruç massacre

SGDF activists in Suruç momements before the blast. The three women pictured were killed in the attacked. They are sisters.

Turkey: British election monitors hail 'people’s historic victory'

HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtas.

A delegation of six elections monitors sponsored by the Peace in Kurdistan Campaign to observe the June 7 Turkish election witnessed a stunning result took the left-wing Kurdish-based Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) into parliament for the first time.

Turkey: Left-wing pro-Kurd party wins broad appeal through broad-based progressive policies

One of those injured in June 5 bombing of HDP election rally casts their vote.

Turkish elections: Australian socialists condemn bombing of HDP election rally

Two blasts ripped through a rally of the left-wing HDP (People’s Democratic Party) in the city of Amed (Diyarbakir) southeastern Turkey (North Kurdistan) on June 5, killing four people and injuring more than 400 just two days before a general election, the Dicle News Agency (DIHA) said. The HDP is presenting a strong challenge to the AK Party of authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Turkey: High stakes for Kurds and Erdogan in coming poll

A lot is at stake in Turkey’s parliamentary elections to be held on June 7 — for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) as well as the oppressed Kurdish population.

The AKP, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, won 49% of the vote in the 2011 elections and holds 312 of the 550 seats in Turkey’s Grand National Assembly. A Gezici poll taken in January suggests the AKP’s support has slipped 9.7% to just under 40%.

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