Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. in this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent...
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
A BBC series from 1996 in 8 parts. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
**Download this song**:
Get tix to see PMJ live worldwide:
As many of you may recall, Joey Cook was the exceptionally talented Idol finalist that performed some exceptionally creative arrangements on the show last season, and even gave us our very first shout out on national television. Her unique talent was such a great fit for PMJ that we immediately invited her to join us - and here's her debut video! No ukuleles were harmed in the making of this video.
Check out Joey's Indiegogo campaign and help her make an album!
For more of Joey's covers, visit her YouTube chann
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
My channel: ▻SUBSCRIBE: ▻Google+:
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
La bataille pour la capitulation. Commandés par Foch, les armées françaises, britanniques et américaines lancent en août une contre-offensive qui va repousser les Allemands à leur frontière et les forcer à capituler.
La Russie s'est retirée du conflit le 15 décembre 1917 en signant le traité d'armistice de Brest-Litovsk. 500000 soldats allemands sont transférés sur le front ouest.
Épaulés par les Américains, les Français et les Britanniques vont faire face à l'Empire allemand et ses alliés. L'offensive décidée par le nouveau commandant, le chef de toutes les armées alliées, le Maréchal Foch, va bousculer les Allemands et les repousser jusqu
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední.
První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
more at
US Army tests & demonstrations of the World War I Mark VIII Tank, a US-British codevelopment, also known as the Liberty or The International. Mark VIII production was too late for their use in WWI. After the war, about 100 of these tanks made in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932.
Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The film was silent. I have added music created by myself using the Reaper Digital Audio
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a...
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada grav...
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
Germany was the first country to produce a purpose-built antitank rifle, in response to the major Entente tank attack at Cambrai. The design was pretty simple, basically a scaled-up Mauser 98 with 4 locking lugs chambered for the massive 13.2mm TuF cartridge. It would perforate about 20mm of armor plate at 100m, which was nicely effective on WWI tanks. By the end of the war more than 15,000 had been made. Interestingly, a bunch of them ended up at Springfield Armory, where they were used in the development of the .50 BMG cartridge.
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révol
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag t
Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. in this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent...
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
A BBC series from 1996 in 8 parts. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
**Download this song**:
Get tix to see PMJ live worldwide:
As many of you may recall, Joey Cook was the exceptionally talented Idol finalist that performed some exceptionally creative arrangements on the show last season, and even gave us our very first shout out on national television. Her unique talent was such a great fit for PMJ that we immediately invited her to join us - and here's her debut video! No ukuleles were harmed in the making of this video.
Check out Joey's Indiegogo campaign and help her make an album!
For more of Joey's covers, visit her YouTube chann
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
My channel: ▻SUBSCRIBE: ▻Google+:
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
La bataille pour la capitulation. Commandés par Foch, les armées françaises, britanniques et américaines lancent en août une contre-offensive qui va repousser les Allemands à leur frontière et les forcer à capituler.
La Russie s'est retirée du conflit le 15 décembre 1917 en signant le traité d'armistice de Brest-Litovsk. 500000 soldats allemands sont transférés sur le front ouest.
Épaulés par les Américains, les Français et les Britanniques vont faire face à l'Empire allemand et ses alliés. L'offensive décidée par le nouveau commandant, le chef de toutes les armées alliées, le Maréchal Foch, va bousculer les Allemands et les repousser jusqu
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední.
První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
more at
US Army tests & demonstrations of the World War I Mark VIII Tank, a US-British codevelopment, also known as the Liberty or The International. Mark VIII production was too late for their use in WWI. After the war, about 100 of these tanks made in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932.
Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The film was silent. I have added music created by myself using the Reaper Digital Audio
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a...
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada grav...
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
Germany was the first country to produce a purpose-built antitank rifle, in response to the major Entente tank attack at Cambrai. The design was pretty simple, basically a scaled-up Mauser 98 with 4 locking lugs chambered for the massive 13.2mm TuF cartridge. It would perforate about 20mm of armor plate at 100m, which was nicely effective on WWI tanks. By the end of the war more than 15,000 had been made. Interestingly, a bunch of them ended up at Springfield Armory, where they were used in the development of the .50 BMG cartridge.
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révol
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag t
Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - British vs Germans Multiplayer 3v3
Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - British vs Germans Multiplayer 3v3
Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - British vs Germans Multiplayer 3v3
Sherman is joined by Pranking and Jaggardz for a 3v3 in BoE 1914-1918.. Enjoy folks!
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20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
BAC HISTOIRE - 06 Les Etats-Unis depuis 1918
BAC HISTOIRE - 06 Les Etats-Unis depuis 1918
BAC HISTOIRE - 06 Les Etats-Unis depuis 1918
Ce cours va vous permettre de bien préparer l'épreuve d'histoire du bac. Il aborde un des points du programme : les Etats-Unis depuis 1918.
Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - Entente Town Assault
Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - Entente Town Assault
Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 - Entente Town Assault
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DiplexHeatedHD DiplexHeated Diplex Gameplay HD Lets Play Walkthrough Playthrough HQ Commentary Let's "Lets Play" LP Episode Part Series Tutorial Trailer Mod Mods Demo Beta Alpha Game "How To" Online Multiplayer Max Extreme Ultra Settings Graphics Land Naval Siege Battle Total War Men of War
Ленин в 1918 году / Lenin in 1918
Ленин в 1918 году / Lenin in 1918
Ленин в 1918 году / Lenin in 1918
Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - Google Play -
Company of Heroes- The Great War 1918 Mod Multiplayer Gameplay
Company of Heroes- The Great War 1918 Mod Multiplayer Gameplay
Company of Heroes- The Great War 1918 Mod Multiplayer Gameplay
Rommel's Facebook Page!- Link to the mod- Tags: Company of Heroes, Company o...
Un siglo de la Gran Guerra - 1914-1918, el ruido y la furia HD
Un siglo de la Gran Guerra - 1914-1918, el ruido y la furia HD
Un siglo de la Gran Guerra - 1914-1918, el ruido y la furia HD
Documental de Jean-François Delassus que narra la historia de la I Guerra Mundial, a través de la visión de un soldado francés.
Reforma Universitaria de 1918 Documental Completo
Reforma Universitaria de 1918 Documental Completo
Reforma Universitaria de 1918 Documental Completo
La Juventud Argentina de Córdoba a los Hombres Libres de Sudamérica.
Гражданская война в конце 1918-1920 годах
Гражданская война в конце 1918-1920 годах
Гражданская война в конце 1918-1920 годах
Лекция А.В. Шубина, д.и.н, руководителя Центра истории России, Украины и Белоруссии Института всеобщей истории Российской академии наук
Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. in this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent...
Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. in this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent...
**Download this song**:
Get tix to see PMJ live worldwide:
As many of you may recall, Joey Cook was the exceptionally talented Idol finalist that performed some exceptionally creative arrangements on the show last season, and even gave us our very first shout out on national television. Her unique talent was such a great fit for PMJ that we immediately invited her to join us - and here's her debut video! No ukuleles were harmed in the making of this video.
Check out Joey's Indiegogo campaign and help her make an album!
For more of Joey's covers, visit her YouTube channel:
Our new album, "Swipe Right For Vintage" is now available! Get it here to check out a whole bunch of new PMJ remakes:
The Band:
Joey Cook - vocals, ukulele & accordion
Tony Mandracchia - banjo
Adam Kubota - bass
Martin Diller - drums
Scott Bradlee - piano
Insta / Twitter / Snap / Periscope: @scottbradlee
**We have over 100 dates currently on sale around the world for 2015 & 2016 including US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and many more locations coming soon!
Be sure to sign up to our mailing list at so you can be notified when we’re coming to your city.
Below are ONLY the dates for 2015:
Australia/New Zealand / Asia Tour Dates:
29 Aug - Powerstation, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand
30 Aug - Bodega, Wellington, New Zealand
02 Sep - Panthers Newcastle, Newcastle West, Australia
03 Sep - Metro Theatre, Sydney, Australia
04 Sep - Anita's Theatre, Wollongong, Australia
05 Sep - Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
06 Sep - The Arts Centre Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, Australia
09 Sep - Forum Theatre, Melbourne, Australia
10 Sep - HQ Complex, Adelaide, Australia
11 Sep - Astor Theatre, Perth, Australia
13 Sep - Kallang Theatre, Singapore
*NEW!* 15 Sep - KL Live, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
18 Sep - Smart Araneta Coliseum, Manila, Philippines
US/Canada Tour Dates:
July 31 - Boone, NC; Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts
Oct 2 - Fairbanks, AK; Hering Auditorium
Oct 3 - Anchorage, AK; Atwood Concert Hall
Nov 3 - Baltimore, MD; Meyerhoff Symphony Hall
Nov 4 - York, PA; The Pullo Center
Nov 5 - Glenside, PA; Keswick Theatre
Nov 6 - Red Bank, NJ; Count Basie Theatre
Nov 7 - Scranton, PA; Theatre at Lackawanna College
Nov 8 - Ithaca, NY; State Theatre
Nov 9 - Boston, MA; Wilbur Theatre
Nov 13 - Wilmington, DE; Grand Opera House
Nov 14 - Staten Island, NY; St. George Theatre
Nov 15 - Buffalo, NY; University of Buffalo Center for the Arts
Nov 16 - Toronto, ON; Massey Hall
Nov 17 - Pittsburgh, PA; Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead
Nov 18 - Chicago, IL; The Riviera Theatre
Nov 20 - Fountain Inn, SC;Younts Center for Performing Arts
Nov 22 - Charleston, SC; Charleston Music Hall
Nov 24 - Orlando, FL; Hard Rock Live
Nov 25 - Ft. Lauderdale; Parker Playhouse
Nov 27 - Tampa, FL; Straz Center
Nov 28 - Jacksonville, FL; Florida Theatre
Dec 2 - Houston, TX; Cullen Performing Arts Center at U of Houston
Dec 3 - Dallas, TX; The Bomb Factory
Dec 5 - Austin, TX; ACL Live at the Moody Theatre
Dec 6 - San Antonio, TX; Charline McCombs Empire Theatre
Dec 9 - San Diego, CA; House of Blues
Dec 11 - Los Angeles, CA; Microsoft Theater (formerly Nokia Theatre)
Dec 12 - San Francisco, CA; Warfield Theatre
Dec 14 - Portland, OR; Crystal Ballroom
Dec 15 - Seattle, WA; Showbox Sodo
Dec 16 - Boise, ID; Knitting Factory
Dec 17 - Salt Lake City UT; In The Venue
Dec 18 - Denver, CO; Paramount Theatre
Twitter / Insta: @PMJofficial
**Download this song**:
Get tix to see PMJ live worldwide:
As many of you may recall, Joey Cook was the exceptionally talented Idol finalist that performed some exceptionally creative arrangements on the show last season, and even gave us our very first shout out on national television. Her unique talent was such a great fit for PMJ that we immediately invited her to join us - and here's her debut video! No ukuleles were harmed in the making of this video.
