
Current News

This Week’s Parish Newssheet

We are keeping today as our annual Harvest Thanksgiving. Any gifts of tinned, bottled or packaged foods will be given to the Crawley Mission to the Homeless. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.


It is with great sadness that we report the death of David Langley. Regularly with us until he moved to Goring a few years ago, many will remember him and his singing of the Responsorial Psalms. His Funeral Requiem will be here tomorrow, Monday 28th September at 11.00am May he rest in peace.


For details on this and other current parish matters, please click on the red Parish Newssheet link above. 

Shrine Prayer
O God, who through the Virgin Mary has willed to give to your people the true consolation, Jesus Christ; grant to us who venerate her, under the title of Our Lady of Consolation, the grace to co-operate with her in the work of Redemption, we ask this through Christ Our Lord.  Amen.

Our Lady of Consolation of West Grinstead
Have pity on us

Blessed Francis Bell
Pray for us

St Francis of Assisi
Pray for us