Just a bit of photography history in this segment. At the turn of the century , the Lumiere brothers were pretty darn busy , what with cinema innovations and...
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 1)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 1)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 1)
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 2)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 2)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 2)
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Autochrome Lumière was one of the first commercially available color processes. There were earlier processes, but Autochrome was very refined and "realistic" for the technology at the time. Using grains made of potato starch, these grains produced a 3 color space of Orange, Green and Violet to reproduce color.
In the early years, Pictorialists embraced Autochrome and were fascinated by its results. But quickly, pictorialists rejected it because of its mechanica, "pre-made"l process and lack of hand control over the chemicals and techniques involved.
Autochrome was produced until the 1940's, but its early years were the most interesting and
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
Music: Mr.Ju - Mu Info: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-travellers/id586717933 L'Histoire: Un véritable voyage dans le temps dans un monde dont les se...
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Chez les Lumière, s'il est bien une invention de famille considérée comme une révolution universelle, c'est l'autochrome. Alors que le cinéma n'apparaît que comme une sorte de tour de magicien sans grand lendemain, la photo couleur bouleverse immédiatement le monde de l'image.
De 1904 à 1955, date du remplacement de l'autochrome par la pellicule de Kodak, la technique des Lumières va transformer la vision du monde de leurs contemporains.
Et les premiers à tirer ombrage de l'invention sont des proches de la famille, les Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, des géants de la peinture qui voient d'un mauvais oeil cette remise en cause de leur monopo
Frères Lumière - Autochrome
Frères Lumière - Autochrome
Frères Lumière - Autochrome
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
In 1903, French brothers, August and Louis Lumière, patented a color photographic process. Fine grains of transparent potato starch were dyed and applied to a glass plate. The plate was pressed to create a minuscule color filter. A light sensitive emulsion of silver bromide was applied and the color plate was ready for the camera. Once processed, the result was a color transparency. Autochromes where in use until replaced by color film. The Image Works has the largest collection of Autochromes available online numbering at over 5,000. Visit us at www.theimageworks.com
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Pics: heinrich kühn, autochromes Lumière Music : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaqkynJFqEQ&feature;=mh_lolz&list;=HL1314999837.
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autocromos Lumière era um antigo método de fotografia colorida, patenteado em 1903 e comercializado a partir de 1907 pelos Irmãos Lumière. Foi o primeiro método de fotografia a cores comercialmente viável, e o mais usado até o advento do método substrativo Kodachrome nos anos 30.
O Autocromo era um método aditivo, baseado em um mosaico de grãos microscópicos de fécula de batata tingidos em três cores primárias (vermelho alaranjado, verde e azul-violeta) sobre uma placa de vidro, cobeta por uma emulsão pancromática. Os vãos entre os grãos eram preenchidos com carvão. Os grãos agiam como filtros. Isso tornava necessário um longo tempo de expos
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación comercial ...
Broadway at Union Square 1896
Broadway at Union Square 1896
Broadway at Union Square 1896
The Lumière Brothers, Auguste Marie Louis and Louis Jean Nicolas In this approximately 35-second long Lumière Brothers short (Lumière No. 328), the camera wa...
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Le premier procédé photographique en couleur qui a vu son industrialisation en France, a été obtenu grâce aux fécules de pomme de terre. Il s’agit du procédé autochrome des frères Lumières dans lequel chaque grain de fécule en trois couleurs jouent le rôle de pixels. Ce procédé a permis d’immortaliser de nombreux scènes des années 20. "Lumière des Pommes de Terre" est un pèlerinage vers l'aube de la photographie en couleurs, à travers les archives du musée Albert Kahn.
Just a bit of photography history in this segment. At the turn of the century , the Lumiere brothers were pretty darn busy , what with cinema innovations and...
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 1)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 1)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 1)
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 2)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 2)
Autochrome Lumiere (fragment 2)
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Autochrome Lumière was one of the first commercially available color processes. There were earlier processes, but Autochrome was very refined and "realistic" for the technology at the time. Using grains made of potato starch, these grains produced a 3 color space of Orange, Green and Violet to reproduce color.
In the early years, Pictorialists embraced Autochrome and were fascinated by its results. But quickly, pictorialists rejected it because of its mechanica, "pre-made"l process and lack of hand control over the chemicals and techniques involved.
Autochrome was produced until the 1940's, but its early years were the most interesting and
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
Music: Mr.Ju - Mu Info: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-travellers/id586717933 L'Histoire: Un véritable voyage dans le temps dans un monde dont les se...
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Chez les Lumière, s'il est bien une invention de famille considérée comme une révolution universelle, c'est l'autochrome. Alors que le cinéma n'apparaît que comme une sorte de tour de magicien sans grand lendemain, la photo couleur bouleverse immédiatement le monde de l'image.
De 1904 à 1955, date du remplacement de l'autochrome par la pellicule de Kodak, la technique des Lumières va transformer la vision du monde de leurs contemporains.
Et les premiers à tirer ombrage de l'invention sont des proches de la famille, les Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, des géants de la peinture qui voient d'un mauvais oeil cette remise en cause de leur monopo
Frères Lumière - Autochrome
Frères Lumière - Autochrome
Frères Lumière - Autochrome
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
In 1903, French brothers, August and Louis Lumière, patented a color photographic process. Fine grains of transparent potato starch were dyed and applied to a glass plate. The plate was pressed to create a minuscule color filter. A light sensitive emulsion of silver bromide was applied and the color plate was ready for the camera. Once processed, the result was a color transparency. Autochromes where in use until replaced by color film. The Image Works has the largest collection of Autochromes available online numbering at over 5,000. Visit us at www.theimageworks.com
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Pics: heinrich kühn, autochromes Lumière Music : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaqkynJFqEQ&feature;=mh_lolz&list;=HL1314999837.
