Free readers’ ads


Fifth Estate # 268, January, 1976

THIS PAGE IS YOUR PAGE. All ads are FREE for the asking. We hope this page becomes a place where we can communicate and take care of our basic needs outside of the capitalist, consumption market. send to THE FIFTH ESTATE, 4403 Second, Detroit, MI 48201
No ads accepted by phone.

For Sale

Drain cleaning, plumbing, repairs, sinks, toilets. Call anytime: 368-9754.

Attention Petite ladies and men: Do you have a hard time purchasing clothes to fit? Are 3’s and 5’s too big? Please respond stating sizes you need in all clothing. Roth, Box 258, Clawson, MI 48071.

Eliminate the middleman. Free VW AM radio to any non-capitalistic 6-volt VW. Call David after 6 p.m. 875-5148.

Bumperstickers–any message, custom printed. $2, 60 cents each additional copy; $12 per 20; $20 per 50; $25 per 100; $40 per 200; $65 per 500. Kate Donnelly, Box 271, New Vernon, NJ 07976.


Writer seeks publisher for environmental photo/prose. Profit sharing. 489 Prentis, No. 37, Detroit.

Two young men with camper van going to warm Southern climate for vacation, seek two female traveling companions. Call Howard 352-4024.


Thomas Dow Martin: Expected packages don’t Come gift-wrapped. Read what is written, draw from it wisely. Must directions be given for the directions? To understand is to earn is to understand. Need I explain further? C.B. Goll

STEPHEN DEAD-LOSS: Happy Birthday! We love you even if you are a Dead-Loss. –Molly & Co.

To the VENERABLE DR. SQUAT: Happy Birthday from your faithful & ardent admirers. Keep on rollin’ along!


Prisoners wanting to read anarchist literature: Black Market will send you a general packet of anarchist literature. If you have requests for specific literature, we will try to get it for you (and probably succeed). All free to all persons who can help, Black Market has been sending anarchist literature free to prisoners for over 6 months. The costs are getting too much for us alone. We need help in the form of used books & pamphlets & leaflets having to do with anarchism (-ists), or a little cash to buy literature specifically requested. Write or send help to: Black Market, box 306, Cambridge, Mass 02139.

All of these prisoners would like people to correspond with. We haven’t the space to reprint all their letters, but they’d like to hear from you.

Box 788, Mansfield, Ohio 4490-1: Jimmy King, 85439; Rob Herron 88235, William Westfall 91349, Jim DeLaurie 93478, Jose Ramos 94415, Gary Shaniuk 84067;

Box 787, Lucasville, Ohio 45648: Robert Lee Mitchell 135674, Charles Van Johnson 135674, Robert Goode 126365, William:Hammer Reed 141722;

Box 492, Ionia, MI 48846: Ben Little 141469;

Box 69, London, Ohio 43140: George Heard 111,139947, Jerry Shields 137004, David Peppard 138934;

William Renaud, Box 100, Sommers, Con. 06071
