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Make (Non-) Nuclear History.

solar meltdown

Video from NIRS, Friends of the Earth, Public Citizen, Greenpeace and Sierra Club on our possible energy futures: one reliant on dirty, dangerous nuclear power and fossil fuels and the other on a clean, safe, and affordable nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system based on renewables.

The choice is easy. And the video is clear. Watch it at, take the actions afterwards, and share it with everyone you know.

Women and Radiation

effects of radiation on women

Research by NIRS' Mary Olson demonstrates that women and girls are more susceptible to the effects of radiation than men and boys. On May 5, 2015, Olson gave a presentation about these issues at a United Nations meeting in New York on Gender and Nuclear Weapons.

Text of presentation

Slides from presentation


August 19, 2015: Tell NRC to reject efforts by pro-nuclear fanatics to weaken radiation protection standards.

Close Indian Point!

Indian Point

A campaign to close the aging, dangerous Indian Point reactors near New York City and build a clean, sustainable and affordable nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system for all New York.

Breaking News

September 2, 2015

Defend the denial! Act now to urge DC officials to reject any settlement or reconsideration of fundamentally-flawed Exelon-Pepco merger.

August 25, 2015

DC Public Service Commission rejects Exelon's proposed takeover of Pepco

August 2, 2015

Great news about nukes and the Clean Power Plan.

June 16, 2015

Seven international clean energy groups, including NIRS, launch major Don't Nuke the Climate! campaign.

May 27, 2015

NIRS brief to D.C. Public Service Commission against proposed Exelon takeover of Pepco.

Briefs in opposition to takeover by GRID 2.0 and DC SUN.

May 14, 2015

New York City Council enters debate over Indian Point reactors; resolution introduced to close and decommission reactors 35 miles from Manhattan. Press release from NIRS and three other organizations.



GreenWorld, NIRS' blog, is at

September 3, 2015

Nuclear advocates fight back with wishful thinking

It must be rough to be a nuclear power advocate these days: clean renewable energy is cleaning nuclear’s clock in the marketplace; energy efficiency programs are working and causing electricity demand to remain stable and even fall in some regions; despite decades of industry effort radioactive waste remains an intractable problem; and Fukushima’s fallout–both literal and metaphoric–continues to cast a pall over the industry’s future.

Where new reactors are being built, they are--predictably--behind schedule and over-budget; while even many existing reactors, although their capital costs were paid off years ago, can’t compete and face potential shutdown because of the very aspect of nuclear power that was supposed to be its economic advantage: low operating and maintenance costs that are proving instead to be too high to manage.

Not surprisingly, the nuclear industry is fighting back. After all, what other choice does it have? But two major new reports released this week by established nuclear advocates indicate that the only ammunition left in their arsenal is wishful thinking.

Continue reading at

August 28, 2015

Ukraine's nuclear giant attacks activists, not safety problems

Life isn’t easy in Ukraine these days. There’s an ongoing low-grade war in the eastern part of the country that constantly threatens to explode as Russian troops continue building their forces in the region. In the rest of the country, there’s serious economic contraction--far worse to Ukraine’s economy, on a percentage basis, than the Great Recession that swept across the West several years ago. To top it off, Transparency International recently named Ukraine the most corrupt country in Europe, with police and other officials regularly demanding bribes from citizens. Efforts to curb that corruption are a major focus of the Ukrainian government.

Ending the kind of endemic corruption that prevails in Ukraine requires building a strong civil society. So the government might want to step back and examine itself, or at least its nuclear energy arm, Energoatom, which recently filed a lawsuit against the country’s leading environmental/clean energy group, the National Ecological Center of Ukraine (note: NIRS has long worked with the NECU).

Continue reading at

Nuclear Power and Climate: It's No Solution

COP 21 Don't Nuke the Climate! organizing and resources page.

August 4, 2015. Huge Victory! Final EPA Clean Power Plan removes most pro-nuclear provisions, withdraws support for existing reactors, recognizes nuclear power will play little role in addressing climate. Talking points. Letter to NIRS supporters.

