App Invites

Let people share apps they love directly with their friends.


Grow Your App Organically

36% of all apps that people discover are via word-of-mouth recommendations from family or friends
— AC Nielsen study

Word-of-mouth is a primary driver of organic installs on mobile. App Invites combines this powerful means of app discovery with the social context we provide to grow your audience organically. These personalized App Invites appear in a new install channel and do not publish to Timeline or News Feed.

Drive People to Your App

Our beta partners are seeing install rates over 5% and our efforts to optimize this product will continue to increase this rate.

Drive app installs with rich social context and high-quality push notifications. Our ranking model shows the sender a recommended list of their friends which helps ensure that invites go to the people most likely to install your app.

People invited to an app will receive a push notification and a notification in the Facebook app with a link to download your app directly on their mobile device.

Personalize Invites
with Rich Features

App Invites sent with a personalized message convert more than 2x the rate of App Invites without one.

App Invites support a personalized message from the sender and an image you can customize on a per-invite basis to showcase your app. For example, photo apps can include user-generated photos, shopping apps can use product images, and gaming apps can send screenshots of actual gameplay. You can also include a coupon code to incentivize installs.

Cross-Platform Integration

The Facebook SDK for iOS and Android include APIs to help you build the App Invite experience on both platforms.

While not needed, implementing Facebook Login can enhance the social aspects of the invite experience. People can send and receive invites in the native Facebook app or in their mobile web browser.

Through comprehensive Insights, you can measure several key metrics for this product which can help you to better understand your audience, measure your performance, and make informed product decisions.

Let People Share Apps They Love Directly with Their Friends