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Colonialism Trumps Fascism in U.S. elections

The electoral process in the U.S. and other bourgeois countries is simply a nonviolent contest for control of the State by contending sectors of the white ruling class. Full Story

No Solidarity: White left deserts march because Africans won't let them lead it

"Just like a spoiled suburb EuroPEON she got red in the face took her toys and went home. The cave-Becky s troop of mayo-saxons left with her as well." Full Story

Obama presides over and is complicit with the brutal mass black prison lockdown

"All told, almost 5 million of our brothers and sisters are tied to the U.S. prison system even though we are only 12.3 percent of the U.S. population." Full Story

ANWO forum discusses solution to State violence against African women

"ANWO stands with thousands of Sandra Bland supporters and her family and friends who maintain that Sandra Bland did not commit suicide." Full Story

AAPDEP working hard to build Zenzele Consignment: Opening pushed back to March 2016

"HUNTSVILLE, AL--For a little over a year now, members and volunteers of the All African People's Development & Empowerment Project (AADPEP) have been working to build our first economic institution, Zenzele Consignment." Full Story

Ferguson Matters!

FERGUSON, MO.--The federal and local police agencies enacted martial law on the African population of Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2015. Full Story

We got the power! Uhuru Radio going FM down in Florida

"96.3 LPFM will stand tall as the only radio station owned and controlled by the African community in this southern U.S. city, where 70 percent of the population lives under the poverty level and faces terroristic violence at the hands of police and white vigilantes on a daily basis." Full Story

Oakland Uhuru Movement on the move again!

OAKLAND, CA.--The historic Uhuru Movement for black power is expanding its Oakland institutions for African community economic development programs that have served the people for the past 30 years! Full Story

Successful Philly Black is Back Conference sets stage for November 7 national March on Washington

"Through the help of Pam Africa, the world ' s most well known political prisoner, Mumia Abu Jamal was able to call in and address the attendees of the conference." Full Story

Africans Charge Genocide!

"The petition to the UN lists evidence of the genocide and genocidal policies on part of the U.S. government in every aspect of the lives of African people in this country." Full Story

Chairman Omali brings 21st Century Garveyism to Jamaican Festival

"Delivered with the fiery oratory of Garvey himself, Chairman Omali brought 21st Century Garveyism to Jamaica as it had not been done since Garvey." Full Story

Huey P. Newton: The Canada Connection

"For a brief moment in the history of Africans in America Newton was" the tallest tree in the forest"'. Full Story

"An Uneasy Equilibrium" at Harlem Book Fair

"Chairman Omali was hurried off of the stage, to the dismay of the people, when he spoke about U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama's role as an instrument of the oppressors of African people. He said Obama was a tool to keep African people from struggling to obtain their own freedom." Full Story

Part 2: Obama's East Africa Trip to Kenya and Ethiopia

"There is no example of Kenya's power anywhere in the world, not even in Africa. Therefore no matter what Uhuru Kenyatta says, Kenya's scope for mutual benefit would be limited by the absence of international African power." Full Story

Haiti: An Occupation in Blackface

"Under this occupation, the US and its allies, France and Canada, have been able to install another puppet government, the neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly." Full Story

Support Grows for a National Commission on Reparatory Justice

NEW YORK--Momentum continues to build in support of the recent call to President Barack Obama to create, by executive order, a "national commission on reparatory justice" in the wake of the massacre of innocent Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina. Full Story

Black Power Matters Conference convenes August 22-23 in Philadelphia

On August 22-23, the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations holds its annual conference with the them: Black Power Matters, Organizing for Black Community Control of the Police! Full Story

Call to the INPDUM 2015 Convention - Sept. 26-27 Chicago

CHICAGO--On September 26 and 27, 2015 African people from throughout the world will gather in Chicago, Illinois to convene the 24th Annual Convention of The International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM). Full Story

#Black Lives Matter and the Democrats: How disruption can lead to collaboration

"The Democratic Party, like its Republican duopoly cousin, is a criminal enterprise, polluting the politics of Black America. Any sustained Black movement must, of necessity, be in opposition to the Democratic Party and its civic society annexes." Full Story