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autocromos Lumière era um antigo método de fotografia colorida, patenteado em 1903 e comercializado a partir de 1907 pelos Irmãos Lumière. Foi o primeiro método de fotografia a cores comercialmente viável, e o mais usado até o advento do método substrativo Kodachrome nos anos 30.
O Autocromo era um método aditivo, baseado em um mosaico de grãos microscópicos de fécula de batata tingidos em três cores primárias (vermelho alaranjado, verde e azul-violeta) sobre uma placa de vidro, cobeta por uma emulsão pancromática. Os vãos entre os grãos eram preenchidos com carvão. Os grãos agiam como filtros. Isso tornava necessário um longo tempo de expos
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación comercial ...
Broadway at Union Square 1896
Broadway at Union Square 1896
Broadway at Union Square 1896
The Lumière Brothers, Auguste Marie Louis and Louis Jean Nicolas In this approximately 35-second long Lumière Brothers short (Lumière No. 328), the camera wa...
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Le premier procédé photographique en couleur qui a vu son industrialisation en France, a été obtenu grâce aux fécules de pomme de terre. Il s’agit du procédé autochrome des frères Lumières dans lequel chaque grain de fécule en trois couleurs jouent le rôle de pixels. Ce procédé a permis d’immortaliser de nombreux scènes des années 20. "Lumière des Pommes de Terre" est un pèlerinage vers l'aube de la photographie en couleurs, à travers les archives du musée Albert Kahn.
les autochromes
les autochromes
les autochromes
La photo couleur créée par les Frères Lumière.
Hermanos Lumière "Salida de los obreros de la fabrica" 1895
Hermanos Lumière "Salida de los obreros de la fabrica" 1895
Hermanos Lumière "Salida de los obreros de la fabrica" 1895
La Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en
Lyon Monplaisir, es considerada la primera filmación rodada para el cinematógrafo.
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (Besançon, 19 de octubre de 1862 – Lyon,
10 de abril de 1954) y Louis Jean Lumière (Besançon, 5 de octubre de 1864 –
Bandol, 7 de junio de 1948) fueron los inventores del proyector cinematográfico. Ambos nacieron en Besançon, Francia, pero crecieron en Lyon. Su padre, Antoine Lumière, tenía un taller fotográfico y ambos hermanos trabajaban con él, Louis
como físico y Auguste como administrador. Louis hizo algunas mejoras en el proceso de fotografías estáticas. A partir de
Reality of War
Reality of War
Reality of War
In 1907, the Lumiere brothers patented the autochrome process to create the first color photographs. This technique was used by Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, Ch...
Minuto Lumiere 2 (Homenaje)
Minuto Lumiere 2 (Homenaje)
Minuto Lumiere 2 (Homenaje)
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (Besançon, 19 de octubre de 1862 -- Lyon, 10 de abril de 1954) y Louis Jean Lumière (Besançon, 5 de octubre de 1864 -- Ba...
El Gran Invento: La Cámara de Vídeo (Cinematógrafo) de los "Hermanos Lumiére"
El Gran Invento: La Cámara de Vídeo (Cinematógrafo) de los "Hermanos Lumiére"
El Gran Invento: La Cámara de Vídeo (Cinematógrafo) de los "Hermanos Lumiére"
Hecho Por: Enyelber Barreto
Misterio MT Digital Films
El Cinematógrafo:El cinematógrafo fue patentado el 13 de febrero de 1895. Ese mismo año, los Lumière rodaron su primera película, La sortie des ouvriers des usines Lumière à Lyon Monplaisir (Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en Lyon Monplaisir). Fue presentada el 22 de marzo de 1895, tres días después del rodaje, en una sesión de la Société d'Encouragement à l'Industrie Nacional en París.
Fotografía en color:
En 1903 patentaron un proceso para realizar fotografías en color, el Autochrome Lumière, lanzado al mercado en 1907.
Posteriomente, Louis Lumière continuó con sus experie
Sabrina Agosto & Vanessa Ruggeri - Sonatine D. Milhaud I° on Autochromes
Sabrina Agosto & Vanessa Ruggeri - Sonatine D. Milhaud I° on Autochromes
Sabrina Agosto & Vanessa Ruggeri - Sonatine D. Milhaud I° on Autochromes
Sabrina Agosto (flute) & Vanessa Ruggeri (piano) playing D. Milhaud Sonatine I° mov. Tendre on the "Autochromes" by Lumière brothers. Recorded in Italy - 2009.
Color Rush: 75 Years of Color Photography in America
Color Rush: 75 Years of Color Photography in America
Color Rush: 75 Years of Color Photography in America
Color Rush: 75 Years of Color Photography in America February 22, 2013--May 19, 2013 http://mam.org/color-rush/ Color Rush presents approximately 140 color p...
The Edwardians In Colour - 03 - Europe on the Brink (PART 1)
The Edwardians In Colour - 03 - Europe on the Brink (PART 1)
The Edwardians In Colour - 03 - Europe on the Brink (PART 1)
EDWARDIANS IN COLOUR: THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ALBERT KAHN BBC Two: The full series starts Friday 16 November 2007 7.30pm-8pm The Archive of the Planet was the...
The Edwardians In Colour - 03 - Europe on the Brink (PART 2)
The Edwardians In Colour - 03 - Europe on the Brink (PART 2)
The Edwardians In Colour - 03 - Europe on the Brink (PART 2)
EDWARDIANS IN COLOUR: THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ALBERT KAHN BBC Two: The full series starts Friday 16 November 2007 7.30pm-8pm The Archive of the Planet was the...
