Jean Sablon (Nogent-sur-Marne 25 March 1906 – 24 February 1994 at Cannes-La-Bocca) was a popular French singer and actor.
The son of a composer, with brothers and sisters who had successful careers of their own in musical entertainment, Jean Sablon studied piano at the Lyceé Charlemagne in Paris. He left before graduating to enroll at the Paris Conservatoire in order to concentrate on a vocal career. He started in the cabarets of Paris at the age of 17, and was subsequently accompanied on his first album by the pianist/composer Mireille, whose song Couchés dans le foin became a great success. Later, he partnered the wildly popular Mistinguett at the Casino de Paris and boosted his career considerably. He was the first cabaret singer to use a microphone in his stage act. In the 1920s he spent time in Brazil where his recordings remain extremely popular today.
In 1937 he won the Grand Prix du Disque for the song "Vous qui passez sans me voir," written for him by Charles Trenet and Johnny Hess. That same year, he went to the United States, where he sang on live radio broadcasts for CBS and made several records in the English language. On Broadway, he worked with luminaries such as Cole Porter and George Gershwin. He returned to Paris but with the German occupation of France in World War II, he went back to America for the duration.
Un fiacre allait, trottinant,
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Un fiacre allait, trottinant,
Jaune, avec un cocher blanc.
Derri?r' les stores baiss?s,
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Derri?r' les stores baiss?s
On entendait des baisers.
Puis un' voix disant : " L?on !
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Puis un' voix disant : " L?on !
Pour ... causer, ?t' ton lorgnon !"
Un vieux monsieur qui passait,
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Un vieux monsieur qui passait,
S'?cri' : "Mais on dirait qu'c'est
Ma femme avec un quidam !
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Ma femme avec un quidam ! "
I' s'lanc' sur le macadam'.
Mais i' gliss' su' l' sol mouill?,
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Mais i' gliss' su' l' sol mouill?,
Crac ! il est ?crabouill?.
Du fiacre un' dam' sort et dit :
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Du fiacre un' dam' sort et dit :
"Chouett', L?on ! C'est mon mari !
Y a plus besoin d' nous cacher,
Cahin, caha,
Hu, dia, hop l? !
Y a plus besoin d' nous cacher.
Donn' donc cent sous au cocher ! "