Check out Joey's Indiegogo campaign and help her make an album!
For more of Joey's covers, visit her YouTube channel:
Our new album, "Swipe Right For Vintage" is now available! Get it here to check out a whole bunch of new PMJ remakes:
The Band:
Joey Cook - vocals, ukulele & accordion
Tony Mandracchia - banjo
Adam Kubota - bass
Martin Diller - drums
Scott Bradlee - piano
Insta / Twitter / Snap / Periscope: @scottbradlee
**We have over 100 dates currently on sale around the world for 2015 & 2016 including US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and many more locations coming soon!
Be sure to sign up to our mailing list at so you can be notified when we’re coming to your city.
Below are ONLY the dates for 2015:
Australia/New Zealand / Asia Tour Dates:
29 Aug - Powerstation, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand
30 Aug - Bodega, Wellington, New Zealand
02 Sep - Panthers Newcastle, Newcastle West, Australia
03 Sep - Metro Theatre, Sydney, Australia
04 Sep - Anita's Theatre, Wollongong, Australia
05 Sep - Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
06 Sep - The Arts Centre Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, Australia
09 Sep - Forum Theatre, Melbourne, Australia
10 Sep - HQ Complex, Adelaide, Australia
11 Sep - Astor Theatre, Perth, Australia
13 Sep - Kallang Theatre, Singapore
*NEW!* 15 Sep - KL Live, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
18 Sep - Smart Araneta Coliseum, Manila, Philippines
US/Canada Tour Dates:
July 31 - Boone, NC; Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts
Oct 2 - Fairbanks, AK; Hering Auditorium
Oct 3 - Anchorage, AK; Atwood Concert Hall
Nov 3 - Baltimore, MD; Meyerhoff Symphony Hall
Nov 4 - York, PA; The Pullo Center
Nov 5 - Glenside, PA; Keswick Theatre
Nov 6 - Red Bank, NJ; Count Basie Theatre
Nov 7 - Scranton, PA; Theatre at Lackawanna College
Nov 8 - Ithaca, NY; State Theatre
Nov 9 - Boston, MA; Wilbur Theatre
Nov 13 - Wilmington, DE; Grand Opera House
Nov 14 - Staten Island, NY; St. George Theatre
Nov 15 - Buffalo, NY; University of Buffalo Center for the Arts
Nov 16 - Toronto, ON; Massey Hall
Nov 17 - Pittsburgh, PA; Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead
Nov 18 - Chicago, IL; The Riviera Theatre
Nov 20 - Fountain Inn, SC;Younts Center for Performing Arts
Nov 22 - Charleston, SC; Charleston Music Hall
Nov 24 - Orlando, FL; Hard Rock Live
Nov 25 - Ft. Lauderdale; Parker Playhouse
Nov 27 - Tampa, FL; Straz Center
Nov 28 - Jacksonville, FL; Florida Theatre
Dec 2 - Houston, TX; Cullen Performing Arts Center at U of Houston
Dec 3 - Dallas, TX; The Bomb Factory
Dec 5 - Austin, TX; ACL Live at the Moody Theatre
Dec 6 - San Antonio, TX; Charline McCombs Empire Theatre
Dec 9 - San Diego, CA; House of Blues
Dec 11 - Los Angeles, CA; Microsoft Theater (formerly Nokia Theatre)
Dec 12 - San Francisco, CA; Warfield Theatre
Dec 14 - Portland, OR; Crystal Ballroom
Dec 15 - Seattle, WA; Showbox Sodo
Dec 16 - Boise, ID; Knitting Factory
Dec 17 - Salt Lake City UT; In The Venue
Dec 18 - Denver, CO; Paramount Theatre
Twitter / Insta: @PMJofficial
published:27 Aug 2015
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
published:02 Mar 2015
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
La bataille pour la capitulation. Commandés par Foch, les armées françaises, britanniques et américaines lancent en août une contre-offensive qui va repousser les Allemands à leur frontière et les forcer à capituler.
La Russie s'est retirée du conflit le 15 décembre 1917 en signant le traité d'armistice de Brest-Litovsk. 500000 soldats allemands sont transférés sur le front ouest.
Épaulés par les Américains, les Français et les Britanniques vont faire face à l'Empire allemand et ses alliés. L'offensive décidée par le nouveau commandant, le chef de toutes les armées alliées, le Maréchal Foch, va bousculer les Allemands et les repousser jusqu'à leur frontière. Pour éviter l'envahissement, ils signent l'armistice le 11 novembre 1918 à Rethondes. Au total, huit millions de soldats et des centaines de milliers de civils seront morts pour rien... puisque vingt et un ans plus tard seulement éclatera la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, opposant les mêmes protagonistes.
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La bataille pour la capitulation. Commandés par Foch, les armées françaises, britanniques et américaines lancent en août une contre-offensive qui va repousser les Allemands à leur frontière et les forcer à capituler.
La Russie s'est retirée du conflit le 15 décembre 1917 en signant le traité d'armistice de Brest-Litovsk. 500000 soldats allemands sont transférés sur le front ouest.
Épaulés par les Américains, les Français et les Britanniques vont faire face à l'Empire allemand et ses alliés. L'offensive décidée par le nouveau commandant, le chef de toutes les armées alliées, le Maréchal Foch, va bousculer les Allemands et les repousser jusqu'à leur frontière. Pour éviter l'envahissement, ils signent l'armistice le 11 novembre 1918 à Rethondes. Au total, huit millions de soldats et des centaines de milliers de civils seront morts pour rien... puisque vingt et un ans plus tard seulement éclatera la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, opposant les mêmes protagonistes.
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Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední.
První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto vznešené pojmy zůstaly pohřbeny v ruinách války, jež měla ukončit všechny další. Francouzský dokument nabízí strhující výpověď francouzského „neznámého vojína" o všech strastech i radostech, které jej v letech 1914 až 1918 potkávaly.
Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední.
První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto vznešené pojmy zůstaly pohřbeny v ruinách války, jež měla ukončit všechny další. Francouzský dokument nabízí strhující výpověď francouzského „neznámého vojína" o všech strastech i radostech, které jej v letech 1914 až 1918 potkávaly.
published:14 Sep 2014
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
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US Army tests & demonstrations of the World War I Mark VIII Tank, a US-British codevelopment, also known as the Liberty or The International. Mark VIII production was too late for their use in WWI. After the war, about 100 of these tanks made in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932.
Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The film was silent. I have added music created by myself using the Reaper Digital Audio Workstation and the Independence and Proteus VX VST instrument plugins.
The Tank Mark VIII also known as the Liberty or The International was an Anglo-American tank design of the First World War intended to overcome the limitations of the earlier British designs and be a collaborative effort to equip France, the UK and the US with a single heavy tank design.
Production at a site in France was expected to take advantage of US industrial capacity to produce the automotive elements with the UK producing the armoured hulls and armament. The planned production levels would have equipped the Allied armies with a very large tank force that would have broken through the German defensive positions in the planned offensive for 1919. In practice manufacture was slow and only a few vehicles were produced before the end of the war in November 1918.
After the war, 100 vehicles assembled in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932. A few tanks that had not been scrapped by the start of World War II were provided to Canada for training purposes...
The Mark VIII kept many of the general features of the Mark I-V series: it had their typical high track run and no revolving turret but two sponsons, one on each side of the tank, armed with a 6-pounder (57 mm) gun. But it also resembled the Mark VI-project in that it had more rounded and wider tracks and a large superstructure on top directly beneath the front of which the driver was seated. An innovative feature was the departure from the concept of the box tank with its single space into which all accessories were crammed. The Mark VIII was compartimentalised with a separate engine room at the back. This vastly improved fighting conditions as a bulkhead protected the crew against the deafening engine noise, noxious fumes and heat.
There were no machine guns in the sponsons, only the 6-pounders each manned by a gunner and loader. The side machine guns were to the rear of the sponsons mounted in the hull doors. Major Alden had designed the sponsons to be retractable (they could be swung in at the rear by the crew, being pivoted at the front), to reduce the width of the vehicle if enemy obstacles were encountered. Five more machine guns were in the superstructure: two at the front—left and right next to the driver—and one on each of the other sides. As there was no machine gun position covering the back of the tank there was a dead angle vulnerable to infantry attack. To solve this problem a triangular steel deflector plate was attached. The rear superstructure machine gunner could use it to deflect his fire down into that area behind the tank. The tank carried 208 shells and 13,848 machine gun rounds, mostly in a large ammunition locker in the centre which formed a platform on which the commander stood behind the driver observing the battlefield through a cupola with four vision slits. Later the side superstructure guns were removed on US tanks.
The twelfth crew member was the mechanic, seated next to the 300 hp Liberty V-12 (or in British tanks Ricardo V-12) petrol engine) cooled by a large horizontal radiator Three armoured fuel tanks at the rear held 200 Imperial gallons (240 US gallons, or 909 litres) of fuel giving a range of 89 km. The transmission used a planetary gearbox giving two speeds in either forward or reverse. Top speed was 5.25 mph (8 km/h).
To improve its trench crossing ability to 4.88 m the vehicle had a very elongated shape. The track length was 34 ft 2 in... In absolute terms the vehicle was very large: at 10 ft 3 in (3.13 m) tall the Mark VIII was the second largest operational tank in history, after the Char 2C. However its weight was only 38.3 long tons (38.9 t) fitted for battle as the armour plate was thin with a thickness of 16 mm on the front and sides—a slight improvement over the Mark V but very thin by later standards. The roof and bottom of the hull were protected by only 6 mm thick armour plate, leaving the tank very vulnerable to mortar shells and landmines...
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US Army tests & demonstrations of the World War I Mark VIII Tank, a US-British codevelopment, also known as the Liberty or The International. Mark VIII production was too late for their use in WWI. After the war, about 100 of these tanks made in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932.
Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The film was silent. I have added music created by myself using the Reaper Digital Audio Workstation and the Independence and Proteus VX VST instrument plugins.
The Tank Mark VIII also known as the Liberty or The International was an Anglo-American tank design of the First World War intended to overcome the limitations of the earlier British designs and be a collaborative effort to equip France, the UK and the US with a single heavy tank design.