Laura Pavone - colorist showreel
Laura Pavone - colorist showreel
Laura Pavone - colorist showreel
00:00-00:23 "L'arrivée d'un train à Perrache", "Voltige", "Jeunes filles prenant le thè" (autochrome) by Lumière brothers 00:23 "Dans l'Hellade" (pochoir) by...
Just a bit of photography history in this segment. At the turn of the century , the Lumiere brothers were pretty darn busy , what with cinema innovations and...
Just a bit of photography history in this segment. At the turn of the century , the Lumiere brothers were pretty darn busy , what with cinema innovations and...
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
Autochrome Lumière was one of the first commercially available color processes. There were earlier processes, but Autochrome was very refined and "realistic" for the technology at the time. Using grains made of potato starch, these grains produced a 3 color space of Orange, Green and Violet to reproduce color.
In the early years, Pictorialists embraced Autochrome and were fascinated by its results. But quickly, pictorialists rejected it because of its mechanica, "pre-made"l process and lack of hand control over the chemicals and techniques involved.
Autochrome was produced until the 1940's, but its early years were the most interesting and prolific among photographers in the art world.
Mervyn O’Gorman from Petapixel http://petapixel.com/2015/04/26/these-1913-autochrome-portraits-are-from-the-early-days-of-color-photography/
Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918
Heinrich Kuhn: The Perfect Photograph
Heinrich Kuehn and His American Circle: Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen
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Website: http://theartofphotography.tv
Watch More Episodes:
Heinrich Kühn :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCVQtnhtYdE
Pictorialism :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j61nOfaduZ0
The Photo Secession and Other Historical Clubs :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKTFZjJVfHk
And get on our mailing list to stay up to date on photography news and the latest episodes:
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Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
3100 Main St #135
Dallas, Texas 75226
My name is Ted Forbes and I make videos about photography. I’ve been making photographs most of my life and I have a tremendously deep passion for photography that I want to share with you on YouTube.
The Art of Photography is my channel and I produce photography videos to provide a 360 degree look into the world of making images. We all want to get better so lets do this together!
I make videos covering famous photographers, photography techniques, composition, the history of photography and much more.
Autochrome Lumière was one of the first commercially available color processes. There were earlier processes, but Autochrome was very refined and "realistic" for the technology at the time. Using grains made of potato starch, these grains produced a 3 color space of Orange, Green and Violet to reproduce color.
In the early years, Pictorialists embraced Autochrome and were fascinated by its results. But quickly, pictorialists rejected it because of its mechanica, "pre-made"l process and lack of hand control over the chemicals and techniques involved.
Autochrome was produced until the 1940's, but its early years were the most interesting and prolific among photographers in the art world.
Mervyn O’Gorman from Petapixel http://petapixel.com/2015/04/26/these-1913-autochrome-portraits-are-from-the-early-days-of-color-photography/
Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918
Heinrich Kuhn: The Perfect Photograph
Heinrich Kuehn and His American Circle: Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen
This episode is sponsored by QuickBooks Self-Employed. If you work for yourself, QuickBooks Self-Employed helps separate your business and personal expenses, estimate your federal quarterly taxes and more.
Get a 30-day free trial at http://tryselfemployed.com/aop
Subscribe for more videos!
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aop.podcast
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/tedforbes
Website: http://theartofphotography.tv
Watch More Episodes:
Heinrich Kühn :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCVQtnhtYdE
Pictorialism :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j61nOfaduZ0
The Photo Secession and Other Historical Clubs :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKTFZjJVfHk
And get on our mailing list to stay up to date on photography news and the latest episodes:
Thanks for watching - if you like this video, remember to share it with your friends!
Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
3100 Main St #135
Dallas, Texas 75226
My name is Ted Forbes and I make videos about photography. I’ve been making photographs most of my life and I have a tremendously deep passion for photography that I want to share with you on YouTube.
The Art of Photography is my channel and I produce photography videos to provide a 360 degree look into the world of making images. We all want to get better so lets do this together!
I make videos covering famous photographers, photography techniques, composition, the history of photography and much more.
published:10 May 2015
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
Music: Mr.Ju - Mu Info: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-travellers/id586717933 L'Histoire: Un véritable voyage dans le temps dans un monde dont les se...
Music: Mr.Ju - Mu Info: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-travellers/id586717933 L'Histoire: Un véritable voyage dans le temps dans un monde dont les se...
Chez les Lumière, s'il est bien une invention de famille considérée comme une révolution universelle, c'est l'autochrome. Alors que le cinéma n'apparaît que comme une sorte de tour de magicien sans grand lendemain, la photo couleur bouleverse immédiatement le monde de l'image.
De 1904 à 1955, date du remplacement de l'autochrome par la pellicule de Kodak, la technique des Lumières va transformer la vision du monde de leurs contemporains.
Et les premiers à tirer ombrage de l'invention sont des proches de la famille, les Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, des géants de la peinture qui voient d'un mauvais oeil cette remise en cause de leur monopole sur la palette des teintes.
D'autres, comme Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, vont utiliser cette nouvelle technique afin de rendre compte de ce qui se passe sur le front pendant la guerre 14-18. Albert Kahn, quant à lui, utilise l'autochrome pour créer une sorte de bibliothèque du monde, regroupant des milliers de clichés de la planète.
Un documentaire passionnant, extrêmement riche en images d'archives, qui permet de comprendre la révolution qu'a été la photographie couleur.
Chez les Lumière, s'il est bien une invention de famille considérée comme une révolution universelle, c'est l'autochrome. Alors que le cinéma n'apparaît que comme une sorte de tour de magicien sans grand lendemain, la photo couleur bouleverse immédiatement le monde de l'image.
