Apple is one of the largest and most profitable companies ever started and owes all of its success to the
Illuminati. In fact, it was conceived by the
NWO as a way to create more electronics that could be used by everyday people. Of course, we think that our iPhones, iPads, and iMacs are just terrific gizmos when actually they are tools used to track our lives and gather data to help the Illuminati control the world.
The case for Apple being controlled by the Illuminati begins with
Steve Jobs' initial investors who suggested the company name to him. The NWO decided that the apple provided a perfect
symbol for their new technological wing. An apple is more than just a fruit but also a religious icon.
Apples represent knowledge and man's first sin. Given the Illuminati's satanic rituals and devil worship, the apple has great significance. To those that follow Beelzebub,
Adam and Eve's first bite of the forbidden fruit became the dawn of a new era, the era where the devil could rule the world. The selection of the apple symbolizes the Illuminati's push toward technological knowledge with the endorsement of satan.
Another aspect Apple's logo revealing how the company is controlled by devil worshipers is that the apple has been bitten. This confirms that the Illuminati are displaying how they revel in sin and are proud of it.
Other Apple logos also indicate how the NWO control the company. Just check out the icons for the
App Store and
Safari. The former closely resembles the
Masonic symbol of a compass, and the latter actually is a compass.
All of this just goes to prove how evil this company truly is.
What we see on the app logos goes beyond that as well.
Check out the image for the weather app.
It's nothing more than a bright sun. Another symbol can be seen on the one for photos. It's a sunflower. It's amazing (and frightening too) how much hidden symbolism Apple has crammed onto such a small screen
If the logo is not proof enough of how evil Apple is, just check out the names of their products, iPad, iMac, iPod, etc. What's the one thing they all have in common? They all begin with the letter "I." Why did the company decide to place this particular letter as the focal
point of their products? Did they do it because it sounded cool? Was it because the "I" is supposed to represent you?
The answer to all of these questions is an emphatic no. The "I" stands for Illuminati and the product names that have etched themselves into the vernacular are really the short versions of their real titles, Illuminati Pad, Illuminati Pod, and Illuminati
Phone. What might even be the most creepy is the full name for iTunes, Illuminati
Tunes. Given how the music industry is so twisted with NWO influences, this makes a perfect fit.
Another slippery little symbol that Apple uses to leave its Illuminati thumbprint is the
Siri app. This title when spelled backwards is actually "iris" and is a direct reference to the
Eye of Providence. If you happen to own any
Apple device, I would recommend getting rid of it right away. You may even want to consider destroying it as a means to prevent them from accessing your data, but the company already has it so why bother.
Remember, Apple is just one tentacle out of many extending from the hideous NWO beast.
Sure, the corporation claims to keep all of its customers' information and records confidential, but that is little more than garbage propaganda.
The moment the
NSA or any other agency wants to investigate you, boom, so much for your privacy. In fact, the company is likely funneling all of its personal data to the beast already.
So what options does a person have if Apple is little more than a corrupted wing of the Illuminati? To be honest, there really aren't any. All of the major electronics and communications companies have been infiltrated by the NWO to some extent. However, Apple is the order's number one means of getting satanic messages and symbols directly to the people.
By using Apple, the NWO has successfully integrated their products and spy equipment into our daily lives and we embrace it.
Hell, we don't embrace it, we CRAVE it. While everyday people spend hours in line for the next Apple product, the Illuminati are chuckling at just how easy world domination really is.
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- published: 22 Oct 2014
- views: 108305