Production at a site in France was expected to take advantage of US industrial capacity to produce the automotive elements with the UK producing the armoured hulls and armament. The planned production levels would have equipped the Allied armies with a very large tank force that would have broken through the German defensive positions in the planned offensive for 1919. In practice manufacture was slow and only a few vehicles were produced before the end of the war in November 1918.
After the war, 100 vehicles assembled in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932. A few tanks that had not been scrapped by the start of World War II were provided to Canada for training purposes...
The Mark VIII kept many of the general features of the Mark I-V series: it had their typical high track run and no revolving turret but two sponsons, one on each side of the tank, armed with a 6-pounder (57 mm) gun. But it also resembled the Mark VI-project in that it had more rounded and wider tracks and a large superstructure on top directly beneath the front of which the driver was seated. An innovative feature was the departure from the concept of the box tank with its single space into which all accessories were crammed. The Mark VIII was compartimentalised with a separate engine room at the back. This vastly improved fighting conditions as a bulkhead protected the crew against the deafening engine noise, noxious fumes and heat.
There were no machine guns in the sponsons, only the 6-pounders each manned by a gunner and loader. The side machine guns were to the rear of the sponsons mounted in the hull doors. Major Alden had designed the sponsons to be retractable (they could be swung in at the rear by the crew, being pivoted at the front), to reduce the width of the vehicle if enemy obstacles were encountered. Five more machine guns were in the superstructure: two at the front—left and right next to the driver—and one on each of the other sides. As there was no machine gun position covering the back of the tank there was a dead angle vulnerable to infantry attack. To solve this problem a triangular steel deflector plate was attached. The rear superstructure machine gunner could use it to deflect his fire down into that area behind the tank. The tank carried 208 shells and 13,848 machine gun rounds, mostly in a large ammunition locker in the centre which formed a platform on which the commander stood behind the driver observing the battlefield through a cupola with four vision slits. Later the side superstructure guns were removed on US tanks.
The twelfth crew member was the mechanic, seated next to the 300 hp Liberty V-12 (or in British tanks Ricardo V-12) petrol engine) cooled by a large horizontal radiator Three armoured fuel tanks at the rear held 200 Imperial gallons (240 US gallons, or 909 litres) of fuel giving a range of 89 km. The transmission used a planetary gearbox giving two speeds in either forward or reverse. Top speed was 5.25 mph (8 km/h).
To improve its trench crossing ability to 4.88 m the vehicle had a very elongated shape. The track length was 34 ft 2 in... In absolute terms the vehicle was very large: at 10 ft 3 in (3.13 m) tall the Mark VIII was the second largest operational tank in history, after the Char 2C. However its weight was only 38.3 long tons (38.9 t) fitted for battle as the armour plate was thin with a thickness of 16 mm on the front and sides—a slight improvement over the Mark V but very thin by later standards. The roof and bottom of the hull were protected by only 6 mm thick armour plate, leaving the tank very vulnerable to mortar shells and landmines...
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a...
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a...
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada grav...
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada grav...
Germany was the first country to produce a purpose-built antitank rifle, in response to the major Entente tank attack at Cambrai. The design was pretty simple, basically a scaled-up Mauser 98 with 4 locking lugs chambered for the massive 13.2mm TuF cartridge. It would perforate about 20mm of armor plate at 100m, which was nicely effective on WWI tanks. By the end of the war more than 15,000 had been made. Interestingly, a bunch of them ended up at Springfield Armory, where they were used in the development of the .50 BMG cartridge.
Germany was the first country to produce a purpose-built antitank rifle, in response to the major Entente tank attack at Cambrai. The design was pretty simple, basically a scaled-up Mauser 98 with 4 locking lugs chambered for the massive 13.2mm TuF cartridge. It would perforate about 20mm of armor plate at 100m, which was nicely effective on WWI tanks. By the end of the war more than 15,000 had been made. Interestingly, a bunch of them ended up at Springfield Armory, where they were used in the development of the .50 BMG cartridge.
published:23 Aug 2015
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révolution en France. On se base sur le principe qu'une même origine ethnique partageant la même langue, et les mêmes idéaux politiques ont droit à des pays indépendants. Le concept de l'auto détermination nationale est ignoré par toutes les forces dynastiques qui ont avec succès ce principe lors du congrès de Vienne de 1815. Les peuples qui ont demandé leur autonomie nationale deviennent des sujets des dynasties locales ou d'autres nations. Mais on ne freine pas les idéaux si facilement la Belgique devient indépendante de la Hollande en 1830, l'Italie obtient son unification en 1861, et l'Allemagne en 1871. Mais d'autres régions d'Europe, surtout dans les Balkans, le problème perdure dans le siècle suivant. Cette guerre fût le théâtre de massacres tel que les tranchées de Verdun.
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révolution en France. On se base sur le principe qu'une même origine ethnique partageant la même langue, et les mêmes idéaux politiques ont droit à des pays indépendants. Le concept de l'auto détermination nationale est ignoré par toutes les forces dynastiques qui ont avec succès ce principe lors du congrès de Vienne de 1815. Les peuples qui ont demandé leur autonomie nationale deviennent des sujets des dynasties locales ou d'autres nations. Mais on ne freine pas les idéaux si facilement la Belgique devient indépendante de la Hollande en 1830, l'Italie obtient son unification en 1861, et l'Allemagne en 1871. Mais d'autres régions d'Europe, surtout dans les Balkans, le problème perdure dans le siècle suivant. Cette guerre fût le théâtre de massacres tel que les tranchées de Verdun.
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler.
His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery."
Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house.
The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove.
Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release.
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Charles Chaplin
Billy Armstrong
Edna Purviance
Leo White
Release date - August 11, 1918
Creative Commons License: Public Domain.
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler.
His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery."
Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house.
The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove.
Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release.
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Charles Chaplin
Billy Armstrong
Edna Purviance
Leo White
Release date - August 11, 1918
Creative Commons License: Public Domain.
published:01 Oct 2014
Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - British vs Germans Multiplayer 3v3
Sherman is joined by Pranking and Jaggardz for a 3v3 in BoE 1914-1918.. Enjoy folks!
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Electro Light ft. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge
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Sherman is joined by Pranking and Jaggardz for a 3v3 in BoE 1914-1918.. Enjoy folks!
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Electro Light ft. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge
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published:23 Jul 2015
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
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Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - Google Play -
Rommel's Facebook Page!- Link to the mod- Tags: Company of Heroes, Company o...
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watch Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 full movie 1080p, full film,koko elakuva and search, download in HERE
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Тимо Вихавайнен. Финляндия 1918: Гражданская или освободительная война?
Тимо Вихавайнен. Финляндия 1918: Гражданская или освободительная война?
Международная конференция Как работать с прошлым || International conference Dealing with the Past. Сахаровский центр, 18-19 октября 2015 года.
Тимо Вихавайнен, профессор российских исследований Университета Хельсинки (Финляндия)
1918 full movie
1918 full movie
1918 full movie
Watch 1918 Full Movie!
Gas Alarm (1918)
Gas Alarm (1918)
Gas Alarm (1918)
Silent footage of an anti-gas drill, including clearing trenches with Ayerton fans.
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
1914-1918: победившая революция
1914-1918: победившая революция
1914-1918: победившая революция
Введение к учебной теме Дистанционной школы СУНЦ НГУ (ФМШ). Авторы - Кириллов Алексей Константинович, Демидова Лариса Денисовна. Оператор - Гостяев Тимур Алексеевич
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
Systems: Windows, PlayStation 4 (PSN), Xbox One (XBLA), Wii U (eShop)
Game: Mekazoo
Music Title: Vagrant Vines
Composer: The Quiggles
A list of my favorite video game music. It's not in any order, and is intended purely for entertainment. Perhaps it will also introduce a few obscure titles or unknown songs. Enjoy!
1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020 1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
For Sale $335,000
Call for information: (305) 761-1612
Nicely Renovated Spacious 4/2 East Hollywood Home Situated on Fenced 1/4 Acre Lot. New Kitchen with Wood Cabinets & Granite Countertops, Freshly Updated Bathrooms Featuring Imported Fixtures, Classic Wood Floors, Huge Family Room with Bonus Room & Newly Refinished Mexican Tile Floors, French Doors Leading to Garden Oasis with Bar and Covered Gazebo Jacuzzi. Slate Tile Roof, Freshly Painted, Close to Downtown, Young's Circle & Beaches. Great Location. New Stainless Steel App & Washer/Dryer to be installed.
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Two soldiers behind large gun. Soldiers fire gun, troops being transported by trucks. Troops fighting in smoking field, Soldiers marching through French town.
WEll come to our youtube channel .thank you for wathcing o
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Screenful waving crowds, probably sending off US troops. Train pulling. Train women working. Women chopping trees. Women painting. Patriotic war poster on ...
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Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Crowds cheering and waving hats, U.S. flag in b.g. Crowd marching through streets. American soldiers in truck, one kisses girl. More crowds. American soldiers ...
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Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Cheering crowds in street. Several scenes of crowd around statue of George Washington in front of Subtreasury building. Shot of cheering crowd around man ...
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DSC 1918
DSC 1918
DSC 1918
1918 koko elokuva (1957)
1918 koko elokuva (1957)
1918 koko elokuva (1957)
Ser nu @ titta 1918 1957 |HD |koko elokuva
German Revolution of 1918–19
German Revolution of 1918–19
German Revolution of 1918–19
German Revolution of 1918–19
The German Revolution or November Revolution (German: Novemberrevolution) was the politically driven civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War, which resulted in the replacement of Germany's imperial government with a republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the establishment in August 1919 of a republic (which later became known as the Weimar Republic). The roots of the revolution lay in the German Empire's fate in the First World War and the social tensions which came to a head shortly thereafter. The first acts of revolution were triggered by the policy o
Battle of Amiens (1918)
Battle of Amiens (1918)
Battle of Amiens (1918)
Battle of Amiens (1918)
The Battle of Amiens, also known as the Third Battle of Picardy (French: 3ème Bataille de Picardie), which began on 8 August 1918, was the opening phase of the Allied offensive later known as the Hundred Days Offensive that ultimately led to the end of the First World War. Allied forces advanced over 11 kilometres (7 mi) on the first day, one of the greatest advances of the war, with Henry Rawlinson's British Fourth Army playing the decisive role. The battle is also notable for its effects on both sides' morale and the large number of surrendering German forces. This led Erich Ludendorff to describe the first day of
Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)
Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)
Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)
Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)
The Greater Poland Uprising of 1918–1919, or Wielkopolska Uprising of 1918–1919 (Polish: powstanie wielkopolskie 1918–19 roku; German: Großpolnischer Aufstand) or Posnanian War was a military insurrection of Poles in the Greater Poland region (also called by the Germans the Grand Duchy of Poznań or Provinz Posen region) against Germany. The uprising had a significant effect on the Treaty of Versailles, which granted a reconstituted Poland the area won by the Polish insurgents plus some additional territory, most of which had been part of Poland before the partitions.