De 1904 à 1955, date du remplacement de l'autochrome par la pellicule de Kodak, la technique des Lumières va transformer la vision du monde de leurs contemporains.
Et les premiers à tirer ombrage de l'invention sont des proches de la famille, les Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, des géants de la peinture qui voient d'un mauvais oeil cette remise en cause de leur monopole sur la palette des teintes.
D'autres, comme Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, vont utiliser cette nouvelle technique afin de rendre compte de ce qui se passe sur le front pendant la guerre 14-18. Albert Kahn, quant à lui, utilise l'autochrome pour créer une sorte de bibliothèque du monde, regroupant des milliers de clichés de la planète.
Un documentaire passionnant, extrêmement riche en images d'archives, qui permet de comprendre la révolution qu'a été la photographie couleur.
In 1903, French brothers, August and Louis Lumière, patented a color photographic process. Fine grains of transparent potato starch were dyed and applied to a glass plate. The plate was pressed to create a minuscule color filter. A light sensitive emulsion of silver bromide was applied and the color plate was ready for the camera. Once processed, the result was a color transparency. Autochromes where in use until replaced by color film. The Image Works has the largest collection of Autochromes available online numbering at over 5,000. Visit us at www.theimageworks.com
In 1903, French brothers, August and Louis Lumière, patented a color photographic process. Fine grains of transparent potato starch were dyed and applied to a glass plate. The plate was pressed to create a minuscule color filter. A light sensitive emulsion of silver bromide was applied and the color plate was ready for the camera. Once processed, the result was a color transparency. Autochromes where in use until replaced by color film. The Image Works has the largest collection of Autochromes available online numbering at over 5,000. Visit us at www.theimageworks.com
published:04 Jun 2014
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Autocromos Lumière era um antigo método de fotografia colorida, patenteado em 1903 e comercializado a partir de 1907 pelos Irmãos Lumière. Foi o primeiro método de fotografia a cores comercialmente viável, e o mais usado até o advento do método substrativo Kodachrome nos anos 30.
O Autocromo era um método aditivo, baseado em um mosaico de grãos microscópicos de fécula de batata tingidos em três cores primárias (vermelho alaranjado, verde e azul-violeta) sobre uma placa de vidro, cobeta por uma emulsão pancromática. Os vãos entre os grãos eram preenchidos com carvão. Os grãos agiam como filtros. Isso tornava necessário um longo tempo de exposição. Por isso, os autocromos costumavam produzir imagens borradas. Isso, mais o fato de os grãos ficarem muitas vezes visíveis, mais as cores artificiais obtidas, faziam com que autocromos lembrassem pinturas impressionistas, um "meio-termo" entre a pintura e a fotografia, produzindo belíssimas imagens. Elas chegaram a atrair a atenção dos fotógrafos pictorialistas, no entanto, o fato de que não podiam ser manipuladas, de se tratarem de imagens únicas, bem como a dificuldade para expô-las ao público (as placas finais eram escuras e precisavam ser vistas contra a luz, coisa difícil de ser arranjada na época) tiveram uma popularidade limitada, mais restrita a amadores.
Para gerar imagens mais nítidas, eram necessárias poses. Isso produzia um efeito tranquilo, calmo, uma espécie de "estética" especial nos autocromos.
Autocromos Lumière era um antigo método de fotografia colorida, patenteado em 1903 e comercializado a partir de 1907 pelos Irmãos Lumière. Foi o primeiro método de fotografia a cores comercialmente viável, e o mais usado até o advento do método substrativo Kodachrome nos anos 30.
O Autocromo era um método aditivo, baseado em um mosaico de grãos microscópicos de fécula de batata tingidos em três cores primárias (vermelho alaranjado, verde e azul-violeta) sobre uma placa de vidro, cobeta por uma emulsão pancromática. Os vãos entre os grãos eram preenchidos com carvão. Os grãos agiam como filtros. Isso tornava necessário um longo tempo de exposição. Por isso, os autocromos costumavam produzir imagens borradas. Isso, mais o fato de os grãos ficarem muitas vezes visíveis, mais as cores artificiais obtidas, faziam com que autocromos lembrassem pinturas impressionistas, um "meio-termo" entre a pintura e a fotografia, produzindo belíssimas imagens. Elas chegaram a atrair a atenção dos fotógrafos pictorialistas, no entanto, o fato de que não podiam ser manipuladas, de se tratarem de imagens únicas, bem como a dificuldade para expô-las ao público (as placas finais eram escuras e precisavam ser vistas contra a luz, coisa difícil de ser arranjada na época) tiveram uma popularidade limitada, mais restrita a amadores.
Para gerar imagens mais nítidas, eram necessárias poses. Isso produzia um efeito tranquilo, calmo, uma espécie de "estética" especial nos autocromos.
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación comercial ...
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación comercial ...
The Lumière Brothers, Auguste Marie Louis and Louis Jean Nicolas In this approximately 35-second long Lumière Brothers short (Lumière No. 328), the camera wa...
The Lumière Brothers, Auguste Marie Louis and Louis Jean Nicolas In this approximately 35-second long Lumière Brothers short (Lumière No. 328), the camera wa...
Le premier procédé photographique en couleur qui a vu son industrialisation en France, a été obtenu grâce aux fécules de pomme de terre. Il s’agit du procédé autochrome des frères Lumières dans lequel chaque grain de fécule en trois couleurs jouent le rôle de pixels. Ce procédé a permis d’immortaliser de nombreux scènes des années 20. "Lumière des Pommes de Terre" est un pèlerinage vers l'aube de la photographie en couleurs, à travers les archives du musée Albert Kahn.
