
Are your customers being nurtured, or sold to? Remove the corporate goggles and view your business from a customer’s eyes - what do you see?
How to find your dream team using social media Download our 'dream team' sheet to find out how to get yours
How to headhunt your perfect people in the digital age If you want to snap up the most valuable candidates you need to get smart. Follow our tips to discover today’s best ways of headhunting
How to build your own personal brand If you run your own business, you’ve probably given a lot of thought to its brand. You’ve got a logo, corporate colours - a whole identity. But what about you? One result of our enormous understanding of brands is that the idea of personal branding is now widely recognised.
How to turn negative social media posts into a business opportunity The social media revolution has handed unprecedented power to the customer. Ordinary people suddenly have access to dozens, hundreds, thousands, possibly millions, of hearts and minds - and wallets.
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What House of Cards taught us about customer service Frank Underwood may be cold and power-hungry, but he certainly knows how to treat customers…
7 reasons you need buyer personas in your life Drive your business forward by developing customer personas - a critical cog in your strategic wheel.
7 things every website needs to win the battle of SEO Find SEO puzzling? Save yourself the headache with our must-know rules for rising the ranks of Google.


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