License: C
History of Poland (1795–1918)
History of Poland (1795–1918)
History of Poland (1795–1918)
History of Poland (1795–1918)
In 1795 the third and the last of the three 18th-century partitions of Poland ended the existence of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Nevertheless, events both within and outside the Polish lands kept hopes for restoration of Polish independence alive throughout the 19th century. Poland's geopolitical location on the Northern European Lowlands became especially important in a period when its expansionist neighbors, the Kingdom of Prussia and Imperial Russia, involved themselves intensely in European rivalries and alliances as modern nation-states took form over the entire continent.
Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
The Kingdom of Lithuania was a short-lived constitutional monarchy created towards the end of World War I when Lithuania was under occupation by the German Empire. The Council of Lithuania declared Lithuania's independence on February 16, 1918, but the Council was unable to form a government, police, or other state institutions due to the continued presence of German troops. The Germans presented various proposals to incorporate Lithuania into the German Empire, particularly Prussia. The Lithuanians resisted this idea and hoped to preserve their independence by creating a separate constitutional monarchy. On Jun
Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (1795–1918)
Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (1795–1918)
Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (1795–1918)
Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (1795–1918)
There were many resistance movements in partitioned Poland between 1795 and 1918. Although some of the szlachta was reconciled to the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795, the possibility of Polish independence was kept alive by events within and without Poland throughout the 19th century. Poland's location on the Northern European Lowlands became especially significant in a period when its neighbours, the Kingdom of Prussia and Russia were intensely involved in European rivalries and alliances and modern nation states took form over the entire continent.
History of the United States (1865–1918)
History of the United States (1865–1918)
History of the United States (1865–1918)
History of the United States (1865–1918)
The history of the United States from 1865 until 1918 covers Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, and the Progressive Era, and includes the rise of industrialization and the resulting surge of immigration in the United States. This article focuses on political, economic and diplomatic history; for more on social history see Gilded Age. This period of rapid economic growth and soaring prosperity in North and West (but not the South) saw the U.S. become the world's dominant economic, industrial and agricultural power. The average annual income (after inflation) of nonfarm workers grew by 75% from 1865 to 1
watch Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 full movie 1080p, full film,koko elakuva and search, download in HERE
watch Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 full movie 1080p, full film,koko elakuva and search, download in HERE
published:01 Sep 2015
Тимо Вихавайнен. Финляндия 1918: Гражданская или освободительная война?
Международная конференция Как работать с прошлым || International conference Dealing with the Past. Сахаровский центр, 18-19 октября 2015 года.
Тимо Вихавайнен, профессор российских исследований Университета Хельсинки (Финляндия)
Международная конференция Как работать с прошлым || International conference Dealing with the Past. Сахаровский центр, 18-19 октября 2015 года.
Тимо Вихавайнен, профессор российских исследований Университета Хельсинки (Финляндия)
Введение к учебной теме Дистанционной школы СУНЦ НГУ (ФМШ). Авторы - Кириллов Алексей Константинович, Демидова Лариса Денисовна. Оператор - Гостяев Тимур Алексеевич
Введение к учебной теме Дистанционной школы СУНЦ НГУ (ФМШ). Авторы - Кириллов Алексей Константинович, Демидова Лариса Денисовна. Оператор - Гостяев Тимур Алексеевич
published:01 Sep 2015
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
Systems: Windows, PlayStation 4 (PSN), Xbox One (XBLA), Wii U (eShop)
Game: Mekazoo
Music Title: Vagrant Vines
Composer: The Quiggles
A list of my favorite video game music. It's not in any order, and is intended purely for entertainment. Perhaps it will also introduce a few obscure titles or unknown songs. Enjoy!
Systems: Windows, PlayStation 4 (PSN), Xbox One (XBLA), Wii U (eShop)
Game: Mekazoo
Music Title: Vagrant Vines
Composer: The Quiggles
A list of my favorite video game music. It's not in any order, and is intended purely for entertainment. Perhaps it will also introduce a few obscure titles or unknown songs. Enjoy! 1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
For Sale $335,000
Call for information: (305) 761-1612
Nicely Renovated Spacious 4/2 East Hollywood Home Situated on Fenced 1/4 Acre Lot. New Kitchen with Wood Cabinets & Granite Countertops, Freshly Updated Bathrooms Featuring Imported Fixtures, Classic Wood Floors, Huge Family Room with Bonus Room & Newly Refinished Mexican Tile Floors, French Doors Leading to Garden Oasis with Bar and Covered Gazebo Jacuzzi. Slate Tile Roof, Freshly Painted, Close to Downtown, Young's Circle & Beaches. Great Location. New Stainless Steel App & Washer/Dryer to be installed.
Contact on: (305) 761-1612, or email:
See more properties For Sale at:
Keter Estates
3346 Griffin Rd
Dania Beach FL 33312 (305) 761-1612
Mortgage Services:
Gonzalo De Leon
Loan Officer
Contact on: 1-855-ADLOANS, or email: gonzalod@ad 1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
For Sale $335,000
Call for information: (305) 761-1612
Nicely Renovated Spacious 4/2 East Hollywood Home Situated on Fenced 1/4 Acre Lot. New Kitchen with Wood Cabinets & Granite Countertops, Freshly Updated Bathrooms Featuring Imported Fixtures, Classic Wood Floors, Huge Family Room with Bonus Room & Newly Refinished Mexican Tile Floors, French Doors Leading to Garden Oasis with Bar and Covered Gazebo Jacuzzi. Slate Tile Roof, Freshly Painted, Close to Downtown, Young's Circle & Beaches. Great Location. New Stainless Steel App & Washer/Dryer to be installed.
Contact on: (305) 761-1612, or email:
See more properties For Sale at:
Keter Estates
3346 Griffin Rd
Dania Beach FL 33312 (305) 761-1612
Mortgage Services:
Gonzalo De Leon
Loan Officer
Contact on: 1-855-ADLOANS, or email: gonzalod@ad
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Two soldiers behind large gun. Soldiers fire gun, troops being transported by trucks. Troops fighting in smoking field, Soldiers marching through French town.
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Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Two soldiers behind large gun. Soldiers fire gun, troops being transported by trucks. Troops fighting in smoking field, Soldiers marching through French town.
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Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Screenful waving crowds, probably sending off US troops. Train pulling. Train women working. Women chopping trees. Women painting. Patriotic war poster on ...
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Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Screenful waving crowds, probably sending off US troops. Train pulling. Train women working. Women chopping trees. Women painting. Patriotic war poster on ...
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Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Crowds cheering and waving hats, U.S. flag in b.g. Crowd marching through streets. American soldiers in truck, one kisses girl. More crowds. American soldiers ...
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Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Crowds cheering and waving hats, U.S. flag in b.g. Crowd marching through streets. American soldiers in truck, one kisses girl. More crowds. American soldiers ...
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Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Cheering crowds in street. Several scenes of crowd around statue of George Washington in front of Subtreasury building. Shot of cheering crowd around man ...
WEll come to our youtube channel .thank you for wathcing our videos. please like and subcribe ..You can watch this Video on your android phones like iphone, sa
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Cheering crowds in street. Several scenes of crowd around statue of George Washington in front of Subtreasury building. Shot of cheering crowd around man ...
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German Revolution of 1918–19
The German Revolution or November Revolution (German: Novemberrevolution) was the politically driven civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War, which resulted in the replacement of Germany's imperial government with a republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the establishment in August 1919 of a republic (which later became known as the Weimar Republic). The roots of the revolution lay in the German Empire's fate in the First World War and the social tensions which came to a head shortly thereafter. The first acts of revolution were triggered by the policy of the Supreme Command and its lack of coordination with the Naval Command which, in the face of defeat, nevertheless insisted on ordering a climactic battle with the British Royal Navy which never took place. Sailors' revolts ensued in the naval ports of Wilhelmshaven, on 29 October 1918, and later Kiel, in the first days of November, spreading the spirit of rebellion across the country and ultimately leading to the proclamation of a republic on 9 November 1918. Shortly thereafter Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated. The revolutionaries, inspired by socialist ideas, failed to hand power to Soviets as the Bolsheviks had done in Russia, because the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) leadership refused to work with those who supported any type of council-socialist democracy and opted for a national assembly, meaning a transition to a parliamentary system. Furthermore, fearing an all-out civil war in Germany between militant workers and the reactionary conservatives, the SPD did not plan to completely strip the old German upper classes of their power and instead sought to integrate them into the new social democratic system. In this endeavour, SPD leftists sought an alliance with the Supreme Command. This allowed the army and the Freikorps (nationalist militias) to quell the Spartacist uprising (4–15 January 1919) by force. This fragmentation of the left was a significant factor in its failure to seize power. Elections for the new Weimar National Assembly were held on 19 January 1919. The revolution ended on 11 August 1919, when the Weimar Constitution was adopted.
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0)
Author-Info: Alfred Grohs
Image Source:ße_Frankfurter_Straße_Ecke_Lebuser_Straße_Barrikade_Kampf_während_der_Novemberrevolution_in_Berlin_02_Bildseite_Schaulustige.jpg
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German Revolution of 1918–19
The German Revolution or November Revolution (German: Novemberrevolution) was the politically driven civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War, which resulted in the replacement of Germany's imperial government with a republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the establishment in August 1919 of a republic (which later became known as the Weimar Republic). The roots of the revolution lay in the German Empire's fate in the First World War and the social tensions which came to a head shortly thereafter. The first acts of revolution were triggered by the policy of the Supreme Command and its lack of coordination with the Naval Command which, in the face of defeat, nevertheless insisted on ordering a climactic battle with the British Royal Navy which never took place. Sailors' revolts ensued in the naval ports of Wilhelmshaven, on 29 October 1918, and later Kiel, in the first days of November, spreading the spirit of rebellion across the country and ultimately leading to the proclamation of a republic on 9 November 1918. Shortly thereafter Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated. The revolutionaries, inspired by socialist ideas, failed to hand power to Soviets as the Bolsheviks had done in Russia, because the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) leadership refused to work with those who supported any type of council-socialist democracy and opted for a national assembly, meaning a transition to a parliamentary system. Furthermore, fearing an all-out civil war in Germany between militant workers and the reactionary conservatives, the SPD did not plan to completely strip the old German upper classes of their power and instead sought to integrate them into the new social democratic system. In this endeavour, SPD leftists sought an alliance with the Supreme Command. This allowed the army and the Freikorps (nationalist militias) to quell the Spartacist uprising (4–15 January 1919) by force. This fragmentation of the left was a significant factor in its failure to seize power. Elections for the new Weimar National Assembly were held on 19 January 1919. The revolution ended on 11 August 1919, when the Weimar Constitution was adopted.