Le premier procédé photographique en couleur qui a vu son industrialisation en France, a été obtenu grâce aux fécules de pomme de terre. Il s’agit du procédé autochrome des frères Lumières dans lequel chaque grain de fécule en trois couleurs jouent le rôle de pixels. Ce procédé a permis d’immortaliser de nombreux scènes des années 20. "Lumière des Pommes de Terre" est un pèlerinage vers l'aube de la photographie en couleurs, à travers les archives du musée Albert Kahn.
La Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en
Lyon Monplaisir, es considerada la primera filmación rodada para el cinematógrafo.
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (Besançon, 19 de octubre de 1862 – Lyon,
10 de abril de 1954) y Louis Jean Lumière (Besançon, 5 de octubre de 1864 –
Bandol, 7 de junio de 1948) fueron los inventores del proyector cinematográfico. Ambos nacieron en Besançon, Francia, pero crecieron en Lyon. Su padre, Antoine Lumière, tenía un taller fotográfico y ambos hermanos trabajaban con él, Louis
como físico y Auguste como administrador. Louis hizo algunas mejoras en el proceso de fotografías estáticas. A partir de 1892 los hermanos empezaron a trabajar en la posibilidad de
imágenes en movimiento. Patentaron un número significativo de procesos notables. Crearon un aparato que servía como cámara y como proyector: el cinematógrafo,que se basaba en el efecto de la persistencia retiniana de las imágenes sobre el ojo humano. Al comienzo ellos mismos cargaban las piezas de la cámara filmadora en un cajón para su traslado de un lugar a otro.
El cinematógrafo fue patentado el 13 de febrero de 1894. En tal año, los hermanos Louis y Auguste Lumière tenían a punto la cámara que servía tanto como tomavistas o como proyector, y con ella llevaron a cabo su primera filmación de la época. El 22 de marzo de 1895 fue mostrada en París en una sesión de la Société d’Encouragement à l’Industrie Nacional la conocida La sortie des ouvriers des usines Lumière à Lyon Monplaisir («Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en Lyon Monplaisir»), rodada tres días antes.
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación en la primera sesión exhibida para un público comercial, como primer espectáculo de pago el 28 de diciembre de 1895 en París, en el Salon Indien del Grand Café, en el Boulevard
des Capucines, donde se proyectaron varias cintas entre las que destacaban,aparte de la ya citada Salida de la fábrica Lumière, otras como Llegada de un tren a la estación de la Ciotat o El desayuno del bebé. Pocos días después el programa
se enriqueció con la primera película de comedia: El regador regado. Así, con este catálogo, el cine comenzó su historia a modo de documental, como testigo objetivo de la vida cotidiana.
Los hermanos pensaban que «el cine es una invención sin ningún futuro»,utilizable sólo para el ámbito de la intimidad. No obstante, aprovecharon todo lo que el nuevo invento les ofreció para generar riqueza y montar un negocio rentable. Los Lumière enviaban un cinematógrafo y un operador allá donde era requerido, por ejemplo a la Coronación del zar Nicolás, etc. Con estas cintas
rodadas en los lugares más exóticos del planeta surge el montaje. Su posición económica y el interés que mostraban hacia la ciencia les hizo
menospreciar las posibilidades comerciales de su invento, por lo que finalmente abandonaron la producción cinematográfica. En 1903 patentaron un proceso para realizar fotografías en color, el Autochrome Lumière, lanzado al mercado en 1907.
Actualmente su cámara esta en el museo de cine de París, con la de George Méliès.
La Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en
Lyon Monplaisir, es considerada la primera filmación rodada para el cinematógrafo.
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (Besançon, 19 de octubre de 1862 – Lyon,
10 de abril de 1954) y Louis Jean Lumière (Besançon, 5 de octubre de 1864 –
Bandol, 7 de junio de 1948) fueron los inventores del proyector cinematográfico. Ambos nacieron en Besançon, Francia, pero crecieron en Lyon. Su padre, Antoine Lumière, tenía un taller fotográfico y ambos hermanos trabajaban con él, Louis
como físico y Auguste como administrador. Louis hizo algunas mejoras en el proceso de fotografías estáticas. A partir de 1892 los hermanos empezaron a trabajar en la posibilidad de
imágenes en movimiento. Patentaron un número significativo de procesos notables. Crearon un aparato que servía como cámara y como proyector: el cinematógrafo,que se basaba en el efecto de la persistencia retiniana de las imágenes sobre el ojo humano. Al comienzo ellos mismos cargaban las piezas de la cámara filmadora en un cajón para su traslado de un lugar a otro.
El cinematógrafo fue patentado el 13 de febrero de 1894. En tal año, los hermanos Louis y Auguste Lumière tenían a punto la cámara que servía tanto como tomavistas o como proyector, y con ella llevaron a cabo su primera filmación de la época. El 22 de marzo de 1895 fue mostrada en París en una sesión de la Société d’Encouragement à l’Industrie Nacional la conocida La sortie des ouvriers des usines Lumière à Lyon Monplaisir («Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en Lyon Monplaisir»), rodada tres días antes.
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación en la primera sesión exhibida para un público comercial, como primer espectáculo de pago el 28 de diciembre de 1895 en París, en el Salon Indien del Grand Café, en el Boulevard
des Capucines, donde se proyectaron varias cintas entre las que destacaban,aparte de la ya citada Salida de la fábrica Lumière, otras como Llegada de un tren a la estación de la Ciotat o El desayuno del bebé. Pocos días después el programa
se enriqueció con la primera película de comedia: El regador regado. Así, con este catálogo, el cine comenzó su historia a modo de documental, como testigo objetivo de la vida cotidiana.