U.S. economic projects in Africa are parasites

"No matter how many investors Obama brings in Africa, the agenda is the same: looting, exploitation and repression. These words are, in fact synonyms for "Obama's investors."' Full Story

U.S. white power represented in black face as Obama bids Imperialism's will in Africa

"While Obama was always clear that he was in Africa to defend white imperialist interests, we the African workers were not clear that we were welcoming the black face of our national and class enemy." Full Story

Thousands march against police violence in Newark, New Jersey

"Family after family, at the rally before the march, spoke about how they never got justice in the U.S. court system for their loved one who was murdered by police." Full Story

AAPDEP Organizing Philly Garden Collective

"We have no doubt that the Philly Garden Collective will be a great tool to teach and learn skills, provide healthy food, and organize the African community towards our development." Full Story

Ferguson's Herdosia Bentum wins Comrade of the Quarter award for 2nd quarter 2015

"I have had the pleasant honor of working with Herdosia for the past several months. One of my many new nicknames for her is "the revolutionary evangelist."' Full Story

Critical Cities, a book review from The Burning Spear newspaper

'"Critical Cities" is a powerful rare paradigm. It is a collection of thoughts by a variety of writers who have captured core ideas about cities and how cities connect to everything." Full Story

France still robbing and stealing from it's "former" African colonies

"In this short article I will try to explain how African countries that were colonized by France are still beholden to their colonizers. The current relationship between African countries and France prevents successful African development and sovereignty." Full Story

Same sex marriage reinforces white rights and prosperity at our expense

"White gays don t fight for rights. They fight for privileges. The fight for marriage had nothing to do with love. It's about life insurance, tax write-offs, good credit scores, equity and land ownership. Whites, collectively have only fought for one thing capital!" Full Story

Black is Back Conference in Philly calling you!

"Whether it s in America or the rest of the African world, black lives will never matter until we attain BLACK POWER; which is power in our hands to determine our future for subsequent generations to come." Full Story

Black Panther Party alumni return African martyr Carl Hampton to Pleasantville on the 45th anniversary of his assassination

HOUSTON-On Saturday, July 25, forty-five years after his assassination by Houston Police snipers, the spirit and legacy of black revolutionary Carl B Hampton was brought home to the Pleasantville community he was born and raised in. Full Story

The ongoing opportunism of white women (From The Burning Spear's Harriet's Daughters)

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who has been publicly pretending to be black since 2005, is a prime example of white opportunism that is so common inside the system of white power imperialism. Full Story

Chicago's Wil Lockett wins Comrade of the Quarter for first quarter 2015

"Wil has a great revolutionary spirit and understanding of what it will take to forge through to our victories and he demonstrates this by showing up wherever he's needed, whenever he's needed." Full Story

Black August, Black Music and Black Power (From The Burning Spear newspaper's Diasporic Music)

"The 50th anniversary of the Watts Revolt will be August 2015. The idea for Soul Magazine came from Ken watching Watts burn. The Los Angeles rebellion stopped the so-called gang activities." Full Story

Uhuru Solidarity Movement call for reparations, faces-off with flag waving white nationalists

"A mob of over 300 Confederate and American flag-waving white nationalists waited anxiously for the protesters to show up on the courthouse steps." Full Story

Greece gets no sympathy from big capitalism

The magnitude of the problem is evident in the fact that Greece has already had two bailouts worth ' ' 172bn from Europe and International Monetary fund . Full Story

International Criminal Court, or International Lynch Mob?

"Of the nine situations the court is officially investigating, all are in Africa. Every one of the 32 individuals indicted by the court so far are African." Full Story

Black is Back Coalition's "Black Power Matters" Conference set for August 22-23 in Philly

PHILADELPHIA - The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations (BIBC) continues to forward the struggle for black freedom with its Annual Conference scheduled for Philadelphia on August 22-23, 2015. Full Story

Chairman Omali set to Keynote Annual Garvey event in Jamaica

Chairman Omali Yeshitela's presence in Jamaica on August 16 will be a testimony to the legacy of Garvey carried out by the African People's Socialist Party as the foundation of a united and liberated Africa and African people worldwide. Full Story

Newark buzzing about large upcoming march against police brutality

On Saturday, July 25, large numbers of people from all walks of life will come together at the Lincoln Monument in Newark at 12 noon for what is looking to perhaps be the largest march of its kind in the history of the city of Newark, "The Million People s March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice and Economic Inequality." Full Story

Protesters in Texas demand Justice for Sandra Bland!

