Game Payments

Easily accept international payments in your game on

Easy integration

Developers who use our Graph API and Dialogs will already be familiar with our Payments API.

Comprehensive documentation can assist you in getting started quickly:

Global reach

Facebook Payments is available internationally and supports 80+ payment methods in 55+ currencies.

By implementing a pricing strategy tailored to regional markets, you can optimize the performance of your business and create a native feeling user checkout experience.

Check out our Local Currency Payments system.

A trusted brand

People on Facebook can feel comfortable storing their payment information with Facebook and buying with their Facebook credentials.

Facebook takes steps to ensure the payment experience is safe, secure and trustworthy.

Check out our Developer Payment Support Service to learn how Facebook supports developers.

Follow our best practices to make sure your users get the best Facebook Payments experience.

Desktop App Ads for Virtual Goods

Desktop engagement ads are a great way to bring back users of your game or app.

You can create virtual good offers which appear on the News Feed or the right hand column, with a clear call to action of Buy Now or Get Offer, allowing your existing players to buy content and get redirected to your game after they complete the purchase.

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Expand beyond one-time payments with a new, recurring revenue stream from subscriptions. Entice new subscribers with a free trial and offer the renewal cycle that works for your game, whether that's weekly, monthly, or another time period. Game developers offering subscriptions have grown incremental revenue and increased engagement in their games.

Find out more:

Payer conversion tools

Specific features for mobile payments help you optimize your pricing and payment experience for people who want to charge purchases to their mobile phone bill. Grow your revenue by converting players into payers!

Drive Active Engagement And Revenue with In-Game Gifting

Gifting in games presents a huge opportunity for you to grow your audience and increase your revenue. Letting your players buy premium gifts for other players is a powerful way to drive engagement and retention and increase your revenue. Players can choose the gifts they want to send and say thanks to people who give them gifts.

Facebook Payments is the exclusive payments provider for Games on Facebook. Read more about the policy in our Payment Terms.