Los hermanos pensaban que «el cine es una invención sin ningún futuro»,utilizable sólo para el ámbito de la intimidad. No obstante, aprovecharon todo lo que el nuevo invento les ofreció para generar riqueza y montar un negocio rentable. Los Lumière enviaban un cinematógrafo y un operador allá donde era requerido, por ejemplo a la Coronación del zar Nicolás, etc. Con estas cintas
rodadas en los lugares más exóticos del planeta surge el montaje. Su posición económica y el interés que mostraban hacia la ciencia les hizo
menospreciar las posibilidades comerciales de su invento, por lo que finalmente abandonaron la producción cinematográfica. En 1903 patentaron un proceso para realizar fotografías en color, el Autochrome Lumière, lanzado al mercado en 1907.
Actualmente su cámara esta en el museo de cine de París, con la de George Méliès.
In 1907, the Lumiere brothers patented the autochrome process to create the first color photographs. This technique was used by Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, Ch...
In 1907, the Lumiere brothers patented the autochrome process to create the first color photographs. This technique was used by Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, Ch...
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (Besançon, 19 de octubre de 1862 -- Lyon, 10 de abril de 1954) y Louis Jean Lumière (Besançon, 5 de octubre de 1864 -- Ba...
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (Besançon, 19 de octubre de 1862 -- Lyon, 10 de abril de 1954) y Louis Jean Lumière (Besançon, 5 de octubre de 1864 -- Ba...
Hecho Por: Enyelber Barreto
Misterio MT Digital Films
El Cinematógrafo:El cinematógrafo fue patentado el 13 de febrero de 1895. Ese mismo año, los Lumière rodaron su primera película, La sortie des ouvriers des usines Lumière à Lyon Monplaisir (Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en Lyon Monplaisir). Fue presentada el 22 de marzo de 1895, tres días después del rodaje, en una sesión de la Société d'Encouragement à l'Industrie Nacional en París.
Fotografía en color:
En 1903 patentaron un proceso para realizar fotografías en color, el Autochrome Lumière, lanzado al mercado en 1907.
Posteriomente, Louis Lumière continuó con sus experiencias inventando el photorama y la fotografía en relieve. Fue nombrado doctor honoris causa en la Universidad de Berna.
Por su parte Auguste Lumière, continuó con sus estudios de bioquímica y de la fisiología.
Actualmente su cámara esta en el museo de cine de París, con la de Georges Méliès.
Hecho Por: Enyelber Barreto
Misterio MT Digital Films
El Cinematógrafo:El cinematógrafo fue patentado el 13 de febrero de 1895. Ese mismo año, los Lumière rodaron su primera película, La sortie des ouvriers des usines Lumière à Lyon Monplaisir (Salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière en Lyon Monplaisir). Fue presentada el 22 de marzo de 1895, tres días después del rodaje, en una sesión de la Société d'Encouragement à l'Industrie Nacional en París.
Fotografía en color:
En 1903 patentaron un proceso para realizar fotografías en color, el Autochrome Lumière, lanzado al mercado en 1907.
Posteriomente, Louis Lumière continuó con sus experiencias inventando el photorama y la fotografía en relieve. Fue nombrado doctor honoris causa en la Universidad de Berna.
Por su parte Auguste Lumière, continuó con sus estudios de bioquímica y de la fisiología.
Actualmente su cámara esta en el museo de cine de París, con la de Georges Méliès.
published:30 Mar 2015
Sabrina Agosto & Vanessa Ruggeri - Sonatine D. Milhaud I° on Autochromes
Sabrina Agosto (flute) & Vanessa Ruggeri (piano) playing D. Milhaud Sonatine I° mov. Tendre on the "Autochromes" by Lumière brothers. Recorded in Italy - 2009.
Sabrina Agosto (flute) & Vanessa Ruggeri (piano) playing D. Milhaud Sonatine I° mov. Tendre on the "Autochromes" by Lumière brothers. Recorded in Italy - 2009.
Color Rush: 75 Years of Color Photography in America February 22, 2013--May 19, 2013 http://mam.org/color-rush/ Color Rush presents approximately 140 color p...
Color Rush: 75 Years of Color Photography in America February 22, 2013--May 19, 2013 http://mam.org/color-rush/ Color Rush presents approximately 140 color p...
EDWARDIANS IN COLOUR: THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ALBERT KAHN BBC Two: The full series starts Friday 16 November 2007 7.30pm-8pm The Archive of the Planet was the...
EDWARDIANS IN COLOUR: THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ALBERT KAHN BBC Two: The full series starts Friday 16 November 2007 7.30pm-8pm The Archive of the Planet was the...
EDWARDIANS IN COLOUR: THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ALBERT KAHN BBC Two: The full series starts Friday 16 November 2007 7.30pm-8pm The Archive of the Planet was the...
EDWARDIANS IN COLOUR: THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ALBERT KAHN BBC Two: The full series starts Friday 16 November 2007 7.30pm-8pm The Archive of the Planet was the...
Just a bit of photography history in this segment. At the turn of the century , the Lumiere brothers were pretty darn busy , what with cinema innovations and...
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
www.auxdocks.com - Documentary 52 minutes by Patrick Naslès Many of the inventions of the Lumière brothers are considered as ground-breaking, but their Autoc...
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Autochrome Lumière was one of the first commercially available color processes. There were...
published:10 May 2015
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Color Photographs From 1907 :: Autochrome and Pictorialism
Autochrome Lumière was one of the first commercially available color processes. There were earlier processes, but Autochrome was very refined and "realistic" for the technology at the time. Using grains made of potato starch, these grains produced a 3 color space of Orange, Green and Violet to reproduce color.
