10 Sep 2015

Minority Bingo: One-Time Lawyer Mathew Kenneally Ranks His Favourite Persecuted Peoples

By Mathew Kenneally

If we’re going to pick and choose whom to save from an apocalypse, Mathew Kenneally argues we need to think outside ‘the square’.

Yesterday was the day after Tuesday. Being a day of the week, it was inevitable someone from the Liberal party’s right wing said something that reminded us our history is alive and on the backbench.

The Liberal right, understandably upset that Tony Abbott has been intimidated into accepting more refugees by the human rights lawyers, demanded that Christians should be our priority.

Eric Abetz said Christians in the middle east are: “the most persecuted group in the world”. Move aside Jews. Stand back, single women. Harden up, Muslims. No disrespect Yazidis (whatever your religion is?), but Christians are number #1.

Abetz argues that it makes sense to take Christians because even after the Shi’a-Sunni sectarian war in the Middle East settles down (presumably next month), Christians will still be persecuted.

While most of us are over the crusades, a significant portion of the LNP is not. Backbenchers told Tony Abbott “no more Muslim men!”

In the past I’ve dabbled in ‘refugee lawyer’. Christian minorities in the Middle East are indeed subject to discrimination and persecution. Converts face particularly serious risks. I represented many Christians, however, I never thought to rank persecuted groups in a league table. Seems dehumanizing and a weird thing to do.

Nevertheless, if LNP right wingers are going to rank their favourite refugees I will too. Besides, responding seriously to Eric Abetz only encourages him to believe he is relevant. Below are my preferred groups of Syrian refugees.


1. Gay people

Gay people are ideal refugees. They are likely to be discriminated against in almost every country in the world.

Even when peace inevitably comes to Syria after Donald Trump nukes it, gay people are unlikely to find acceptance in the post-fall out Middle-East. Nobody is talking about setting up a homosexual homeland in Syria.

There are risks. As Abetz would ask, does Australia want to be known among our Asian neighbours as the gay place? No. Will Muslim men pretend to be godless homosexuals just to set up the caliphate in Australia? No, unless “caliphate” is the ironic name of a night-club, then yes.

Gay people are the least threatening refugees. Unlike religious minorities, the LGBTQI rights movement has never engaged in para-military activity. Gay people show no separate tendencies. There is no prophecy of a queer caliphate, rather, San Francisco is already a reality.

Clear #1.


2. Loose women

I use “loose women” loosely, like ISIS does. It can include women with many sexual partners, women who have sex outside of marriage, those who refuse to get married, or women who happen to wear the wrong thing.

Taking in 10,000 loose women satisfies the most important public policy standard: the pub test. Would a bar of men drinking mid-week support this policy?

Recast as a ‘vulnerable women policy’ it could also win the Left, otherwise known by Mark Latham as “the feminist clique”.

All sides are happy.


3. Catholics

I’m a lapsed Catholic. This means I do not believe in God but I believe if there is a God he is a Catholic.

In my personal unbiased opinion, of all the Christians, the Catholics are easily way more persecuted than the Protestants, Presbyterians, Proto-coptics and whatever other non-Catholic sects there might be in Syria.


4. Single men

The decline in Church membership might be striking, but it’s nothing compared to Sydney’s man drought. Lets make it rain men, Syrian men.


5. Star Wars Fans

Star wars fans need urgent and long-term protection.

With December fast approaching it is becoming more and more clear that Syrian star wars fans may not be able to see Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Further, as Disney is planning another 27 Star Wars films, Syrian fans will need protection in Australia for decades to stay current.

Only Star Wars fans though. No Star Trek fans, everybody knows they struggle to integrate in Australian society.


6. Hipsters

Hipsters remain a marginalized political minority. As no true hipster admits to being a hipster, hipsters are often mocked by their own kind.

Hipsters are 6th priority due to the difficulty of distinguishing between a hipster beard, Christian beard, and Muslim beard.