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0)
Author-Info: Alfred Grohs
Image Source:ße_Frankfurter_Straße_Ecke_Lebuser_Straße_Barrikade_Kampf_während_der_Novemberrevolution_in_Berlin_02_Bildseite_Schaulustige.jpg
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Battle of Amiens (1918)
The Battle of Amiens, also known as the Third Battle of Picardy (French: 3ème Bataille de Picardie), which began on 8 August 1918, was the opening phase of the Allied offensive later known as the Hundred Days Offensive that ultimately led to the end of the First World War. Allied forces advanced over 11 kilometres (7 mi) on the first day, one of the greatest advances of the war, with Henry Rawlinson's British Fourth Army playing the decisive role. The battle is also notable for its effects on both sides' morale and the large number of surrendering German forces. This led Erich Ludendorff to describe the first day of the battle as "the black day of the German Army". Amiens was one of the first major battles involving armoured warfare and marked the end of trench warfare on the Western Front; fighting becoming mobile once again until the armistice was signed on 11 November 1918.
Image is in public domain
Artist-Info: Arthur Streeton (1867–1943) Alternative names Arthur Ernest Streeton Description Australian painter Date of birth/death 8 April 1867 1 September 1943 Location of birth/death Duneed, Australia Victoria, Australia Authority control VIAF: 67239582 GND: 11731319X ULAN: 500020718 ISNI: 0000 0000 7781 8725
Image Source:
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Battle of Amiens (1918)
The Battle of Amiens, also known as the Third Battle of Picardy (French: 3ème Bataille de Picardie), which began on 8 August 1918, was the opening phase of the Allied offensive later known as the Hundred Days Offensive that ultimately led to the end of the First World War. Allied forces advanced over 11 kilometres (7 mi) on the first day, one of the greatest advances of the war, with Henry Rawlinson's British Fourth Army playing the decisive role. The battle is also notable for its effects on both sides' morale and the large number of surrendering German forces. This led Erich Ludendorff to describe the first day of the battle as "the black day of the German Army". Amiens was one of the first major battles involving armoured warfare and marked the end of trench warfare on the Western Front; fighting becoming mobile once again until the armistice was signed on 11 November 1918.
Image is in public domain
Artist-Info: Arthur Streeton (1867–1943) Alternative names Arthur Ernest Streeton Description Australian painter Date of birth/death 8 April 1867 1 September 1943 Location of birth/death Duneed, Australia Victoria, Australia Authority control VIAF: 67239582 GND: 11731319X ULAN: 500020718 ISNI: 0000 0000 7781 8725
Image Source:
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Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)
The Greater Poland Uprising of 1918–1919, or Wielkopolska Uprising of 1918–1919 (Polish: powstanie wielkopolskie 1918–19 roku; German: Großpolnischer Aufstand) or Posnanian War was a military insurrection of Poles in the Greater Poland region (also called by the Germans the Grand Duchy of Poznań or Provinz Posen region) against Germany. The uprising had a significant effect on the Treaty of Versailles, which granted a reconstituted Poland the area won by the Polish insurgents plus some additional territory, most of which had been part of Poland before the partitions.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
LicenseLink: Source:
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Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)
The Greater Poland Uprising of 1918–1919, or Wielkopolska Uprising of 1918–1919 (Polish: powstanie wielkopolskie 1918–19 roku; German: Großpolnischer Aufstand) or Posnanian War was a military insurrection of Poles in the Greater Poland region (also called by the Germans the Grand Duchy of Poznań or Provinz Posen region) against Germany. The uprising had a significant effect on the Treaty of Versailles, which granted a reconstituted Poland the area won by the Polish insurgents plus some additional territory, most of which had been part of Poland before the partitions.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
LicenseLink: Source:
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History of Poland (1795–1918)
In 1795 the third and the last of the three 18th-century partitions of Poland ended the existence of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Nevertheless, events both within and outside the Polish lands kept hopes for restoration of Polish independence alive throughout the 19th century. Poland's geopolitical location on the Northern European Lowlands became especially important in a period when its expansionist neighbors, the Kingdom of Prussia and Imperial Russia, involved themselves intensely in European rivalries and alliances as modern nation-states took form over the entire continent.
Image is in public domain
Author-Info: original: Polish government; digitized by pl:User:Aotearoa; calculation by: pl:User:DeJotPe)
Image Source:
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History of Poland (1795–1918)
In 1795 the third and the last of the three 18th-century partitions of Poland ended the existence of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Nevertheless, events both within and outside the Polish lands kept hopes for restoration of Polish independence alive throughout the 19th century. Poland's geopolitical location on the Northern European Lowlands became especially important in a period when its expansionist neighbors, the Kingdom of Prussia and Imperial Russia, involved themselves intensely in European rivalries and alliances as modern nation-states took form over the entire continent.
Image is in public domain
Author-Info: original: Polish government; digitized by pl:User:Aotearoa; calculation by: pl:User:DeJotPe)
Image Source:
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Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
The Kingdom of Lithuania was a short-lived constitutional monarchy created towards the end of World War I when Lithuania was under occupation by the German Empire. The Council of Lithuania declared Lithuania's independence on February 16, 1918, but the Council was unable to form a government, police, or other state institutions due to the continued presence of German troops. The Germans presented various proposals to incorporate Lithuania into the German Empire, particularly Prussia. The Lithuanians resisted this idea and hoped to preserve their independence by creating a separate constitutional monarchy. On June 4, 1918, they voted to offer the Lithuanian throne to the German noble Wilhelm, 2nd Duke of Urach. Duke Wilhelm accepted the offer in July 1918 and took the name Mindaugas II. However, he never visited Lithuania. His election stirred up controversy, divided the Council, and did not achieve the desired results. As Germany was losing the war and was engulfed in the German Revolution, Lithuania suspended its decision to invite Duke William on November 2, 1918, thereby ending his short reign.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0)
Author-Info: Renata3 This vector image was created with Inkscape.
Image Source:
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Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
The Kingdom of Lithuania was a short-lived constitutional monarchy created towards the end of World War I when Lithuania was under occupation by the German Empire. The Council of Lithuania declared Lithuania's independence on February 16, 1918, but the Council was unable to form a government, police, or other state institutions due to the continued presence of German troops. The Germans presented various proposals to incorporate Lithuania into the German Empire, particularly Prussia. The Lithuanians resisted this idea and hoped to preserve their independence by creating a separate constitutional monarchy. On June 4, 1918, they voted to offer the Lithuanian throne to the German noble Wilhelm, 2nd Duke of Urach. Duke Wilhelm accepted the offer in July 1918 and took the name Mindaugas II. However, he never visited Lithuania. His election stirred up controversy, divided the Council, and did not achieve the desired results. As Germany was losing the war and was engulfed in the German Revolution, Lithuania suspended its decision to invite Duke William on November 2, 1918, thereby ending his short reign.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0)
Author-Info: Renata3 This vector image was created with Inkscape.
Image Source:
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Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (1795–1918)
There were many resistance movements in partitioned Poland between 1795 and 1918. Although some of the szlachta was reconciled to the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795, the possibility of Polish independence was kept alive by events within and without Poland throughout the 19th century. Poland's location on the Northern European Lowlands became especially significant in a period when its neighbours, the Kingdom of Prussia and Russia were intensely involved in European rivalries and alliances and modern nation states took form over the entire continent.
Image is in public domainImage Source:
☆Video is targeted to blind users
Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (1795–1918)
There were many resistance movements in partitioned Poland between 1795 and 1918. Although some of the szlachta was reconciled to the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795, the possibility of Polish independence was kept alive by events within and without Poland throughout the 19th century. Poland's location on the Northern European Lowlands became especially significant in a period when its neighbours, the Kingdom of Prussia and Russia were intensely involved in European rivalries and alliances and modern nation states took form over the entire continent.