In the early years, Pictorialists embraced Autochrome and were fascinated by its results. But quickly, pictorialists rejected it because of its mechanica, "pre-made"l process and lack of hand control over the chemicals and techniques involved.
Autochrome was produced until the 1940's, but its early years were the most interesting and prolific among photographers in the art world.
Mervyn O’Gorman from Petapixel http://petapixel.com/2015/04/26/these-1913-autochrome-portraits-are-from-the-early-days-of-color-photography/
Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918
Heinrich Kuhn: The Perfect Photograph
Heinrich Kuehn and His American Circle: Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen
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Heinrich Kühn :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCVQtnhtYdE
Pictorialism :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j61nOfaduZ0
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Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
3100 Main St #135
Dallas, Texas 75226
My name is Ted Forbes and I make videos about photography. I’ve been making photographs most of my life and I have a tremendously deep passion for photography that I want to share with you on YouTube.
The Art of Photography is my channel and I produce photography videos to provide a 360 degree look into the world of making images. We all want to get better so lets do this together!
I make videos covering famous photographers, photography techniques, composition, the history of photography and much more.
published:10 May 2015
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
Music: Mr.Ju - Mu Info: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-travellers/id586717933 L'Hi...
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
First Color Pictures - Paris 1910 Les Frères Lumiere, Autochrome vs Instagram
Music: Mr.Ju - Mu Info: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/time-travellers/id586717933 L'Histoire: Un véritable voyage dans le temps dans un monde dont les se...
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Chez les Lumière, s'il est bien une invention de famille considérée comme une révolution u...
published:03 Apr 2015
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Les Autochromes... Et La Lumière Fut (Documentaire, 2005)
Chez les Lumière, s'il est bien une invention de famille considérée comme une révolution universelle, c'est l'autochrome. Alors que le cinéma n'apparaît que comme une sorte de tour de magicien sans grand lendemain, la photo couleur bouleverse immédiatement le monde de l'image.
De 1904 à 1955, date du remplacement de l'autochrome par la pellicule de Kodak, la technique des Lumières va transformer la vision du monde de leurs contemporains.
Et les premiers à tirer ombrage de l'invention sont des proches de la famille, les Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, des géants de la peinture qui voient d'un mauvais oeil cette remise en cause de leur monopole sur la palette des teintes.
D'autres, comme Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, vont utiliser cette nouvelle technique afin de rendre compte de ce qui se passe sur le front pendant la guerre 14-18. Albert Kahn, quant à lui, utilise l'autochrome pour créer une sorte de bibliothèque du monde, regroupant des milliers de clichés de la planète.
Un documentaire passionnant, extrêmement riche en images d'archives, qui permet de comprendre la révolution qu'a été la photographie couleur.
In 1903, French brothers, August and Louis Lumière, patented a color photographic process....
published:04 Jun 2014
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
Autochromes, the first color photography process.
In 1903, French brothers, August and Louis Lumière, patented a color photographic process. Fine grains of transparent potato starch were dyed and applied to a glass plate. The plate was pressed to create a minuscule color filter. A light sensitive emulsion of silver bromide was applied and the color plate was ready for the camera. Once processed, the result was a color transparency. Autochromes where in use until replaced by color film. The Image Works has the largest collection of Autochromes available online numbering at over 5,000. Visit us at www.theimageworks.com
published:04 Jun 2014
Flower duet from 'Lakmé" - Heinrich Kühn, autochromes Lumière
Pics: heinrich kühn, autochromes Lumière Music : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaqkynJFqE...
Autocromos Lumière era um antigo método de fotografia colorida, patenteado em 1903 e comer...
published:17 May 2014
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autochrome: As primeiras fotos a cores
Autocromos Lumière era um antigo método de fotografia colorida, patenteado em 1903 e comercializado a partir de 1907 pelos Irmãos Lumière. Foi o primeiro método de fotografia a cores comercialmente viável, e o mais usado até o advento do método substrativo Kodachrome nos anos 30.
O Autocromo era um método aditivo, baseado em um mosaico de grãos microscópicos de fécula de batata tingidos em três cores primárias (vermelho alaranjado, verde e azul-violeta) sobre uma placa de vidro, cobeta por uma emulsão pancromática. Os vãos entre os grãos eram preenchidos com carvão. Os grãos agiam como filtros. Isso tornava necessário um longo tempo de exposição. Por isso, os autocromos costumavam produzir imagens borradas. Isso, mais o fato de os grãos ficarem muitas vezes visíveis, mais as cores artificiais obtidas, faziam com que autocromos lembrassem pinturas impressionistas, um "meio-termo" entre a pintura e a fotografia, produzindo belíssimas imagens. Elas chegaram a atrair a atenção dos fotógrafos pictorialistas, no entanto, o fato de que não podiam ser manipuladas, de se tratarem de imagens únicas, bem como a dificuldade para expô-las ao público (as placas finais eram escuras e precisavam ser vistas contra a luz, coisa difícil de ser arranjada na época) tiveram uma popularidade limitada, mais restrita a amadores.
Para gerar imagens mais nítidas, eram necessárias poses. Isso produzia um efeito tranquilo, calmo, uma espécie de "estética" especial nos autocromos.
published:17 May 2014
LUMIERE La llegada del tren
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, e...
Tras diversas presentaciones en sociedades científicas, en la Universidad de la Sorbona, en Bruselas y otros lugares, se procedió a su explotación comercial ...
The Lumière Brothers, Auguste Marie Louis and Louis Jean Nicolas In this approximately 35-second long Lumière Brothers short (Lumière No. 328), the camera wa...
