The Brief

Barack Obama

Obama Wants 10,000 Syrian Refugees Allowed Into U.S.

The White House says President Barack Obama has told advisers he wants to let 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. in the coming budget year. The U.S. has accepted only about 1,500 Syrians since civil war broke out more than four years ago

United Nations Palestinians Flag

U.N. Approves Palestinian Proposal to Raise Flag

The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution onThursday allowing the Palestinians and the Holy See to raise their flags at U.N. headquarters — a symbolic step pursued by the Palestinians in their quest for an independent state

Japan floods

Rescuers Search for Missing After Japanese City Floods

Rescue workers searched for more than 20 missing people in a flooded city near Tokyo, as the sun came out a day after a raging river washed away houses and forced people to rooftops. More than 3,500 people were relocated to evacuation centers

Donald Trump at a Tea Party Patriots rally against the Iran nuclear deal on Capitol Hill in Washington on Sept. 9, 2015.

CNN Republican Debate Lineup Released

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina will appear alongside 10 other GOP presidential candidates who met the criteria for CNN's primetime Republican presidential debate on Sept. 16. Donald Trump will once again appear front and center

Barack Obama, Nathan Fletcher, John Kerry, Michelle DeFord

Senate Democrats Block Disapproval Resolution on Iran Deal

The Iran nuclear deal has survived a key vote in the Senate, in a victory for President Barack Obama. Democrats held together to block a resolution of disapproval against the deal, which means the nuclear deal will move forward unchecked by Congress

Turkish soldiers stand guard at a check point on the main road between Mardin and Cizre near the southeastern town of Midyat, Turkey

30 Killed in Conflict Between Turkish Military and Kurds

Fighting between the Turkish armed forces and members of the country's Kurdish minority has left at least 30 dead in the city of Cizre since the military began its campaign against Kurdish militants there last week. A pro-Kurdish party says 20 civilians were among the dead

Joe Biden And NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Discuss Economy In New York City

New York Is First State to Pursue $15 Minimum Wage

The so-called Fight for $15 campaign for higher minimum wages has so far only succeeded on the city and county levels. But that could change thanks to an announcement by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Vice President Joe Biden

Pope Francis in St Peter's square at the Vatican on Sept. 9, 2015.

Pope Francis Will Make His First Trip to Africa

Pope Francis will make his first trip to Africa in November, visiting Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic in a pilgrimage that will bring him face to face with Islamic extremism and Christian-Muslim violence on the continent