Image is in public domainImage Source:
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History of the United States (1865–1918)
The history of the United States from 1865 until 1918 covers Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, and the Progressive Era, and includes the rise of industrialization and the resulting surge of immigration in the United States. This article focuses on political, economic and diplomatic history; for more on social history see Gilded Age. This period of rapid economic growth and soaring prosperity in North and West (but not the South) saw the U.S. become the world's dominant economic, industrial and agricultural power. The average annual income (after inflation) of nonfarm workers grew by 75% from 1865 to 1900, and then grew another 33% by 1918. With a decisive victory in 1865 over Southern secessionists in the Civil War, the United States became a united and powerful nation with a strong national government. Reconstruction brought the end of legalized slavery plus citizenship for the former slaves, but their new-found political power was rolled back within a decade, and they became second-class citizens under a "Jim Crow" system of deeply pervasive segregation that would stand for the next 80–90 years. Politically, during the Third Party System and Fourth Party System the nation, elections-wise, was mostly dominated by Republicans (except for two Democratic presidents). After 1900 and the McKinley assassination, the Progressive Era brought political, business, and social reforms (e.g., new roles for and government expansion of education, higher status for women, a curtailment of corporate excesses, and modernization of many areas of government and society). The Progressives worked through new middle-class organizations to fight against the corruption and behind-the-scenes power of entrenched, state political party organizations and big-city "machines". They demanded—and won—women's right to vote, and the (albeit short-lived) nationwide prohibition of alcohol. In an unprecedented wave of European immigration, 27.5 million new arrivals between 1865 and 1918 provided the labor base necessary for the expansion of industry and agriculture, and provided the population base for most of fast-growing urban America. By the late nineteenth century, the United States had become a leading global industrial power, building on new technologies (such as the telegraph and steel), an expanding railroad network, and abundant natural resources such as coal, timber, oil and farmland, to usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. There were also two very important wars. The US easily defeated Spain in 1898, which unexpectedly brought a small empire. Cuba quickly was given independence, as well as the Philippines (in 1946). Puerto Rico and (and some smaller islands) became permanent U.S. possessions, as did Alaska (added by purchase in 1867); the independent Republic of Hawaii voluntarily joined as a territory in 1898. The United States tried and failed to broker a peace settlement for World War I, then entered the war after Germany launched a submarine campaign against U.S. merchant ships that were supplying Germany's enemy countries. The publicly stated goals were to uphold American honor, crush German militarism, and reshape the postwar world. After a slow mobilization, the U.S. helped bring about a decisive Allied Forces victory, after supplying badly needed financing, food, and millions of fresh and eager soldiers.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Author-Info: Ssolbergj
Image Source:
☆Video is targeted to blind users
History of the United States (1865–1918)
The history of the United States from 1865 until 1918 covers Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, and the Progressive Era, and includes the rise of industrialization and the resulting surge of immigration in the United States. This article focuses on political, economic and diplomatic history; for more on social history see Gilded Age. This period of rapid economic growth and soaring prosperity in North and West (but not the South) saw the U.S. become the world's dominant economic, industrial and agricultural power. The average annual income (after inflation) of nonfarm workers grew by 75% from 1865 to 1900, and then grew another 33% by 1918. With a decisive victory in 1865 over Southern secessionists in the Civil War, the United States became a united and powerful nation with a strong national government. Reconstruction brought the end of legalized slavery plus citizenship for the former slaves, but their new-found political power was rolled back within a decade, and they became second-class citizens under a "Jim Crow" system of deeply pervasive segregation that would stand for the next 80–90 years. Politically, during the Third Party System and Fourth Party System the nation, elections-wise, was mostly dominated by Republicans (except for two Democratic presidents). After 1900 and the McKinley assassination, the Progressive Era brought political, business, and social reforms (e.g., new roles for and government expansion of education, higher status for women, a curtailment of corporate excesses, and modernization of many areas of government and society). The Progressives worked through new middle-class organizations to fight against the corruption and behind-the-scenes power of entrenched, state political party organizations and big-city "machines". They demanded—and won—women's right to vote, and the (albeit short-lived) nationwide prohibition of alcohol. In an unprecedented wave of European immigration, 27.5 million new arrivals between 1865 and 1918 provided the labor base necessary for the expansion of industry and agriculture, and provided the population base for most of fast-growing urban America. By the late nineteenth century, the United States had become a leading global industrial power, building on new technologies (such as the telegraph and steel), an expanding railroad network, and abundant natural resources such as coal, timber, oil and farmland, to usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. There were also two very important wars. The US easily defeated Spain in 1898, which unexpectedly brought a small empire. Cuba quickly was given independence, as well as the Philippines (in 1946). Puerto Rico and (and some smaller islands) became permanent U.S. possessions, as did Alaska (added by purchase in 1867); the independent Republic of Hawaii voluntarily joined as a territory in 1898. The United States tried and failed to broker a peace settlement for World War I, then entered the war after Germany launched a submarine campaign against U.S. merchant ships that were supplying Germany's enemy countries. The publicly stated goals were to uphold American honor, crush German militarism, and reshape the postwar world. After a slow mobilization, the U.S. helped bring about a decisive Allied Forces victory, after supplying badly needed financing, food, and millions of fresh and eager soldiers.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Author-Info: Ssolbergj
Image Source:
☆Video is targeted to blind users
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.
Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники"
«Канал История» Приглашает !
Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь.
Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfil...
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag t
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914-1918.
Красный террор и иностранная интервенция в России 1918-23 года.Первые концлагеря.Живая тема
Красный террор и иностранная интервенция в России 1918-23 года.Первые концлагеря.Живая тема
Красный террор и иностранная интервенция в России 1918-23 года.Первые концлагеря.Живая тема
Принято считать, что войска американцев, англичан, французов, японцев в 1918 году вторглись на территорию бывшей российской империи, что бы помочь белогвардейцам восстановить власть царя, (т.е.) с гуманитарной миссией. Однако, как свидетельствуют архивы, да и просто подзабытые факты, цель была совсем другой: лишить ключевую державу политического влияния в мире, территорию богатую нефтью и лесом по ...
Уникальный документальный проект, который исследует все загадочное с чем сталкивается современное человечество.
Подпишитесь на канал:
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939...
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Das Video reichert dokumentarisches Film- und Fotomaterial mit persönlichen Zeitzeugenberichten an und lässt so eine der ereignis- und folgenreichsten Epochen der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte wieder aufleben: die Weimarer Republik.
Was hat der Versailler Vertrag mit der Hyperinflation zu tun? Wie entwickeln sich aus den alten Zöpfen der wilhelminischen Zeit die neuen Bubiköpfe der jungen Republik? Nicht nur das Rollenverständnis der Frau ändert sich - auch Kunst und Wissenschaft liefern neue Sehgewohnheiten und bahnbrechende Erfindungen. Kann die breite Masse da überhaupt mithalten?
Wichtige Ereignisse
Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники"
«Канал История» Приглашает !
Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь.
Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов
Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники"
«Канал История» Приглашает !
Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь.
Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов
published:16 Sep 2014
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfil...
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfil...
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler.
His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery."
Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house.
The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove.
Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release.
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Charles Chaplin
Billy Armstrong
Edna Purviance
Leo White
Release date - August 11, 1918
Creative Commons License: Public Domain.
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler.
His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery."
Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house.
The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove.
Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release.
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Charles Chaplin
Billy Armstrong
Edna Purviance
Leo White
Release date - August 11, 1918
Creative Commons License: Public Domain.
Принято считать, что войска американцев, англичан, французов, японцев в 1918 году вторглись на территорию бывшей российской империи, что бы помочь белогвардейцам восстановить власть царя, (т.е.) с гуманитарной миссией. Однако, как свидетельствуют архивы, да и просто подзабытые факты, цель была совсем другой: лишить ключевую державу политического влияния в мире, территорию богатую нефтью и лесом по ...
Уникальный документальный проект, который исследует все загадочное с чем сталкивается современное человечество.
Подпишитесь на канал:
Принято считать, что войска американцев, англичан, французов, японцев в 1918 году вторглись на территорию бывшей российской империи, что бы помочь белогвардейцам восстановить власть царя, (т.е.) с гуманитарной миссией. Однако, как свидетельствуют архивы, да и просто подзабытые факты, цель была совсем другой: лишить ключевую державу политического влияния в мире, территорию богатую нефтью и лесом по ...
Уникальный документальный проект, который исследует все загадочное с чем сталкивается современное человечество.
Подпишитесь на канал:
published:24 Apr 2015
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939...
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939...
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Das Video reichert dokumentarisches Film- und Fotomaterial mit persönlichen Zeitzeugenberichten an und lässt so eine der ereignis- und folgenreichsten Epochen der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte wieder aufleben: die Weimarer Republik.
Was hat der Versailler Vertrag mit der Hyperinflation zu tun? Wie entwickeln sich aus den alten Zöpfen der wilhelminischen Zeit die neuen Bubiköpfe der jungen Republik? Nicht nur das Rollenverständnis der Frau ändert sich - auch Kunst und Wissenschaft liefern neue Sehgewohnheiten und bahnbrechende Erfindungen. Kann die breite Masse da überhaupt mithalten?
Wichtige Ereignisse aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur werden miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt und in einen grösseren geschichtlichen Zusammenhang gestellt. Die Erinnerungen der Zeitzeugen stiften alltagsgeschichtliche Bezüge und bieten viele spannende Anknüpfungspunkte für den Einsatz im Unterricht. Nicht zuletzt diese Interview-Sequenzen sind es, die die Sendereihe zu einem wichtigen Dokument der "Oral History" werden lässt.
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Das Video reichert dokumentarisches Film- und Fotomaterial mit persönlichen Zeitzeugenberichten an und lässt so eine der ereignis- und folgenreichsten Epochen der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte wieder aufleben: die Weimarer Republik.
Was hat der Versailler Vertrag mit der Hyperinflation zu tun? Wie entwickeln sich aus den alten Zöpfen der wilhelminischen Zeit die neuen Bubiköpfe der jungen Republik? Nicht nur das Rollenverständnis der Frau ändert sich - auch Kunst und Wissenschaft liefern neue Sehgewohnheiten und bahnbrechende Erfindungen. Kann die breite Masse da überhaupt mithalten?
Wichtige Ereignisse aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur werden miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt und in einen grösseren geschichtlichen Zusammenhang gestellt. Die Erinnerungen der Zeitzeugen stiften alltagsgeschichtliche Bezüge und bieten viele spannende Anknüpfungspunkte für den Einsatz im Unterricht. Nicht zuletzt diese Interview-Sequenzen sind es, die die Sendereihe zu einem wichtigen Dokument der "Oral History" werden lässt.
Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. in this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent...
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
A BBC series from 1996 in 8 parts. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any...
published:05 Oct 2014
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
1914~1918. A History of the Great War: Part 1. Explosion
published:05 Oct 2014
A BBC series from 1996 in 8 parts. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
**Download this song**:
Get tix to see PMJ live worldwide: http://...
published:27 Aug 2015
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
Hey There Delilah - Vintage 1918 "World's Fair" Style Plain White T's Cover ft. Joey Cook
published:27 Aug 2015
**Download this song**:
Get tix to see PMJ live worldwide:
As many of you may recall, Joey Cook was the exceptionally talented Idol finalist that performed some exceptionally creative arrangements on the show last season, and even gave us our very first shout out on national television. Her unique talent was such a great fit for PMJ that we immediately invited her to join us - and here's her debut video! No ukuleles were harmed in the making of this video.
Check out Joey's Indiegogo campaign and help her make an album!
For more of Joey's covers, visit her YouTube channel:
Our new album, "Swipe Right For Vintage" is now available! Get it here to check out a whole bunch of new PMJ remakes:
The Band:
Joey Cook - vocals, ukulele & accordion
Tony Mandracchia - banjo
Adam Kubota - bass
Martin Diller - drums
Scott Bradlee - piano
Insta / Twitter / Snap / Periscope: @scottbradlee
**We have over 100 dates currently on sale around the world for 2015 & 2016 including US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and many more locations coming soon!
Be sure to sign up to our mailing list at so you can be notified when we’re coming to your city.