Le premier procédé photographique en couleur qui a vu son industrialisation en France, a é...
published:09 Nov 2014
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Lumière des Pommes de Terre
Le premier procédé photographique en couleur qui a vu son industrialisation en France, a été obtenu grâce aux fécules de pomme de terre. Il s’agit du procédé autochrome des frères Lumières dans lequel chaque grain de fécule en trois couleurs jouent le rôle de pixels. Ce procédé a permis d’immortaliser de nombreux scènes des années 20. "Lumière des Pommes de Terre" est un pèlerinage vers l'aube de la photographie en couleurs, à travers les archives du musée Albert Kahn.
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. There will be many ISIS' until the United States learns one valuable lesson. How can a foreign nation win over people while occupying their lands? It's a rhetorical question, of course, which requires only one answer ... Some even blame the CIA and Mossad. But the truth remains ... Since people need land to sustain their livelihoods and communities, the power of land is of utmost importance ... U.S....
JIANLI, China (AP) Disaster teams searched the Yangtze River on Saturday for dozens of missing bodies from the Eastern Star as the death toll in the cruiser's capsizing rose to nearly 400, making it China's deadliest boat disaster in nearly seven decades. Authorities have attributed the overturning of the ship late Monday to sudden, severe winds, but also have placed the captain and his first engineer in police custody ... ___ ... ....
Thailand is eager to show its newfound toughness on human trafficking, taking reporters on patrols and tours of former camps, cooperating with neighboring countries and the US, and arresting dozens of officials — including a high-ranking officer in the military that now controls the country. The junta even had a "National Anti-Human Trafficking Day." ... history. "Thailand remains major center for human trafficking." ... ___ Tweet ....
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Saudi Arabia's Supreme Court upheld an internationally condemned verdict against a liberal blogger who was publicly flogged after being found guilty of insulting Islam, state-linked news websites reported Sunday ... After an appeal, a criminal court in Jiddah last year stiffened the punishment to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes ... Subsequent floggings were halted as the Supreme Court reviewed the case....
In 1908Laing became one of the first to try their hand at the colour process autochrome. Invented by the Lumière brothers – better known for their pioneering work on moving images – autochrome plates achieved luminous hues via a filter made from microscopic potato-starch grains dyed red, green and blue-violet ... By the 1920sautochromes had faded from use....
BY SoniaHaria . 05 June 2015. British actress Annabelle Wallis models four looks for summer Photo. Kate Davis-MacLeod. Hot weather beauty isn't just about barefaced chic - it's about getting your skin finish, palette and shading right says make-up artist Zoe Taylor... Les 4 Ombres in Tissé Rivoli, £40, Ombre Essentielle in Midnight, £23, and Lumière d'Eté, £46, all by Chanel; No 28 Lip Treatment Oil, £32, by Hourglass, from Space NK ... Hair ... ....
A two-year-old boy has been removed from his parents and may be put up for adoption because they were heavy smokers and his health was suffering ... I grew up in a home where both parents smoked continuously ... OK, I use Twitter now ... The RegentStreet Cinema, a historic venue where the Lumière brothers screened the first moving pictures in 1896 and Britain’s first X-rated film was shown in 1951, has just been restored to its ArtDeco glory ... ....
Missouri Gov. on Tuesday called a lawsuit against him and the RegionalConvention and Sports ComplexAuthority (RSA) a “publicity stunt.” ... Louis’ north Mississippi riverfront ...Nixon also called the lawsuit “amateur” and said, “It’s nothing but an attempt to waste time.” Nixon said the RSA has the authority to spend money on the proposed stadium, which would be located on 90 acres north of Lumière Place. RelatedContent ... ....
Hongkongers are becoming increasingly nostalgic for classic films shot during the city's golden era of movie making ... Their office will be in Kwun Tong ... L'Immagine Ritrovata has restored some of the most prominent titles in cinema, such as the world's first commercially screened film directed by French brothers Auguste and LouisLumière, and the entire archive of works by Charlie Chaplin ... ....
Screen is reporting live from the Closing Ceremony of the 68th Cannes Film Festival, including quotes from the red carpet and a live video stream. Refresh this page for the latest updates. After 12 days of world premieres, red carpets and countless screenings, the winners of the 68th Cannes Film Festival are set to be revealed inside the LumièreTheatre. The prizes are set to be announced from 7.30pm in Cannes (6.30pm GMT) ...Palme d’Or ... ....
Ever wonder what it’s like to see a penis ejaculate into your face while dressed to the nines in the South of France? Well then Gaspar Noe’s Love might be for you ...Nothing could have been further from the truth. The young, chicly dressed crowd knew what it was in for—and was definitely in the mood for raunchiness as a festive atmosphere predominated before the movie unspooled at the Grand TheatreLumière, Cannes’s largest venue ... ....
It's time to pack our suitcases and slip on some comfortable, arch-supporting shoes. The 68th annual Cannes Film Festival is wrapped-up, save for the distribution of trophies. See also. Cannes review. Paolo Sorrentino's 'Youth' dazzles but ultimately disappoints ...John C ... But the premieres for competition (and certain out-of-comp) titles getting the full 2300-seat Grand ThéâtreLumière red carpet premiere treatment is a different matter ... ....
EXCLUSIVE. Wild Bunch sells Cannes title in more than 36 territories. Wild Bunch has secured a slew of sales on Gaspar Noé’s steamy 3D Love, which rocked the Cannes Film Festival’s Palais du Cinema in the early hours of this morning (May 21). One of the hottest red carpet tickets on the Croisette this week, Noé’s take on the intoxicating nature of love premiered in the Grand ThéâtreLumière in a Midnight Screening ... Have your say ... Cannes ... ....