Sign the Don't Nuke the Climate! petition.

Pope Francis' Encyclical on climate includes several passages highly skeptical of nuclear power as a technology, and thus as a climate solution. Excerpts here.

Don't Nuke the Climate telebriefing: lessons from Japan and Germany. Featuring Amory Lovins and Tim Judson with Michael Mariotte moderating. June 30, 2015. mp3 file.

June 16, 2015: Don't Nuke the Climate! The launch of a new campaign. From GreenWorld.

Fact sheet: Nuclear Power and Climate: Why Nukes Can't Save the Planet.

Briefing Paper: Nuclear Energy is Dirty Energy (and does not fit in a clean energy standard). pdf

Briefing Paper: Killing the Competition. How nuclear industry is attempting to block climate action, stop renewable energy and subsidize old reactors. pdf

Report: Power Shift: The Deployment of a 21st Century Electricity Sector and the Nuclear War to Stop It. Describes how the nuclear power industry is seeking consumer bailouts for its uneconomic reactors while working to undermine adoption of clean renewable energy.



Your donations make our work for a nuclear-free, carbon-free future possible. Please donate today. Thank you.


Hot News and Actions

July 28, 2015. Floridians: Sign petition to stop the proposed Turkey Point reactors! From our friends at Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Don't live in Florida? Send it to a friend who does.

June 30, 2015. Don't Nuke the Climate telebriefing: lessons from Japan and Germany. Featuring Amory Lovins and Tim Judson with Michael Mariotte moderating. June 30, 2015. mp3 file.

May 18, 2015. Hour-long interview of NIRS' President Michael Mariotte on 21st Century radio, recorded May 10, 2015.

May 14, 2015. In case brought by NIRS and other groups, NRC Commissioners say agency can license controversial MOX plant without determining whether it can be protected from cyberterrorism.

March 12, 2015. NIRS' President Michael Mariotte on Uprising Radio: Four years later, Fukushima disaster has no end in sight. Video and audio available here.

March 9, 2015. To the Village Square. Remarkable and beautiful new book from photographer Lionel Delevigne. Says Harvey Wasserman: "The No Nukes movement may someday be remembered as history's most essential non-violent uprising. While shutting down and preventing the construction of hundreds of lethal reactors--each with the power to
attack our core existence on this planet--it has also given birth to what may soon become the world's largest industry, the Solartopian conversion to renewable green power. Along the way Lionel Delevingne has been the 'family photographer' of an amazing body of people and actions that, against all odds, have created a way for the human race to survive."

TVS cover



Reports, Papers and Info You Can Use

July 27, 2015. New study from Germany's Oko-Institut: "Costs of meeting international climate targets without nuclear power." Concludes a global nuclear phase-out by 2050 is economically feasible. U.S. and Japan would experience highest compliance costs, but these are marginal compared to GDP.

July 22, 2015. The negaWatt scenario: How France can meet the requirements of its new law--reducing nuclear power from 80% to 50% by 2025, and move further to a "climate-friendly, nuclear-free, and sustainable energy future" based on renewable energy/energy efficiency by mid-century. Now available in English.

June 30, 2015. New report from WISE-Paris for Greenpeace: The French nuclear industry in deadlock: The burden of France's nuclear gamble in the era of the energy transition.

June 17, 2015. Important new report from Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School's Mark Cooper: Power Shift: The Deployment of a 21st Century Electricity Sector and the Nuclear War to Stop It. Describes how the nuclear power industry is seeking consumer bailouts for its uneconomic reactors while working to undermine adoption of clean renewable energy.

May 14, 2015. Presentation by Yves Marignac to NIRS on May 11, 2015 on French nuclear issues and its current energy transition. Documents the reasons for the stunning decline of the French nuclear industry.

April 29, 2015. Powerpoint presentation by the U.K.'s Dr. Ian Fairlie to U.S. EPA officials, April 27, 2015 on causes and effects of increased childhood leukemia within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of European nuclear reactors. Presentation in pdf.



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