Below are ONLY the dates for 2015:
Australia/New Zealand / Asia Tour Dates:
29 Aug - Powerstation, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand
30 Aug - Bodega, Wellington, New Zealand
02 Sep - Panthers Newcastle, Newcastle West, Australia
03 Sep - Metro Theatre, Sydney, Australia
04 Sep - Anita's Theatre, Wollongong, Australia
05 Sep - Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
06 Sep - The Arts Centre Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, Australia
09 Sep - Forum Theatre, Melbourne, Australia
10 Sep - HQ Complex, Adelaide, Australia
11 Sep - Astor Theatre, Perth, Australia
13 Sep - Kallang Theatre, Singapore
*NEW!* 15 Sep - KL Live, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
18 Sep - Smart Araneta Coliseum, Manila, Philippines
US/Canada Tour Dates:
July 31 - Boone, NC; Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts
Oct 2 - Fairbanks, AK; Hering Auditorium
Oct 3 - Anchorage, AK; Atwood Concert Hall
Nov 3 - Baltimore, MD; Meyerhoff Symphony Hall
Nov 4 - York, PA; The Pullo Center
Nov 5 - Glenside, PA; Keswick Theatre
Nov 6 - Red Bank, NJ; Count Basie Theatre
Nov 7 - Scranton, PA; Theatre at Lackawanna College
Nov 8 - Ithaca, NY; State Theatre
Nov 9 - Boston, MA; Wilbur Theatre
Nov 13 - Wilmington, DE; Grand Opera House
Nov 14 - Staten Island, NY; St. George Theatre
Nov 15 - Buffalo, NY; University of Buffalo Center for the Arts
Nov 16 - Toronto, ON; Massey Hall
Nov 17 - Pittsburgh, PA; Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead
Nov 18 - Chicago, IL; The Riviera Theatre
Nov 20 - Fountain Inn, SC;Younts Center for Performing Arts
Nov 22 - Charleston, SC; Charleston Music Hall
Nov 24 - Orlando, FL; Hard Rock Live
Nov 25 - Ft. Lauderdale; Parker Playhouse
Nov 27 - Tampa, FL; Straz Center
Nov 28 - Jacksonville, FL; Florida Theatre
Dec 2 - Houston, TX; Cullen Performing Arts Center at U of Houston
Dec 3 - Dallas, TX; The Bomb Factory
Dec 5 - Austin, TX; ACL Live at the Moody Theatre
Dec 6 - San Antonio, TX; Charline McCombs Empire Theatre
Dec 9 - San Diego, CA; House of Blues
Dec 11 - Los Angeles, CA; Microsoft Theater (formerly Nokia Theatre)
Dec 12 - San Francisco, CA; Warfield Theatre
Dec 14 - Portland, OR; Crystal Ballroom
Dec 15 - Seattle, WA; Showbox Sodo
Dec 16 - Boise, ID; Knitting Factory
Dec 17 - Salt Lake City UT; In The Venue
Dec 18 - Denver, CO; Paramount Theatre
Twitter / Insta: @PMJofficial
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 | Documentary on the Spanish Flu Pandemic in the United States
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А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция до...
published:02 Mar 2015
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
published:02 Mar 2015
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
La bataille pour la capitulation. Commandés par Foch, les armées françaises, britanniques ...
published:05 Feb 2015
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
Première Guerre Mondiale : 1918, Le dernier assaut
published:05 Feb 2015
La bataille pour la capitulation. Commandés par Foch, les armées françaises, britanniques et américaines lancent en août une contre-offensive qui va repousser les Allemands à leur frontière et les forcer à capituler.
La Russie s'est retirée du conflit le 15 décembre 1917 en signant le traité d'armistice de Brest-Litovsk. 500000 soldats allemands sont transférés sur le front ouest.
Épaulés par les Américains, les Français et les Britanniques vont faire face à l'Empire allemand et ses alliés. L'offensive décidée par le nouveau commandant, le chef de toutes les armées alliées, le Maréchal Foch, va bousculer les Allemands et les repousser jusqu'à leur frontière. Pour éviter l'envahissement, ils signent l'armistice le 11 novembre 1918 à Rethondes. Au total, huit millions de soldats et des centaines de milliers de civils seront morts pour rien... puisque vingt et un ans plus tard seulement éclatera la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, opposant les mêmes protagonistes.
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Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá v...
published:14 Sep 2014
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
published:14 Sep 2014
Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední.
První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto vznešené pojmy zůstaly pohřbeny v ruinách války, jež měla ukončit všechny další. Francouzský dokument nabízí strhující výpověď francouzského „neznámého vojína" o všech strastech i radostech, které jej v letech 1914 až 1918 potkávaly.
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
more at
US Army tests & demonstr...
published:24 Feb 2015
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
Mark VIII Tank 1918 US Army Tests & Demonstrations of WWI Ordnance Materiel; JQ Music
published:24 Feb 2015
more at
US Army tests & demonstrations of the World War I Mark VIII Tank, a US-British codevelopment, also known as the Liberty or The International. Mark VIII production was too late for their use in WWI. After the war, about 100 of these tanks made in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932.
Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The film was silent. I have added music created by myself using the Reaper Digital Audio Workstation and the Independence and Proteus VX VST instrument plugins.
The Tank Mark VIII also known as the Liberty or The International was an Anglo-American tank design of the First World War intended to overcome the limitations of the earlier British designs and be a collaborative effort to equip France, the UK and the US with a single heavy tank design.
Production at a site in France was expected to take advantage of US industrial capacity to produce the automotive elements with the UK producing the armoured hulls and armament. The planned production levels would have equipped the Allied armies with a very large tank force that would have broken through the German defensive positions in the planned offensive for 1919. In practice manufacture was slow and only a few vehicles were produced before the end of the war in November 1918.
After the war, 100 vehicles assembled in the US were used by the US Army until more advanced designs replaced them in 1932. A few tanks that had not been scrapped by the start of World War II were provided to Canada for training purposes...
The Mark VIII kept many of the general features of the Mark I-V series: it had their typical high track run and no revolving turret but two sponsons, one on each side of the tank, armed with a 6-pounder (57 mm) gun. But it also resembled the Mark VI-project in that it had more rounded and wider tracks and a large superstructure on top directly beneath the front of which the driver was seated. An innovative feature was the departure from the concept of the box tank with its single space into which all accessories were crammed. The Mark VIII was compartimentalised with a separate engine room at the back. This vastly improved fighting conditions as a bulkhead protected the crew against the deafening engine noise, noxious fumes and heat.
There were no machine guns in the sponsons, only the 6-pounders each manned by a gunner and loader. The side machine guns were to the rear of the sponsons mounted in the hull doors. Major Alden had designed the sponsons to be retractable (they could be swung in at the rear by the crew, being pivoted at the front), to reduce the width of the vehicle if enemy obstacles were encountered. Five more machine guns were in the superstructure: two at the front—left and right next to the driver—and one on each of the other sides. As there was no machine gun position covering the back of the tank there was a dead angle vulnerable to infantry attack. To solve this problem a triangular steel deflector plate was attached. The rear superstructure machine gunner could use it to deflect his fire down into that area behind the tank. The tank carried 208 shells and 13,848 machine gun rounds, mostly in a large ammunition locker in the centre which formed a platform on which the commander stood behind the driver observing the battlefield through a cupola with four vision slits. Later the side superstructure guns were removed on US tanks.
The twelfth crew member was the mechanic, seated next to the 300 hp Liberty V-12 (or in British tanks Ricardo V-12) petrol engine) cooled by a large horizontal radiator Three armoured fuel tanks at the rear held 200 Imperial gallons (240 US gallons, or 909 litres) of fuel giving a range of 89 km. The transmission used a planetary gearbox giving two speeds in either forward or reverse. Top speed was 5.25 mph (8 km/h).
To improve its trench crossing ability to 4.88 m the vehicle had a very elongated shape. The track length was 34 ft 2 in... In absolute terms the vehicle was very large: at 10 ft 3 in (3.13 m) tall the Mark VIII was the second largest operational tank in history, after the Char 2C. However its weight was only 38.3 long tons (38.9 t) fitted for battle as the armour plate was thin with a thickness of 16 mm on the front and sides—a slight improvement over the Mark V but very thin by later standards. The roof and bottom of the hull were protected by only 6 mm thick armour plate, leaving the tank very vulnerable to mortar shells and landmines...
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a...
LA GRIPE DE 1918-19
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe d...
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada grav...
AMERICAN DEATH: The Influenza of 1918 (2010, 720p)
Germany was the first country t...
published:23 Aug 2015
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
1918 Mauser Tank Gewehr
published:23 Aug 2015
Germany was the first country to produce a purpose-built antitank rifle, in response to the major Entente tank attack at Cambrai. The design was pretty simple, basically a scaled-up Mauser 98 with 4 locking lugs chambered for the massive 13.2mm TuF cartridge. It would perforate about 20mm of armor plate at 100m, which was nicely effective on WWI tanks. By the end of the war more than 15,000 had been made. Interestingly, a bunch of them ended up at Springfield Armory, where they were used in the development of the .50 BMG cartridge.
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce ...
published:18 Sep 2013
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire
published:18 Sep 2013
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révolution en France. On se base sur le principe qu'une même origine ethnique partageant la même langue, et les mêmes idéaux politiques ont droit à des pays indépendants. Le concept de l'auto détermination nationale est ignoré par toutes les forces dynastiques qui ont avec succès ce principe lors du congrès de Vienne de 1815. Les peuples qui ont demandé leur autonomie nationale deviennent des sujets des dynasties locales ou d'autres nations. Mais on ne freine pas les idéaux si facilement la Belgique devient indépendante de la Hollande en 1830, l'Italie obtient son unification en 1861, et l'Allemagne en 1871. Mais d'autres régions d'Europe, surtout dans les Balkans, le problème perdure dans le siècle suivant. Cette guerre fût le théâtre de massacres tel que les tranchées de Verdun.
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. A...
published:01 Oct 2014
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin
published:01 Oct 2014
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler.
His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery."
Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house.
The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove.
Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release.
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Charles Chaplin
Billy Armstrong
Edna Purviance
Leo White
Release date - August 11, 1918
Creative Commons License: Public Domain.
watch Taistelu Näsili...
published:01 Sep 2015
Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 full movie
Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 full movie
published:01 Sep 2015
watch Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 full movie 1080p, full film,koko elakuva and search, download in HERE
Тимо Вихавайнен. Финляндия 1918: Гражданская или освободительная война?
Международная конференция Как работать с прошлым || International conference Dealing with ...
published:01 Sep 2015
Тимо Вихавайнен. Финляндия 1918: Гражданская или освободительная война?
Тимо Вихавайнен. Финляндия 1918: Гражданская или освободительная война?
published:01 Sep 2015
Международная конференция Как работать с прошлым || International conference Dealing with the Past. Сахаровский центр, 18-19 октября 2015 года.
Тимо Вихавайнен, профессор российских исследований Университета Хельсинки (Финляндия)
1918 full movie
Watch 1918 Full Movie!
published:01 Sep 2015
1918 full movie
1918 full movie
published:01 Sep 2015
Watch 1918 Full Movie!
