
1911-2007: Chinese immigration in France

Échanges et Mouvement describe and analyse immigration from China, and Chinese migrant workers in France from before World War I until today.

Bus drivers' strike in Poland - workers' self-management as a victory? 2007

Wildcat's account of a successful strike of bus drivers in Poland against privatisation to Veolia and instead for a majority worker-owned company.

Hospital workers fight over pay in Poland, 2007

Wildcat's account and critical evaluation of a mass protest camp of thousands of nurses, and strike by doctors, in Poland fighting for a pay increase.

Mehalev: workfare in Israel, 2007

Prol-Position on the two-year trial of the Mehalev welfare reform scheme, and resistance to it in Israel.

Occupied bike factory in Germany, 2007

A sacked worker assembles "strike bikes"

Wildcat on the workers of Bike Systems in Germany who occupied their factory and resumed production when their plant was scheduled for closure.

Strike at TRW auto supplier in Germany, 2007

An account of a successful strike at TRW automobile supplier in Krefeld, Germany, April 2007.

A brief exchange with a Brazilian oil rig worker, 2007

This is a short documentation of an informal letter exchange. A friend from Brazil tidies up his electronic inbox having some spare time on the oil-rig. He comes across a one and a half year old mail from Berlin, posted on a PGA mailing list. It is call for solidarity with Honda workers who have been beaten up by the police in a suburb of Delhi during summer 2005. Some letters go back and forth. Here is a summary...

Temp workers' strike at Citroen, France, 2007

Mouvement Communiste on a short wildcat strike of agency worker's in France in 2007.

Preface to book on the German Gate Gourmet dispute, 2005

Preface of a book on the dispute at airport catering firm Gate Gourmet in 2005 by German group Flying Picket.

Temp work at a shopping mall construction site, 2007

Prol-Position on casualisation and agency work on a German building site in 2007.