HEMPSTEAD, TX. "From two to three hundred protesters marched from the Waller County Jail here in Hempstead, Texas to the Waller County Courthouse demanding No Justice, No Peace! in the jailhouse murder of 28-year-old Sandra Bland. Full Story

The defeat of imperialism will bring democracy to Burundi and all of Africa

"While factions of the petty bourgeoisie are opposed to the rule of Nkurunziza, they all represent the same class and have the same submissive relationship with our white imperialist oppressors." Full Story

Murder charges dismissed against Crystal Scott who killed white man in Texas

"Scott had shot Ables on September 12, 2012 as he tried to break into her car following a minor traffic accident, and the case lay dormant for more than five months." Full Story

The illusion of U.S. democracy

"Today we have the potential to make significant change in the world. We can stand up for our right to live and for our right to build a new world based on parity, without violence and oppression." Full Story

Commemoration set for 45th Anniversary of Carl Hampton Assassination

HOUSTON--The life and sacrifices of Carl Bernard Hampton will be celebrated on July 25, 2015, at the Pleasantville Community Center on Houston's East Side. Full Story

Uhuru Movement in Oakland is expanding!

The Uhuru Movement is expanding its Oakland institutions for African community economic development ' "programs that have served the people for the past 30 years! Full Story

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by Rasheed Habib on 2015-08-29
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by Rasheed Habib on 2015-08-27
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by Alhassan Sesay on 2015-08-25
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Thanks for the good job guys ...
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videoChairman Omali Yeshitela reports back from visit to Moscow, Russia

On Sunday, June 7, 2015, the African People's Socialist Party's (APSP) Department of Agitation an...
Special Features

African People's Socialist Party Political Education Series

Chairman Omali Yeshitela leads study on the Uhuru Movement's position on marijuana, alcohol and other drugs

Chairman Omali Yeshitela

Dual and contending power: The history and struggle for economic development in the African People's Socialist Party

South Africa (Occupied Azania)

ANC promotes violence against Africans while the white wealthy in South Africa are protected as they continue to steal

Marcus Garvey Legacy Tour

Chairman Omali storms Humboldt University
audioSchool shooting in U.S.; Drug-dealing HSBC banksters go free
From , aired Dec 23, 2012
Talk live with African Socialist International Chairman Omali Yeshitela and a live panel discussing current events, including the killing of 20 children at an elementary school in Connecticut, and the recent exposure of more drug-dealing on the part of major imperialist banking institutions. As reported in Uhuru News, "HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation) was founded in 1865 as Britain's main drug pusher in Asia, which, along with the trade in African people and the colonial domination of much of the world, is the basis for the wealth of Britain, the U.S. and world capitalism today. While one out of every eight people incarcerated in the entire world is an impoverished African in the U.S., the HSBC bank simply paid $1.9 billion to the cash-strapped U.S. government and charges were dropped. The $1.9 billion is just a drop in the bucket of HSBC's 173 billion dollars in shares on the stock market and assets of 2.6 trillion dollars. "
audioLive discussion on unrest in Burkina Faso, crisis in Ivory Coast, imperialist attack on Libya. Looking at why the U.S. government killed MLK
From , aired Apr 3, 2011
Live discussion with Luwezi Kinshasa, Secretary-General of the African Socialist International (ASI) on unrest in Burkina Faso, crisis in Ivory Coast and updates on the imperialist attack on Libya. Host Nyabinga Dzimbahwe also takes a look on this anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. at why the U.S. government killed him.
audioHands off Libya! Stop U.S. imperialist attacks!
From , aired Mar 20, 2011
Host Nyabinga Dzimbahwe interviews African Socialist International (ASI) Secretary-General Luwezi Kinshasa on the imperialist assault on Libya occurring now. ASI Chairman Omali Yeshitela also joins the discussion by phone.

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