The Chicago Chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)
Seeking a Just Peace Between
Israelis & Palestinians

NIMN recommends the following events this month

Stan Heller Interviews

Click here to listen to important interviews by Stan Heller.

Electronic Initifada

Click here for the latest news and information.

The Occupation Is Killing Us All
Order your NIMN poster today!

Uri Avnery's Speech at
August 5 Peace Rally

The black flag

Of illegality

Flies over this war.

The black flag

Of mourning

Hovers over all of us.

It is being said

That we are a marginal group.

That we are outsiders.

That the huge majority

Opposes all that we are doing.

And I say: Indeed.

We are outsiders. We are the few

Facing the masses that thirst for war.

But next month

Or next year

Every one of us will proudly proclaim:

I was here!

I called for a stop

To this accursed war!

And thousands who are cursing us now-

Next month, next year,

Will claim that they, too, were here,

That they, too, opposed

This mad war.

From here,

On behalf of this demonstration,

I say to Ehud Olmert:

Stop this madness!

The war has gone to your head!

You are intoxicated by it!

You are a junky of war!

A war from which

Nothing good will come.

Stop, before it is too late!

From here,

On behalf of this demonstration,

I say to Amir Peretz:

Many of those here

Have voted for you.

You have lied to them!

You have cheated them!

You pretended to be a social reformer,

You promised to take money from the army

And invest it in education and welfare.

Now you have become

A man of death and destruction,

You have become a monster!

Stop, before it is too late!

From here,

On behalf of this demonstration,

I say to Hassan Nasrallah:

You have carried out a dangerous provocation,

You have provided the warmongers with a pretext,

You have played their game.

Let us stop this right now!

Let us begin to negotiate-

Israel, Lebanon and Syria-

To exchange the prisoners,

To put an end to bombs and rockets.

From here,

On behalf of this demonstration,

I say to

Our Palestinian partners:

We have not forgotten you!!!

We know about the atrocities

That happen every day in Gaza

And the other occupied territories.

We must cooperate

In order to put an end to this war,

To exchange the prisoners,

To make peace between our two peoples.

From here,

On behalf of this demonstration,

I say to the Lebanese people:

As an Israeli,

I feel deep shame

For what we are doing to you!

For the devastation we have brought on you.

Deep shame!

When this madness

Is finally over,

We shall struggle together-

Israelis and Palestinians,

Syrians and Lebanese,

Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel-

So that we can live a normal life,

Each in his free state,

Side by side


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Not In My Name
PMB 206
2859 Central St
Evanston IL 60201

The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: our Special Resources Section

What's New (READ ALL)
[November 11, 2006]
In one word: MASSACRE

Uri Avnery, 11 November, 2006

"THANK GOD for the American elections," our ministers and generals sighed with relief.

They were not rejoicing at the kick that the American people delivered to George W. Bush's ass this week.  They love Bush, after all.


[November 2, 2006]
Lovable Man

by Uri Avnery 2 November 2006

In its original German form—Liebermann—the name means "lovable man".  It is hard to imagine a name less appropriate for the new Deputy Prime Minister of Israel.

He is not lovable, neither in his personality nor in his views—and that is the understatement of the year.


[September 12, 2006]
IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon

Meron Rappaport

This article appeared in the September 12, 2006 issue of Haaretz.

"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war.

Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets.


[September 10, 2006]
Palestinians forced to scavenge for food on rubbish dumps

Patrick Cockburn

This article appeard in the 9 September issue of The Independent.

The Israeli military and economic siege of Gaza has led to a collapse in Palestinian living conditions and many people only survive by looking for scraps of food in rubbish dumps, say international aid agencies.


What Israel's leaders want to prevent: friendship

Israeli and Palestinian Farmers

An Israeli volunteer and a Palestinian farmer working together during the olive harvest.

©2006 Anna Baltzar—Used with permission of the author.

We highly recommend Anna Baltzar's website.

Our latest leaflet
Our leafet on The Wall [PDF] (19 July, 2004)

Not In My Name
PMB 206
2859 Central St
Evanston IL 60201
Join our Weekly Vigil
Every Sunday, Noon to 1:00pm
Water Tower Park
Michigan and Pearson (830 North)

Haggai Matar at a NIMN Vigil "We have been punished for speaking out, for wanting not only to have no share in the evil ourselves, but to get rid of the evil.  They said in the verdict that we are undermining the legitimacy of what the government and the army are doing.  That's absolutely true, and that's what we intend to continue doing."

—Haggai Matar after being sentenced to one year in jail for refusing to serve in the Israeli military (January 5, 2004).

Haggai, pictured here when he attended our Vigil in Chicago, was released from prison (along with Matan Kaminer, Shimri Zameret, Adam Maor and Noam Bahat) on September 15, 2004.  They were immediately presented "call-up" orders and told to report for interviews on September 19th.

Craig Corrie holds a picture of his daughter, Rachel, at a NIMN Vigil.

Not In My Name is a predominantly Jewish peace group that was founded in November 2000 to organize opposition to the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.  We believe that the Israelis and Palestinians deserve a chance to live in peace but that there are obstacles that prevent this from happening.

The main obstacles include the Israeli Occupation and the U.S. government’s support of it.  We believe that the first step toward attaining peace must be for Israel to end its Occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem and for the U.S. to stop using our tax dollars to support it.

We call ourselves "Not In My Name" because the State of Israel often claims to act in the name and interests of all the Jews in the world.  Taking our place within the Jewish community, we offer an alternative voice, motivated first and foremost by a love for peace and justice.

We welcome the full and active participation of non-Jews who support our work and who, recognizing that their tax dollars are being use to support the Israeli Occupation, want to say “Not in my name, either!”

Please note that we are not associated in any way with Not In OUR Name (NION).  If you wish to comment on their politics, please contact them.

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