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Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 13:22

if the Borg are going to exclude "single men" from validated refugee status, are they also going to take away male children from mothers ? this would be the next logical step, because if the Death Cult is "genetic" [guffaw !], and the Chr*stinane-Right fails to intervene in the interests of rescuing Chr*stinanes from sure-fire EXTINCTION, well ... those male babies must be stopped from sprouting Kalashnikovs and Chinese made RPGs (especially in Awstraya) it could happen ! - especially if one shamelessly wears Joe Hockey's old suits and diets exclusively on LNP ChickenHead Felch Nuggets.

Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 13:50

I gained the knowledge how to trade with the help of Superior Trading System. Just Google them and you’ll find them.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Nirak
Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 14:12

Nice List Mathew, but I'd like to make an amendment...

we all know that it is mothers who are implicated in creating men, so we should be careful not to take any amongst the women we let in.

Better still - let's go with the time-honoured Aussie tradition of stealing the children - that way we can 'assimilate' them into our society.

Wow what a great idea - I'll just hop on the phone to Tony and give him the nod, or should that be a sleazy wink?

Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 16:23

Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings

Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 18:22

     I'm concerned about the dogs. Has anyone seen any dogs with the refugees? Have they just been left to fend for themselves. I hesitate to advocate that we bring refugee dogs to Australia where they will suffer discrinination and other indignities, but we should encourage Switzerland to take them. Seriously, dogs will have a very nice life there.

     Thanks, Michael.I really enjoyed your article

Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 23:40

How are the cheese makers getting on these days?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. RossC
Posted Friday, September 11, 2015 - 08:40

What about intellectually-challenged, socially awkward, fundamentalist, war-mongering bullies who routinely look like deer-in-the-headlights in media interviews , shamelessly feather their own nest, are backward looking, have no concept of science or technology, but have somehow accidentally become the incompetent leader of a country? They're not too popular it seems.....another minority that needs support?

Posted Friday, September 11, 2015 - 10:59

Some pertinent comments about persecuted people:

(1)  US-complicit  persecution of Christians in the Middle East (Christian Genocide) . Under the Assads (father and son) Syria  was a world-leading haven for refugees (notably Palestinians, Iraqis  and Armenians and Assyrian Christians from Turkey and Iraq) and a remarkable haven of religious tolerance (read William Dalrymple’s brillian book “From the Holy Mountain”). The US Alliance backing of armed rebellion against the Assad regime has largely destroyed this religiously tolerant Syria except in areas still controlled by the Assad Government where Christians  are protected. 90% of Christians   have left Apartheid Israel-ruled Palestine in a Christian Genocide effected by genocidally racist  Zionists who have also largely ethnically cleansed the Apartheid Israel-occupied Golan Heights of Syria as well as 90% of the land of Palestine The only people realistically protecting Christians in the Middle East today are the Lebanese Government, the Russians, the Iranians and the Alawite Assad regime.

(2)  11-million-victim Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide and 23-million-victim Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI) One Percenter-imposed  American Holocaust. On today’s  9-11 anniversary the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-subverted Western Mainstream media and politicians memorializing the 3,000 killed will hysterically claim the threat to the West from Muslim  terrorists while resolutely ignoring  the Herd of Elephants in the Room realities that  (1) 9-11 was almost certainly a  Zionist-complicit US Government false-flag operation , (2) US Governments  lied and obstructed post-9-11 investigations,  (3) 11 million Muslims have been actively or passively killed  in the $7 trillion post-9-11 US War on Terror (with a connected  over 30 million Muslim refugees) , and (4) 23 million Americans have died preventably  since 9-11 as the One Percenters spent trillions on killing  millions of Muslims  abroad rather than keeping millions of Americans alive at home  (see “West Ignores 11 Million Muslim War Deaths & 23 Million Preventable American Deaths  Since US Government’s False-flag 9-11 Atrocity” Gideon Polya Writing, 9 September 2015: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/2015-9-9-1  and “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ .)

This user is a New Matilda supporter. swarmi
Posted Saturday, September 12, 2015 - 09:14

A great list Matthew. Real humanitarians like you and NM readers are rare.

An addendum to your list should be those we would like to send to Syria. We could start with abetz, then abbott, then shorten ..... I'm sure they will assimilate just perfectly (or is that annihilate?).