Gas Alarm (1918)
Silent footage of an anti-gas drill, in...
published:01 Sep 2015
Gas Alarm (1918)
Gas Alarm (1918)
published:01 Sep 2015
Silent footage of an anti-gas drill, including clearing trenches with Ayerton fans.
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"...
published:01 Sep 2015
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
published:01 Sep 2015
Презентација књиге "Србија у Великом рату 1914 - 1918"
1914-1918: победившая революция
Введение к учебной теме Дистанционной школы СУНЦ НГУ (ФМШ). Авторы - Кириллов Алексей Конс...
published:01 Sep 2015
1914-1918: победившая революция
1914-1918: победившая революция
published:01 Sep 2015
Введение к учебной теме Дистанционной школы СУНЦ НГУ (ФМШ). Авторы - Кириллов Алексей Константинович, Демидова Лариса Денисовна. Оператор - Гостяев Тимур Алексеевич
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
Systems: Windows, PlayStation 4 (PSN), Xbox One (XBLA), Wii U (eShop)
Game: Mekazoo
Music ...
published:01 Sep 2015
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
Klagmar's Top VGM #1,918 - Mekazoo - Vagrant Vines
published:01 Sep 2015
Systems: Windows, PlayStation 4 (PSN), Xbox One (XBLA), Wii U (eShop)
Game: Mekazoo
Music Title: Vagrant Vines
Composer: The Quiggles
A list of my favorite video game music. It's not in any order, and is intended purely for entertainment. Perhaps it will also introduce a few obscure titles or unknown songs. Enjoy!
1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020 1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
For Sale $335,000
published:01 Sep 2015
1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
published:01 Sep 2015
views:0 1918 Funston St Hollywood, 33020
For Sale $335,000
Call for information: (305) 761-1612
Nicely Renovated Spacious 4/2 East Hollywood Home Situated on Fenced 1/4 Acre Lot. New Kitchen with Wood Cabinets & Granite Countertops, Freshly Updated Bathrooms Featuring Imported Fixtures, Classic Wood Floors, Huge Family Room with Bonus Room & Newly Refinished Mexican Tile Floors, French Doors Leading to Garden Oasis with Bar and Covered Gazebo Jacuzzi. Slate Tile Roof, Freshly Painted, Close to Downtown, Young's Circle & Beaches. Great Location. New Stainless Steel App & Washer/Dryer to be installed.
Contact on: (305) 761-1612, or email:
See more properties For Sale at:
Keter Estates
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Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of...
published:31 Aug 2015
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
published:31 Aug 2015
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Chateau Thierry, France (1918) The Face of War
Two soldiers behind large gun. Soldiers fire gun, troops being transported by trucks. Troops fighting in smoking field, Soldiers marching through French town.
WEll come to our youtube channel .thank you for wathcing our videos. please like and subcribe ..You can watch this Video on your android phones like iphone, sa
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
published:31 Aug 2015
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
published:31 Aug 2015
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Women in World War I (1918)
Screenful waving crowds, probably sending off US troops. Train pulling. Train women working. Women chopping trees. Women painting. Patriotic war poster on ...
WEll come to our youtube channel .thank you for wathcing our videos. please like and subcribe ..You can watch this Video on your android phones like iphone, sa
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
published:31 Aug 2015
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
published:31 Aug 2015
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Armistice in Paris (1918)
Crowds cheering and waving hats, U.S. flag in b.g. Crowd marching through streets. American soldiers in truck, one kisses girl. More crowds. American soldiers ...
WEll come to our youtube channel .thank you for wathcing our videos. please like and subcribe ..You can watch this Video on your android phones like iphone, sa
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
published:31 Aug 2015
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
published:31 Aug 2015
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Armistice in New York (1918)
Cheering crowds in street. Several scenes of crowd around statue of George Washington in front of Subtreasury building. Shot of cheering crowd around man ...
WEll come to our youtube channel .thank you for wathcing our videos. please like and subcribe ..You can watch this Video on your android phones like iphone, sa
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.
Другие фильмы из...
published:16 Sep 2014
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.
published:16 Sep 2014
Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники"
«Канал История» Приглашает !
Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь.
Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai ...
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfil...
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. A...
published:30 Mar 2015
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)
published:30 Mar 2015
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler.
His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery."
Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house.
The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove.
Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release.
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
Leo White
Charles Chaplin
Billy Armstrong
Edna Purviance
Leo White
Release date - August 11, 1918
Creative Commons License: Public Domain.
Красный террор и иностранная интервенция в России 1918-23 года.Первые концлагеря.Живая тема
Принято считать, что войска американцев, англичан, французов, японцев в 1918 году вторглис...
published:24 Apr 2015
Красный террор и иностранная интервенция в России 1918-23 года.Первые концлагеря.Живая тема
Красный террор и иностранная интервенция в России 1918-23 года.Первые концлагеря.Живая тема
published:24 Apr 2015
Принято считать, что войска американцев, англичан, французов, японцев в 1918 году вторглись на территорию бывшей российской империи, что бы помочь белогвардейцам восстановить власть царя, (т.е.) с гуманитарной миссией. Однако, как свидетельствуют архивы, да и просто подзабытые факты, цель была совсем другой: лишить ключевую державу политического влияния в мире, территорию богатую нефтью и лесом по ...
Уникальный документальный проект, который исследует все загадочное с чем сталкивается современное человечество.
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Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt de...
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939...
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Das Video reichert dokumentarisches Film- und Fotomater...
published:24 Feb 2015
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
published:24 Feb 2015
Die Weimarer Republik 1918 - 1933
Das Video reichert dokumentarisches Film- und Fotomaterial mit persönlichen Zeitzeugenberichten an und lässt so eine der ereignis- und folgenreichsten Epochen der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte wieder aufleben: die Weimarer Republik.
Was hat der Versailler Vertrag mit der Hyperinflation zu tun? Wie entwickeln sich aus den alten Zöpfen der wilhelminischen Zeit die neuen Bubiköpfe der jungen Republik? Nicht nur das Rollenverständnis der Frau ändert sich - auch Kunst und Wissenschaft liefern neue Sehgewohnheiten und bahnbrechende Erfindungen. Kann die breite Masse da überhaupt mithalten?
Wichtige Ereignisse aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur werden miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt und in einen grösseren geschichtlichen Zusammenhang gestellt. Die Erinnerungen der Zeitzeugen stiften alltagsgeschichtliche Bezüge und bieten viele spannende Anknüpfungspunkte für den Einsatz im Unterricht. Nicht zuletzt diese Interview-Sequenzen sind es, die die Sendereihe zu einem wichtigen Dokument der "Oral History" werden lässt.
Image copyrightAlexander Tiedemann/Flickr Image caption The cliff edge is a popular spot for thrill seekers. A 24-year-old Australian exchange student has fallen to her death from a spectacular Norway cliff popular with photographers ...Share this story About sharing. ....
It took a picture. The image of little Aylan Kurdi dead on a beach in Bodrum, Turkey, appears at last to have woken the world from its slumber in relation to the horror of modern Syria. Iconic photography has changed the course of history before, most notably during the Vietnam War... And that means defeating the savagery of so-called Islamic State ... But all the evidence is clear. the majority are Syrian.READ MORE ... No more ... React Now. Tweet ... ....
(CNN)For decades, the United States has had the world's largest and most advanced naval fleet, positioning ships and aircraft carriers in strategic locations across the globe to protect national interests and facilitate free trade ... JUST WATCHED. Navy launches newest combat ship. Replay. More Videos ... MUST WATCH. Navy launches newest combat ship 01.02 ... making sure the Navy is capable of achieving U.S ...Wisconsin Gov ... The U.S ... JUST WATCHED ... U.S....
photo: ESA/Hubble & NASA and the LEGUS Team, Acknowledgement: R. Gendler
There was never a territory in human history that someone didn't think they could own or make money out of. And that goes for outer space as well – in fact, it has done for the best part of 60 years. The plaque left by the first manned mission to the Moon in 1969 declared that Neil Armstrong and crew had "come in peace for all mankind" ... "Why bother going to do that?" says Stuart ... Explains Stuart ... "I don't know ... ....
(Source. Mosman Municipal Council) Posted Wednesday 09 September 2015. Since it's launch in 2012, Doing Our Bit. Mosman 1914-1918 has enabled the community to contribute stories, information and images of our First World War servicemen and servicewomen ...Ellis and so much more will be on view. This promises to be a thought provoking HistoryWeek exhibition. When ... Where ... More Info....
(Source. West Texas A&M; University). Sept. 1, 2015. COPY BY. Rana McDonald, 806-651-2129, University's Mortar Board Chapter Earns GoldTorchAward...The national distinction is presented annually to the most exceptional chapters of Mortar Board ... That's what Mortar Board is all about." ... Since its founding in 1918, more than a quarter of a million members have been initiated at 231 chartered chapters across the nation....
Mainland developer Sunac China Holdings (1918) yesterday announced it had forged a strategic cooperation agreement with China Yurun Food Group (1068), the nation's largest meat producer. //--> Wednesday, September 09, 2015... Mainland developer Sunac China Holdings (1918) yesterday announced it had forged a strategic cooperation agreement with China Yurun Food Group (1068), the nation's largest meat producer ... ....
(Source... "I am sure the Class of 1918 would be proud of the continuing maintenance of their efforts." ... The idea for the "M" emerged in the fall of 1915 when members of the Montana State class of 1918, who were then sophomores, decided they wanted to create a monument to the school, Hook said. About 60 students made the trip to Mount Baldy to complete the work, according to the university's 1918 yearbook ... 26 ... Contact....
It was a difficult but necessary decision ... I love it very, very much.'' ... From 1915 to 1918, more than 30,000 blooms were picked and sold, generating 1000 for the Otago and SouthlandWomen's Patriotic Association ... ....
(Source. Orleans Homebuilders Inc). As the summer winds down, Orleans Homes is saying "So Long, Sweet Summer", Saturday, August 22nd (and Saturday, August 29th in South Knolls only), from 12 - 3 pm. Bring your family & friends as we enjoy sweet treats including ice cream and candy! ...YardleyWalk. 85 N ... Founded in 1918, Orleans Homes is one of the oldest, continually operated homebuilders in the United States ... (noodl....
(Source. Orleans Homebuilders Inc). At Orleans Homes, we believe in building outstanding homes and neighborhoods. We work with you to find a new home that fits your lifestyle. We offer options to customize your home. And we make sure you have the amenities that are most important to you just a hop, skip and a jump away ... Founded in 1918, Orleans Homes is one of the oldest, continually operated homebuilders in the United States ... (noodl....