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Solidarity subscription

You can support Green Left Weekly by becoming a Solidarity Subscriber

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E-subscription option

See information below.
Only for existing subscribers renewing their subscription.

Solidarity subscriptions

Readers in Australia can support Green Left Weekly by taking out a Solidarity Subscription. This costs $240 for a one-year (44-issue) sub to the paper - well over the standard rates. Keeping GLW afloat financially is a never-ending struggle and we don't expect this to change anytime soon. By becoming a Solidarity Subscriber you get the paper sent to you each issue and you also get the satisfaction of making an important financial contribution to the Green Left Weekly project.

In the future we plan to offer other benefits to Solidarity Subscribers.

If you choose you also can opt to have your subscription sent by email (see below).

Subscriptions can also be ordered via our toll-free telephone number: 1800 634 206

Email subscriptions

Many readers in Australia and overseas read Green Left Weekly online. This readership is very important to us but maintaining the paper's presence online is a significant financial burden. We are now offering readers a way to meet their needs and to help us finance the whole project. You can become a Green Left Weekly Email Subscriber (at the Australian regular or solidarity rates wherever you are).

Each week Email Subscribers will be sent a message with links to all articles in the latest issue. This serves as a reminder and enables you to quickly check out items of interest.

Security Information

Green Left Weekly uses the Commonwealth Bank's Internet Payment Gateway to provide a secure environment for the authorisation of credit card transactions over the Internet. Confidential information including client credit card details are encrypted the moment they are transmitted from the client's browser to the banking network using industry standard SSL 128-bit RC4 encryption technology.

The only company who has access to this data is the merchant's bank. The bank also sends confirmation information via the same encryption technology back to your browser. These secure processes provide you with peace of mind when paying online.